Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1340: Cancerous

138 cancerous reproduction

When I thought that she had completely collapsed, she suddenly stood upright, squeezing her head with both palms and squeezing her head with a painful expression, as if to expel something.

"I can go, I can still fight." She whispered to her, and then yelled into the empty back room: "Leave my body 999"

Only her voice echoed in the secret room.

The stone spear imprisoning me shrank back. She drew a dagger from her waist and bent down slightly, staring at me momentarily.

"Come on, come on, I'm not afraid of you"

Although she is facing me, I know that I am not the subject of this sentence.

In response, I also raised my dagger. I knew she was just bluffing, and she who lost her superpower couldn't resist my high-speed movement at all. Maybe she just didn't want to face more horrible scenes, thinking that it would be better to die at least under my human hands?

But just as I was about to launch a quick sweep, her body trembled involuntarily, and the dagger almost fell to the ground.

She stared incredulously at her abdomen, her belly exposed outside the black vest gradually bulging, but her face was only frightened, without any pain.

"Why, something ..." She stammered incompletely.

As the bulge intensifies, the skin of the lower abdomen becomes thin and thin, like a film, covering a certain sphere protruding from the inside. This film changes constantly, and the contours of the facial features gradually emerge.

In less than three seconds, the bulge of the lower abdomen became more obvious, that is a female head.

It is Zhenjiang

Ms. "999" screamed, her dagger slammed down and cut off the head.

The blood spewed out of the wound in the abdomen, but she didn't seem to see it, but she flew her feet hard and kicked the head of the suspected Zhenjiang away.

"I killed you, haha, I killed you." She laughed wildly.

The skin film peeled off the face of the skull, and she and I could see clearly, it was indeed Zhen Jiang's head.

Originally, the face was facing me, and I could see the dead eyes, just like they were when they were torn before, but suddenly, the eyes were alive and angry. She glanced at me and turned her head in the direction of the lady's officer.

The lady ’s official face was pale immediately, and I thought that anyone in such a scene would be speechless in horror.

"You, you, you ..." She coughed violently, holding her **** belly.

What Zhenjiang ’s head said to her, I heard it, but I did n’t understand what she was talking about. She only felt that although she was facing a lady official, that was not what she said. Seeing how the lady officer looks, she is not listening at all. However, Zhenjiang used the last sentence at the end as I understood.

She said like a soft chant: Go, I will return to our only resting place.

After all, the head slowly melted into scarlet thick blood.

The blood flows like me, pounces on me, and digs into every body from every wound. Although this is not the first time, the unspeakable pain still makes me twitch involuntarily, it seems that the cells to the bone marrow are stirring. I breathe desperately, but I still feel breathless. When all this was over, the wounds had healed and it seemed that they had never been injured.

I felt a strong sense of hunger, so I kept swallowing graystone, and this kind of hunger deep in the bone marrow gradually receded.

The lady officer was also cramping, her eyes turned white, her body was tight, but she did not fall to the ground. Instead she lifted her heels and seemed to be suspended by an invisible force.

All her muscles are changing drastically.

Distortion, reorganization, healing, body shape changes, appearance changes.

When everything was quiet, she was somewhat similar to the person I was very familiar with.

She took a deep breath, just like a prisoner who had just come out of a prison without seeing the sun, breathing deeply and greedily.

"Finally free, this body is good." She said, twisting her hand against her neck and looking at me with that affectionate look, "I wanted to say that I haven't seen you for a long time, but it wasn't that long."

There was an unspeakable throb in the body that almost made me cry. I stepped forward to hug her and not let her look at my face, because for a time, I didn't know what expression to face her at this time.

"Welcome back, Fujiang."

This body is also solid and plump, but the odor, temperature, skin and bones bring a completely different touch. If you do n’t witness these strange situations, you ca n’t believe that the woman in front of you is Fu Jiang. Now this body has the shadows of a woman official and Fu Jiang at the same time. What kind of unimaginably complicated changes have happened to it? Except for Zhenjiang, who has been doing this for a long time, I think no one can say why.

However, can the situation be considered now, whether it is Zhenjiang or Fujiang, their original bodies have completely disappeared in this world? But this does not mean demise. I let go of Fu Jiang and habitually touched my left eye.

"Jiang" has been here, I have her ingredients in my body, and it looks quite complete.

"Why are you in this body?" I asked Fu Jiang, "That woman is dead?"

"No, it was only her personality that died." Fu Jiang knocked on his head.

"You mean soul?"

