Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1352: Gao Chuan's special medicine

Dr. Ruan Li ’s research has entered the final stage. According to her, the result will be obtained within five days at the slowest. Although the information stolen by the mutiny ’s assistant is not up-to-date, there is already a clear idea and outline, even Without the subsequent information, the seminar will be re-introduced, and it will only be about ten days behind. The seminar will definitely not follow Dr. Ruan Li ’s thoughts. Their direction is doomed. They will only absorb part of Dr. Ruan Li ’s research materials that promote their research, and in Dr. Ruan Li ’s estimation The stolen material did contain the most needed things for the seminar.

Dr. Ruan Li no longer feels sad about what has happened, because it is useless to change the current situation, and at the beginning it is not that he did not consider the possibility of the theft of research data. Even if we take a step back 10,000 steps, in such a synchronous study full of interest disputes and differences in ideas, it will be completely imaginable that our opponents will interfere in various ways.

Dr. Ruan Li is convinced that she has done what she can do best. Therefore, her eyes are still firm and calm, just as I have known her in the past.

Dr. Ruan Li did not talk too much with me. After I woke up, I explained the situation on the whole peninsula to Mitsui Tsukazu, confirmed their thoughts, and told me something, and immediately took them away. This wooden house. It seems that Dr. Ruan Li no longer cares about my situation and ignores the existence of Fu Jiang, but I know very well that this is nothing but an illusion. She hasted all her time to carry out research, and all of these researches involved me, and the pathology she showed in her eyes.

Chat, conversations, and words to resolve the depression in your heart, etc., can not change what has happened, nor can it reverse the upcoming disaster. Ideas and language are empty, only action, only action. Only in essence can you try to change something.

"Don't leave here no matter what happens." Dr. Ruan Li said to me so seriously before leaving, "No matter what happened, even if you saw the monster, don't leave here. I know very well that you believe those things Or, your mental state no longer allows you to view those illusions as nothing. Even so, do n’t leave here even if the situation you see is unimaginable. "

"Even if it is to be killed by monsters?" I asked back. Although I am sure that I will certainly not die like this, such a question is just how much Dr. Ruan Li insists on "do not leave here". And the result is also very obvious, this time, Dr. Ruan Li has made the most determined attitude.

"Yes, even if you feel that you will be killed by the monster if you don't leave here, don't leave here." Dr. Ruan Li said very surely: "My research is about to produce results. And this result must be used first in you, regardless of For what reason you leave here, you will not only lose your chance in fact, but also leave a shadow on the level of psychological consciousness-I need you to stick to the end under any difficult conditions, until I will achieve the results . With such a will, you can carry that achievement in the best condition. "

"Paradise?" I was a little puzzled, but there was no resistance. "Mom, do you want me to take the paradise you finally researched? But. You said before that your paradise can't make people stronger, but just to have a pure and mild nightmare, so that users can more Intuitive and safer exposure to white Claudia's mental erosion, and researchers monitor the drug users. You can get the most information. "

"Yes, I said this, and that is the specific content of the part of the material that the seminar took away from me. However, that is just a potion made for ordinary people. You know? That is to let no white Crow Ordinary people eroded by Diya adjust their spirit and psychology through nightmares. They develop resistance to the erosion of white Claudia, and people who have been eroded by white Claudia take this medicine. After that, they can also ease the pressure on them in the nightmare, and this part is what the seminar wants-they want to be omnipotent in the nightmare, they think the nightmare will become a reality, and they are in the nightmare Omnipotence can also become a reality, so anything that can make them stronger in nightmares is what they want. What makes my research attractive to them is here, and then they will abuse This part of the drug effect is further indulged in a nightmare that has no real meaning. "Dr. Ruan Li said seriously:" There is no medicine, only the benefits are not harmful, and there is no medicine , Can play the same role for everyone. Even my paradise, for ordinary people and patients with varying degrees of disease, will also have a good side and side effects. But if only for a specific drug , You can control side effects to the greatest extent, and guide the best changes in expectations, which is the meaning of targeted special effects drugs. "

Here she said, I already fully understood what she meant. The same situation has been staged countless times in "Hospital Reality".

"My paradise has a secret. The secret lies in the effect of the special effect medicine." Dr. Ruan Li said: "Even the seminar did not get the information in this regard, because it is all hidden in my heart. Remember to come Before I came to this peninsula, how did I tell you? Research can be done anywhere, why should I come to this peninsula? "

"Because, only in this category, there is the most comprehensive information, the best equipment and the most savvy manpower." I said.

"Yes, I obtained the necessary research materials, equipment, manpower, environment, and time on the condition of helping the seminar. Using these conditions that are not normally possible, and researching specific drugs for your situation, we are entering The main task of this peninsula. ”Dr. Ruan Li ’s mood was a little bit agitated, and she said,“ The special medicines developed for you are not needed for the seminar, and even if they want it, there is no way to get it. Because all the information is hidden here. "She nodded her head." Although the special effects medicine is also a variant of the paradise, but based on the existing archived research data, it is impossible to deduce the special effects medicine. "

"Mum--" I listened to Dr. Ruan Li's proud statement and couldn't help but take a deep breath. "The result you mean ..."

