Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1359: Ghost Gate II

An unsurprising wooden house.

I stood in front of the door outside the house, and according to Dr. Ruan Li-only by entering this door, the enemy can observe and reach her real location, it sounds a bit "mysterious", but for Dr. Ruan Li, Such traps are actually arranged for the "mental hallucinations" of these "mental patients" using drugs.

However, she still named the door "ghost door".

"Ghost door"?

Excluding Dr. Ruan Li's so-called "drug-induced white Claudia's illusion of erosion of mentally ill patients", from the perspective of occultism, the location of the wooden house and the orientation of the doors and windows are also very consistent with what Feng Shui claims " "Ghost Gate" orientation. Dr. Ruan Li was born in the Central Principality and has also explored the relationship between feng shui and psychology in folklore. The correlation between psychology, physiology and drug research is closer than outsiders imagined. Integrating folklore and even the concept of "feng shui" in mysticology with the "scientific point of view" she identified, combined with psychology, human physiology, and drug effects to form today's "as long as the ghost door is held, the enemy It is impossible to invade the field "effect.

I don't know if "Ghost Gate" is effective for mystery experts, especially the mystery experts who came this time. In theory, Dr. Ruan Li ’s methods are trustworthy. Her identity background is special, and she is in the current special environment. From the perspective of "script", there must be a plot that makes her shine.

However, considering the situation of Fu Jiang and the possibility of "script", there must be some hidden meaning, which made me have to guess that among the enemies attacked this time, there may be some amazing monsters mixed in. ——Even if it is not the “ultimate weapon”, it may be a guy of similar and close rank.

The mysterious experts commonly referred to, and the mysterious experts who are generally regarded as "strong", and this kind of guy who does not know whether to say "monster" or "monster", under normal circumstances. There is no comparison at all. Unless you have pre-set some targeted insurance measures in advance, otherwise, if you encounter these "monsters" and "monsters", you will be considered a "strong man". It can also be destroyed in one shot.

In terms of the level judgments commonly used by most mysterious experts in this doomsday illusion after my death, all other people who use mysterious powers according to their theoretical strength under normal circumstances . They can be divided into five equal orders "paper, union, strong, fierce, crazy" from weak to strong, and two special equal orders "God, Extraordinary".

The graystone fortifiers I am more familiar with are generally above the "parallel", and the highest limit that can be reached is the "strong" level.

As long as you master the mysterious power and live to become a mysterious expert in the true sense, then you will start from "strong" and have been upgraded to "mad" level.

The "crazy" level is the so-called "strong", and if the "crazy" level continues to be subdivided, three more detailed judgments of "upper middle and lower" will also appear, which are judged as "crazy". Probably in the face of any enemy, any harsh environment, have the spare power of a battle.

Within the normal range, "madness" is regarded as the end point. In theory, Father Sissen of the "three-level half-moire pattern", and Father Edward, who once used the six-six-six six disguise, were all classified in this order. Even the "four-level magic pattern" is still divided into this class. Father Edward, who strengthened the "six six six disguise" into a "nine nine nine disguise," still seems to have failed to exceed this level.

However, the super-large form of the Saya virus, as well as the Valpus night without a fixed form, final weapons and repeaters, etc. But it is regarded as the existence beyond the level of "crazy".

Their mode of existence and strength are far beyond the range that normal people can guess, and their own special characteristics also make them unable to be included in the normal "paper and fierce" fifth-class division. then. The two levels "outside" and "god" have meaning, and monsters, monsters, and inexplicable things in these two levels are usually regarded as "isolated", and are not talked about under normal circumstances.

Because, even the best calculation, because they can not fully measure their particularity. It is also impossible to judge their explosive power and final effect, so the risk is very high, plus, under normal circumstances, even if these monsters, monsters and inexplicable things become enemies, when fighting with them, more In many cases, there will be no "face-to-face" situation.

If it is really "face-to-face", it is probably the most dangerous moment in this life, and the probability is about the same as buying a lottery ticket.

Basically, in the case of "Gaochuan", especially the prostheticized Gaochuan in London today, its prosthetic and accelerating characteristics are combined by the active Dorothy and the color system, which is regarded as "outside" Very normal. In my words, if the power of "Jiang" is not triggered, by virtue of the identity of the "four-level Mageweave Messenger", it is only "crazy" at best.

Yes, in all senses, the prosthetic body Gaochuan in London inherited part of my power. The power of several Gaochuans after me even integrated the information of my previous "Gaochuan", and then deliberately Optimization and transformation, the completed Gaochuan is stronger than expected in the past. Even after the resurrection, I, who upgraded the magic pattern again, could not be said to be stronger. This was originally the effect of the "Gaochuan" change over and over again.

Because of the emergence of Fu Jiang and the occasion of Dr. Ruan Li, some of the elements involved in the "script" gave this battle a special meaning from a larger scope. Furthermore, it is not surprising that monsters and monsters appearing "outside the discussion".

Not long ago, the monster that guided me directly and expelled me was the new type of "Masuo" after the fusion of the external Marsau and the world's Marsau. Although she should not have exerted all her strength at that time, the environment was also restricting her, but considering the power of the London repeater, its theoretical strength was either "out of the theory" or "god-level".

Now that there is such a real monster that appears similar to the final weapon, then the second one and the third one are not a problem.

If more reasons are needed, then—

The Nazis have confirmed that there are "alienated Youjiang" and "monsters deep in the nightmare of Las Vegas".

Father Edward's Sayya virus had already completed the super-large Sayah body through the "Victoria Heavy Industrialization Zone" of the ruling bureau ruins during the "toilet talk" incident in this repeater world.