"It's not bad to think so," she explained. "A complete human being includes both ideology and material form. Her body is intact, but her ideology has been reset. Everyone has a unique conscious structure, including memory. , Knowledge, experience, feelings and emotions, as well as the personality, characteristics, attitudes and habits formed on the basis of these factors, so as to form a unique and stable way of thinking and behavior different from others. "

Now the situation of the lady officer is that although it is complete, her personality traits, attitude habits, thinking styles, behavior styles, etc., these different personalities that have distinguished her from other people have completely collapsed and replaced the Fujiang personality.

"You know, I am good at psychology. Although it is not easy to do these things, it is not very difficult." Fu Jiang said: "Especially after her body was eroded. You should know that the human ideology is based on the physical form, the body The changes in the world have unimaginable disturbances to the spiritual world, and can even play a decisive role. "

I do n’t know if other people can understand these words, but I think I can understand them. Because I once read a study about love, it concluded that love is just a human hormone response. This kind of research has subverted many people's good thoughts about the emotion of love, but for me, the role of this kind of research is only one point, then it negates the existence of the soul.

Logically, denying the soul is denying the existence of God. If God does not exist, there is no demon. Everything starts from matter, which is the essence of atheism.

Personality determines people's behavior and deeds. Therefore, one can infer the personality of human beings from words and deeds. This is psychology. For me, Fu Jiang ’s interpretation is not the interpretation of the content itself, but the nature of the personality embodied by this interpretation. I can almost be sure that she is an atheist. Her previous research on psychology was also based on the perspective of pure matter.

These conclusions may only be trivial to others, but it is an extremely important achievement for me. Let me know that I am gradually understanding her from an independent spirit.

At the same time, I also deeply understand that the existence of "Jiang" is more complicated than I can understand at present.

First of all, Zhenjiang is a severe patient with split personality, and I am a student who has not studied psychology and pathology systematically. It is not a simple matter to understand a mental patient. A study of a personality can understand its It is not known how much the essence is.

Secondly, how much influence does the superpower that Zhenjiang shows one after another have on it? Or, does its essence have some effect on this superpower?

The lady official felt ridiculous that I did not explore Jiang ’s past, but I knew that what I wanted to understand was not the superficial one, but the deeper one. Her past is meaningless. Everyone is constantly changing. The "Jiang" that has begun to show different characteristics from the "human" in the conventional sense will only change more quickly.

Similarly, what is "Jiang" is not important in itself. The important thing is: what does she want to become? why?

But it is a skin, even if there is no soul in it, there is something that makes this different, that is the essence of life.

"How did Zhenjiang do it?" I said: "This kind of control, the act of transferring personality, is incredible."

"It's incredible, I don't know very well, I just woke up." Fu Jiang shrugged and said, "I can only tell you that Zhen Jiang's talent is split personality, and her super power is called 'cancerous reproduction'. . "

Cancer, a malignant tumor. Occurs in human and animal body tissues, and the cells of organs proliferate unrestrictedly, causing crushing, invasion, and destruction of nearby normal tissues.

Unlike normal cells, cancer cells have three characteristics: infinite growth, transformation, and metastasis, which makes it difficult to eliminate.

Propagation is the physiological process that an organism produces to progeny in order to continue its race, that is, the organism produces new individuals.

Based on the above, can it be considered that "cancerous reproduction" is actually a way of continuation of life that is strongly invasive and devastating at the DNA level?

This can indeed explain the existence of "Jiang" in my body to a certain extent. Zhenjiang's death and resurrection, and Fujiang rejuvenated by the body of Ms. Guan's three strange scenes.

"So what about you?" I remembered that Fu Jiang used the body of a lady official. "What are your current talents and superpowers?"

"What this body is, is what it is." Fu Jiang stretched his limbs. "Talent is the consensus of the five senses, that is, the information heard by the ear can be instantly converted into visual information. Very interesting ... Also, superpower is earth Element ... What a ghost name, this woman turned out to be a fantasy fan. "

"Are the previous talents and superpowers unavailable?"

"It seems yes, you know what talent is." Fu Jiang suddenly reached out and rubbed his chest, complaining: "The chest is one size smaller."

"It doesn't look much different," I said.

"Are you going to touch it? The elasticity is good and it's very sensitive." She said, "I don't wear underwear."

"Really? This body is not yours."

"Originally not, now it is." She said this with a serious expression and a sense of integrity, without any joke.

You must know that I am at the age of blood and blood, have the sexual consciousness and curiosity under the action of hormones unique to this age group, and this lady officer is also a woman with unique charm, dressed and full of seduction. All in all, women like lady officials have a strong temptation to me. But the other party is not Fu Jiang ... No, it should be said that he cannot immediately adapt to the physical transformation of Fu Jiang and the contradiction of the sexual partner view that ensued.

In the end, I still took a little bit of anxiety, reached into her black vest, and grabbed the fullness of the different touches.

