Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1358: Ghost gate


Fujiang healed his damaged arm in an instant, which in turn ripped the electronic demon from the invisible midair. The huge volume and corresponding weight hit the ground, and this spindle-shaped electronic demon was sinking into the mud. A large number of silk connections were originally used to attack Fu Jiang's weapons, but now they have become a shackle that binds itself. If you just look at the volume, some people may think that this electronic demon is more powerful. However, when placed on Fu Jiang, the vision itself is full of deception.

Even if Fu Jiang ’s initial strength value under normal conditions is indeed weaker than this electronic demon, but under the characteristics of the "final weapon", this gap will be filled in an instant, and in this immediate improvement, Fu Jiang this " The final weapon 999 "is larger than other" final weapons ".

Fighting with the "final weapon" and fighting with "Fujiang", the degree of quantitative change has almost reached an essential difference.

Fujiang's expression didn't look at the prisoners at all, and he didn't even mean to put on clothes.


"You are dead." Fu Jiang declared this with just one blow-probably not many people could directly observe her movement, which was equivalent to a high-speed sweep of high-speed sweep, and instantly entered the shadow of the spindle-shaped electronic demon Then, in the observation of the chain judgment, abrupt and twisted lines suddenly interspersed from the absurd picture. If you only look at it with your naked eyes, there is only a scene like "The electronic demon is penetrated by a huge impact, the part of the body opening begins to crack, and in just one second, it spreads to the whole body" .

In the second second, the second impact occurs, the air is squeezed into a ring, and spread outwards with the spindle-shaped electronic demon as the center. Full of explosive waves. The rainwater was blown away in an instant, as if a blank was dug in the rain curtain.

The spindle-shaped electronic demon disintegrated into fly ash in front of everyone and was swept by the air waves. It spreads all over the sky. Only Fu Jiang was left in place, waving his right hand. There was a handful of silk thread in that hand, which was supposed to be the remains of the electronic demon, but in her hand, it did not turn into ashes like a normal body.

The silk thread is entangled and tightened by itself under an invisible force, and becomes a long and thin whip. Fu Jiang, who was naked, waved out of thin air, and the air immediately uttered a wailed sorrow.

This attack seemed to frighten others, and for a long time did not launch a second attack.

Fujiang and I don't care too much.

Although there are enemies looking around. However, since they are all destined to be dead, there is nothing to care about. If there were no Fu Jiang and I was seriously injured, I would have a headache for the situation at hand. However, since Fujiang is here, and his injuries are also caused by Fujiang, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter whether the opponent is concentrating on our side, or splitting troops to Dr. Ruan Li's side.

But. Now that Fu Jiang has dealt with it, I must also consider the possibility that the enemy will use these people to contain Fu Jiang and hit Dr. Ruan Li directly. After all. Even if they can realize from the failure of the "Mushishi" that they have reinforcements on their side, how strong Fujiang is as reinforcements can't grasp it positively, but they can't grasp it completely.

I think their response must have considered the worst case, try to overestimate the power of a level 4 magic pattern messenger, and use the "level 4 magic pattern" as the benchmark. To estimate the personnel that Level 4 Mageweave messenger can pry. In their eyes, I am the weight of the "four-level Mageweave messenger". It must be bigger than being "Gaochuan". However, this is instead their fault-"Four-level Mageweave Messenger" can not invite the "final weapon". As "Gao Chuan", I am Fu Jiang's husband. What they have to face is no longer a "fourth-level Mageweed Messenger", but a "fourth-level Mumbleweed Messenger" and his wife. Weapon 999.

"It's really boring lately. I have to hide all the calculations. Do you still have to use your strength to solve the problem?" Fu Jiang waved his whip and grinned to the enemies with hidden heads: "Now, Just let me have fun. "

I suddenly remembered a question: "A Jiang, if you open seven fine pores, can you recover your body?"

"Well, who knows?" Sure enough, Fu Jiang said irresponsibly: "I just saw something similar, so try it, anyway, I can't die if I fail. However, if it really works, then I realize the sorrow. , It will be ten times stronger than it is now-although it is still better than me. "

Understand what a sadness is! ?

I don't know what kind of expression to show at this time, but it should definitely not be "smile".

"Why not? Please be happy, Achuan." Fu Jiang's tone of encouragement, she really read my heart.

Said so, she gently stroked my chest, and suddenly, three fingers were inserted into my abdomen. In this way, the seven bleeding holes from the chest to the abdomen are like the Big Dipper.

But I can't feel the power of the so-called "sperm hole" at all. On the other hand, the injuries caused by Fu Jiang are extremely abnormal. Both the pain, the passing of strength and the ability to heal will fall to the level of ordinary people. For an ordinary person, these seven wounds that completely penetrated the body are terrible.

"Damn, no effect at all." I thought so.

I have no time to care how she will concoct those enemies. Fu Jiang rarely sees such irresponsible words and deeds, but for me personally, there is no reason to be angry because of this. On the contrary, if what she is doing today is regarded as her expression of emotion, It will make me think she is a little cute.

If you look at it with humanity, you should think of it as this is the "unblocking" made by her after she knows my troubles.

Although the "human nature" in the normal sense, we can't expect too much now.

In any case, Fu Jiang ’s attention has shifted, and the most important thing now is to restore his injuries.

According to the guessed reasons, to recover from the injury, you must first leave Fujiang for a distance.

Quick swipe——

Next moment, I have stepped into the invisible high-speed passage. In the slow world, I watched Fu Jiang, who was not slow at all, shrugged, and watched her turn to those black cloaks that became slow. Then, within a blink of an eye. Back inside, he dialed Dr. Ruan Li's phone.