"Yes, the real result is not a paradise that anyone can use. It is a paradise that only you can use." Doctor Ruan Li's words at that time echoed in my ears after he left: "Only in the spirit Chasing power in a nightmare at the level has no meaning. The essence of the lesion is not consciousness, but the patient's body. The use of psychology is to regulate the body's nerves and hormones through drugs to promote spiritual changes. Seminar Research has forgotten this essence, a paradise that is purely based on the spirit and only works on the illusion of the spirit, cannot make the physical body strong. No matter how powerful it becomes in the spiritual world in a nightmare, Once the physical body dies, the spirit will become a rootless tree due to the loss of the carrier. The power that ca n’t work on reality is a false expression. But my special effect medicine can achieve the mental effect by stimulating the physical body , And the mental effect will in turn promote the stimulation and transformation of the medicine on the body, the two promote each other, and eventually reach the body and mind A health and coordination - this is the theory of my late mentor Dr Andrew completed before death 'human finished up plan' to be to do things. "

Do humans complete the plan? I was a little surprised, I would hear Dr. Ander's name and his research in this world. However, when I think about it, I feel that there is nothing surprising. Dr. Ruan Li regards this world of repeaters as the only reality. Observing all people who are exposed to "mystery" and believe in "mystery" from this perspective, we have come to the conclusion that these mental patients are pursuing the power of nightmare, and they cannot feedback this power to reality. Help yourself, instead. Such morbidity made them indulge in nightmares, but accelerated the decline of the body.

'S conclusion is entirely true when it comes to the relationship between "hospital reality" and "doom illusion".

Became stronger in the doomsday illusion, chasing a more powerful mysterious expert. In "Hospital Reality", it was nothing more than a group of patients with doomsday syndrome who even completely collapsed their bodies. And they become mysterious experts in the illusion of doomsday. The power gained will not have any beneficial effect on themselves in "hospital reality", nor will they be able to recover.

Isn't this the embodiment of being indulged in nightmares, but chasing hallucinations only in nightmares?

I realized this helplessness before the death of "Hospital Reality". Although Gao Chuan is a special patient, Dr. Ande paid attention to it and made several drug preparations as the subject of the "Human Completion Plan", but until I died, my spirit in "Doom Fantasy" still did not affect me. The physicality of the "hospital reality" makes me healthy, not to make me strong, which means that in front of the "virus", the "human completion plan" of that degree is just a joke. .

Even so, the "Human Completion Plan" is still going on, and has Dr. Ruan Li entered this world of relays in such a practical way?

In the observation of Dr. Ruan Li in the world of repeaters, the "mystery" did not directly affect the reality she saw, but was only reflected in the phenomenon of "mental patients going crazy". Therefore, for her, "mystery" It is just an illusion, the essence is the morbidity of people with mental illness.

The power in the illusion of doom cannot affect the reality of the hospital, so from the perspective of the reality of the hospital, everything in the illusion of doom is indeed illusory.

Precisely understands this, so my plan included at the beginning, how to bring myself strong feedback in the end of the illusion to the reality of the hospital, and "Jiang" is the last guarantee. In a sense, this part of my plan refers to Dr. Ander's "Human Completion Plan" and completes it.

Allow yourself to observe every side of the world, and at any angle of observation, you are full of power, and you can use this power to intervene in the world, instead of presenting the contrast between "hospital reality" and "doom illusion." This is where the "Trinity and Reality" theory is the most critical.

However, I am not alone in thinking about this. Although the situation of self-perception is different, Dr. Ruan Li took the same trajectory and made an action similar to my idea-a theory based on the theory of human completion plan, completely aimed at In my case, the special paradise "paradise" is specially formulated to act on both the mind and the flesh.

"Is the purpose of the drug effect for the‘ reality ’body and‘ nightmare ’psychology that penetrates this world?” I could n’t help thinking.

However, assuming that all changes in the doomsday illusion have the corresponding pathological significance in the observation of "hospital reality", then this special paradise, once it becomes effective, will probably cause it to be stronger than Dr. Ruan Li's estimate. Effect.

Although from the perspective of Dr. Ruan Li in this world of repeaters, both "doom illusion" and "hospital reality" are just manifestations of "nightmares", and the effect of special drugs is to change me to relay The "real body" in the world of robots, to promote my changes on the psychological level, also means that let me in "doom illusion", "hospital reality" and even "ghost nightmare", "nightmare Lasvi The state in all "nightmares" such as "Gas" and "The Deepest Night" changes.

In this way, even if I observe this medicine from the perspective of "hospital reality", it is also a kind of medicine that can theoretically affect itself in "hospital reality". No matter which world is the "real world", all the other worlds can be regarded as "nightmares", which in turn can produce the expected role of the "human completion plan".

I'm not quite sure, but since it's a drug made with this concept ~ ~ Is it okay to look forward to it?

With this expectation, forty-eight hours passed quickly.

Doctor Ruan Li and Mitsui Tsukazu did not show up at all during this period. They clearly knew that this elegant wooden house area was not only me and Fu Jiang, but I never thought of looking for them in the past. With a calm mood, I lived with Fu Jiang for a short period of time. Although Fu Jiang is always full of passion, it is not a temperament that cannot be completely quiet. Even during these 48 hours, nothing exciting happened, and Fu Jiang didn't complain, but when she was calm, it also gave people a feeling of "ready at any time."

I started to organize my diary. I know that the time allowed to do this is very short.

There are only twenty-four hours left, which is what Dr. Ruan Li said is the minimum period. I have a hunch, either a mysterious organization or a seminar. The action against Dr. Ruan Li himself and his research results has already begun, and this time, probably the last attack on Dr. Ruan Li, because, I think, They will try to kill Dr. Ruan Li as much as possible, and make this research result the last research result in the true sense. (To be continued ...)


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