Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1334: In composition

Mitsui Tsukazu tells his story. The fortuneteller and fitness coach were keenly aware that the darkness in this seminar was far beyond their imagination, and after they were unable to bear it, they were more decisive than other psychologists, executed their escape plan smartly and with good luck, so there was no Mitsui Tsukazu's experience is so legendary. Mitsuzuka ’s hesitation caused him to accidentally encounter the mysterious sacrificial ritual. Although according to him, everything happened naturally, but I still treated him as an ordinary person and was able to encounter the ceremony. And successfully evacuated, was it just luck?

Did the deviation effect play a role in the whole process, so that he can penetrate the defense line of mysterious organizations unknowingly? Or, behind him, who is leading all this, but Mitsui Tsukazu fails to realize his identity as a pawn?

Mysterious organizations have extremely strict requirements to perform sacrifice ceremonies, and the whole process is generally in a state of strict vigilance. In this mental hospital that has been in operation for a long time, ordinary people may not even find the entrance to the ritual place.

However, Mitsui Tsukazu didn't seem to be lying. He described what he experienced from his first perspective. The waves behind him were probably only me in the audience. No, perhaps Zhenjiang will be added.

I look to Zhen Jiang who is still whispering to herself. She may be the key to Mitsui Tsukazu's experience.

"How about Zhenjiang?" I asked: "How did you meet her?"

"Zhenjiang ... is the only person who noticed me when those people were performing a cult." Mitsui Tsukazu's tone was a little complicated. "She was wearing a patient's costume at the time, but it was not among the group of people who were sacrificed. 1. I was terrified at the time, but it was indeed with her help that I could escape from that place. "

Was it really because of Zhenjiang? Although even in the face of mysterious organizations, Zhen Jiang rarely shows aggressiveness, and even looks like an ordinary mental patient, but her existence is special. It must have made her exist in that place, and it must have caused many abnormal situations. I still can't imagine the specific situation, Zhenjiang as an abnormal source of interference. Everything caused is often subtle.

However, since I am facing the mysterious organization that is performing the sacrificial ritual, I am afraid not to bring out a little mysterious power, even if it creates an opportunity. It's hard to withdraw from the whole body. Mitsui Tsukazu ’s fear of Zhenjiang is probably partly because he saw the inhuman side of Zhenjiang. I have not experienced the scene, so I can only guess. However, it is still a question as to why Zhenjiang appeared in the place of the sacrifice ceremony.

Zhenjiang, Fujiang, and Zuojiang have always shared a human-shaped body, and only display self-awareness in the form of "different personalities". Fu Jiang had already left before I left the Central Duchy, and there was no news for a long time after that. Her departure was recognized by me as "lost observation", and therefore more focused on "the virus changes caused by Jiang's inability to directly observe", but as a humanoid individual. Her activities and influence are not as subtle as a simple "jiang" or "virus".

After leaving in the "Fujiang" posture, Renxing Jiang must have done something before she would appear in that mysterious organization and come to this peninsula, and in the process, changed to "Zhenjiang" posture. Mitsui Tsukazu claims that "Mae" is one of the sacrifices. I have great suspicion about this. It is not that Mitsui Tsukazu lies, but that Mitsui Tsukazu is an ordinary person. In that kind of critical and terrifying situation, it is difficult to distinguish the enemy, the sacrifice and the sacrificer.

However, if Zhenjiang is not a sacrifice, then. What is the significance of her being in that mysterious organization? There are too many questions that Mr. Mitsui Tsukazu cannot answer.

However, after experiencing so many mysterious events, I also have a strong resistance to the situation without answer. Most of the time, it is impossible to dig out everything hidden in a mysterious event. Even if it is a mysterious event handled in person. Because it is impossible to use your own perspective to observe all changes as the first participant, therefore, there must be many situations that can only be learned from his population, and other people ’s explanations and perspectives can only bring him Answers, and such answers are often incomplete.

If the secret of a mysterious event can be solved from beginning to end, then it is no longer a mysterious event, but should be called a detective event.

Struggling with unanswered questions, just asking for trouble.

All in all, although the process of the mysterious incident encountered by Mitsui Tsukazu was unclear, the result was already presented in front of him-he and Zhenjiang successfully escaped from the sacrifice place, with great fear, on the way to evacuate the mental hospital , Meet with the fortune teller and fitness coach. After that, the four people encountered some weird situations one after another, but it was probably a relationship of good luck, without encountering greater dangers, and finally returned to this villa area.

"In the final analysis, it's just a mental patient who doesn't know much." The fortune teller interjected: "But maybe it is our lucky star? In short, when she is in, our luck will always get better. I also think, She could escape from that place, perhaps with the luck she brought. However, sometimes, she will become very scary. "

"Yeah, sometimes it gets scary, but I'm used to it." The fitness coach said: "Only Mr. Mitsui Tsukazu, it's the same dead face."

"It's really long-winded." Mitsui Tsukazu couldn't help but mumbled, "It's just a habit to hide his fears. In fact, I will be scared, I will still be scared."

After a pause, Mitsui Tsukazu began to explain to me carefully the situation they encountered on the way to take Zhenjiang. It was in these encounters that Zhenjiang showed himself and other patients, even to the ordinary people. Unusual.

However, although they have been walking with Zhenjiang all the way up to now, it is still not clear what kind of mental patient Zhenjiang really is.

According to the soothsayer's explanation: I don't know what she is thinking, what purpose she has, what kind of past she is, where she lives, etc.

