Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1360: 1 husband

A wizard apprentice, a formal wizard, followed by an elite wizard and a higher-winged knight. This is the mysterious system of apocalyptic truth. It is said that a part of the underlying data of the magic pattern system is used, only because part of the data is missing, while another The materials are also lacking in the adaptability of the times, so in this part of the bottom materials, the Doomsday Truth has added its own things. Speaking of it, the doomsday doctrine is not entirely inherited from "a certain relic", but is pursuing something that adapts to its own organization and purpose on top of the old ruined system-if, in the doomsday illusion There is really a mysterious organization that "creates mystery", and not just in "historical rumors". Then, there is nothing other than the doomsday truth religion that is most likely to do this.

In terms of self-promotion and R & D strength, although the Internet Ball is claimed to have assembled positive global forces, the discovery and research of "mystery" cannot be achieved by "many people". Throughout the ages, there have been only a few large scientists who have made extraordinary research discoveries. Their contribution to civilization is definitely not comparable to just a few ordinary scientists.

At least at this point, "mystery" and "scientific research" are so similar.

If it is not a unique person, in a special place, there are certain inspirations and discoveries that are like destiny, then something will not exist in this world-such a statement will probably anger those who think "No one is irreplaceable" guys, but for me, this kind of character that is destined to be special, occupying an irreplaceable position, has extraordinary charm.

This role can be a single person. Or maybe a group of people interacting.

Although I do n’t want to admit it, the Doomsday Truth is close to my ideal in this respect-from a certain perspective. It is more special than the online ball and more irreplaceable. More fateful.

Probably because of this idea, so in the wizarding system to the end, become an elite wizard and wing knight, and even a higher-level user of mysterious power, in my opinion, it is a bit like "being The feeling of being selected by the world.

No doubt, no matter whether my idea is correct. But such people always possess something stronger than most people, perhaps talent, or luck, or physique or thought. For most mysterious experts, the elite shaman who encounters doomsday truth is definitely not a character who often deals with, nor is it a character that can be easily dealt with.

Encountering an enemy of the elite sorcerer level in a mysterious event definitely means that this mysterious event has some unusual places than others, but also means that my luck is very bad. Even mysterious experts who are regarded as strong, when they encounter these believers. The probability of death is also around 50%. Not to mention, among the elite wizards of this rank, there are still rarer. A more special character is just like the difference between "Father Edward" and other mysterious experts. This difference will increase the chance of failure and death of the hostile mysterious expert to nearly 80%.

Despite that, I have encountered elite wizards several times and dozens of times more than other mysterious experts. My own particularity always seems to attract such high-risk characters to be incorporated into my actions, or rather. It is to involve yourself in a game with such high-risk characters.

Me, although I still think that "elite wizard" is a very special character. But this special taste. It's like eating too much chili, and the mind and body are numb.

Is directly proportional to the number of times I encounter elite wizards, and I have more experience in dealing with them than most mysterious experts.

Nowadays, I do n’t care too much about whether the elite wizard standing in front of me is also called the “powerful” or “monster” in this class, and I do n’t care too much about how special the other party is. What is the reason for him or her to bear such a role.

Since it has become an enemy, it must be defeated in the first place.

They are threatened, not me, but the people I care more about.

"This way doesn't work." I said to the two elite wizards like twins hanging in the air, but they probably haven't heard it yet.


My speed is faster than the spread of sound!

The protective cover serving as a cage was shattered. Before it was completely broken, the invisible high-speed passage had passed through the gap and circled on the surface of the protective cover that had not cracked. After a small arc, it reached the two holding hands Behind the elite wizard. Before my murmur was conveyed, I was already on top of it, driven by the invisible high-speed passage.

In a blink of an eye, he chopped out 152 knives. When the thunder and thunder once again made the gloomy landscape pale, the protective covers around the two elite wizards cracked in appearance.

Sure enough, as I expected, although the shield has been used as a cage before, and the power of the shield is stronger than the normal wizard shield spell, it may also be a spell released by a person alone.

One person releases such a strong protective cover to make a cage, while the other person will also protect himself or herself with a protective cover of equal strength-this is a combination of offensive and defensive. If the cooperation between the two is used to amplify the offensive ability, it will definitely suffer.

Blinked, the two shields on the ground were broken, although there was no sound, but the air was obviously shaking, like a silent wailing. However, the spell effect did not end there.

While destroying the protective cover, I continued to push forward, and they had already chopped off their bodies as soon as their bodies reflexed. However, when they looked like they were two halves, they became paper-like, completely without a three-dimensional shape, and then seemed to be torn by the wind, and the fragments rolled up with the wind and immediately turned into fog. The vortex disappeared in the place where it was originally.

While the shattered protective cover was re-dispersed into fog, the surrounding fog surged violently again. The new spell effects were released without any interval, chasing my position once again, and coming from all directions.

Raindrops, gravel and blasts seem to be at this moment. The mystery is added by the gray fog, and it makes me feel threatened-this part of the rain and gravel will flow into the wind and blink next. It constitutes a thick tornado surrounded by the two.

A total of thirty-eight tornadoes rushed towards me with great momentum.

Gee. Are you free?

I thought so, once again, the rapid sweeping was faster than the number of raindrops and gravel. When they gathered in the wind and formed a more destructive tornado, it was more flaws for me. The larger the number, the more space can be filled, and I must use more energy to avoid them. However, thirty-eight tornadoes also sound quite a lot, but the gap between them is huge.