"How does it feel?" Fu Jiang asked for a serious tone of opinion.

"Uh ... not bad."

"I knew that you like this type." Fu Jiang teased.

My ears warmed up suddenly, and I hurriedly took my hand out. Fu Jiang pulled the vest down carelessly. I lowered my head to adjust the communication device. This thing was not damaged in the battle.

"Forty minutes left, we have to get out from here quickly." I changed the subject.

"No problem." Fu Jiang didn't get entangled in that topic, saying, "This body is still a three-pole magic pattern messenger, with a level of security clearance, maybe I can start the critical weapon."

This is good news.

I handed her the knife-shaped critical hedge weapon, but she didn't pick it up for a moment, and the blade made a buzzing sound immediately. From the naked eye, there is almost no change in appearance, but the edge of the knife body becomes a little hazy, but it can be felt that the surrounding air oscillates around the knife body.

Fu Jiang succeeded. This also made me shocked by Zhen Jiang's superpowers.

Split personality and cancerous reproduction, if not restricted, she can even leave only one life in this world.

Is this situation expected by the truth of the last days? Other than that, I really can't see why she was called the "final weapon".

Fu Jiang turned around and swung with a knife. Before the strong shock wave, the wall shattered and collapsed like paper paste. Perhaps the only disadvantage is that the diffusion area is too large. After the diffused smoke is dispersed, a fan-shaped mark is left on the ground. All things within this fan-shaped range will be subjected to strong shocks, cuts and impacts, and even undergo dissociation at the molecular level.

"Unbelievable, this thing was taken back from the guy." Fu Jiang also marveled at its power. "If he was able to exert this level of power at that time ... Achuan, you think the mask man's authority level is How many?"

"Level 0, but it should not be a temporary authority." I said, "Do you think you can solve the three-pole magic tattoo messenger possessed by the demon now?"

"Thirteenth? No problem." Fu Jiang licked his lips with his tongue out. "I can't wait any longer."

"Then go."

I walked up to grab her waist and launched a quick swoop to the safety gate at the back of the first floor. Fu Jiang took out his ID card and opened the entrance hidden behind the wall according to the memory of the lady official.

As recorded in the map, behind the door is a vast area. The entrance is a platform for one hundred people to stand, and further forward is a square concave ground with a side length of at least 400 meters and a depth of more than 100 meters. The concave ground lists one machine after another without knowing its purpose, indicator light Blinking like stars, indicating that they are in operation.

Mounted on the concave ground, the metal structure connecting this side and the opposite platform is more like a serpentine machine than a bridge. We are going to walk from the surface of this irregularly curved machine, the foot is only two meters wide, and there are no handrails on both sides. Fujiang and I stepped on it and only felt a slight vibration from inside the machine, it was also working.

Fu Jiang tried to attack the machine in the concave with a knife-shaped critical hedge weapon, but unfortunately, the shock wave reached a hundred meters away, and the power was not enough to destroy them.

There are no guards or guards stationed here. We safely arrived at the opposite platform and entered a huge elevator that could accommodate a hundred people.

Fujiang successfully started the elevator, the speed of descent was very fast, and the sense of weightlessness was very strong. When halfway through, there was noise in the communication device.

"There is a signal." I said.

"Can you reach other people?"

"Not yet, the interference is still too strong." I said: "What is the specific situation below?"

"It's a subway, there are at least 500 soldiers." Fu Jiang recalled, saying: "All the passages will eventually lead to the subway. If someone is not dead, we can gather with them there."

"How many people do you think are left?"

"No more than ten. The people who stay in the entrance hall are dead. They can live for another 40 minutes. There is no exit there."

"It's my judgment error ~ ~ shouldn't let them go back, although going forward through the door, but at least half of the chances of survival." A sad attack on me, although the file squad people It was not my decision to return, but the suggestions for that return were largely based on my guesses and judgments. For the first time, I felt the fatality of wrong decisions. This is not a student union game. Every mistake needs a name to fill.

"Achuan, are you very sorry?" Fu Jiang hugged me from behind, "You just provide choices, and the final decision is in their hands."

"I know, but I always think ... if I don't say anything at the time, maybe the result will be different."

"I don't think so." Fu Jiang said: "Because you are not the smartest Achuan, they can think of them as well. There are many choices for smart people, but the one who can survive always chooses the right one. You are correct. "

"Hopefully, I hope I can always make the right choice." I cheered up and broke free of Fu Jiang's warm embrace. "Every moment I am stronger than the previous moment, and the next moment I will be stronger than this moment. , Right? Fu Jiang. "

"Yes, no one is perfect. The important thing is that every moment we will be closer to perfection."

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