My story is lack of logic, no evidence and truth, beyond common sense. ∑, I believe that if most people have the opportunity to read the stories I have compiled based on their own experiences, they will surely be caught in a turbulent vortex, and I cannot believe that all this was true. Even if it is me, when I re-read my diary, I often feel that all this is indeed an incomprehensible and high life that is incomprehensible, a joke on a humble life.

I have been reflecting on my past, to suspect anything that may become true. Eventually I became what I am now, a mental patient, but even so, I don't think how many people can do better than me under the same circumstances.

In order to keep himself sane, in perplexing endless thoughts, he was able to persevere, instead of giving up, simply taking all the appearances in front of him as the truth, and so from life to death. I chose something that seemed very abnormal and crazy to others, as a support and benchmark for myself.

However, in this case, I can't just use words to make others understand.

Even if I describe my experience from the beginning to the end, my understanding of my experience, and the guesses and judgments I made based on the information I received, it is difficult for others to feel empathy. Furthermore, when I think everything has been stated clearly, the listener will certainly ask more "why".

Why not.

Why do that.

Why not think so.

Why think so.

Why do the benchmarks for these behaviors, thoughts, and judgments depend on the monster that sounds extremely absurd?

Does "Jiang" really exist?

In addition to the world in which I live, is there really another world?

If these answers are affirmative, where is the evidence? It is not based on what someone has seen and heard, but on the evidence that everyone can actually access, see and hear.

However, I did not have enough. Evidence that everyone can believe is true. Therefore, even if I elaborate my views countless times, in the end, I will still be regarded as a whisper of a mental patient, and I cannot win the trust of others.

I have studied psychology and can use it proficiently, I know. Everything I say, even if I think it is true, will be questioned. When others ask me to give an explanation, if the other party can't believe the explanation, what is the meaning of the explanation? Is it just regarded as "ridiculous" and let them be released from psychological pressure? Or is it to achieve a certain purpose and cause them to suspect only for suspicion?

Therefore, I rarely explain things about "Jiang" and "Another World".

Even if "Jiang" is in the form of a humanoid Jiang, it seems to be elusive. I also know very well that this is just an appearance.

The cancerous reproduction of Zhenjiang. It makes the Mitsui Tsukazu, the fortune teller and the fitness coach feel panic. Although they have also participated in some mysterious events before, they saw with their own eyes those things that very people can do, just like ordinary people living in an ordinary world, suddenly saw The phenomenon in occultism was so clearly displayed in front of himself, and suddenly became confused. However, at that time. They are also surrounded by Dr. Ruan Li, who uses the simplest and strongest mysterious perspective. Give them a "reasonable" explanation that is more suitable for their existing worldview.

Once Dr. Ruan Li was away, and encountered a similar thing, the attitude of the three people in front of him was taken for granted.

The reason why they have become more trance, panic and excitement than in the past is that it is not the general mystery experts who show the mystery. It is "Jiang".

Zhenjiang as a human form embodiment of "Jiang", once it exists, no longer emits huge influence all the time. Although before that, the three of Mitsui Tsukazu seemed to be completely unaffected, and regarded her as an ordinary female mental patient. But this influence still exists and has always been working on them.

Nowadays, Mitsui Tsukazu, fortune-tellers and fitness coaches have sudden and sudden emotional fluctuations, but it is just the impact of their previous savings, just like the floods that broke the embankment, and they are released in one go.

I'm not surprised at all that they would be such a sudden reaction. In other words, when witnessing Zhenjiang's cancerous reproduction, it is surprising to be able to easily understand and accept it calmly. This is not something like "I've thought about it before", or "I saw a similar bridge in the movie", or "There are enough surprises anyway, so it's not so bad", etc You can easily avoid the influence of Jiang.

Rather than saying that this is a manifestation of the destruction of the world view, it is better to say that it is rooted in people's bodies and hearts, as if it has been deeply imprinted in the genes since its birth. The process of cancerous reproduction is grotesque and terrifying. Cancerous reproduction is just an introduction, detonating their own unawareness due to various psychological factors, but they have actually accumulated a long-standing fear.

"What the **** is this? What's the situation? Who is she?" The excited and chattering words of the three people all mean the same thing.

The three people hope that I can give an explanation that they can understand, not only to understand the current situation, but also to understand the truth hidden under the current situation, including the truth of Zhenjiang. But I really cannot give them these truths, because, even myself, I still haven't found them.

I also have a lot of things that I do n’t understand, so much so that I know that as long as I explain it, I will be questioned by them endlessly.

"Zhen Jiang is my wife, she is a monster." This is the only thing I think I can tell them.

Of course they would not be satisfied with such a thing.

I am the past. I might think that I do n’t need words to explain, because I ca n’t explain everything in a “conversation” way. That's too complicated and incredible. If you have a chance afterwards, you may be able to show them my diary. If you read it as a story, even if it is unexplainable, it is just a story. but now. With my deeper understanding of my diary, I no longer have such naive thoughts.

The three people in front of him and Dr. Ruan Li have an essential difference in understanding ability. Dr. Ruan Li can read my diary, and only use the stories recorded in them as whispers of mental patients. Those diary stories. It will gradually disturb thinking and sanity and become crazy.

My diaries, once placed in any ideological world, will become the source of nightmares. After realizing this, I decided not to show it to ordinary people except Dr. Ruan Li.

