Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1345: Checking coordinates


When she contacted Dr. Ruan Li, she heard that her mood was not very good, and what bothered her was nothing more than her research progress and changes in the seminar. Dr. Ruan Li wants to save the world. I have confirmed that it is not only her. When the doomsday truth of the world was spontaneously formed, the goal was to target the end of the world phenomenon caused by white Claudia. Experts who want to save the world, like Dr. Ruan Li, unite to observe, judge and study the white Claudia and the various kinds of irregularities that have appeared in the world from their professional perspectives. They may have differences because of differences in their perspectives, and then appear one after another similar to the seminar organization, but, undoubtedly, at the beginning, they did come together with the same desire.

The change of the seminar at this time is like a microcosm of the internal qualitative change of Doomsday Truth. The companions who had the same desire and worked hard in the past gradually became stranger as time passed. Although Dr. Ruan Li is a genius psychologist, he ca n’t control the loss caused by reality. Moreover, this cruel reality is caused by the white Claudia they have been trying to target. of. Although you can adjust your mentality in a scientific way, if the mentality has always been calm, why do you need to adjust it?

Dr. Ruan Li is a genius in psychology, which is beyond doubt, but even a genius, she is still a human being, and the emotions that humans produce, whether it is because of the secretion of body hormones or something She couldn't restrain it.

Therefore, I understand very well that Dr. Ruan Li will also be disappointed, lost, pained and sad, even if she has never shown anything on the surface, but has always been a strong and calm woman in the eyes of others. I feel admiration and sentiment for such a doctor. I don't want the reality she is watching to hurt her, but even the Level 4 Mageweave messenger cannot do this. I can only watch her aside. Stumble in the heart of loss, sadness and various unsatisfactory circumstances. I know, maybe in this emotion. There are also things that hurt their emotions. Because, in a sense, I have a very similar shadow to her at this time.

We have all faltered, but there are things we have to do.

Because you have lost many companions, it is because your friends who accompanied you in the past have fallen in front of the end, and because you are standing at this height, you can see that more people are suffering. The world is becoming chaotic, so even if friends in the past have become enemies today, they cannot give up the vows of the past and the plans that have been promoted together. I think I can understand why Dr. Ruan Li still insisted on staying on the peninsula to continue his research under the circumstances that the situation has become so severe. Perhaps she had already been conscious, and only in this place. Only then has the environment to promote her research.

In order to study the kind of "paradise" pharmacy that was originally planned, the seminar put a lot of effort, and after this opportunity was missed. It's impossible to try again.

Nowadays, the research direction of "Paradise" has changed, and the internal deterioration of the seminar has begun to change the seminar as a whole. However, the research environment that was initially prepared, including various equipment, venues and research objects, is gathered throughout The patients in the psychiatric hospital, and even the experts gathered there, are not illusory. Even before leaving the peninsula in advance, some research materials were taken away. And want to continue this research in a safer place. In the eyes of Dr. Ruan Li, it has been regarded as staying on the peninsula. At the risk of life, continue to study the better decision.

Although as a mental patient, I am also regarded as a special experimental body by her side, and she can get my first-hand information whenever she is, but if there is only one experimental object, any research will only be difficult. Right.

Therefore, even under tremendous pressure, watching the seminar deteriorate, the whole peninsula exudes irreversible maliciousness, and Dr. Ruan Li will never leave like this.

Because of understanding this, understanding her mood and thoughts, and the consciousness of doing all this, I just watched her, and never forcibly took her away from the island. Admittedly, even if the storm blocked the peninsula at this time, I still believe that unless all mysterious organizations have shifted their focus of action to me, otherwise I can still carry Ruan Li with the ability of my Level 4 Mageweave Messenger The doctor left alone. If Dr. Ruan Li is alone, although there will be obstacles, it will not be as hard as before to take care of three ordinary people.

Ordinary people are difficult to defeat the mystery, and I have only one opponent. When I fall into the mysterious and intense battlefield, an ordinary person is the upper limit of my chance of ensuring 90% safety.

Masuo's situation no longer needs me to worry about. She has become very strong, with network **** and repeaters behind her as support.

Other people ’s words, although it is also sad and sad, but it is not absolutely impossible. I gave up the idea of ​​being a hero for everyone long before.

Friends like Mitsui Tsukazu, fortune tellers, and fitness coaches who have been in contact for a short period of time, even if they abandon them and cause them to face a miserable end, it will make me feel guilty and guilty, and I can certainly bear it.

However, if it is Dr. Ruan Li who is unwilling to leave, even if it is rational to forcefully take her away is the so-called correct approach, I will not pay attention at all.

"I'm a man acting with emotion." I whispered so low.

"What are you talking about? Hello, have you heard? A Chuan." Dr. Ruan Li's voice came clearly from the earpiece, and she thought the signal was attenuated. However, although her voice can still be heard clearly at this time, this communication will be interrupted at any time. There are many things that are simply conveyed by voice, it is difficult for the other party to understand clearly, so face-to-face conversations, even in a technologically advanced society, are still necessary. Especially for those who are good at grasping the other party's psychology from the other party's detailed movements, they can't see the person but can only hear the voice, and there will be a very awkward feeling.

Dr. Ruan Li also made it clear that he did not like to talk about things on his mobile phone, and now he can contact him. It is enough for me to know her state to a certain extent. Of course, the rest is to talk after meeting.

