Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1338: Oppress


The female mystery expert who intercepts us has a unique hypnosis. Normal hypnosis has no effect on people like us, but her hypnosis is promoted by some kind of "mystery". Small, even if the hypnosis itself is just a disguise, but the effect is still similar. This mystery that strongly affects consciousness is not the power of consciousness to walk. It is not the first time in the past adventures. I do n’t think the woman in front of me is lying about her ability. Perhaps, as she said, at this time, every sentence of her is a primer that starts her own “mystery”.

If "mystery" is not hypnosis, it must also be a force that greatly strengthens hypnosis.

Ming Ming Mitsui Tsukazu acted very clearly, but what he saw and felt in the body had fallen into the trap made by this woman.

Somatosensory time enters a delayed state-this is the description of the status of the three people by the female mysterious expert. The so-called somatosensory time is simply the sense of time produced by the body. Although every day is accurately divided into twenty-four hours, one hour and sixty, one minute and sixty seconds, every second that people spend is the same. In terms of this physically divided scale, human time does not prolong, however, the human body's sensibility to time will change due to environmental factors.

The so-called "same days as the year" is a description of the change of time in the sense. Although the physical time has not changed, it makes people "feel" very long. Because Mitsui Tsukazu's sense of time changes, their movements naturally change accordingly. They may still feel that there is nothing abnormal in their movements at this time, but in my opinion, it is extremely slow.

However, if according to the female mystery experts, this is a kind of hypnosis for the "body", not a hypnosis for the "consciousness". It is from the physical aspect to indirectly affect consciousness, then, direct conscious walking on the three people may not make the three people return to normal.

In fact, the study of the relationship between consciousness and body has been very deep in the reality of the hospital. Dr. Ander's "Human Completion Plan" starts with the human body. In turn, it affects the consciousness of the test subject, and in turn uses the consciousness of the test subject to further affect the body. In this way, it attempts to create a so-called "perfect person".

And as "Gaochuan", I was once one of the experimental subjects. So, I know very well what the situation described by the woman is.

"What the **** do you want to do?" I asked. Although I am confident. As long as you use quick sweep, you can take three people away in an instant, but the question is whether you can use conscious walking afterwards to relieve the hypnosis of the three people. The mysterious expert in front of me is the somatosensory hypnosis completed by the mysterious power, then there may be accidents. and. Now that she has said it, it is for me. Well, I also want to know what is the situation.

Mitsui Tsukazu, the fortune teller and the fitness coach all exist here to contain me? This kind of argument, I have to say, makes people care.

"What should I say." An expression of embarrassment from a female mystery expert. It ’s as if I do n’t know how to explain it: “So let ’s just say, Mr. Gao Chuan, we do n’t want you to return to the mental hospital at this time. Since they ’re all already out, why bother?

"We?" I was not surprised by this answer, to some extent. Not completely out of the situation I imagined: "What are you talking about, who are we?"

"Everyone you can think of." The female mystery expert shrugged and said, "If you treat us as enemies, then this is a warning. If you treat us as friends, then this is advice."

"Sure enough, there are some things in the psychiatric hospital that I have to blend in." I pulled out the long sword calmly, "It seems that I can only use violence, although I don't like violence at all."

"Is it a threat?" The female mystery expert smiled indifferently, "You don't--" Before she finished, I had started a quick sweep, passed by her, and cut her clothes with a long knife. Because there is something that she wants to know from her mouth, there is no beheading, it is really just a threat. When she returned to the original place, her jacket was completely cracked, barely revealing her entire upper body. However, this did not allow her to move, nor did she mean to be shy. She did not even block the chest with her hands, but hooked the falling fabric with her feet, took out cigarettes and lighters from her pocket, and took a sigh of relief.

She spit out the smoke ring and said: "This threat is not polite to the lady."

"Threat itself is impolite." I replied this way.

"However, you will do this, as expected." The female mystery expert rubbed his chest with his hand as if deliberately, and said to me: "It is better to go to other places to do interesting things, which is comparable to returning to The mental hospital is much better. Let me deal with you above, which actually makes me very difficult, because Mr. Gao Chuan is also a conscious walker and has the ability to restrain me. "

"If you can tell me the truth." I said, "I want to know more."

"If you must say so." The female mystery expert flicked the ashes, and in a flash, the three of me and Mitsuzuka were surrounded by a raging ring of fire.

Is an illusion? I reached for the flame, but the heat was clearly felt. Even the heavy rain can't wipe out the burning flames.

"Even if it is an illusion, but as long as the body is taken seriously, it will be hurt." The female mystery expert said, "The flame setting is two thousand degrees inside, and the heat of the flame will not be distributed to a centimeter away. It can be said that the heat is highly condensed. If you want to rush out, you will be scorched at two thousand degrees, no matter how fast you ca n’t avoid it. "

Even if your own consciousness knows that these flames are fakes, but the body is hypnotized, it is still regarded as "real", so it will produce a corresponding burning effect? General hypnosis can not reach this level, because the combination of human body and consciousness is extremely close. The essence of this woman ’s hypnosis is exactly the opposite of "the human complement plan", not to make the interaction between body and consciousness change. To be more intense, but to weaken the relationship between the two, to the extent that consciousness cannot make the body "wake up"?

However, such an effect. For the general mystery experts, unless there is a corresponding "mystery", it is probably invincible, because its consciousness and the tightness of the body are just "ordinary". However, for me, the most direct experience of the "Human Completion Plan", the connection between consciousness and body is extraordinary. otherwise. It is also impossible to achieve the effect of the circulation and promotion of the consciousness and body in the "doom illusion" test envisioned by Dr. Ander.