Actually, when I made this decision, I was a little sorry. I kept a diary and planned to compile it into a story. I met Fujiang for the first time in the illusion of the past. The time with her partner. As a newcomer who has just come into contact with "mystery", I was both blood and innocence, with simple and beautiful ideas, to see the changes in my life, enjoying the exciting and novel side, and thus born, I want to publish this experience as The idea of ​​a bestseller.

Today, I still keep a diary. Compiled into a story, but. The content and the madness hidden behind the content of these things drawn with pen and paper are no longer suitable for normal people to read, and it is of course impossible to publish it as a best-selling book-I regret this, but I do n’t think that, My own records are in vain.

at least. Dr. Ruan Li still needs it, and maybe someone will need it in the longer future-I am so looking forward to it.

I took the anxiety but couldn't give up, and recorded my story. But that's why. I fully understand what qualifications my readers should possess.

Obviously, Mitsui Tsukazu, the fortune teller, and the fitness coach do not have this kind of qualification. Once I read my diary story, it would only make them more difficult to accept and even more incomprehensible. The situation I was in was eventually completely destroyed, fragmented, and no longer a normal person in terms of personality, spirit, psychology, and concept.

As a companion, I tried my best to avoid this from happening.

Therefore, in the face of their excitement and hysterical emotions, I just insisted on the phrase "Jin Jiang is my wife and a monster", and remained silent on any other issues.

I do n’t know, in addition to silence, what better way.

The three of them shouted in the storm, waved their arms, walked around, and looked at the mysterious female expert standing still on the ground in horror, and quickly looked away. This kind of gaze is like what you are still afraid of, what you are looking for, and what you are confirming, but you dare not do it in a fair manner, for fear that you will also suffer an accident.

Zhenjiang is a monster-their peeping at female mysterious experts will only affirm this in their hearts.

Although Zhenjiang tore the back of the female mystery expert and the whole person got in, the body shape of the female mystery expert did not change clearly, and the cracks that should exist in her back were completely invisible. After the various abnormalities on the skin surface disappeared, her entire body, including the chest that had been pierced, returned to an unscathed state.

The eyes of the female mystery expert are indifferent, as if it was the only proof that she had been fatally injured.

However, this state of blindness did not last too long, as if it was a machine that was charged and suddenly awakened. The female mysterious expert looked up. All peeping at her eyes at this time seemed to be greatly stimulated. All the children shrank back. Mitsui Tsukazu, the fortune teller and the fitness coach subconsciously stepped away from her, and the mood swings were completely written on his face. However, it is probably because Zhenjiang ’s form has disappeared. Although it is completely conceivable that Zhenjiang is inside the body of this female mysterious expert, but the three people faced the mysterious Zhenjiang when they faced the fear, Has been greatly relieved.

They were alert, disturbed, and panic, but the expression on their faces gradually calmed down. Even so, they still have a great sense of rejection of the female mystery expert today. This kind of rejection is clearly written in their eyes and movements.

And I think that they have such thoughts and behaviors, which are completely normal and understandable, and there is no need to say good things to Zhenjiang at all.

I think it is necessary for them to fully understand the horror of Zhenjiang and understand that this world is completely different from the world they once knew.

The female mystery expert moved his fingers, as if he was frozen and stiff. However, just bending his fingers a few times in turn, the movement of the entire arm suddenly became flexible, soft and soothing like a snake. Then, she moved her neck, shoulders, crotch and legs, and the whole person acted like a rhythmic gymnastics, and manipulated all kinds of movements that put a lot of pressure on the joints.

Gradually, these movements are getting harder and harder. It seems that it is no longer the mysterious, confident and plain feeling that the previous female mystery expert gave people. A surging, like a fighting player's sense of power, suddenly exudes. If the previous female mystery expert was just a cunning cat, then now she is like a ferocious female leopard.

This kind of breath does not belong to Zhenjiang at all. But there is still a familiar feeling.

"Fujiang !?" I guessed. Mitsui Tsukazu, the fortune teller and the fitness instructor gathered their eyes on me at once. I think they should have never heard of this name, and it is not clear who this name represents. They may also think that Zhen Jiang, who has eroded the female mystery expert, will be the master of this body, and I once had this idea. But it turned out that what came out would be another person's personality.

"Of course I am, Achuan." The female mystery expert replied slightly with excitement. When she said so, the face profile and facial features of the female mystery expert had some slight changes, but it was enough to make her appearance between the original appearance and the appearance of Fujiang ~ ~ Staring at such a familiar and unfamiliar face, the expressions of Mitsui Tsukazu seemed incomprehensible, what was the situation in front of him.

"She is Fu Jiang." I said to the three.

"How did it become Fujiang again? Who is Fujiang? What about Zhenjiang?" Mitsui Tsukazu was in a trance.

However, after such a blow, the fortune-tellers and fitness coaches who can finally calm themselves down seem to have new conjectures that they can accept themselves.

"This is ... multiple personality?" They asked.

"Multiple personality? Yes, yes, it is indeed said that this is a kind of plural mental illness she suffers from." Mitsui Tsukazu also looked awakened, "So, now she is called Fu Jiang?" Mr. Mitsui Tsukazu, as if he had completely forgotten the terrible acts of Zhenjiang before, only regarded her as an ordinary mental patient. Although it seemed to me that the turn became sudden and weird, he behaved very naturally.

If it is really because of stimulation, I subconsciously choose to forget and reassemble the memory, I also think there is nothing wrong with it. In other words, it may be better to forget. (To be continued ...) u

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