Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1339: Mushishi

Directly hypnotize the body, weaken the influence of consciousness on the body, and then make the illusion also have a powerful lethal effect on the body, which is not transferred by personal will. This is the method that the female mystery expert in front of me uses mysterious power, but it is not the essence of the "mystery" she possesses. I do n’t think she is a group of mysterious experts who broke away from the mysterious system of the world. If she is not, then her “mystery” must have been transformed into an electronic demon, urging this “mystery” in the manner of an electronic demon messenger .

I use chain judgment to observe carefully, looking for anything like "electronic demon". "Electronic demon" is just a general term, and there is no limited form. Among them, there are humanoid electronic demon, and of course there are also non-humanoid ones. Then, since the abnormal electronic demon can be confirmed at a glance, naturally there should be no The first time to confirm its abnormal electronic demon. For example, Anna and others who have joined together before the network ball, some people have the electronic demon, which is presented in the form of "light", "ash" and "concept". Even if it is displayed, its sense of existence is extremely obscure. Electronic demon.

It is not that the electronic demon appears in a formless or conceptual form, it must have the power to decide the outcome. Most of the power effect of the electronic demon is still single, and the combat experience and will of the electronic demon messenger will often change the strength and weakness of the battlefield. However, the electronic demon without form and concept form does have extraordinary potential in some ways, and thus shows some special abilities.

I think that if the female mystery expert in front of her is really an electronic demon messenger, then her electronic demon may be an electronic demon with no form or conceptual form. The mystery that propels "hypnosis" to this superpower level, although not unique, is extremely rare. The rare effect is a reminder.

The electronic demon messenger generally hides the electronic demon in his shadow. This is for a reason. From the perspective of occultism, a lot of explanations can be listed, but this is not important, just need to understand the result of this. When using the electronic demon, there must be a process of "releasing the electronic demon from the shadow". If it is a skilled electronic demon messenger, even if the electronic demon is hidden in the shadow, he can use part of the power of the electronic demon. But in general, the electronic demon completely leaves the shadow, which is the strongest state. Half of it is hidden in the shadow, and the effect will be halved or even more. And hiding in the shadow completely is the time when its power has the weakest influence.

However, since this female mystery expert has already ambushed here, then she may also release the electronic demon in advance. However, my chain decision has locked the surrounding area from the beginning. I don't think that when this female electronic demon messenger used hypnosis to attack Mitsui Tsukazu and others, it was achieved by operating the electronic demon messenger beyond the observation range of the chain judgment. instead. At that time, the possibility of the electronic demon messenger still hiding in her shadow was the greatest.

In this way, when dealing with me, she should have completely released the electronic demon from the shadow. And I did n’t realize in the first time that it must have been hit by some blind eyes, not because this electronic demon is “invisible” —just like magic, it attracts the audience ’s attention while inadvertently At the time, take out the correct props.

Well, before she hypnotized Mitsui Tsukazu and others to hypnotize me. What happened? I recalled every detail at the time.

Although it is a memory and a search, it is only a short time for the female mystery expert to rush through the flame of the illusion.

Fighting consciousness controlled the body, in a state where she could not react at all. Use skills to break the balance under her feet, grab her head and hit the ground, and the blade is tied against her neck and neck. I leaned on the sword and saw her eyes showing an amazed look. I don't plan to kill her like that, but she obviously doesn't feel like she has completely lost, therefore. In that amazing look, there is no negative.

The counterattack came as I thought, and there was a blink of trance in front of my eyes, like the light rippling on the water waves, the water drops falling into the water and splashing ripples, and the reflection in the water became incomplete for a time. Although it was only in the blink of an eye, the human body suppressed by the blade had disappeared. At the same time, I smell the cigarette.

It ’s a cigarette—no, is it smoke?

I can imagine how this female mysterious expert got rid of it, roughly at the moment of falling into the wind, and started hypnotism. I got rid of the imprisonment in the moment of my trance, or I had already completed hypnosis earlier Attack trajectory produces deviation. My speed is very fast, and most of the mystery experts should already know this advantage. The one in front of me, of course, cannot be without any defense. Under the premise of "I can't react", I set up a defense plan that "even if I can't react, I can avoid". I think this is a mysterious expert standing by my enemy, I should think about it. Things.

This female mystery expert is someone who was specifically assigned to intercept me. It is no surprise to be able to achieve this level. On the contrary, if you do n’t even have this kind of plan, and the ability to fully implement the plan, to me, it ’s just to find a way out. Unless there is some inconsistency between the person who assigned her the task and her, denial, it is impossible for such a self-defeating thing to happen.

Seeing the duck that had reached its mouth, it flew away like this, but my mood was very calm, and I slowly pulled up the long knife. Chain judgment has confirmed the position of the female mystery expert again in the blink of an eye. And this woman was also very cautious, and did not want to fight back in one go.

She has come to Mitsui Tsukazu, the fortune teller and the fitness coach. The movements of the three people are stiff. Even if one finger is raised, it seems that it takes several hours. Such three people have become hostages. Therefore, I am not annoyed by this. I don't think that the enemies I encounter are all small people who will be suppressed at the beginning. On the contrary, on the battlefield full of "mystery", it is reasonable to have a premeditated party who has fully interpreted the intelligence and occupy the opening advantage.

Today, the female mystery expert has an advantage, not because she is stronger, or because I made mistakes, but because she is more prepared than me.