This kind of attack cannot work for me unless they are still brewing another morphological change-I don't think elite wizards are stupid enough to simply use this tornado to deal with mysterious experts in high-speed mobile combat.

The previous fight, they used my pause to break the shield to complete another escape spell, but after the shield is removed, it takes time to regenerate. I don't consider that they can accomplish spell activation and shape change of this scale at the same time. And the reconstruction of the protective cover-for two people, one person is responsible for a part, which is theoretically possible. but. It is an indisputable fact that the wizard's spells require more time than other mysterious forces.

The wizard's ever-changing gray fog spell can strengthen its own adaptability to the combat environment, but the shortcoming is also obvious, that is, the speed of launch. Even the gray fog spell can abandon the chant, completely extract the fog to replace the medium, and activate the speed of the spell. It is absolutely impossible to exceed the superpower that is launched between thoughts.

The advantages and disadvantages of the wizard system are very obvious, and its general nemesis. Of course it's the extraordinary guy in "speed".

Is unfortunate, I am one of them. Moreover, it is still more foul than most "supernormal" guys.

Chain judgment, when they are formed again, they have already completed the capture of their position-in a blind spot that cannot be seen with the naked eye, but this degree of hiding in front of the chain judgment is meaningless.

This is my proud "talent".

Although I have overestimated this pair of elite sorcerers, it is impossible to break through the "ghost gate" with only two of them!


Vigorously excite the rapid sweep. The world is starting to be dull, as if it is about to stagnate.

The twin wizard ’s gaze still stayed where I was, and they peered at my response from the corner of the shadow. I can be sure that there must be more changes in the previous tornado, and even if they change again, Still unable to represent the highest fighting power of these two.

Is probably still in the exploratory stage. The tactics of the two seem to be biased towards "testing the target with the change in the form of the spell first, and then determining a certain form to launch a fatal blow". Nor can it be said that this tactic is conservative, except that their opponents are stronger.

If you use other mysterious experts as opponents, even if the opponent has high-speed movement ability, ten of them will be entangled by the spell change, and cannot reach the maximum speed, which is enough for the twin wizards to hide aside, reconstruct the self-protected spell, and pass Observe and find the opponent's flaws.

However, my "high speed" is not "high speed" in the general sense!

The body of the two people, when I approached, produced exciting changes, and their reflexive ability and self-protection instinct were really outstanding. However, before making a concrete action, my blade has been cut again.

This time, the blade cuts the muscles, cuts the bones, and finally the feeling of two cuts is transmitted to the wrist very effectively. At the same time as I passed them, the thirty-eight tornadoes not far away collapsed at the same time. It is said that if the knife is fast enough, the person being cut will not even know that he has been injured, even if it is a fatal injury at the vital point, it will continue to erupt for a short period of time.

Such injured people can still think and act.

This is not the result I want. My knife is undoubtedly fast, and the possibility of such a situation is not unthinkable. Therefore, since it is necessary to cut off the first time, it is not enough to constitute only one aspect.

So, in the moment I passed by, I actually cut out 28 knives, and the special way of exerting force makes the incision as if it was caught in a meat grinder, which is definitely not smooth.

When we passed by, they were injured at the nerve level, and they have continued to bear the function of transmitting signals.

I stood firm and pressed the last blade into the sheath again.

With the clanging sound of the knife, the huge impact of the torn up of the tornado arrived instantly. The bodies of the two elite wizards also completely disintegrated in this storm. The twirling limbs, blood and internal organs were scattered on the ground and on the walls.

"Is it really like this?" As I walked to the "Ghost Gate", I pressed the wound that Fu Jiang had pierced with my finger before, and the bleeding had stopped there, and it didn't look scarred. If you leave Fujiang, the abnormal mysterious repression will be eased, but the so-called "fine pores" have no effect. Was it really just a lesson taught by Fu Jiang?

The observation range of the chain judgment has already included the battlefield where Fujiang is located, and the situation on her side will be over, and it will not exceed ten seconds at most ...

Just when I thought that, there was a slight fluctuation in the area that calmed down a little after the Twin Wizards were cut off.

I just felt goose bumps on my skin at this moment.

That is the movement that really escapes the naked eye.

too fast! Indescribably fast! And it is very concealed, it is not a figure at all, as if there is only a thin line left on the moving track.

Seems to be light.

However, from a physical point of view, the existence of this light is too abnormal.

The chain judgment has captured it, or its trajectory, in the twisted and absurd image of the mind, although this line is difficult to find because of its small size, its sense of presence is still a bit too strong compared to other line structures Too. Just like in a black-and-white world, thin colors suddenly appear, even if it is not conspicuous, or even just a glance, it will be noticed subconsciously.

The direction of the light is-

Ghost door!

Turned out to be waiting at this time.

This time ~ ~ I still have no blank in my mind, but I thought: Although this guy is acting fast, he still hasn't been able to seize the best opportunity to take action before the action. This means that it is not so fast and sharp every moment.

Moreover, even if the true speed of light is still in the concept of speed, there is no way to escape the super-capture of speed swept!

Reference object determination.

Invisible high-speed channel completed.

If the other party is "speed of light", then I will be "faster than light".

I have always tried to avoid "faster than light", because such a concept beyond imagination makes me feel uneasy. However, when it has to be used, it is still to be thanked that the speed sweep super energy can really reach this level.

Start capturing!

"This time is a real monster? Let me confirm it." (To be continued)


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