Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1343: Re-entry

?? Only in terms of combat, Fujiang is a more suitable candidate than Zhenjiang. Although both of them are second to none, Fujiang's initiative and coordination are strengthened. Facing the same enemy, Zhenjiang may have always maintained The state of psychotic attack, but Fu Jiang will be excited by this. ±, in the past doomsday illusion, Fu Jiang and I have far more time to partner than Zhen Jiang and Zuo Jiang. In my life, she is also a special existence no less than Zhenjiang.

How long Fu Jiang can stay beside me, I do n’t have a specific concept about it, just like the previous few times, it may leave for some reason, on the ground of traveling, or it may be inexplicable to follow without any warning. My side disappeared. She is free. I never thought of imprisoning her, but on the other hand, as a humanoid river, her disappearance also meant that my observation was forcibly ended, full of unknown signs.

All the current situations between me and her are enough to prove that when she exists by my side, even if the situation is not bad, it will not be too bad, and when she disappeared, she was going in the good direction. The situation also tends to turn in a bad direction for unexpected and seemingly extremely accidental reasons.

Therefore, when Fu Jiang came back to me again, although reason told him that the situation was still very bad, and what he had to do was as difficult as moving the mountain, but deep down in his heart, his confidence rose suddenly.

"The mysterious organization reached a tacit agreement and united me to drive me out of the psychiatric hospital. They thought that without me, everything would be smoother. I do n’t know if it ’s what they thought, but obviously, it ’s very interesting. Feeling uncomfortable. Isn't it? "I seriously told Fujiang what I knew and what I inferred. Fu Jiang, the original owner of the body. The information revealed by the female malignant made me have to assume that from Mitsui Tsukazu and others successfully escaped from the psychiatric hospital, stayed in the villa area, sought help from John Bull, and encountered Marceau in that office building. It is to ensure that my Level 4 Mageweave messenger leaves the battlefield and delays my time to re-enter the event center.

I think they probably do n’t think that these methods alone can always limit me to areas outside the mental hospital and the peninsula. However, before Marzo's sniping against me failed, someone must have considered the possibility of completely defeating me. However, the match between Marceau and me achieved its purpose on the one hand. But on the other hand, they will let them re-evaluate my strength. A series of battles encountered after leaving the psychiatric hospital, so far, no mysterious expert can cause enough damage to me, and because of this, they have to consider the situation of Mitsui Tsukazu and others and target them. Do some tricks.

Mushishi is of course the executor of the latest plan. However, it completely failed because it ignored Zhenjiang. After all. It is not just the Mushishi who neglected Zhenjiang, the mysterious organization that enabled Mushishi, but even the recognition of the strength of Mushishi, and all mysterious organizations that are waiting for the results of the plan generally ignore Zhenjiang. I think by this time they should have received feedback on the situation. The next time they will take Zhenjiang into account as an uncertain factor, they will revise the plan again. However, their failure is still predictable, and Fujiang replaced Zhenjiang, which is bound to be a loophole in their next plan.

Anyway. It was too timely for Fujiang to appear this time. Even if there is no Shine, I have confidence to ensure my safety, but the safety of Mitsui Tsukazu will drop a lot. Just like the encounter with the Mushita this time, although in theory, I can take three people away with speed sweeping, in terms of speed alone, there is almost nothing to stop me, but still because of the step-by-step design of the mysterious organization My speed is restricted-not a direct speed restriction, but a kind of thinking restriction. In many cases, unless you are rushing into a mental hospital, you will have various reasons to stop your steps, and if you stop and want to walk again, it will become a bit troublesome. .

The enemy's combat plan is aimed at people's thinking, emotions and instincts, and it is completely people-oriented. It is not just about what kind of talents and superpowers a person has. As long as the opponent is still human, or maintains some human characteristics, it is difficult to say that it will never be affected. If it is replaced with a normal combat environment, this calculation will rise to an extremely terrible level in the home field where they dominate, just like the network **** seen in the past, however, this time the combat environment, all parties are mysterious The advantages of the organization have been destroyed to a great extent by the deviation effect caused by the torch light.

The "possibility of malignant development" we are facing today is the same. This means that my plan may become uncontrollable, as do others' plans.

The number of people, the pros and cons of the plan, can no longer be the key to determining the outcome. The deviation effect means that miracles occur frequently, and the vicious deviation effect means that all planners and plan implementers Feeling crumbled maliciously.

"It turned out to be so, it sounds very mysterious." Fu Jiang nodded and was unconvinced about my guess. I can see that she was not at all interested in this conclusion. "Don't think so much, Achuan, the battle is very simple and victorious The reason is also very simple, there is a plan and no plan, when the two face to face, they will become indistinguishable. "Fu Jiang pressed my head, messed up my hair, raised his head and licked the slip along the corner of the mouth Rainwater said very calmly: "No matter how they plan, they will eventually need someone to execute, and eventually someone will stand before us. Achuan, you didn't realize the benefits of this peninsula."

"Benefits?" I, Mr. Mitsui Tsukazu, the fortune teller and the fitness instructor couldn't help but be curious about this.

"The environment of the peninsula is closed, which is true for us, and there is no difference for them." Fu Jiang's mouth evoked a cruel arc. "You have always regarded yourself as a prisoner, but those people are not the same. Their people are dead, they are also dead, and unlike the outside, they are also unable to replenish the manpower on this closed peninsula. All the behind-the-scenes hands, when they are dead, have to play in person. And , They will never tolerate that all of their men are killed, because they have to make big plans-when the manpower loss reaches the bottom line they can tolerate, they have only two choices. One is to give in, the other is to jump on their own Got a trick. "

Fujiang understands this way, there is no loophole that can be refuted, and it is indeed a dead end of my thinking. Although it is a very simple truth, however, being in such a gloomy battlefield. There will always be some unusual situations that take away your sight and let you subconsciously ignore some simple problems. I don't feel regretful about this, and I don't have any feeling of depression or excitement, because this is not because I am not working hard enough, but because of my own objective limitations.

