Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1344: Advance

The fence and barbed wire divide the lawn and the wood in half, and after crossing it is the land belonging to the mental hospital. [【This psychiatric hospital has undergone many changes of hands, and each time it will be expanded by the owner of the time. Until now, the ownership of the psychiatric hospital has been held by a giant medical company. Its owner is a man named Dallas. This man also did what the previous generations of psychiatric hospital owners did. He expanded the area of ​​the entire psychiatric hospital toward the peninsula, completely occupying the border between the mainland and the peninsula. This means that when the coast is blocked by bad weather, if you want to leave the peninsula, you must cross the mental hospital and go deeper into the mainland in the opposite direction. And I do n’t think that in this situation, this is something ordinary people can do.

I do n’t know much about the person of Dallas. He also exists in the hospital realm, and he worked as a partner for a while, but it is obvious that Dallas in the hospital realm and Dallas in this repeater world are in identity and There is a huge difference in personality, which is more obvious than Dr. Ruan Li himself. My knowledge of Dallas in this world of repeaters can be retrieved from public places. His public identity as the operator of a pharmaceutical company, and then Dr. Ruan Li's description of his person.

Dallas is Dr. Ruan Li's long-term business partner. All of Dr. Ruan Li's undisclosed research so far has been conducted by Dallas in the name of the pharmaceutical company employed in Dallas. The Dallas pharmaceutical company, of course, received a lot of compensation from Dr. Ruan Li ’s research, and such a cooperative relationship has remained at a stable level before the Peninsula incident. At the same time, Dallas has a relationship with the seminar, so the seminar can use this Peninsula mental hospital to carry out its own activities, and the relationship between the two is close. It also allows Dr. Ruan Li to continue his research without any reason in this peninsula mental hospital.

If under normal circumstances, I do n’t think Dallas has a reason to abandon Dr. Ruan Li ’s partner, however, in the words of Dr. Ruan Li: “Dallas has shown signs of erosion by white Claudia.” Another argument that I can understand more easily is that Dallas has possessed mysterious power. And this point, I have witnessed it when I used the network ball monitoring system to investigate it.

Dallas is an electronic demon messenger. I only knew this fact earlier than Dr. Ruan Li.

Although all mysterious events on the peninsula can be related to the seminar, and the seminar is exposed to the bright place, its behavior is more like the master of a mental hospital. But I can't forget that Dallas is the legal owner of the mental hospital. The expansion and operation of psychiatric hospitals, as well as the expansion of the entire peninsula, and the driving of various political and commercial activities in the surrounding towns and cities, are actually closely related to Dallas. Therefore, Dallas is hidden behind the seminar, and is involved in the current hands of the current event in a macro-control manner-this possibility is as high as more than 90%.

Dr. Ruan Li ’s suspicions made me think that he might have turned to the metamorphic part of the doomsday truth behind the seminar. It is a senior member of practical significance developed by the Doomsday Truth in this world of repeaters. And the doomsday truth in the doomsday illusion activities in this repeater. Ten may be executed on behalf of Dallas.

This means that Dallas ’own intervention in the seminar is equivalent to the intervention of the Doomsday Truth in the seminar, and Dallas’ decision is, in a way, the Doomsday decision. Dallas himself is in a critical and sensitive position.

This assumption is gradually formed as the intelligence increases after entering the peninsula. Afterwards, I thought about trying to start with Dallas to combat the activity of the doomsday truth. However, in addition to being in Paris, the relationship through the network ball. Jinghong glanced outside Dallas, and he was silently hidden in the darkness. It is impossible for people to capture his position, and it is even more uncertain how many instructions were given by him personally, and how many were spontaneous activities of the seminar.

Only one thing is certain, Dr. Ruan Li knows Dallas better than everyone on my side. At least half of the dangers she faces are in Dallas herself. I was not naïve enough to think that killing Dallas would stop the doomsday conspiracy and bring the research in the seminar back to the direction Dr. Ruan Li wanted. This is no longer impossible, even Dr. Ruan Li himself has no hope of this. All the bad conditions I have learned can be attributed to what she can recognize: all attempts to contact "Mystery", as well as all those who already have "mystery", are victims of white Claudia, and these victims have accounted for more than half of the seminars, and the trend has been irreversible.

