Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1331: Three people in Jinjiang

When I met here with Mitsui Tsukazu and others, I didn't expect it completely. I connected the known details together, and there was nothing strange about their encounters and actions. After they have experienced all these things, it is a matter of course that they have doubts about anyone. Even so, being able to see that they are still alive, even if they have doubts about me, makes me feel heartfelt.

Compared with Mitsui Tsukazu's hesitation, the fortune-tellers watched more calmly, and the performance of the fitness coach was more emotional, which was also very consistent with their respective personalities.

The fitness coach is very emotional. Although we used to act together and can be called companions, in fact, the friendship between us in the past, under normal circumstances, may get a hug, but definitely not so strong.

Probably because of their constant pressure, they were finally released. I also know the emotions. I do n’t need to guard against the past companions anymore, and even treat the other party as a malicious existence for myself. I am indeed a happy thing.

I feel that the kindness I have released is clearly accepted by them. I call them "friends", it is not against my heart, nor is it a polite expression, and there is no dark thoughts. Because it is a friend, isn't it normal to meet after a lot of danger and rush to give a hug?

I understand so. Did not avoid the chest pressing on the face, but also gave the fitness coach a strong hug.

"Let me go in." I said with a dull voice.

The fitness instructor let me go, the rain had already wet her hair, slipped down the face, her eyes were as moist as her face.

"Long time no see, Gao Chuan." She just said so.

I picked up the long knife and let all three care a little, but still acquiesced. They took me to the living room and re-locked the door. The lightning that exploded outside the window brightened the living room. But then it was engulfed by shadows. No one turned on the lights, as if fearing, something was found in light, compared to such fear. It seems that darkness is more reassuring.

Before, they only turned on the lights in the room, which seemed to have no intention. I do n’t quite understand, but it ’s okay, they will explain.

In the living room. The woman shrunk in the corner raised her head, her gaze was like a predator in the dark night, obviously with a deep black eye pupil, but it seemed to shine in the dark, so that people can clearly see. Even, these eyes occupied all her sense of existence. Once again, from that deep gaze, I felt the familiar, terrifying viciousness that made my heart feel. There is nothing wrong, it is indeed Zhenjiang. The kind of malignancy hidden in the beautiful humanoid body is the characteristic of the "real river" among all the humanoid rivers I have seen.

"Jiang." I walked beside her in the eyes of everyone. I don't care why she is here, because she can appear in any situation or disappear in any situation, "should" and "should not" in her body, meaningless. She appeared as Zhenjiang, and there was never any regularity. For me. Her presence means some information in itself, and for me, she returned to me. This is what I need, all the meaning.

"Achuan, Achuan, Achuan, Achuan, Achuan ..." she muttered. A low laugh like a madman. Even so, she looked at me, but it looked like something else. Her eyes began to fade, as if she was caught in some hysteria. And this is what I am familiar with, what she looks like.

"You know?" The fortune teller interjected and said suspiciously: "Is it a friend? She is a strange and dangerous mental patient. Gao Chuan, you look rational, it is better to stay away from her."

"Sane?" I asked back, but then smiled, "She is my wife."

Yes, Zhen Jiang is my wife, not just Zhen Jiang, almost all the humanoid rivers appearing at present are my wives. This is simply because "Jiang" is its true essence.

If you do n’t meet again for a long time, the people you like will surely make your life extremely joyful, more exciting than ever. One step back from the last time Zhenjiang appeared. It has been quite a while since Fujiang left. However, when I saw Zhenjiang again, there was no such huge emotional fluctuation.

Whether it is Zhenjiang, Fujiang or Zuojiang, their appearance and disappearance have inevitable reasons that I cannot understand. Even, their own way of existence is a mystery to me. However, no matter when the humanoid river appears and disappears, "Jiang" is in my body, but this will not change.

From this perspective, "Jiang" has never left me, and of course they have never left me.

After so many mysterious events, the disappearance of the human form Jiang, in my opinion, the biggest impact is that it is no longer possible to directly observe Jiang. The inability to observe "Jiang" means that it is impossible to define "Jiang". When the human-shaped Jiang disappears, "Jiang" will become a truly indescribable and incomprehensible thing outside the mind. Conversely, the form of the human form Jiang, even if it is still a "monster", will also have a part of "human" nature. In my opinion, it is precisely because it has a certain degree of human nature, which can be to some extent , Is recognized and understood by people, so the form of human form river can be established.

