Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1337: Hypnosis

The beetle surging, like the tide, engulfed the mysterious expert behind him. Within the observation range of the chain judgment, these are all small and deadly insects. As far as the species is concerned, it should not be an existing natural species. These beetles can be a mystery expert. Inflicting repression and injury will inevitably mean that it has a certain degree of mystery. If it is just ordinary insects that only hunt in numbers, it is completely impossible for mysterious experts. Only the mystery can effectively deal with the mystery. Although this statement is not completely correct, I have never seen an ordinary situation that can resist the mystery. At the minimum, it is also anomaly plus some luck elements to fight the mystery.

Face the mysterious experts, oppress and kill them, and win with an overwhelming advantage, even if it is just a group of bugs, it is absolutely abnormal.

The area covered by the beetle has wrapped the villa area around us from the beginning. The mysterious expert who manipulated the beetle attacked all the villas at the same time in a comprehensive way, not just against me and Mitsui Tsukazu. Still staying in the villa area during this time period, it really can not avoid being monitored by some ulterior motives, and hunting at the right time. Moreover, from the perspective of the seminar, they have excluded all "irrelevant persons" and moved all "related persons" into psychiatric hospitals, so those who remain in the villa area are of course doubtful. .

These simple questions, even though Mitsui Tsukazu would understand, but the reason why the three of them had to stay here is still because they have nowhere to go. Even if you avoid the eye-catching places like villa areas, the climate and natural environment on this peninsula, as well as the anomalies that spread throughout the peninsula, will take their lives, compared with them. The villa is a refuge where ordinary people can survive. Entering the villa area and turning on the lights to live like a normal environment is a temptation that no ordinary person can refuse. It is also a necessity for ordinary people to adjust their mentality to cope with the harsh environment.

If you don't do this. Even if the people at the seminar do nothing, ordinary people like Mitsui Tsukazu will collapse under great pressure.

Therefore, I don't feel that it is foolish for Mitsui Tsukazu and others to hide in such a conspicuous place in the villa area, and they turn on the lights, and they are by no means seeking their own way. Instead, from the perspective of psychology and survival strategies. They did make a sensible choice in the worst case. Judging from the results, the three did indeed have some luck.

The people who live in the villas around them, no matter what their status and purpose, are now worse than those of Mitsui Tsukazu and others. According to the observation results of the chain judgment, none of the villas were attacked by the beetle swarm. Able to leave in the first time. Although a mysterious expert successfully escaped from the house, he was immediately overwhelmed by the swarm. I think. If there is no unique mystery, he is dead.

I have no intention to rescue them. If I changed to the past, I would probably try to do this, but now I still retain the dream of becoming a hero, but more often than not. My choice always tends to a small number of people-just the ones I care about, the ones I love. I can't love everyone, let alone strangers, and still strangers who don't know their identity and purpose. I think that if you rush into the swarm. A quick glance in the first place may be able to take away more people who were attacked, but I still chose to ignore. I think that although this kind of self is not a wicked person, it is no longer a material for becoming a hero.

I am actually sad about this kind of self. It was like a painting depicting my dream, torn by my own hands.

Even so, I still can't help thinking about the results I would get after rescuing those people.

I feel that it is a shameful practice to choose to abandon the lives of others based on the results of my own guesses. Obviously it was within my power, but I still did it, even if I felt guilty in my heart, it was still decided.

Therefore, my mood is very bad.

The beetle swarm is still inflating. These insects enter the villa as if they have multiplied several times in the villa. With just a few breathing times, they broke the doors and windows of the villa from the inside, like large pieces of beans from the broken dustpan Get out. The turbulent beetle branched out, looking for my direction. The entire insect swarm clearly has a unified will, and this will is transformed into a human form in a weird posture-it is completely composed of beetles, and the beetles are grouped together, and the outlines are also following. The beetle squirms, and gives a very uncomfortable feeling.

Intuition tells me that the humanoid is indeed the body of the mysterious expert who attacked the villa area-this guy has lost most of his human elements in a certain mystery, but only survived as a swarm, thus gaining the present This terrible power.

The humanoid raised his hand toward me, and the swarm that followed us suddenly spread its wings and rose into the air. It turned out that they could still fly. The overwhelming hum even masked the sound of thunderstorms. The densely packed insects almost prevented the rain from falling to the ground, but fell on the layered carapace in vain.

Ordinary people cannot resist this offensive. If it is just a general bug, it can be dealt with by technology products such as flamethrowers. However, once the bug also has mystery, it will definitely make the fragile itself produce some abnormal changes. . I have caught a worm, and confirmed that I can't do it with my physical strength if I want to squish it. And the strength of such a bug is already more than ordinary adults.

How many thousands of insects are there in this area? At my speed, there is no problem in avoiding the swarm, but it is not enough to speed up the mysterious expert who wants to destroy all the bugs and then assimilate the swarm. Maybe I can avoid all the bugs that are blocking the road, and be close to the humanoid for a moment, but if my intuition is true, then it is useless to kill the humanoid.

The enemy is present in every insect, not just a body made of insects.

Villas were all destroyed by bugs before they left my observation range. Ordinary materials such as wood, cement and glass simply cannot prevent the destruction of these insects. My progress is fast, but because of this, it is more proof that insects can easily destroy these buildings-just like bubbles. Poke and break.