For Dr. Ruan Li, "mystery" does not exist. Therefore, "the nine hands of the seminar have become mental patients." This is what she warned me of.

The study of white Claudia in the seminar is to prevent white Claudia from turning everyone in this world into a mental patient, leading to the end of humanity, but such research is risky and requires white Claudia. Diya ’s close contact means that the researcher is more likely to be infected-this is the reality in the eyes of Dr. Ruan Li: all mysterious organizations, including all kinds of strange mysterious forces, including the fourth-level Mageweave messenger like me The system, and all the people who use "mystery", are all a group of mental patients. They are manic patients, schizophrenic patients, and speculators who think they have "extraordinary power". They are attacking themselves every moment. In the world, it is difficult to recognize what is real reality.

I know very well how simple the world is in Dr. Ruan Li ’s eyes: everyone around him is in the range of white Claudia ’s infection, and people keep getting more and more abnormal mentally because of the infection, which leads to human society Order is collapsing. When the patient's weight occupies a certain proportion of all human beings, the human society itself will lose the ability to face reality, and thus will not be able to engage in real activities that truly maintain its own life. Just because of hallucinations, self-awareness is a person of extraordinary ability to carry out brutal attacks on others, which in turn leads to large-scale disordered riots, or ordered wars driven by hallucinations, is not really the main cause of human end. The real reason for the demise of mankind is that mankind will perish even if he does nothing. People in illusion think that they have done the work of sustaining society and survival, but actually have not done it at all, but are destroying resources endlessly.

For Dr. Ruan Li, this is called the end of the world. The essence is the end of mankind. The seminar originally existed to prevent this end, but the erosion of white Claudia was too rapid, and the order and purpose of the seminar itself had been deteriorated. Friends in the past are no longer trustworthy, and mental patients have in turn attacked people who want to save them.

Of course, this is the end of the day that Dr. Ruan Li can observe based on his own cognition and perspective. And Dr. Ruan Li and the seminar are only a part of the doomsday truth that spontaneously formed in this world. Also study white Claudia. However, researchers in other disciplines will come to a different conclusion from Dr. Ruan Li's, based on the white Claudia-that is the end of the world from the disciplines of physics, chemistry, mathematics, etc., origin It is still white Claudia, but the phenomenon is different from that of Dr. Ruan Li.

However, those people have their own research methods and research organizations. When Dr. Ruan Li and the seminar started operations on this peninsula. They must also have their own actions. In this world, things that we do n’t know happen all the time, and we know we do n’t know—this is someone ’s famous quote. And here, I feel deeply.

I sometimes think that the reason why I think that what is happening in this peninsula is the key and core of the changes that are happening in this repeater world, only because I am in it. however. Thinking like this will only be endless, because my cognition can only be based on my understanding of myself and from the perspective of my observation of the world, so it is absolutely inevitable that the self-centered way of thinking.

I'm in vain. It can only be based on my observations, based on where I am currently, and the events I want to face, to try to do something. At this time, it doesn't make any sense to think about what the unexpected people on the peninsula are doing. Whether they have caused such an impact on the world or not is the focus of the end of the world.

I always felt that being able to determine the importance of Dallas, whether right or wrong, is already the limit of my thinking. The situation beyond the peninsula can no longer be ignored, but the situation on the peninsula is getting worse and worse, no matter from what perspective.

Although my plan was completed on the premise that "the situation guided by the mysterious organizations of all parties could not be stopped", it is also part of the plan to protect the people I care about when the situation collapses. Even if the mysterious organizations of all parties complete the sacrifice, even if the monsters of the nightmare Las Vegas are here, even if the entire peninsula becomes a battlefield due to temporary data hedging, it is not a situation that I am concerned about. What really matters to me is the safety of the people I care about in such a changing process.

Since Marceau has become that way, then her safety can be given to the network ball, and Martha ’s identity gives me reason to believe that she will be protected by the network ball, even in the world of repeaters. A complete collapse can also safely exit. But the people I care about are not only Masuo, but also Dr. Ruan Li, as well as Misaki and Bajing from the Central Principality, the surviving Zuo Chuan and other members of the whisperer. Can survive.