Unexpectedly, in the reality of the hospital, it is just a theoretical experiment, but in this case, it shows real value. I can't help but think that even the theory of the "Human Completion Plan" itself has already been absorbed by the "doom illusion" before the "mystery" of the female mystery expert in front of me can be born.

Moreover, it is precisely because of this "mystery". Therefore, it didn't have much effect on me.

I calmed down and said to the woman: "Why should I be prevented from returning to the mental hospital?"

"Why? What a silly word. If Mr. Gao Chuan is here, whatever he wants to do in the hospital will be a hindrance." The woman answered my question without hurry, and she didn't want to attack me immediately and end The idea of ​​this battle. I don't think she is the kind of person who would talk nonsense with the enemy, but prepare the enemy to fight back. Then. This attitude of hers is naturally with an unknown purpose. but. No matter what she is thinking about, for me, being able to talk to it is naturally undesirable.

"I don't think I can hinder those long-planned actions. The facts have proved that although I have also hindered. But the results are not different, are they?" I retorted.

"That's the past, it's different now. The deviation effects created by those who are in the torchlight are more violent than everyone expected. They really don't think about anything. And just focus on making everyone's plans biased. Move it. ”The woman spit out another smoke ring and pointed her finger. Mitsui Tsukazu said,“ Even an ordinary person can penetrate the secret defense line of the sacrificial ritual, which is enough to explain the problem. Since this ordinary person will because of The deviation effect, like a joke, penetrated the elaborate defense line of the mysterious organization. Then, people like Mr. Gao Chuan might bring more trouble. The situation that Mr. Gao Chuan could n’t change could have changed at the moment— —It is a threat to those who are planning and implementing the plan, so you must be blocked from the scope of action. "

"The range of deviation effects is very wide. Do you think I can't interfere with things in the psychiatric hospital?"

"The deviation effect is to radiate outward from a center and gradually reduce the intensity. Letting you stay outside the hospital is the best response at present. I actually agree with this view." Although the woman said so, her expression was I do n’t care, “Mr. Gao Chuan is a Level 4 Mageweaver messenger, so once we take it seriously and confront head-to-head, there are not many people on our side who have the chance to win ... So, it ’s enough to contain.

So it turned out, I already understood what they meant. I am afraid that John Bull's request for help from me was already in this containment plan. Use "Masuo" to test my strength, and when it is determined that it cannot be annihilated, deliberately design to let me get out of the mental hospital, and then use other people, including the three Mitsui Tsukazu, to hold me back and make me unable to do nothing Act scrupulously. Perhaps the reason that the three of Mitsui Tsukazu could leave the psychiatric hospital and appear in the villa area was not just an arrangement made to contain me, but they were indeed used in light of the time and exerted the effect of containment.

Because they are valuable people, they will not be cleaned up immediately. This also means that the deployment of the female mysterious expert in front of her, her abilities and engagement plan are not for "conquering Gaochuan", but for "containing Gaochuan". Therefore, from the beginning, the complete engagement and complete victory were not considered.

I really ca n’t leave Mr. Mitsui Tsukazu, the fortune teller, and the fitness coach alone. I abandoned people in other villas just because they were strangers, but nowadays, even if I do n’t become a hero, I have no reason to give up these three. Now my power is stronger than myself in the past, but if it is impossible to maintain more people, then, does the value of power become cheaper?

No matter what the reason is, it is because of reason or sensitivity, and the decision to protect the three is the final result. The other party foresaw such a result, so to intercept this result, this is the core of this female mysterious expert's strategy.

"It's a pity that if it's someone else, it probably just stays where it is." I said slowly to her: "But, in my case, there are at least three ways to deal with it--" I'm finished At the moment, facing the woman's eyes, activated the power of conscious walking. However, this female mystery expert is obviously well-prepared, and has a protective power to pop my consciousness. She looked away with difficulty and no longer looked at me, but the moment when she looked away was enough to get me out of the fire wall.

According to the female mystery expert, there is actually nothing around me, the fire wall is just an illusion, but the master who uses this power can hide the truth from the truth and hide the truth from the truth. Then, it is not impossible to have a real flame in the illusion of the fire wall.

If you break hard, you will be 70% more likely to suffer unexpected damage. However, I am not without weapons.

The long knife comes out of the sheath and cuts instantly. Although the impact of the slashing force is not too harmful, it is enough to stir the air and make the flame disorder. If the real flame exists, it must be synchronized with the change of the unreal flame, otherwise, it may be distinguished, but if it is synchronized, it is an inevitable situation that the whole of "flame" is disturbed.

One blow ~ ~ The agitated air flow makes the flame seem to be split, causing deviation and attenuation. Just like after the wind blows, the flame will falter and face extinction. And I took advantage of this short opportunity to pierce through this weak place with a quick sweep and came to the female mystery expert.

She removed her line of sight from me before, which meant that her field of vision for me became narrow. I can just lower my body and hide away from her view.

At this time, the woman's perspective was too late to change. The low, alert expression on her face was only half done. I swept her calf and shoulders dǐng her chest. At the moment when she was out of balance, her left hand grabbed her face and hit the ground hard. This is a coherent technique learned from Fujiang. It is used to subdue the enemy and has no direct lethality. However, if the explosive power is enough, it can make people crippled or comatose. It is easy to do.

Although his head was smashed to the ground, the sound he made, even in the muddy ground, felt embarrassing and painful. However, as a mystery expert, her physical qualities are far superior to ordinary people. Such an unexpected blow can only make her stunned for about a second. In other words, if someone else comes, you will definitely encounter a counterattack. However, before I act, I have calculated the effect of each attack. Before she returned to normal, the blade wiped the side of her neck, and I leaned on the ground and plunged deep into the soil. (To be continued ...)

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