"They are here." After connecting, I explained so briefly.

Dr. Ruan Li knew who I was referring to. However, in her eyes. That is a group of mental patients who become sick and violent.

Although in my opinion, they are relying on "mystery" to attack here, but in the eyes of Dr. Ruan Li, it is probably another scene, and the defensive measures Dr. Ruan Li made at this research base are completely against her. Observed and predicted situation.

"I'll block them." I said.

Dr. Ruan Li was silent for a few seconds, and then he said: "Then it is up to you. The special effect medicine is almost finished."

"Don't worry, you have read my diary. Mom." I said: "Perhaps it seems to you that I and those people are in illusion. But whether it is sober or illusion, I am equivalent to them. In the state-the mental hallucinations caused by white Claudia can interact, and the appearance and interaction of those extraordinary things are the interaction of mental hallucinations-Mom, if you accept this argument, you should understand that I am I ’m not afraid of this situation, and I wo n’t lose to them. This is also true. Although they are all mental patients. But I am a mental patient who has an essential gap with them, otherwise, you do n’t need to create additional special effects just for me. Medicine. "

Yes. Whether "mystery" is "fact" or "mental hallucination caused by white Claudia", it is just a difference in understanding and observation angle. Therefore, in battles with "mystery" as the core, whether it is a de facto battle, a battle in illusion, or a battle in a dream, I am an extraordinary strong.

"They want to break into the research room, there is only one route." Dr. Ruan Li sent relevant information to me. One side explained a little: "If we make a positive breakthrough, we only need to keep this route. And if they want to cut another route on their own, they must spend more energy and manpower. On the contrary, it is impossible to launch a raid like this. Assuming that this raid was intended to cover up their actions in other areas, it did not need to be bothered, because my results came out faster than they estimated. Conversely, if they also want to understand these, then, The intensity of this frontal attack will be great, but the expected results in their hearts are relatively small. "

"That is to say, although their offensive force will be great, but once the attacking party is given a certain degree of pressure, it will let them choose to retreat instead?" I said.

"Yes, the real decisive battle will not be at this time. I have buried some traps in the stolen research results. It is possible that they will also produce different sounds inside themselves. It is somewhat difficult to ride a tiger." Ruan Dr. Li paused and said, "However, it's just a few tricks. White Claudia's mental erosion will make them reunite."

Reached an agreement-Dr. Ruan Li used an interesting statement. In her observation and cognition, is the "cooperative cooperation" that I guessed here is a kind of macro-regulated behavior and conscious control carried out by the white Claudia's spiritual erosion?

"That is to say, in fact, all enemies are essentially white Claudia?" I couldn't help thinking about it.

"It is indeed possible to think so." Dr. Ruan Li said: "Think carefully, although white Claudia looks like a plant without thought, how does it define its thinking? Since the spirit of those patients The state is regarded as being eroded by white Claudia, so why can't white Claudia, who can erode the spirit and build a huge spiritual network, be self-thought on the spiritual level? Biologically, There is a saying called 'ant colony wisdom', so why can't we treat every patient as an 'ant'? "

Speaking of which, Dr. Ruan Li stopped for a moment and eased his breath: "Forget it, anyway, these are nothing more than the powerless conjecture I produced when I reached the limit. The important thing is the special effect medicine. Achuan , You do n’t need to think about **** each other, because no matter how you think, it ’s just an illusionary action. Your battle is essentially an illusion of mutual influence, so kill on illusion The opponent will not have the final victory. The real victory is that you can reconnect the spirit and the * after taking the special effect medicine, and then defeat the enemy from the *. "

"Awakening is real?"

"Yes, human beings are finished, awakening is true." Dr. Ruan Li hung up the phone.

I understand what Dr. Ruan Li meant, and if the effect of this special medicine really works, it is indeed highly anticipated. However, the point is that I do n’t even know which one is the real one. The real world. Dr. Ruan Li's special effect medicine will be based on this repeater world as the observation point, and the remaining one-tenth of the possibility will be based on "hospital reality" as the observation point.

For me, the latter is more valuable than the former. At least, let me see the possibility of returning to the "hospital reality".

Although there are still many disturbing things, the numerous failures in the past did not allow people to have too much confidence in this attempt. However, since it was from Dr. Ruan Li ’s hands, there is no other choice. Then there is the value of trying.

I pressed the chest and abdomen. Sure enough, after leaving Fu Jiang a little, the wound has begun to recover. Although leaving Fujiang on her own initiative and leaving her out of observation is a bit risky, it is also possible to encounter other "final weapons". When he died for the first time, it was because of the sudden disappearance of Fu Jiang, and in a short period of time, he was caught by the "final weapon". This time, if you are unlucky, it will be a repeat of the situation.

Even so, I have a reason to do so.

I used Fu Jiang as my opponent just now. Although I still haven't figured out the chance of victory ~ ~ I would rather say I suffered a particularly heavy blow. At least, it has already encountered stronger pressures. Then, under the pressure of second-class pressure, actions and countermeasures will be more surplus than usual.

Facing the storm and rain, I wandered through the invisible high-speed passageway, the water droplets seemed to freeze in the air, and wet my body again, until I stood firm at the gate, all the slow scenery, this returned to normal .

The sound like a surge surged into my ears.

An unsurprising wooden house.

I stood in front of the door outside the house, and according to Dr. Ruan Li-only by entering this door, the enemy can observe and reach her real location, it sounds a bit "mysterious", but for Dr. Ruan Li Such traps are actually arranged for the "mental hallucinations" of these "mental patients" using drugs.

However, she still named the door "Ghost Door".

Is really a mystic style. (To be continued)

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