Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1330: 3 people in Zhenjiang

Before the storm came, a large number of tourists had left the peninsula, and I also sent off some new friends, and I learned from the mouth of several experts who participated in the seminar that they had also evacuated the villa area and officially moved in The psychiatric hospital carried out later investigations. Although at the end of the initial period, they need to travel between the villa area and the psychiatric hospital, but the seminar issued a notice that the event will be postponed until the storm ends. I can guess what the **** was going on at the seminar.

I have not been able to meet these experts who participated in the seminar for a long time. Although I am also one of the patients who are routinely diagnosed, the fortunetellers and others I am familiar with have not been assigned to me. There were a total of seven patients in the initial routine consultation. These experts were also divided into seven groups, focusing on the routine patients they were responsible for. Although they would also exchange with other groups of experts during the activity, they were only occasional. Although these people were all theoretically admitted to psychiatric hospitals, as a special patient, I had fewer and fewer opportunities to meet with them. Afterwards, I did n’t even know how their activities progressed, and I could n’t determine where they were. local.

These experts have selfish desires to participate in the seminar activities. I have guessed that there are latent personnel from other organizations among them, but there seems to be no flaws in the clear identity. The seminar has its own set of practices on how to absorb them. Even if you do n’t witness the whole process with your own eyes, it is also conceivable that if you do n’t meet their requirements, the outcome will be no better than the mental patients here. The blockade of the peninsula by storms, the interference of communication signals, and the long-standing legends of psychiatric hospitals have affected the surrounding areas, so that the peninsula during the storm was completely isolated.

Here has become the home of the mysterious organization, if these experts do not have a new identity. It is difficult to survive in such an environment. As far as I know, people in psychiatric hospitals today have only two identities: mental patients and seminar members. If there are more people with identities, they are currently only in these two identities in the mental hospital.

Then, when the scope of activities is extended to the entire peninsula, and even to the interior. What about the situation? Are there really no other ordinary people?

With such doubts, I was puzzled by the villa area in front of me. Because at the place where I used to live, at this moment, there is a room with lights on. Not only this villa, but other villas on the side, there are also signs of more or less human activities. So, who are the people who are active here today?

Actually. I have thought that, contrary to the requirements of the seminar, Dr. Ruan Li, who is acting independently, will be hidden in this villa area.

If you are an unrelated person, you will be surprised and skeptical when you see my appearance, maybe you will be shocked. As long as it is an ordinary person, when facing a barefoot knife. When wearing a mentally ill teenager, they don't think it is normal.

I knocked on the door.

Although it was the place where I once lived. But the key is gone. If you just break into the door like this, it always feels a little rude. Even during this crisis, I found myself still a little concerned about this kind of thing. Of course, even just knocking on the door will make people feel uneasy. Regardless of such a dark environment, or the psychological role of the parties in the room. I am afraid that when I hear a knock on the door, I think of something bad.

In horror movies, this is often a classic plot.

Thus guessing the thoughts of the people inside the door, the sounds rushed in a hurry. Including footsteps, the sound of something overturned, and a heavy and depressed gasp, it seems to be proving my idea. I stepped back a few steps and saw that the room where the light was originally turned off, and then there was a blur of dark shadows shaking in the cat's eyes. This person was leaning behind the door to observe me.

"Hello." I greeted normally, but if the person behind the door is an ordinary person, or has a purpose, I am afraid it is difficult to accept that I am a normal person. However, I am indeed not a normal person, but a veritable mental patient.

The people behind the door did not speak, and their breathing was suppressed to the point where normal hearing could hardly be heard. If it were n’t due to the wind and rain, I felt that I might hear the sound of the heart beating rapidly. The other party was more nervous than I thought.

Chain judgment has been launched, the movement behind the door, in my mind, outlines the image of the moving object and the image of the stationary object touched by the moving object. The three-dimensional composition of the entire villa was also unfolded in my mind. There is nothing to hide here, at least on the surface, all the rooms are penetrated, and there are four people in it. From the point of view of the figure, three mature women, an adult male, and their silhouettes have a sense of deja vu.

"Hey, are you acquaintances?" I said to the people behind the door: "I am Gao Chuan, should I forget?"

However, the person behind the door with a familiar figure still did not say anything. His tension made me aware of some problems. These people look a bit like a startled bird at this time. I am afraid that some things have happened before I arrived, so that they will not easily believe anyone, even if they are familiar from the outside. In this series of incidents they encountered, I am afraid there are terror and betrayal, as well as psychedelic scenes. And this is really common. After all, at this time, the entire peninsula has been caught in a mysterious event. There are huge shady and unclear plans. The strange and mysterious activities in it, even I ca n’t fully understand it.

Therefore, even if I was recognized from the outside, my identity would also bring them suspicion and fear. What's more, I'm holding a weapon at this time, it really doesn't look like a peacemaker. Conversely, the reason why they will appear in this villa area is of course not normal and reasonable. I am afraid they are more in flight.

They are hiding here and have their own hardships because they cannot solve the disasters they face.

Mysterious experts will not be so shy even if they encounter a difficult mysterious event and put themselves in danger. Therefore, these people should be ordinary people, at least most of them are ordinary people, maybe smart, and usually yearn for some irritating things, but when really faced with weirdness and mystery, they will still be pressured by that common sense. Battered.

Then. Those who meet these conditions are also people I know. There are definitely not too many people on this island. I already guessed the identity of the person behind the door.