This is not something that can be avoided with care.

If I would regret this kind of thing, I would have lost my life long ago.

When there is any negative emotion. The enemy will not stop and wait and mock. For the mystery expert, any seemingly "extra words" and "extra actions" must be meaningful. Conversely, they will not do anything meaningless. For example, wasting time to mock others, waiting for fair competition, etc.

Although it is very complicated to describe, but what actually happened, it was only three seconds before and after.

The female mystery expert spit out a smoke ring, but this is a trick I have not been able to practice. I am a little envious. but. The focus is still on Mitsui Tsukazu, the fortune teller and the fitness instructor, because the smoke ring has expanded to the point where the three are completely imprisoned like a rope.

"Is it really smoke?" I looked at the female mystery expert.

"It's actually a worm." The mysterious expert who ignored the naked upper body completely said slowly: "This is a cigarette made from Cordyceps. The lighted smoke is composed of small bugs. They are not afraid of fire and water. Corrosion is extremely resistant. You should have seen their adults, the beetles that drove you over. "

"It's amazing." I couldn't help but glance at the lighted cigarette in her hand, even in such a wild rainstorm, I couldn't let the cigarette **** out. The paper tube, which is already obviously wet, can still be ignited. Now it seems that these cigarettes are specially made from beginning to end.

The female mystery expert smiled slightly and said, "Scarlet insect skills will be seen through sooner or later."

"Do you inhale them into your lungs?" As we all know, the correct way to smoke is to inhale the lungs completely, which is completely different from cigars that only rotate in the mouth. Just think about it, these tiny bugs are sucked into the lungs. It was a little horrifying indeed.

"For me alone, they are actually beneficial. Even if they enter the lungs, they can strengthen my heart and lung function. It is different from ordinary cigarettes." Female mystery experts said.

"So, in fact, smoke, or bugs, is your electronic demon?" I said my guess.

"Yes, although I don't think it can be hidden for too long, you can detect it faster than I thought." The female mystery expert is not surprised that his "magic" was taken apart. But obviously, she used words again.

"Not all of these bugs are your electronic demons, and only a part of them are ... However, if only one bug is an electronic demon, and it exists like a mother insect, it is actually not surprising." I stared Said the smoke that lingered in the heavy rain.

"Maybe." This time, the female mystery expert only responded ambiguously, "You were so chased by my worms before, and now ... come." She interrupted her speech and looked up to the sky behind me. I do n’t need her to say that I have heard the buzz that ca n’t be completely concealed by the rain. The beetle surpassed the sun, surpassed the canopy, and gathered in our direction.

"Mr. Gao Chuan, it seems that the situation has been reversed." The female mystery expert smiled calmly. "Thank you for chatting with me for so long."

"No, I just have a lot of things to confirm, so I plan to defeat you who are ready." Because of this, I have no burden for the so-called situation reversal.

"Really? Then, let me remind you a little more." The female mystery expert flicked the soot and said to me: "Hypnotism is strengthened by worm surgery, and worm surgery is performed by mystery, so at the moment of being hypnotized Mysterious eggs have been parasitized in the body of these three people. Mr. Gao Chuan may be able to kill me in an instant, but if I were really dead, these eggs would destroy their bodies from the inside You can only eat them cleanly in one minute. Is that okay? Mr. Gao Chuan, do you have the ability to clean up foreign bodies in others? If not, stay here honestly, it does n’t take too long , In this way, my task can be completed. To be honest, I do n’t want to fight a Level 4 Mageweave messenger at all. You have also been an electronic demon messenger and you understand the advantages and disadvantages of the electronic demon. My body is better than in the past, But it's a big difference, and you meet the speed-type Mageweave messenger, or the fourth level ... really dangerous. "

When my hand was raised a little, I was warned by the female mystery expert: "So, Mr. Gao Chuan, you only have to move, and I have to worry about it, so, don't move." She stared at me seriously, as if she was really like her As he said, he didn't dare to blink.

The dark clouds of beetles hovered above our heads, but they did not fall at all. The humanoid figure formed by the beetle before has no meaning at all. It now appears that the humanoid is actually the form produced by the female mysterious messenger who performed precise operations on these beetles.

Obviously, the current situation is that her plan succeeds and has an advantage, and still holds three hostages, but she looks even more nervous than me. Even the insects seemed to be affected by her mood, no longer as irritable as the previous insect tide, hovering in the sky for a while, as if worrying about something, without attacking me. If you change to someone else, you might also say to me, "No fight back ~ ~ Otherwise, you will kill the hostages". But the woman in front of me seems to understand the meaning of "hostage" .

If the hostage loses its life, it will have no effect, but conversely, although the hostage ’s life can be used as a threat, it is not enough to exchange for the life of a mysterious expert.

"Actually--" I was silent for a moment and said, "Actually, you neglected a person from the beginning ... obviously a master of hypnosis and magic, but didn't realize it?"

Yes, the hostages are effective for me, and I am indeed not sure about unlocking the worm surgery of this female mysterious expert in front of me. But this does not mean that no one can do it in the field. I think that I am the most powerful person at present, but it is not the one with the highest possibility and unexpectedness. There is an existence that is neither human nor can we use human cognition to judge what it can do. , And nothing can be done.

"What?" The female mystery expert frowned, but, at the next moment, her expression froze.

A hand drilled out of her chest.

"How is it possible?" She said. (To be continued.)

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