Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1332: Cult ceremony

This seminar event is very attractive to the psychologists who are invited, because although people like Mr. Mitsui Tsukazu are also called psychologists, let ’s not mention their abilities first. How, first of all, their study, research and life are relatively far away from the academic field, and their own occupations are also not like professional people. Take a look at the three of Mitsui Tsukazu, Mitsui Tsukazu is more like a psychology enthusiast. Although he will also show his ability in a small circle and act as a consultant for others, but outside this small circle, he It has been obscure; the divination division and fitness coach, just as they call themselves, one is really "divination" as a profession, just like a wanderer living in nowhere, the other is a thorough fitness coach.

The seminar finds these people, conducts preliminary investigations on these people, allows them to participate in activities, and attracts them with rewards such as stepping into the field of psychology, but their true purpose is of course not so normal on the surface.

It is undeniable that the invitation to the seminar has proved to some extent the potential of these non-professional psychologists, and the courage to participate in the activities of the seminar, and after the various extraordinary events before, still persevering, is enough to prove In their hearts, they have a great desire to become a truly prestigious psychologist. They wanted an opportunity, so they stood here and evaluated the risks, realizing the shadow behind the seminar, and those who finally chose to give up, had already left early in the morning.

In fact, those who persist until now have no way out. I know very well that even if there is no storm, they are unlikely to escape the peninsula. On the other hand, the arrival of the storm can also be regarded as a premeditation of the seminar to trap everyone-the seminar itself has probably been able to anticipate the storm.

With the help of the forecast of the weather, the control of the peninsula, and the support of various forces, the seminar controlled the peninsula as solid as possible, and the psychiatric hospital is the core of the mysterious event. But as far as the scope of the incident is concerned, the seminar is intended to transform the entire peninsula into a battlefield. The details of many incidents that have already taken place have proved this point.

Even so, until now. The peninsula beyond the psychiatric hospital is still relatively far away from the weird and remote area, and the psychologists who are instructed to enter the psychiatric hospital, in addition to Dr. Ruan Li, have people like Mitsuzuka. It is possible to avoid the center of the storm for a period of time, which inevitably makes people think: will this be a mysterious event facing the peninsula beyond the mental hospital, a sign of escalation. And the three of Mitsui Tsukazu, and even a few more people, returned to this villa area, does it mean that the escalation of the conflict will be ignited by them as a fuze?

This idea, when Zhen Jiang appeared, in my opinion, has become conclusive. The appearance of all human form rivers will not be without reason. The existence of the human form river is often like a magnet, which will attract terrible weird and dangerous mysteries, and the people who appear at the same time will also be closely related to these terrible weird and dangerous mysterious events. .

It's like putting together the main characters of the repertoire in a play, and using the contradictions and conflicts between them to promote the development of the plot of the entire repertoire.

As a character in such a grotesque repertoire. Of course, the three of Mitsui Tsukazu have different experiences from others, and these experiences will also become the background of their involvement in the vortex, which is often the key to making their encounters more bizarre and dangerous.

What happened to them in the mental hospital?

"Tell me how?" I told the three.

Although Zhenjiang still shrinks in the corner. A look of autism, but for her, this is normal, and she doesn't need to worry too much. Instead, Mr. Mitsui Tsukazu glanced at Zhen Jiang, a stern expression. His gaze to Zhenjiang is different from that of ordinary mental patients, and I can clearly feel it. These psychologists have also contacted many cases and patients during the seminar. The abnormal and unknown feelings that permeate the entire psychiatric hospital should be used to some extent, and their attitude towards mental patients should be calmer. At this moment, Mitsui Tsukazu's extreme fear emanated from the depths of his heart was as clear and audible as a rich smell.

He was afraid of Zhenjiang. Although in my opinion, the reason why they can leave the mental hospital and arrive at this villa area is relying on the power of Zhenjiang.

I can understand his fear. Zhenjiang was originally the existence of the meaning of "monster" that is farthest from "human beings" in all humanoid rivers. Even myself, I haven't been able to escape the fear that Zhen Jiang has brought. Especially when looking at her eyes, the kind of maliciousness that seemed to be eaten, just like the sword of Damocles, always hung on the forehead.

Zhenjiang is beautiful, a mental patient, but also a terrible monster. Her terrible is not because she doesn't care about killing, or what weird mysterious powers she has, but her own existence, just watching, will make people feel terrified. To ask why this happens, the only answer I can find is: "Because she is Jiang, the ultimate weapon 999. Although presented as a human, its essence is to reflect the terrible monster."

Monsters are abnormal, detached from common sense, cannot be defined by human nature, and will not abide by the order and morality defined by human beings. They are truly aliens.

Zhenjiang is the monster closest to human beings, and also exists in the human form, which is closest to the meaning of the word "monster".

Even if she has received her help, she will fear her, even if she loves her, she will also fear her, even if she does not show any threats, she still fears her-you must find a reason for such fear, It can only be said that this is the instinctive reaction of human beings in the face of monsters based on their own existence.

What's more, as far as I know, even if Zhen Jiang does nothing, it is definitely not "no threat." Even if people are saved, it will definitely lead to a more malicious situation. Even these factors that make the situation complicated, abnormal and dangerous are not her original intentions, but from the moment she appears, it will inevitably bring such a situation.

Therefore, Mitsui Tsukazu's performance is normal. On the other side, the fortuneteller also has great resistance to Zhenjiang, and has been actively ignoring her existence. Instead, the fitness coach who has been immersed in the joy of reunion seems a little weird. Although she is also worried about the current situation, whether she is happy or worried, the extent is too ordinary. Even in the face of Zhenjiang, there was never a small action that he deliberately avoided. Her attitude towards Zhen Jiang is obvious, very calm and sensible. I couldn't even find too many extreme emotions on her, and it was very different from the situation of Mitsuzuka's desperation to endure fear.