I didn't look back or stop. The flying bugs are undoubtedly faster and more flexible, but it is impossible to catch up with my speed. Although there is no need to accelerate at full speed, after a minute, he has successfully detached from the swarm. At least in the field of vision, they are completely unobservable. However, if it stops here, it is still very likely to be caught up. In terms of the habit of insects, it is no easy matter to track down the smell of prey.

I stopped and put down the three men Mitsui Tsukazu, who gasped for breath and their face was uncertain. In the face of the tide-like insect swarm, not many ordinary people can remain calm. In a certain point of view, a large number of insects are even more unsuitable and scary than most unintelligible mysteries. Apparently they didn't move much, but the heavy and violent gasp, and the pale face, seemed to be about to pull off.

"What the **** is that?" Mitsui Tsukazu said to himself. He supported his knee. Bent over and retched for a while. There are probably those bugs willing, though. I do not deny that it is possible that my high-speed Mercedes-Benz may also be the culprit. Ordinary people's physique, to withstand such a fast speed, basically produces extreme discomfort. This is not comparable to sitting in a sports car, and I have not pulled it into an invisible high-speed passageway, the force generated at high speed. Will be imposed on him.

Even for fortunetellers and fitness coaches, it is a completely different concept to use speed sweep to bring people at high speed to Mercedes-Benz, and take people to enter the invisible high-speed passage of speed sweep.

The fortune-teller and fitness coach are pale, but although they are both female. Physique is much better than Mitsui Tsukazu. They still had lingering fears, but soon began to think about what kind of situation this attack meant to them. Their thoughts are fully revealed on their faces, and they can be guessed even if they do not need to walk consciously. They thought of the worst possibility, but could not accept it at once.

"Is it for us?" The fortune-teller shook his head.

"No, to be precise, your use is only to contain Mr. Gao Chuan." A sudden voice came in, a woman with a hoarse voice. She denied the divinationist's guess, "The goal was Mr. Gao Chuan from the beginning. "

Although she did not notice her presence before the man spoke, I was not surprised. What could not happen on the peninsula today? My chain judgment is not a "mystery" in the magic pattern system, but only a "talent" that has evolved to the limit. There have been too many cases in the past to prove to me that there are too many things in the mysterious world. This ability is unobservable. Although in theory, all moving objects can be observed with chain judgment, and the accuracy can reach the level of fine dust, however, in fact, the positioning of this ability has limits.

The woman came out of the trunk next to her, as if she had been hiding there. After she came out, the tree began to wither, from the shrinking and withering of the leaves, to the complete drying and peeling of the branches. The whole process did not exceed three seconds. When Mitsui Tsukazu saw this woman, his expression was dumbfounded and his actions were completely frozen. His shocked expression was like seeing an acquaintance who should not be here.

"Yes, it's you? No, no, you should be dead!" At the same time that Mitsui Tsukazu screamed, I dragged him behind him, and then stood in front of the fortune teller and fitness coach. The expressions of these two women are also quite wrong. Although they are not as exaggerated as Mitsui Tsukazu, they are also seen as ghosts, and it is not just because of the strange appearance of the female mysterious expert in front of them.

"Do you know?" I looked at the female mystery expert and asked the three people behind him.

However, Mitsui Tsukazu, Fortune-Teller and Fitness Coach each gave three different names. In the observation of the chain judgment, after the three people said different names, they all looked at each other in surprise, as if they did not anticipate such a situation at all. However, my intuition gave me a general idea of ​​what happened.

"The woman in front of you is not the person you know." I said with certainty: "When she just lets you see her, she thinks she is the person you know."

"You mean ... hallucinations?" The fortune teller asked in amazement: "We were hypnotized in an instant?"

"Isn't it hypnotic? I'm not sure, but apparently, the one you see each other is not the same as the one in front of me." I'm not too sure whether the woman in front of her is her true appearance. Although my intuition made me make such assumptions, have I been influenced by myself? I can be sure that this is not the power of conscious walking.

"It's hypnosis." The woman in front of her didn't seem to be anxious. She said in a dull, slow, hoarse voice: "You hear my voice, it's an introduction, and then, you use an unusual image as a switch , In a moment, let you fall into a part of hypnosis. Of course, you can't perceive yourself, where you are and what changes have occurred. "

"Abnormal things like ... that tree?" I asked hesitantly.

"Yes ~ ~ I don't have the ability to wither the tree, but it allows you to see the withering of the tree. The process of withering is also a hint of hypnotic nature." The woman seemed to wake up again: "Ah, what's the use of saying this to you?" Instead, he smiled calmly and said, "Of course it is useful. I never do useless work. Only the explanation can maximize the ability." To be effective. "

When she finished saying this, in the observation of the chain judgment, the Mitsui Tsukazu, the fortune teller and the fitness instructor all had a dumb expression, as if they wanted to say something, but the tiny and slow movements seemed like dozens of Times slowed down.

"Their somatosensory time has entered a delayed state, and they can't do it if they want to escape. Mr. Gao Chuan." The female mystery expert smiled blandly.

"However, it is useless to me." I said: "What I see now is what you really look like. Your hypnosis ..."

"Ah, should I be surprised?" The female mystery expert seems to be distressed: "However, there is no impact on you, and it is also in the plan, so there is no reason to be surprised." (To be continued ...)


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