Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1353: Enemy must fight, see enemy will cut

I didn't wake up. When I was thinking, I felt like a loose bolt was spinning. + Small, I think I am floating in a piece of warm water, as the waves rise and fall, but the body can feel the entanglement of another body. Fu Jiang's body is plump and full of elasticity, and her body is burning with greed, almost burning up the memory of clouds and rain in a few hours. When I opened my eyes, Fu Jiang was already leaning on the bed and flipping through the book. The only light in the room was the bright white at the moment when the lightning came. After that, the thunder went away, and after the doors and windows were filtered, only the rustling rain, and our breath, and the burst of Mars in the fireplace were the only sounds in this room.

I have no doubt that Fu Jiang can see the words in the book clearly in the dark environment where it fades away. After all, even if she looks like a person again, it is not human in nature.

Fu Jiang is the "ultimate weapon", no matter which doomsday illusion, I have never doubted that this identity will disappear in time with the demise of the last doomsday illusion. I have never been able to understand how in this Doomsday illusion, Fu Jiang ’s identity is in line with other current mysterious organizations, especially Doomsday Truth. Just like in the past, I have never stopped her from leaving, nor have I spied on her secrets. Today, I still haven't pursued her activity outside of my observations.

Fu Jiang is my wife, but even so, for me, she is still a mysterious woman. Her thoughts are often very simple, but in the context of her impure identity, only saying "simple" will appear out of place. I do n’t understand Fu Jiang, and this time, nothing has changed in the time I spent with her.

When did Fu Jiang become my wife. How long have we got along like this? When I stroked her skin, I couldn't help thinking of this kind of problem that I didn't care about at all. However, the answer is vague. From the feeling, the time we spend together seems to be very long, so long that we don't even need words to understand each other. But in theory, as I said before, I might be transparent to Fujiang, but for me, most of Fujiang is hidden in the mist. Perhaps it is the peculiar experience, the strangeness of the situation and the harshness of the environment, and the activities full of mystery that made me have the illusion that this is a very long time.

Cognition simply by what one can understand. In terms of physical counting time, I met Fu Jiang from the beginning, married her, and then died in the illusion of doomsday, died in the reality of the hospital, and now reborn in the illusion of doomsday. Now I feel that I have experienced too much and become mature. But even if I accumulate the time of doomsday illusions and hospital realities, my Gaochuan personality is probably just 18 years old.

It counts like this. Now I am the age when I graduated from high school.

I touched my forehead and sat up from the bed. I thought that I felt that there were too many incredible places in the past, which made people feel like a dream.

"Don't dream?" Fu Jiang said suddenly. She flipped through the books and touched my skin. She was always like this, as if she would never be satisfied, and she never concealed her desires. But getting along for so long. I have clearly felt that her appearance seems to be full of fiery, and her behavior is very straightforward, but it seems that this kind of biological reproduction. Sometimes I am not sure what she thinks, what purpose, what kind of demand she came from and what she did. It is undeniable that with her, she can always meet the physical and psychological needs, but in the afterglow of passion, she will feel a sense of fear in the face of inhumanity.

I'm already used to this kind of fear, but it doesn't mean that I don't feel fear, nor does it mean that I can completely ignore this kind of fear.

Zhenjiang, Fujiang, or Zuojiang are all good. The closer they are to them, the more they can feel the inhuman aspect behind the humanoid river. All of them behave like normal women and behave like normal humans, although It cannot be said that it gives people a feeling of disguise, but it really makes me feel deeply that their starting point is completely different from the starting point of human beings doing those things.

The atmosphere in the room exudes a strong taste of love. I held down her hand playing with my lower body, but was grabbed by her, wrapped around her waist, and placed it on her own huge chest. Even with such suggestive actions, Fu Jiang ’s expression did not change at all. There was no craving and femininity for women when they were rising. They were just simple and calm, reading through the words, but they did not seem to be immersed in it. Between the lines, it is just ordinary concentration, looking casually.