When the humanoid river disappears, the mystery I face is that it is truly unpredictable and unpredictable, and that even monsters such as "final weapons" may be encountered at any time. Even if there is no movement on the surface, it will make me have to consider the possibility that a crisis that is difficult to confront with my current ability will occur.

In a word, the disappearance of the humanoid river heralds a huge threat, unknown maliciousness, compared with the situation where the humanoid river can be observed, the severity of the environment, and the vicious development of various uncertainties, all To rise at least ten times.

Such huge pressure will certainly not give any sense of security.

Although I have become a Level 4 Mageweave messenger, I still feel for many times that I need the same sense of security as those who are vulnerable. The emergence of Zhenjiang brought me a great sense of security.

Yes, I try to be strong, or, perhaps, in the eyes of others, I am strong enough, but I still know how weak I am. No matter how many times the personality can be reborn in the illusion of doomsday. How powerful the ability can grow, and there is still a "hospital reality" that can't be sure whether it is true or unreal, reminding me that I am just a fragile patient with doomsday syndrome.

If you have not been to "Hospital Reality". This fragile feeling probably does not exist. The situation of "hospital reality", the information released, and the theory that can be understood from the perspective of hospital reality have a strong sense of existence. I can't ignore it at all, but just treat all of it as a pure nightmare.

I still remember my initial mentality of entering the "hospital reality". It was a careful suspicion. I used a negative perspective to verify whether the world is real or just a realistic illusion that some enemies deliberately created for prisoners. After entering the "Hospital Reality" for a long time, I thought that I was not completely killed by the "final weapon", but after I was in a state of near death. Captured by Doomsday Truth. The other party cast me into a realistic illusion, intending to brainwash me and turn me into their believer.

In fact, the various conditions of "hospital reality", even now, seem to be consistent with the theory of "doom truth" in many places. Even if there are differences, it can be regarded as a harbinger of the budding of "doom truth".

In that kind of "hospital reality", I experienced an exploration until death. However, when finding clues, it seems that we can go further. He died of illness. When it recovers again, it has arrived in today's doomsday illusion.

All this is like a reincarnation.

In this reincarnation, only "Jiang" and "Doom" always run through all. It's like everything is taking it as the core and extending to a wider area.

Think carefully, although from the perspective of "hospital reality", the concept of "virus" takes precedence over the concept of "jiang". However, from the perspective of "doom illusion", the concept of "jiang" has priority. It was once before the "virus", and the concept of "virus" just does not exist in the "doom illusion", or it is invisible. The concept of "Jiang" in the "Doom Fantasy" is not very clear before the appearance of the human form. Conversely, when I realized the existence of "Jiang", it was not what I knew, nor did it have the name "Jiang".

In the doomsday illusion that gave birth to me, compared with "virus" and "jiang", it has the highest priority and has a very clear concept. There are only two "final weapons" and "doom." The core, the most powerful mystery, has always revolved around these two concepts-because the end does exist, so there is a final weapon, because there is a final weapon, so the arrival of the end becomes extremely clear.

The so-called "Jiang" originally referred to as "Jiang", but actually "Final Weapon 999", which is a doomsday weapon completed by the Doomsday Truth with the technology of the ruling bureau. Its initial attribution was "Apocalyptic Truth", and it possessed plural personalities whose number is still uncertain. The personality that appeared in front of me for the first time was called "Fujiang".

If we use our own experience to linearly record changes in concepts, then the above is the original concept of "Jiang".

After all, including the existence of "virus", "doom illusion" is not as a foreign space, but as the existence of a huge spiritual world, the establishment of such infamous foreign objects as "Jiang", and even Sakuya and Bajing Cognition of complex identities, etc., in this linear record, are completed on the basis of this initial concept.

In my eyes, the name "Gao Chuan" initially only pointed to my personality. Saki Ye and Ba Jing, they also exist as a single body, and do not have such a complicated background.

The original me, the original world I observed, was a world that seemed complicated but actually very simple.

But now, the world I have observed has become so dizzy that it is impossible to distinguish between serious and unreal. It is too complicated, but it is difficult to find the most essential basic point of observation.

In the past, I never thought that the world I observed would expand to this extent.