"Mr. Mitsui Tsukazu, right?" I try to slow down and tone, and make harmless gestures. Say hello like an old friend, "There are also fortunetellers and fitness coaches, are they here?" To be honest, I'm used to their past identity when they introduced themselves, but I can't think of them at this moment. Name. However, it doesn't matter, nickname or whatever, whether in the past or now. Whether it is abroad or domestic, it is a very common thing.

Moreover, such a familiar way of speaking, from the psychological level, can more ease the pressure of the other party.

Sure enough, there was a moment of silence again. The person behind the door spoke, and the voice was indeed Mitsui Tsukazu: "Why are you here? Why are you holding a knife? What do you want to do? Sorry. I don't want you to come in, all on this island Is a lunatic. "

"I will not hurt you." I said.

"They said so too." Mitsui Tsukazu said with a deep voice. Although there was a tone of refusal, there was some change in tone, and I could hear it.

"I can guess why you guys hid here and encountered strange things, right? So, escaped from the mental hospital." I threw the long knife on the ground. Say: "Look, I'm the same. So, you must wear a weapon to defend yourself." I didn't lie. I did escape from the mental hospital under the pursuit of Marceau. Of course, it can also be regarded as being expelled from the psychiatric hospital. Marceau did this, it should be the idea of ​​the network ball and even the aspect, but the result is the same. I believe that this honesty can make Mitsuzuka feel them and then accept me.

Although my purpose is to return to the psychiatric hospital and look for Dr. Ruan Li, since the acquaintances are here, it is natural to determine their situation first. Maybe, they can bring me different information, let me more clearly understand what is the situation inside the seminar at this time, and further confirm the mysterious organization of the parties hidden behind the seminar, What are your thoughts?

It's totally not enough to get information from John Bull, and it is quite risky. I have known this for a long time, and the current situation is just an actual proof.

"Have you encountered?" Mitsui Tsukazu's question is endless, but I probably know that he is referring to those weird, mysterious and dangerous things, and a mess of tangles, full of dark things.

The danger of this peninsula, especially the danger in the psychiatric hospital, can be felt even if the nightmare has not entered into the deep night. After the seminar ’s hunt for “disqualified patients” was issued, the mysterious experts who used this hunt to make a big move, certainly did not appreciate the fragile common sense of ordinary people.

This is a "mysterious" hunting ground. It doesn't matter what the people Mitsui Tsukazu encountered and what they witnessed. They can escape from the psychiatric hospital, which is the most worthy of attention. It's not just "luck" that can be justified. Perhaps the deviation effect of the torchlight has also helped a lot. When it is more critical, perhaps they fled from the mental hospital, which is in some people's plans.

Then, in addition to Mitsui Tsukazu, the fortune teller and the fitness instructor, the extra person is probably the key person who can return to the villa area alive and temporarily settle down. Being able to do this kind of thing is of course impossible for ordinary people, and the possibility of being also a mysterious expert is extremely high.

In the observation of the chain judgment, it was also a mature woman with long hair but sitting on the corner with her knees. And, to me, it was not lost or frightened. Instead, it has a familiar, strange taste. There was a voice shouting in my mind, and my left eye started to tingle.

"You, what's the matter with you?" Mr. Mitsui Tsui cried, because I was holding it because of the pain in my left eye.

The twitching of his left eye is so clear in the palm of his hand.

"It's okay, besides you, there seems to be a familiar person." From the fear that grew with pain, I realized who the woman was in the corner.

River! To be precise, a woman who meets all the conditions should be called "Zhen Jiang".

I really want to call her out loud, she should know that I am here. But, as I am familiar, Zhenjiang, as always, only exudes a strange and frightening atmosphere and stays in place like a soulless man. The reason why Mitsui Tsukato and the three are still with her is not terrified by her, probably because she also has this kind of charisma, which can't be ignored.

"Familiar?" Mitsui Tsukazu won't be happy for a while, "You ... yes, you are all patients."

"Look, the wind and rain outside is so big, how about letting me in? Anyway, this door can't stop me." I calmed down and endured the pain of the left eye twitching, proposed.

Remained silent for several seconds after the door, and finally the sound of the door chain and the lock sounded. It seems that they are really wary, even the door locks are locked several times.

When the door opened, as I expected, three familiar people stood in the aisle-Mitsui Tsukazu, the fortune teller and the fitness instructor. They looked at me with a cautious expression, as if to see something wrong from me.

"I haven't seen you for a long time. Friends." I'm blind to such eyesight, and I know why they are like this, and it's totally acceptable. In fact, even if they were treated as suspects by force, they would not make me angry, as if friendship had been trampled on. In the final analysis, their psychological performance was completely within my expectation.

Because it is really normal eyesight, it is necessary to release goodwill and let them accept their present sense emotionally.

I am not a rational person ~ ~ After the recovery, the emotional activity is even more rational. I feel that I can release my emotions more than before, so that the other party can feel clearly. Friendship, kindness and peace, long-time worry and joy of meeting are all things that can reduce psychological stress, and I want to pass them on to them. And I can always do it.

After, the fitness coach took the lead with open arms and rushed out the door, giving me a strong hug.

Is very emotional. Although we used to act together and can be called companions, in fact, the friendship between us in the past, under normal circumstances, may get a hug, but will not let the other party rush into the rain.

However, it is clear that their constant pressure has finally been relieved.

I think this is because of the kindness that I have released and the reason why they are clearly accepted by them. I call them "friends", it is not against my heart, nor is it a polite expression, and there is no dark thoughts. Because it is a friend, isn't it normal to meet after a lot of danger and rush to give a hug? (To be continued ...)


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