If you want to seize the Las Vegas repeater and inevitably destroy the world of the repeater, killing everyone, it is also a helpless thing, and you will not do it because of this helplessness. . However, such a result will always be the psychological bottom line, and I never feel that it should be done only in accordance with the psychological bottom line result, and strive for a better result, which is what Gao Chuan should do.

Therefore, before the situation that touched the bottom line became a reality, I have been trying to strive for a better possibility. Now, of course, it cannot be just because "the sacrifice is inevitable", "the failure of Dr. Ruan Li is inevitable". The reason is to take Dr. Ruan Li's death for granted. In this world, there are many things that are taken for granted, but there are also sentiments that cannot be taken for granted.

My reason allows me to speculate on most of the results, but what drives me is sensibility. Because of sentiment, I do n’t want to stop Dr. Ruan Li ’s thoughts and actions, but also because of sentiment. I want to make sure that after taking those dangerous actions, she still has to ensure her safety, and even more people.

This sacrificial ceremony promoted by the mysterious organization of all parties is definitely not necessary to sacrifice all the people on the peninsula to complete. Instead, innocent people are implicated and unable to protect their victims. There are more victims than the real sacrifices.

I was unable to stop the overall situation and had to let this situation go, but it has begun to reach a limit that I can bear.

Rescue Dr. Ruan Li and rescue other people as much as possible-people who became sacrifices and were started by the mysterious organization first, but they did not become sacrifices, only died of the spread of mysterious events, as well as certain lusts and conspiracies Next, it is really sad. I know. There must be very few people I can rescue, but this is why I can do my best.

Because of his best efforts, he cannot save everyone, nor can he destroy the plans of the mysterious organizations of all parties, so just do it.

It's impossible to stop anything even if you kill Dallas. But at least let the mysterious organization confirm my ability again, if they can shelter Dr. Ruan Li. So, just do it.

Until all the plans are on the table, all the promoters of the turmoil cannot be hidden, and when everyone's hole cards are revealed, it is when everyone is defeated, then. Just do it.

I am contradictory. I let this kind of collapse happen, and I sit back and watch these dangers form, but I have to make sure that such dangers will not spread. I indulge and even push the end of the world for this repeater. But he wants to protect the people he cares about when the end of the world comes.

I know very well why this contradiction arises. Therefore, my thinking is not confusing, just that I have a reason to do so. What I want to save is not just this world, but all the world I can observe, and it will inevitably conflict with saving the current world. My ability is not enough to end all disputes without damage while maintaining this repeater. On the contrary, if these disputes do not arise, I have little chance of competing for this repeater.

I hate such trade-offs, and hate to modify such trade-offs with sounding reasons, but for now, trade-offs are inevitable. Because of this, I can't be a real hero.

When I stopped, my phone rang. Of the four people I put down, only Fu Jiang can maintain a normal state. Mitsui Tsukazu, the fortune teller and the fitness instructor all have uncomfortable expressions, which are even weaker than before. They retched for a while, but apparently also raised their ears, trying to hear the sound from my cell phone.

It's just, I don't think they can hear the truth in such a storm.

"I am Gao Chuan." I wiped the rain on my face and said, holding a long knife around my waist.

"Achuan? It's me." Dr. Ruan Li's voice was not very clear, but intuitively, it was indeed true. It's great to be able to contact at this time.

"Dallas is the key ~ ~ right?" Before she spoke, I first confirmed the problem.

"... Yes, but this is not A Chuan's problem, but my problem." Dr. Ruan Li paused and said, "Sorry, A Chuan, the situation has become uncontrolled. I thought ... "

I interrupted her self-blame and said, "It doesn't matter. I met Mr. Mitsui Tsukazu. They ... yes, yes, the three of them, there should be no problem. They are all victims now, and mom needs them now. Right? "

The three Mitsuzuka men raised their ears.

"Understood, I'll give you the address. Come and meet. I'm still experimenting here. I can't walk away." Dr. Ruan Li thought for a while and said: "Sorry, Achuan, I have thought of picking you up earlier However, I also have many problems here ... "

"It's okay, we are a family and we don't need to say sorry." I interrupted her again. The rain sound was not clear, but Dr. Ruan Li's mood was obviously down. I don't know what she encountered, but she really doesn't need to blame herself. Even if she really made a mistake, I believe that based on the judgment of the situation at that time, she must have done her best. (To be continued ...) u

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