The three of them knew almost nothing about this companion, Zhenjiang. Even so, they still took Zhenjiang to escape to this place. On the other hand, in fact, they also felt that the seminar and those cultists seemed to have no knowledge of the emergence of Zhenjiang. It is possible that Zhen Jiang was not the mental patient here from the beginning-this guess is also more correct in my opinion.

Zhenjiang is indeed not a patient in a local mental hospital. If she was brought into the peninsula by the mysterious organization as a mental patient. Then she is likely to be one of the candidates for routine diagnosis.

Seminar activities, seminar research, screening of patients for routine diagnosis and drug use, and finally screening out those with drug efficacy and disqualification. And immediately afterwards, he changed the direction of drug research again. This series of actions looked like a series of accidental formations, but in fact. But it is planned, prepared in advance, and developed in a certain direction.

The seminar and the mysterious organization behind it each take their own needs. Of course, compared to the seminar trying to deal with the white Claudia, the "end of the world" in this repeater world, the mysterious organization is directed to the repeater itself. The goals of the latter are not only larger than the former, but also conflict to some extent. At present, it is precisely because the mysterious organizations need seminars to create the necessary opportunities for them, and cooperation with seminars is seamless. But the penetration and **** of the seminar by the mysterious organization has become more and more obvious in my eyes. The duration of the seminar is almost at the end. Even if the doomsday doctrine in the seminar truly became part of the doomsday doctrine in the doomsday illusion, I still believe that this seminar can only be destroyed as long as it is done.

The development of the situation, in my opinion, is tilting towards Dr. Ruan Li. Dr. Ruan Li's level of activity has an influence on the seminar. It will greatly affect the time of the destruction of the seminar. The more Dr. Ruan Li confronted the seminar, the lower the progress of the seminar, and the safer the seminar itself.

As a very influential existence, Dr. Ruan Li has the possibility of being the core of this repeater. It has also been known by the parties and will spread among other mysterious organizations within the expected range. All mysterious organizations and her attention will definitely rise in a very short period of time.

In the end, she will be regarded as the key to the ownership of the entire repeater. If Dr. Ruan Li is an ordinary person. This is certainly not good news, but Dr. Ruan Li is not an ordinary person. Her thoughts and her way of thinking determine how she views such a situation. Even me, I am not sure, what she thinks. .

Dr. Ruan Li has always been very opinionated. She insisted on staying on this peninsula and acting alone in the midst of hostility is enough to prove this.

However, although Dr. Ruan Li has his own plans and ideas. But I still think that no matter what she wants to do and how to do it, she still needs more companions.

If it was n’t for the storm, Mitsui Tsukazu, the fortune teller and the fitness coach said they would choose to go to the pier and leave by boat immediately. As for whether they will encounter a more complete blockage after arriving at the terminal, they have also considered it. However, in their opinion, as long as they act quickly enough, they will be able to find opportunities before the seminar responds.

However, since they were unable to leave, they were also worried that staying in this villa area would sooner or later be noticed by the seminar. However, even if they knew so, they felt there was no more choice. Their anxiety stems largely from this passive, in this trio, they can not give birth to a leader who gives direction.

"Is Zhenjiang really your wife." Mitsui Tsukafu asked.

"Why not?" I asked back. "You have also seen my skills. You should think that these abnormal situations are just magic shows? You are different from Dr. Ruan Li, who can completely deny all mysteries. , And even if you deny it in your mouth, you are always hesitating. This is the decisive difference between you and Dr. Ruan Li. But since you cannot absolutely deny the existence of mystery, then, why use normal logic to deny Zhenjiang The fact that it is my wife? "

"Logical thinking is the way to the truth." The fortune teller said seriously: "In this world, there may be something very strange at present, but it must also be logical. I don't consider any non-logic situation. . "

"It's obviously a fortune teller, but would you say such a thing?" The fitness coach exhaled deeply.

"No, just because it is a fortuneteller, so I am quite sure that the fortuneteller itself is very dependent on logic." The fortuneteller said: "The fortuneteller is not out of nothing, it relies on clues that normal people can't perceive. The behavior of the possibility result, it looks mysterious, but it is still full of logic. "

"So, there are a lot of scammers who use mental logic to act as a fortune teller, don't they?" The tone of the fitness coach was a bit sneered.

"Yes." The fortune teller ignored the sarcasm, but nodded and admitted, "The fortune teller must first be a psychologist, regardless of whether the knowledge of psychology ~ ~ depends on experience or on Books are available. Those who are not familiar with psychological logic, and those who do not respect logical thinking, are absolutely not qualified to be fortune tellers. "

"Enough. It's useless to argue these things here, right?" Mitsuzuka interrupted their quarrel with some anxiety. "The point is, we can't unravel the secrets of those weird situations, even with logical thinking. Ability, it also seems to exceed the scope of what we can think about. The existence of that kind of force completely subverts common sense. If you can't unlock the secrets, you can only admit that we can't make the most correct response at all. Don't forget However, we are still in flight, and any incorrect response may kill us. "

The atmosphere in the hall became suppressed again. Mitsui Tsukazu's claims that neither the fortune teller nor the fitness coach can refute this. This is what they have always been troubled by. They don't have the power to get out of their own difficulties, and they don't even have a direction to solve the problem. They don't have a core of cohesive teams, which I can bring to them. At least, it is better to stay in this villa area and wait passively for the seminar.

Before others spoke, I suggested: "In any case, if you hide here, you will not be able to overcome the difficulties behind. To compromise the seminar, you must have the corresponding capital. Obviously, your capital is far It ’s far from enough. So why not go back to see Dr. Ruan Li? ”(To be continued.)

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