Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1335: 3 people's choice

?? Genius for 3 seconds to remember the site's website [Pimei Pavilion] Although temporarily escaped from the mental hospital, but the bad weather prevented everyone from really leaving the peninsula. Capture them in a short time. Mitsui Tsukazu broke through the sacrificial ceremony and took away Zhenjiang. I do n’t think he is an ordinary person, and makes the mysterious organization think it is not important. From this perspective, it is the fortune-teller and fitness coach that he is Dragged down. It's just that they don't have too strong an understanding of this. Because, three people are worried about the darkness of the seminar, will not let anyone's small movements.

So far, there is no evidence to prove that three people are optional for the seminar. Instead, it is precisely because they participated in the seminar activities and persisted to the end that they were favored by the seminar. It is not proof that the seminar valued them? If it is not true, it is a good thing.

Has its own reasons for the seminar not to let go, at least three people think so.

With fear, resistance and fear, even in the temporarily safe villa area, the three of them could not really settle down. They just kept calm on the surface, and could not psychologically be indifferent to the foreseeable bad future. When I came over, I saw that there were lights in the villa area, which was only a compromise they had to make in order to ensure their mental state. If you remain in the dark villa area under such a depressed psychological state, it will inevitably cause greater psychological damage. Their expertise made them aware of this, so they could only make compromises.

After all, if the seminar didn't follow, and you collapsed under pressure, it would be ridiculous.

"When I came, I saw that the villa next to it was also lit, did you not notice?" I couldn't help asking.

The three looked at each other. I don't really know. Obviously, assuming that there are people living in the villa next to it, so, what exactly are they coming from? Are there other escapers besides the three of them? Or, even worse, did the three of them think they had escaped temporarily, but were kept under surveillance at the seminar?

The news I spoke made the three of them a little scared, but it was because they were always in a stressful environment. Therefore, the three quickly calmed down. However, for the need to go to other villas to investigate. There are also differences between the three. There is no real leader in this team. The inability to integrate opinions means that there is no tacit cooperation in action, but it is impossible for them to give up the advantage in numbers. After all. More people means more than safety. More importantly, when faced with strong pressure. Bring comfort to the soul.

The kind of person who has such a strong inner heart that he has no problem at any time. It does not exist in this villa. Even if it is me, although I have many experiences of acting alone, on the psychological level. It's not that I have been under the pressure of loneliness all the time. Instead, there will always be people who need help and temporary companions around me. For example, the three people in front of you, such as the people far away in the Central Principality, such as Dr. Ruan Li and John Bull, and the connector and Anna not long ago. Maybe these people will not walk with me until the end, they will have differences due to their own ideas, they will have to leave due to the pressure of the environment, and they will even become enemies in the near future. However, when some companions leave, new companions will appear again. It doesn't matter what they stay with me, what they want to gain, and what they will become, no matter whether their ability is high or weak, but for a certain period of time, they all exist as companions in me. Around.

Sometimes I feel lonely and lonely, but this is only the emotional response when the idea is difficult to understand and it is difficult to tell others. In the true sense, there are very few situations where one person is fighting alone.

Even in the reality of the hospital, there is the unreliable man named "Dallas" as a companion, and Dr. Ruan Li is concerned about my condition.

Therefore, the biggest difference between me and the three people today is that I am used to facing "mystery" and fear, and they cannot.

Mitsui Tsukazu, fortune tellers and fitness coaches are also very aware of this team ’s shortcomings, and I wanted a clear leader very early, and after confirming this, before other people spoke, I proposed: "In any case, hide If you are here, you will not be able to overcome the difficulties ahead. To compromise the seminar, you must have the corresponding capital. Obviously, your capital is far from enough. So why not go back to Dr. Ruan Li? The seminar attached great importance to Dr. Ruan Li, and you have also witnessed Dr. Ruan Li's ability. "

The three were stunned. If they were thinking about it, someone soon asked: "Although it is a good proposal, but Gao Chuan, do you know where Dr. Ruan Li is? I heard that your qualifications for routine diagnosis have been transferred to others The doctor's hands are now. "

This is the first time I heard about it.

"Transfer?" I looked up.

"Don't you know? You should haven't seen Dr. Ruan Li for a long time. If you are the exclusive patient of Dr. Ruan Li, this is obviously unreasonable." The fortune teller said.

If it is common sense, the separation between me and Dr. Ruan Li is indeed not normal.

"The people in the seminar did not notify me. They did it privately." I said quietly to them: "Probably because Dr. Ruan Li has left the research direction of the seminar."

"This ... what's going on?" The three looked at each other. It seems that they do not yet know the gap between Dr. Ruan Li and the seminar.

"Dr. Ruan Li was indeed invited by the seminar to conduct research on some new drugs in psycho-clinical medicine. You have also seen those drugs and they have been taken by some patients, which has caused great side effects." I explained to them myself Part of what I learned: "Even so, Dr. Ruan Li still feels that this direction is correct, but the seminar has rejected this research direction for this reason, but Dr. Ruan Li feels that the new drug research direction, instead Is wrong and dangerous. "

"So, this is a different research concept, and there is a disagreement within the research team?" For such a thing, the three are obviously no strangers. Although they are not regular psychologists, they are also concerned about the situation of professional teams because of their own desires. It is no stranger to the dispute of ideas in the institute.