However, no matter how much we yearn for a simple world, when the world becomes complicated in our own observation, it is difficult to go back to the past.

When recording my experience as an adventurous novel, I occasionally think this way: Is it true that today's self is really trapped by the enemy? Is it possible, in fact, the world always seems simple, but only my observation, because of the intentional guidance of certain enemies, it becomes complicated and at a loss?

but. Then I gave up this kind of thinking, because it would negate the suffering caused by the complex world, but also at the same time negate the existence in the complex world. Those beautiful things.

I must act according to today's worldview, there is no doubt about it.

And the human-shaped rivers including the "real river", as the object of directly observing the "jiang", mean more to me than just the simple world in the past.

on the other hand. Although its concept and meaning have always become more complicated, but at the same time, it has become more and more important. It has completely surpassed the original concept and meaning of "final weapon 999", and has become an observation world Own, the most basic and core reference.

There is only one point, there is no change at all, it still runs through everything I have experienced, and it is the object I can't give up. Even if "she" becomes "it". I still love.

"Zhen Jiang" is my wife. Her abnormal, irrational, but more interpreted her essence-human beings can not understand her, so she is regarded as a mental patient.

The former is my interpretation of my relationship with Zhenjiang, while the latter is my attempt to understand her, but I ca n’t tell others like this, because other people ca n’t accept such an understanding without my experience. .

My answer left Mitsui Tsukazu a bit stunned. But when I came back, it was an awkward expression, as if there were many emotions and ideas, but it was too complicated. It is difficult to describe with expression and language.

"Wife?" The fitness coach repeated, sighing, saying nothing, but shrugging to the other two.

I didn't lie, when they obviously didn't believe it. Their eyes were like looking at a young mental patient who fell into a delusion. but. I don't have any feelings of anger towards this look, because it would be normal to see me like that. Instead, it was because they felt that I was abnormal, so they were relatively normal. Because I know that I am not normal, I still have common sense and can still tell what is normal and abnormal.

To distinguish between "normal" and "abnormal", one must first have the criteria for distinguishing. This standard differs from person to person in theory, but in fact, it must be recognized as the "common sense" by most people. Under such a premise, such things as "mental patients think that they are normal, but others are not normal" are simply not established and have no meaning, because the common sense of mental patients is not the common sense most recognized by people. Such common sense is in humans. In society, it cannot be used as a criterion for judging "normal" and "abnormal".

All monsters, with their common sense, are definitely not common sense recognized by most people, and their standards for judging things are often unacceptable to most people. It is a "minority" and is therefore regarded as lonely and vulnerable s things.

In all works, the monster is always lonely, will be crusified, and eventually be defeated, unless it can have the common knowledge recognized by most people, it will be “charismatic” and “humane”, and thus “liberated”.

These works will make people not afraid of monsters, but in fact, if real monsters exist, they will definitely not be as people think.

After all, people look at monsters based on human common sense, and human common sense is "quantitatively superior" and reflects social consciousness.

Therefore, humans do not know how powerful monsters in the true sense completely violate the theorem of "quantitative superiority".

As the person closest to such a monster, he understands better than most people what kind of power it is.

Even so, I still don't want to be a monster, just because my physiology may no longer belong to humans, but my humanity and common sense still meet the standards of human society.

In this way, I can understand the strange emotions and all the small movements of Mitsui Tsukazu.

"In short-" Mitsui Tsukazu wants to make a round ~ ~ But after opening his head, he doesn't seem to know what to say, but he sighs and sits on the sofa like a bone. It's all the same. They really encountered a situation that made them overwhelmed, and by now they have not been able to make up their minds, what should they do next, and what should they say to me.

The fortune teller turned out of the kitchen, threw me a towel, and entered the room again, planning to get me a set of dry clothes.

"Sorry, the water has stopped here." The fitness coach said, "We can't do it if we want to take a hot bath, which is really uncomfortable."

"Why are you here?" I asked while wiping my hair with a towel.

"If you don't stay here, where else can you go?" Mitsui Tsukazu said, "We escaped, and those people will not let us go. If it wasn't for Zhenjiang, it would probably have been over. "

"So say--" I glanced at such a Mitsui Tsukazu, and turned my attention to the fortune-teller who walked out of the room and the fitness trainer sitting opposite, "You can tell me carefully what happened to you. Become this way? "(Unfinished to be continued.)

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