"Address? Yes. I know. They are here. They should be clear ... Okay. Well, then I will rush over immediately." I learned from Dr. Ruan Li's mouth The location at this time. Of course, it is not a clear address. In order to ensure maximum security, even the mobile phone contact needs to consider the possibility of leakage. The special mobile phone I used was made by the seminar. Although it was later modified by Dr. Ruan Li, Dr. Ruan Li was not a professional in electronic procedures. Even the modification of the program was not handled by her. Whether it is the operation of the program itself, or the person who modified this phone, it is no longer 100% safe.

Dr. Ruan Li gave a clue, a cipher, that we can use the decryption game we used to play at home to unlock the real destination. Dr. Ruan Li is a very smart and very cautious person. Even when he and Gao Chuan usually get along, there are many activities of abnormal families. However, those seemingly playful games can play the expected effect under the current circumstances.

It is because the location of Dr. Ruan Li is very secret. The skill of the seminar was very deep in her impression. Therefore, the difficulty of this puzzle is more difficult than the daily decryption game initiated by Dr. Ruan Li, which was conducted by Gao Chuan in the past. Dr. Ruan Li already knows that Mitsui Tsukazu and others are beside me, so there are some clues that need their cognition to solve. Such a puzzle will certainly not have been prepared long ago, and Dr. Ruan Li can temporarily create this puzzle. Taking into account the situation of Mitsui Tsukazu's three people, this ability is certainly amazing.

I can't do this kind of thing.

I hung up the phone. To the three Mitsui Tsukazu who looked at this with different emotions, said: "It is Dr. Ruan Li, she has informed me where the next destination is. However. Before that, you need to answer a question each." These questions It was also made by Dr. Ruan Li temporarily to elicit the answers of three people, so as to become a clue to the final puzzle. These clues are composed of vocabulary. The original meaning of the vocabulary and the meaning of the sentences formed by the vocabulary are not related to the final destination. Instead, they can be translated into daily ciphers familiar to me and Dr. Ruan Li, and become another Kind of meaning. Therefore, if we only use the answers given by the three people to make logical inferences, we cannot solve the mystery at all.

"When a bird flies across the sky, what does it use to think about the meaning of the wind?" This is Mitsuzuka's puzzle.

Mitsui Tsukazu has some doubts, but under the watch of others, he still said without hesitation: "Feather." After a pause, he said: "This is what Dr. Ruan Li asked you to ask? I once talked to her. Had a similar topic. "

I nodded and did not answer, but looked at the fortune teller and said, "The final proposition of the seminar-"

Without waiting for me to finish, the fortuneteller seems to know the question I want to ask and give the answer directly. That is a fairly professional term, and I myself do not understand the meaning of this term. For me, that is also A rather strange vocabulary. Dr. Ruan Li ’s question to the fortune teller relates to the situation inside the seminar. She seems to be quite sure that the fortune teller can answer it.

"Can a person completely replace the brain with muscles for thinking?" This is a question for fitness coaches.

Like the other two, the fitness coach replied without hesitation: "Yes." Although such questions and answers are ridiculous in my opinion, the fitness coach's answer is decisive, just like she has countless times. Thinking about this issue is the same. The meaning of this answer may not be scientific for fitness coaches, but it has a different meaning.

The fitness coach puzzled me, just raised his mouth slightly and said, "This is not a meaningful question and answer, but a part of a mental game. If you know all of this mental game, you can understand this. The meaning of the question. Because the answer is yes or no, or other, it is actually possible, but the answer is different, and the final answer will also be different. "

"This is like a branch of a psychological test?" I asked.

"Yes. The answer I gave is yes, this is my favorite branch. Dr. Ruan Li asked you to ask us these questions, is to turn it into a clue in order to get an answer that belongs to us only? I've played with it, "said the fitness coach.

Mitsuizuka and the fortune-teller seem to have already thought of this, and there is no unexpected look. It's just that their condition at this time is even worse. I don't think there is time to delay. They already have signs of illness. This heavy rain is impossible to stop in a short time. If you stay in the same place, you will be overtaken by the enemy. Therefore, if you do n’t arrive at a place that is really safe, you want to temporarily shelter from the rain and adjust your physical condition. It ’s impossible.

If I did n’t contact Dr. Ruan Li so quickly, I would have to put them down first and let them adjust their mental and physical conditions. If they were sick, they had to look for drugs, and they had to delay the journey to find Dr. Ruan Li. . However, now that there is a clear destination, then—

"Can I stick to it for a while? I know it's very uncomfortable ~ ~ But as soon as I reach Dr. Ruan Li, there will be rest and medicine." I said.

"No problem." The fortune-teller's breath was a little heavy, but he nodded. "If a person like Dr. Ruan Li gives a puzzle, then the answer to the puzzle must also be the basic clue of another puzzle ... … We do n’t know what the puzzle is, so we can only ask you Gaochuan. ”

"Relax, the puzzle has been solved." I answered. Although puzzles are indeed more difficult than daily puzzles, as long as you know the rules, the speed of solving is still very fast. The real core of this confidential method is that this "law" is only known to me by Dr. Ruan Li and me.

The rest is positioning through props. I called up the program hidden in the cell phone transformed by Dr. Ruan Li, entered a string of decrypted numbers, and got another string of numbers, and then performed a second calculation against the azimuth coordinates of the electronic compass. After the third calculation, these machines that may be monitored are no longer needed. I threw the phone vigorously into the shadows in the distance, quickly in my mind, and repeatedly verified the coordinates converted many times.

Then grabbed the three people and Fu Jiang, and once again launched a quick swoop, galloping toward the coordinate location. (To be continued)

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