Because this is not a shortcoming that I know now and can make up for next time, so. Even if you know it, you can't make much changes. The next time the situation changes, and the dead ends of thinking appear again, it is also inevitable. A perfect and flawless plan can only be realized if "all unknown factors are controlled and all enemies are under oneself". However, such a theoretically perfect situation does not actually exist.

Because I understand this deeply. And in past adventures, I have experienced many situations beyond my control. So we can calm down so naturally. However, Mitsui Tsukazu, divination masters and fitness coaches seemed to admire Fu Jiang. They completely ignored Fu Jiang's physical condition at this time and completely accepted her such an abnormal existence.

"It turns out that there is such an explanation." The fortune-teller is a little excited. "No wonder there are countless opportunities to work with us over the seminar, but they haven't encountered it until now. Because they don't have too much manpower to waste. What closed the peninsula is the storm, the natural environment, not the artificial, so Even if they are huge forces outside, they can no longer be transported to the peninsula. "

If there is no "mystery", her statement is of course more likely to become a fact. However, for me, the center of any mysterious event is estimated with normal thinking, even if it is 100% possibility under normal circumstances. It must fall to fifty percent. Fu Jiang ’s reminder that the greater role is not to allow everyone to reconfirm the situation and understand the advantages and disadvantages of themselves and their enemies, but to allow three ordinary people to regain their confidence to move forward.

Yes, because the situation of the entire peninsula is mixed with too much mystery, so that all common sense judgments and logical thinking can only be used as a psychological influence, and cannot be regarded as a basis for planning.

However, of course, there is no need to remind them. Although they are experts with strong psychological adjustment ability, they are still only ordinary people.

I looked at Fu Jiang and Fu Jiang grinned and flicked his ponytail to reveal the magic pattern on the inside of his right wrist. I know that her words must have used psychological dialysis.

"Is enough rest?" I looked at others.

Mitsuizuka nodded, and the lips of the fortune-teller and fitness instructor were also pale, and the three seemed to realize that the bad weather had strongly affected their bodies at this time. Before, they were full of stimulating experience, which made them forget their physical discomfort for a while, but when they calmed down again, their body temperature had already lost a lot. It is difficult for ordinary people ’s physique to withstand prolonged exposure to heavy rain. Blood color that does not recover.

"We need a temporary break." The fitness instructor rubbed his arms, but he couldn't warm himself. "At least an hour away from the mental hospital. I used to take a car, so I can take 20 minutes. Arrive within. "

"We need a bus." Mitsui Tsukazu took a deep breath and said, "I know where the bus stops, but it may be in danger. I know. When I was picked up from the seminar, there was no I thought about giving us the opportunity to move freely. "

"Yes, some things that I didn't feel necessary to know, became important at this time, and they may have known this for a long time and waited for us in that place." The fortune teller said calmly.

"If you are just an ordinary person, you probably know that you have to go to the trap." I said quietly: "However, we don't need to. If you go to the mental hospital with one heart, you can arrive within five minutes."

"What? What nonsense are you talking about?" Mitsui Tsukazu and others looked at me in amazement, as if they had subconsciously ignored this time, how did they escape from the villa area before-shadow jump, subject to the quark's tolerance Ability, but my speed-sweep superpower has been greatly improved in carrying capacity compared to before. Even if you carry four people at the same time, there should be no problem.

Before taking four people to move at high speed, did not feel any effort.

Before they reacted, I had either grabbed their hands, or held them against my shoulders, or caught them under my ribs, and leaped into the already invisible high-speed passage.

I was carrying four people running Mercedes-Benz, observing raindrops in an invisible high-speed channel, it was an extremely spectacular scene. A lot of water is suspended in the air, everything around is clearly on the land, but it is more like soaking in the water. The raindrops slowly deformed, and the sound of the rain became rough and slow, so that the original roar sounded as if it were to be completely melted into a strange silence. My speed relative to the outside world has exceeded the sound, but in the invisible high-speed channel, it is still a normal running experience.

The sense of time, speed and distance, with the invisible high-speed channel as the boundary, produced a huge drop, the drop formed a distortion, and the distortion became contradictory. This is a very strange feeling ~ ~ Causes a certain level of stress. Although the speed sweep did not feel any consumption, but running normally in the speed sweep channel also consumes the normal running energy. Running with four people also consumes the weight of four people.

If it is said that these consumptions are just the consumption of the act of "running". So, where is the consumption of quick swept? I always thought it was a magic pattern, but the consumption of the pattern was equally difficult to perceive and judge. So, it just made me think that maybe something else was consumed. It is precisely because I rationally judge what is consumed, but I cannot feel what is consumed. Therefore, when the speed sweep reaches the speed of light, it will make me subconsciously reject it.

Beyond the speed of sound is still imaginable, and it is inevitable in combat. I still feel okay beyond consciousness, because I also have the ability to walk consciously. Feeling more pressure than the first two speeds described. Yes, beyond the speed of light is amazing, very powerful, so what is it that supports beyond the speed of light? And what do you need to pay for it?

This is a problem that I have been thinking about while skimming.

Three minutes later, I crossed a row of fences and the entanglement of barbed wire and stepped into the territory of the mental hospital. (To be continued ...)

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