In this peninsula incident, if the tacit cooperation between the mysterious organizations of all parties is completed, there will be a force at least to compete with the Nazis. Otherwise, even if the battlefield is selected, it will not be possible to defeat the ultimate weapon. The Nazis of "Jiang" and "Monsters Deep in Las Vegas".

Because of this incident, the team simply cooperated with the 51st district. The doomsday truth also hides behind the 51 area, so it is entirely reasonable that the 51 area with the repeater will take out one or two monsters.

These reasons. It was enough for me to have a strong enough hunch to guess what kind of enemies would be met by the "Guy Gate" this time.

Is it at least "off topic"? In other words, it may exceed the intensity of the prosthetic body Gaochuan seen last time.

Rather than using the "final weapon" as a standard, I prefer to use the "perfect state" of the prosthetic body Takagawa as a standard to guess the strength of the enemy's possible arrival.

If there is no critical hedge weapon. Sure enough it will be tricky. But I can't think of a reason to reduce the chance of encountering "monsters".

If Dr. Ruan Li ’s special medicine has been researched out, after taking it, I might be able to look forward to the "out of the discussion" for a while. However, for now, this is just a luxury. Instead, I have to block the monsters that may appear in order to allow Dr. Ruan Li enough time.

So lamenting my bad luck in my heart, I completely let go of the chain judgment and run this talent with maximum efficiency.

The absurd and distorted image born in the brain, and the real scene seen by the naked eye. There is a very obvious contrast, but in this contrast, it seems that some information that is invisible to the naked eye is being generated and then accepted by me in an "intuitive" way.

Although it has been envisioned that the enemy may be very powerful, but I have encountered monsters with super specifications in the past, not once or twice. Probably speaking, I have more experience than any other mysterious expert in facing these monsters, magic patterns and indescribable things.

This experience. It is also attached to the chain judgment in a "feeling" way, so that the scene observed by the chain judgment becomes richer, more detailed and full of pertinence.

all of these. Not much deliberately, I just felt it was necessary, so I did it. Although "chain judgment" is only regarded as "talent" in the magic pattern system, it is my best. And at any time, its importance is definitely not weaker than any other "mystery" that I have mastered.

In other words, excluding the "Jiang", it's just a mortal who should have been unable to self-awaken even superpowers. With reference to the situation of most people, having a "talent" is my limit. In other words, this "talent" that reaches the limit is the real and essential force that belongs to me.

"So, let me run and let me observe more! More! More!" I pressed the forehead with my palm, and I no longer need to observe with my naked eyes. I have been familiar with the overload state chain judgment that is no longer familiar, and directly imprinted in my mind the scenery over 50 meters. Among them, the battlefield of Fu Jiang and others.

Very good, although it is a bit harder, but finally included Fujiang into the observation range, I hope this will be a bit useful, and the monsters that come out will not be "final weapons".

In the short period of time I left, it seemed that Fu Jiang, who was capable of defeating everyone at once, had a little trouble. With Fu Jiang's strength, the enemy has to send more reinforcements, and there are more targeted "strong"-is it just "strong"? Although no more has been observed, I still do n’t think that monsters in the true sense cannot resist Fujiang.

So, plus me, are there at least three over-spec monsters that might exist on the scene?

So, where is the monster whose goal is "Ghost Gate"?

It was obviously in heavy downpour, but the gray haze had become clearly visible, and the range and concentration were increasing. With the naked eye, after a while, it will be difficult to confirm the situation ten meters away.

However, this obstacle does not work for me.


I pulled up the handle with one hand.

There is a high-energy reaction on the back right, and at the same time, three objects are generated in the fog, and just above my location, two appear-

I looked up and waved the blade at the same time. It seemed that what was cut off, what was cut, turned into fog, and the surrounding mist became thicker. And just above, behind the two figures, the vortex of gray fog has not completely disappeared.

"Apocalyptic, elite sorcerer? Is this the level of advancement?" It was surprising, but expected.

However, it is really a situation where people cannot laugh.

The gray fog that enveloped the surroundings produced new wizard spells without any apparent external force. Because it came from all directions, there was no way to escape if it did not collapse or escape before shrinking its encirclement. This eclectic attack method should be jointly manipulated by two elite wizards. Because, these two people I saw were standing hand in hand in the air. If there is no reason, I really have not seen this kind of holding hands with other wizards.

Moreover, the two people's figure curves, tall and low, and wizard mask images have obvious similarity and symmetry.

Such a pair of elite wizards, of course, is not the same as the two elite wizards working together. Theoretically, the pair of partners we meet today will be stronger.

Quick Sweep can be activated at the moment when the spell is detected.

However, ~ ~ encountered a tough invisible obstacle immediately after passing through a method that could be released in the future.

After one blow, the obstacle was not broken, but the chain judgment was already in the mind, presenting this invisible obstacle in a more visual way.

It is a very familiar spell.

protecting mask? Is it not to protect yourself, but to imprison others in turn? I thought this way, the shield shrunk inward suddenly, as if to push me back. Spells in all directions are also ready to be detonated in a narrow space-this is what my intuition tells me.

The idea is good, but if even the "explosion" itself becomes slow, it also makes no sense.

At the same time when the spell was released, the invisible high-speed passage of the rapid sweep had penetrated the points where the spells were generated. The blades passed, and the structure of the gray fog spell was immediately decomposed, and it was directly dispersed into the fog. In the next tenth of a second, I launched 30 slams at the same point of the protective cover, which shattered the barrier.

The invisible high-speed passage, in the next tenth of a second, climbed the protective cover that had not been completely disintegrated, and reached directly behind the two elite wizards. (To be continued.)

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