Sometimes, her behavior and expression are so disconnected, and it is difficult for people to speculate on her mind.

"No dreams," I said. It's been a long time since I had sleep, and there is no clear dream. I do n’t know when the nightmares of different content have always surrounded me, and these nightmares are sometimes more real and clearer than reality. Fu Jiang has been with me for a long time, and it is always clear that I always have nightmares about me.

When Fu Jiang listened to me, she put down her notebook and looked at me with a wanton look. She said: "It's a very interesting story. You really have been insisting all the time, Achuan." The lightning outside the window illuminated The cover of the book is the diary that I have always used to record my experiences-in fact, if it is in my imagined reality without any mystery, these diaries cannot be damaged or impossible Always by my side.

However, in the illusion of doomsday, when I realize it, this diary will appear beside me, perhaps in the hands, perhaps on the table, or on the bed, although I never thought it would be lost in the past The situation has not happened, and I do n’t remember whether it has been replaced. However, even if I am aware of this seemingly strange problem, I will not care anymore.

No matter how many fierce and brutal battles have passed, no matter how many diaries I have written, this book has never changed in my memory, it has not disappeared, there is no destruction, it seems that I will never write full words-then. Is its cover really what I think it is like this?

Because the content of my diary is enough to make any normal person feel crazy, I once called it "Luo Yaocheng Jiao Ben", a name that is also famous in occultism. I think that if you let other people read the text inside, it will make them crazy, so even if it was originally intended to be published and tried to compile a story manuscript. However, so far, those who have really read this diary from beginning to end have only Fujiang in my memory.

Yes, even Dr. Ruan Li, for various reasons, was not "reading" these stories from beginning to end as a pure reader.

From this perspective. The most loyal reader of my story is only Fu Jiang. Although the personality of the same person Jiang is more like Zhenjiang, a mental patient, and Zuo Jiang, who best conforms to the posture of a good wife and mother, neither will like Fu Jiang, read this diary with interest and initiative.

When I realized this, I sometimes felt in a trance, these diary stories written in my own experience. It is for the sake of Fujiang. If there is no Fujiang, then. As a record of "a story that people read", it has lost its fundamental significance.

Even if Fu Jiang read my story, he would n’t get crazy. No matter how strange things I wrote, it traversed the background of different doomsday illusions. It will make people feel confused and make the clues of the story very complicated, and it is full of mental patient-like grunts-even if it is full of places that are very unfriendly to readers, Fujiang has never given up.

When she was reading, she was not very focused. Of course, the attitude is not a diehard reader. It's just such an ordinary look at a story that seems to be read, but this attitude makes me feel that she has a weird place no less than Zhenjiang.

"Interesting story." She described the part she just saw, and I don't know where she saw it, but even if she said "fun", there wasn't much "feeling" expression on her face.

"The world is different, A Jiang." I said Shen Sheng. In the diary, I use my own perspective to record changes in the environment and events, excluding those modified terms. For me, the story itself is true. However, Fu Jiang did not fully experience these stories with me. So, what do she think of the situation about "Jiang", "Doom's Illusion" and "Hospital Reality", and even various "nightmares"? The story is full of my conjectures about the changes of these things. How does she view these ideas?

I have never taken the initiative to ask Fu Jiang.

"I know what you want to ask, Achuan." Fu Jiang said quietly, closing the diary, putting it aside, and taking out cigarettes, burning for me and herself. "In fact, I don't know everything. Know it clearly. You know, I am just one of the many personalities in this body, and I do not fully possess the memory of other personality actions. When conscious, I do something inexplicable without knowing it, come to me It ’s a very common situation. ”She took a long breath of smoke. Although I felt that she was talking about a sad thing, she did n’t seem to feel that way.“ In fact, this kind of life seems to me, but The most convenient. Because I do n’t care about these things at all. "