Among all the people here, I feel the most abnormal. Instead, it is the most common fitness coach.

As I expected, in the end it was still the fitness coach who fell into memory and told me about their experience in the mental hospital.

The three people were not members of the same research team. They were assigned to different patients with routine consultations and conducted clinical internships with different patients. Before the patients in routine consultations took the medicines in the seminars, the activities of these seminars were very normal. Everyone consciously followed the requirements of the activities to complete their final report, in the hope that this report can pass the review of the seminar and let themselves Be able to become a member of the seminar.

The screening rate is unknown. The seminar did not give a clear standard line, so everyone must do their best, and they must do their utmost to let their reports have a flash point that cannot be ignored by the seminar. In this short time, they are both free and safe.

However, as I expected, such a calm and fulfilling life is full of expectations and motivation. After the patients diagnosed for taking the seminar drugs, they gradually began to change. Such a change is also understandable to me, but it is also inevitable. The first is the death of the patient in routine diagnosis. The research teams of the three people were shaken, and began to doubt the reason behind this abnormal death. They started to investigate, but they did not expect that these investigations, which seemed very secret to themselves, were quickly revealed and brought about all the dangers that followed.

"The deaths of patients on routine consultations are premeditated. It is not normal. Although they are mental patients, they should not die so inexplicably. I was thinking, maybe there is something invisible throughout the mental hospital." Fitness coach Shen Sheng said: "Actually, many mental hospitals I know have cases of ill-treatment of patients. If a similar situation occurs here, it will not surprise me, but there are some disappointments. I hope that my final job is fair and well-meaning. The patient ’s death made me realize that this is also not my place of residence, so I began to consider doing something within my ability, including collecting evidence, in order to After leaving the island, I can expose it to the world. I was too focused on my thoughts, but I failed to cover up, so my investigation of the seminar was exposed, and unconsciously, it became a situation of nine deaths. Although at the time No one attacked me, but this dangerous feeling has been lingering. So, I escaped. On the road, touch Mr. Mitsui mound husband and diviner. Then, I know, he they also suffered a similar situation. In order to ensure everyone's safety as much as possible, I propose to return to this villa. "

"That is to say, in fact, you just feel the danger, but the danger has not come?" "I thought about it and asked:" So, you don't even know what happened in the mental hospital. "

"Yes, I did not directly see the examples. However, I still believe that my intuition is correct. The death of the routine patient is just the beginning of a dangerous situation. Something happened in the mental hospital that we did not know. These things also prevented the mental hospital from freeing up its hands and kept silent. "The fitness coach took a deep breath and replied:" Trust me, Gao Chuan, the horror rumors in this mental hospital are by no means ordinary people. Rejection of mental patients does indeed have a dark prototype. I do n’t know how you came out, but if you go back, you will be doomed. ”

"As far as I know, Gao Chuan is one of the three patients who are still alive and still intact." The fortune-teller added: "The other two patients, although not dead, are more or less. Some strange changes have taken place, and the condition has become more complicated. If you are still taking the medicine for the seminar, please stop immediately. "After that, I took another look at Mitsuzuka, and said," Mitsuzuka The situation that Mr. Encounter is more complicated, more dangerous, and deeper into the darkness of this psychiatric hospital, I think, you have the right to listen to it, because this is likely to involve Dr. Ruan Li. "

Perhaps, the fortune teller thinks that referring to Dr. Ruan Li can exert more influence on me. But for me, the news is actually a bit outdated. The danger of Dr. Ruan Li has long been expected, so this kind of words can't stimulate me at all. I calmly "um" and clearly felt that the fortune-teller seemed to be looking into my inner eyes.

"So, Mr. Mitsui Tsukazu." I asked this man who was caught in fear and restlessness: "Just now you have been very wrong. What is it that scares you like this? Is my wife Zhenjiang?"

I mentioned Zhenjiang, while Mitsui Tsukazu was a little embarrassed while showing his fear. He stuttered and said to me, "No, it ’s not like that, how to say, Gao Chuan, I do n’t mean anything to Zhenjiang. Save me. The face is a life-saving benefactor, so no matter what emotion you have, you must first be patient. "

"Your expression makes this statement less convincing ~ ~ I frankly said:" I know that you are afraid of Zhenjiang, this fear will make you have some negative thoughts, but I am not blaming you But want to let you know that you are afraid that she has proved that you are a normal person. "

My statement made all three a little stunned. Their gaze swept between me and Zhenjiang. After a while, they still had a half-explained expression. They seem to have difficulty understanding my words. However, the current situation, whether they can understand it or not, is an insignificant matter.

"I would rather listen to your experience than Zhen Jiang, Mr. Mitsui Tsukazu. I have no interest in whether you are afraid of Zhen Jiang, but if you can not collapse because of this fear, it would be better. Things are up, "I said.

"Ah, ah--" Mitsui Tsukazu opened his mouth, and his tangled expression only made a monotonous voice, but soon, he reformed his expression and became serious. He said to me: "Jian Jiang is my life-saving benefactor. This is an indisputable fact. If it weren't for her, I would have been caught by the people at the seminar. Those people are just lunatics. Horrible, they are cultists, and the patients in the entire mental hospital are the sacrifices they deliberately prepared! "

Offerings? I really heard familiar words. (To be continued.)

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