"Roughly so." I said: "What's worse is that the seminar does not need a different voice, so Dr. Ruan Li who raised the objection is in trouble. As you can imagine, this research institute will take a radical approach to cooperation behavior."

"They want to kill Dr. Ruan Li?" All three thought of this bad result and became a little excited.

"No, it's not as serious as murder, but in my opinion, it's a matter of time. So what do you think?" I thought. Their experience has given them the answer to this question before that. I continued: "However, the research institute still needs Dr. Ruan Li, and the reputation of Dr. Ruan Li in the seminar is still very heavy. They cannot take such extreme actions immediately. But even so, if Without helpers, Dr. Ruan Li will also fall into a passive position. "

"Tao Chuan. Do you mean, let us help Dr. Ruan Li against the seminar?" Mitsui Tsukazu asked a little hesitantly.

"You only have this chance." I said. "If Dr. Ruan Li also fails, what opportunities do you have. Can you guarantee that you will not be dealt with by the seminar? Your significance to the seminar is not as important as the significance of Dr. Ruan Li to the seminar."

Although I say so, it is just a word. They have more possibilities than they think. There is also the possibility that the seminar will not take action against them. The plan of the mysterious organization has been implemented to the final stage, they have begun to offer sacrifices, and temporary data hedge space has also emerged. Coupled with the effects of deviation effects, they need to face problems. Of course, it may make them ignore the three people in front of them, even if they have discovered the sacrifice ceremony of Mitsui Tsukazu.

Theoretically, the escape behavior of the three people, and the emergence of Zhenjiang, mean that they have a strong influence on the development of the situation, but in reality, will they recognize the influence and make the seminar and The mysterious organization took action, but it was not entirely certain.

And my statement only strengthened their self-awareness. Their mentality at the beginning was, "I think I am very important, so escape behavior will definitely be held accountable." I was only adding fuel to this. However, on the other hand, I am also putting pressure on them to make them think that although they are very important and will be targeted, they are still not as important as Dr. Ruan Li's in the eyes of the seminar.

They will believe that because this is indeed the case, Dr. Ruan Li's talents, prestige, and status are rare on this peninsula. As a truly world-renowned expert, Dr. Ruan Li is considered to be an idol of three people to some extent, and the strange and dangerous events that he experienced before coming to the peninsula have already reflected the three Dr. Ruan Li's conviction.

That is the charm of Dr. Ruan Li. I think that my statement can make them think back. Dr. Ruan Li's gesture of convincing them. It was a psychologist who was extremely pure, extremely powerful, denied mystery, and calmly confronted any strange situation.

"The same is true, there is no better way." The fortune teller said first, "If it is Dr. Ruan Li, I have no opinion."

"Gao Chuan, you said before that although Dr. Ruan Li is standing on the opposite side of the seminar, in fact, she still maintains a certain degree of influence on the inside of the seminar. Is that so?" Mitsui Tsukazu also calmed down , Once again confirmed: "Dr. Ruan Li is a member of the seminar, and is also a senior member, with his own faction, so it is helpless to let the seminar be for a while, right?"

"Roughly so." I nodded.

"So, I have no opinion." Mitsui Tsukazu said very bluntly: "If Dr. Ruan Li can be helped to regain the leadership of the seminar, he will definitely gain more advantages than simply joining the seminar."

This is really snobbish, but Mitsui Tsukazu said it straightforwardly.

"Yes." I admitted quietly. Assuming that Dr. Ruan Li can really regain the dominance of the seminar, the three can naturally get better arrangements, but it is hard to say how much effort and sacrifice is required to achieve this. In the final analysis, I can't judge the probability that Dr. Ruan Li can regain the dominance. However, what the three people are looking for is just an affirmative and tempting answer, not an unconfirmable objective cognition.

People always need to have hope, even if this hope comes from lies. This is my personal understanding.

"I have no problem." The fitness coach said: "Dr. Ruan Li is worth relying on in any way. In fact, I was like holding her thighs very early. As the saying goes, icing on the cake is not as good as giving off the snow, and now Dr. Ruan Li needs us. Time to help. We help her, which is tantamount to helping ourselves. "Then, she nodded and emphasized:" Yes, it must be right. "

"So, the last question-" the divination master looked at me: "Where is Dr. Ruan Li? Gao Chuan, you should have been in contact with Dr. Ruan Li for a while."

"Yes, this is the key." I nodded and said bluntly: "We must go back to the psychiatric hospital to find her. Dr. Ruan Li may be in trouble and unable to contact me, UU reads the book www.uukanshu .com However, I have reason to believe that she will not give up on me. As long as I return to the hospital, she must have a way to know our situation and find ways to contact us. "

"That is to say, we don't have a way to contact actively?" The fortune teller confirmed again.

"For now, this is the case." I nodded and pulled out my phone. "Do you also own this stuff?"

The three people looked at the mobile phone, and their faces were a bit unnatural. "The mobile phone is specially made in the seminar. They can use it to locate us."

"So you threw it away." I said with certainty that by looking at their expressions, I knew I was told. "However, my mobile phone was modified by Dr. Ruan Li, so there should be no problems in this respect. Ruan Li The doctor has always been cautious. "

"No signal." The fitness instructor carefully looked at the illuminated screen.

"So, you must go back to the psychiatric hospital." I said: "Dr. Ruan Li may also use this mobile phone to confirm my situation." (To be continued.)

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