Fu Jiang looked at me with serious and severe eyes, and emphasized once again: "Maybe, for Achuan, you have to explore such questions as" what is the world like and what kind of environment do you live in? " The question is impossible to avoid. But for me, these questions are completely meaningless. "She paused, seeming to explain more clearly, said:" I am not interested in these things. I don't care about myself Where I live, I do n’t care what the truth of the world is, I do n’t think about how life works and what it means. When I stand clearly in a place, I face the coming, what I want and what I do n’t think. Circumstances, accept their existence, adapt to their existence, and then take action for granted, this is my choice of survival. "

Therefore, the problems in my diary that are hard for people to break their heads are extremely complicated. For her, it is never a problem-she does not care, pay attention, or think, whether it is true It doesn't matter if it's fake. Only the situation that immediately appears beside her, interferes with or is interfered with by herself, can be touched and observed, will stimulate her reaction.

I suddenly understood that Fu Jiang seemed to be active, but in fact, he was very passive, but full of adaptability. Her adaptation is also very human-like, analyzes and thinks about the surrounding environment, and then integrates into it, or makes a rebellion. Her adaptability allows her to be a part of it no matter what situation she faces, without needing to understand it.

Is there a difference between past doomsday illusions and present doomsday illusions? There is a suspected reality of the hospital, and the illusion of the end is only the spiritual world? "Jiang" and "Virus" exist, and have close contact with any humanoid Jiang? It does n’t matter, and I never thought about it seriously, even if I saw it in the diary, I just regarded it as a story-I finally understood that this is Fu Jiang ’s own way of thinking. She never really hides these behind the scenes Complicated things, but just focus on the eyes.

It is precisely because she is simply looking at everything in front of her eyes, so she is more able than anyone to focus on the immediate situation, faster than everyone, to adapt, to conquer, to destroy. Therefore, she seemed unreasonably powerful.

"You have too many miscellaneous thoughts." Fu Jiang said to me seriously: "Achuan, what is the world like, whether he is alive, still dead, or alive, is a normal person or a mental patient, is sick or sick, or powerful For you, is it really such an important and meaningful thing? "She said, picking up her diary and putting it in front of me." The battle is very simple, and victory does not matter what you are, the world is What is the future? When the battle occurs, the factor that determines whether you can win is only how you deal with the battle in front of you. Whether the battle in front of you wins determines your situation after this battle. Do you know? It ’s just that, it does n’t matter what kind of world you are in, what kind of person you are, or what state you are in. ”

I understand the meaning of Fu Jiang. Although many of my thoughts are closely related to myself in a long-term perspective, in fact, the problems I have to face are simpler, more substantial, and more problematic than those revealed by my thinking. Close. Just like the situation on the peninsula, although the conspiracy behind the mysterious organizations of all parties is considered, it seems that this is a mysterious event with a shady curtain. A huge vortex swept everyone on the peninsula, but what I have to face ~ www. ~ is just the enemy who finally stands in front of himself.

"It's a very meaningless thing to think about what the enemies will be like in the future." Fu Jiang walked out of bed, facing the thunder and thunder, stretching his limbs, and the curve full of roundness was like accumulating nucleus Fission-like power. Even if she is naked, she can't give birth to obscene thoughts.

"In the final analysis, as long as it is an enemy, it must be overthrown. Before overthrowing future enemies, it is necessary to overthrow the enemies who come to you in the first place. The so-called world, the so-called life, is to face the enemies who come to you one by one and completely It did n’t matter how they came to the front, or what they were. ”Fu Jiang turned around, shadowed by her shadow, her mouth bent flexibly, smooth muscle lines, and a flash of lightning. Thunder seemed to be shining, "Truth? Reality? Unreal? Huh, I don't know what it means. Enemy will fight, see the enemy will cut. This is life, the world, the only thing that can't escape, the most true truth!"

"Achuan, thinking is necessary, but if swallowed by problems, it is just a slave of thinking! Do n’t ask why, do n’t ask yourself what to do, if it is a destined enemy, it will definitely come at a certain moment. Go to yourself. And all you need to do is to kill it when it comes in front of you. It's that simple. "(To be continued ...)


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