Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1361: Brave, monster, son of destiny

It is no longer a miracle for me to defeat two elite wizards in the "instant moment" that others feel. ● ⌒ The vertex said that .. In the fast sweeping state, my sense of time is very different from others, although they think it is "instant", it seems to me that I have spent a lot of hands and feet, far from the word "instant" Meaning is easy. However, the rapidity in the eyes of others, once stopped, before starting again, is also a flaw.

Although such a flaw will become infinite after Quick Sweep is activated again, the guy who can catch this flaw is probably a monster, such as the former Fujiang.

There is such an enemy who has escaped the lock of the chain judgment and has been hiding very well. Taking advantage of this flaw, he intends to break through the ghost gate. In fact, I think that it is the best time to make breakthroughs while fighting against elite wizards, but the other party does not seem to think so. I know that my own guesses about the ideas of others are still my own ideas, not those of others. However, since this guy decided to choose this time, he must be well prepared-if he cannot break through, he must defeat my preparation to go all out.

Its speed is also very fast, just like turning itself into a light, and this may be the basis that it thinks can break through the ghost door. However, like other mysterious experts, it also does not understand my high-speed secret. My speed sweep is indeed a mystery relative to other high-speed types at the initial speed. On the surface, it seems to be a somewhat ordinary start, and the acceleration power can also be very ordinary. However, the reason why my speed is always faster than others is because of "relativeness".

As long as you have a course of action, you have the concept of speed, even if it is the speed of light. It can also be used as a reference to produce a "relatively faster" speed.

Therefore, high-speed movement like "fast as light" or "incarnation into light" has no meaning in front of me.

Yes, the so-called "high speed" if there is a comparison. If the speed of other things cannot be surpassed during comparison, the concept of "high speed" will lose its meaning. Instead, just use "speed" to describe it better.

When the other party gave up lurking and appeared in the chain judgment, although it was still a very thin form, but because of its incompatibility in the ridiculously distorted image, the sense of existence became particularly strong. Therefore, I want to take advantage of my own morphological changes. It is impossible to try to deceive the chain judgment.

The chain judgment of overloaded operation may not be supported for too long, but the limit of its ability, even if it is, I cannot clearly estimate. In this operation, which may only be able to maintain a short time, the high speed generated by the speed sweep can make up for the lack of "lack of time".

At the time of observation, the rapid sweep has also been synchronized.

As in the past, everything that exists in the concept of speed moves. There is no way to escape the super-swift capture!

The reference object is determined.

The invisible high-speed channel is completed.

I have always tried to avoid "faster than light". Because of this concept beyond imagination, I feel uneasy. However, when it has to be used, it is still to be thanked that the speed sweep super energy can really reach this level.

The capture begins!

"This time it's a real monster? Let me confirm it." I treated it that way, but. In this movement that exceeds the speed of light, it can't be heard.

Although, relative to it, I exceeded the speed of light, but. I can't feel how fast the "speed of light" is in the fast-swept channel. It's just that it was originally like a flash, and it has also slowed down when I entered the fast-sweep. The degree of this slowness is still rising, and finally when I surpass it from the near side, it becomes as if it has solidified.

At this moment, I could not hear any sound, nor feel any taste, the humidity and temperature of the rain disappeared from the skin, even if I stepped on the ground, there was no touch. Originally, it made people feel the factors of their survival in this world very effectively, and they all disappeared in vain. The world is no longer real, just like a lie. I hate this feeling because it has become so intense that I have to subconsciously wonder if I am false.

The so-called side effects beyond the speed of light, such a strong sense of unreality, is one of the most significant ones, whether or not there are other side effects, but just such unrealism is enough to make people doubt everything.

"It's really fast enough to make me taste this disgusting feeling." I glanced at this opponent who was surpassed by myself. If it can still be perceived, it will definitely be read from my eyes. I think so.

The "ray" observed in the chain judgment, now that it has passed by, looks like it is not as slender as the "line". The "line" is just the trajectory of movement, and it is also an optical illusion. What is exposed to my naked eye is a group of light vaguely presenting human form-light man. In London, the new generation of electronic demon messenger organization Behind the scenes supporters of the "Paris China Strike Group", and not long ago, they also had close encounters in the office of the Peninsula Nature Conservation Area.

Moreover, this guy seems to be able to perceive the existence of "Jiang" and describe the existence of "Jiang" or "virus" in another way of understanding-I just guessed this from its words and deeds, remember it at the time The vocabulary used is:

"The Lord of the Shady ... The script is reconstructed ..." Sure enough, its voice appeared, which is proof that it was not completely "still" by the relativity at this moment. Or, it has begun to break through its own speed limit, even if it can't catch up with my speed, it can use another "mystery" to weaken the effect of speed sweep.

The transmission of sound is very abnormal.

"Familiar taste ..." It started to change.

More sounds seemed to be passed directly to the mind, and it seemed that the dust and raindrops in the surrounding air were making the same sound.

——Prediction, insertion, shape adaptation

——The master of the shady, deduction, reconstruction

The light dissipated, and what remained was the familiar and abnormal body completely restrained by the restraint suit, and the men and women were indistinguishable, and even the face was completely covered, because he was carrying a ball, so he was not sure. Did the previous voice come out of this mouth.

The sound contains mystery, and the act of "sound" itself seems to be given the meaning of "mystery".

This guy feels like every observable part, including body and behavior, is composed of "mystery" every inch. Itself. It is the greatest manifestation of some unfathomable "mystery".

This feeling can also be felt in the "final weapon".

It really is a monster!

The body under the restraint suit and its facial features are constantly creeping and changing.

It is mimicking, it seems to be through transformation of form to produce more targeted mysterious power. When he played with it before, it also tried to simulate Zhenjiang, but it failed because of the difference in the amount of intelligence in the world, and it almost collapsed itself. and so. This time it will change, it should not be something directly related to Jiang.

"Ghost Gate" is close at hand, and all this happens within 10,000th of a second. However, it must also stop here. In the next ten thousandth of a second, the two of us will follow the current route and will completely break through the ghost gate. Before the form of this guy comes out completely. It must be stopped.

I snatched into its route and turned around to draw the knife. The power of rotating the body, let the knife light tear the rain screen.

The monster stopped completely. From light to static, it seems like there is no load at all-I was thinking about it, the ground on which his feet stepped on, a crack of more than 20 meters appeared in an instant. The air around him seemed to be pinched tightly by an invisible giant hand and smashed out.

Distorted the impact of vision. When the blade is about to touch its skin, it is transmitted to me through the blade.

Oh no!

The opponent's counterattack turned out to be omnidirectional, with no dead ends at all, no room for speed transfer, and amazing power. It's like an enhanced version of the pneumatic operation that Father Sisen performed when facing me.

Have these guys collected my intelligence to this point? It seems that District 51 really didn't look at anyone, and all its previous failures were simply lack of intelligence.

However, this level of fighting is still expected.

Or, if it cannot reach this level, it is not a "monster"!

I bent down and inserted the blade into the ground, turning on and off the speed sweep multiple times in a very short time, with a special action, forming a special frequency, the strong impact force on the body was all discharged to the ground through the blade . Even if this is done, injuries to the internal organs are inevitable, but the physical strength of the Level 4 Mageweave messenger does not affect the battle at all. This is different from the injuries caused by Fu Jiang, and the self-healing of such injuries will not be suppressed by mystery and is difficult to carry out.

The violent shock wave has ruined me and it, and the surrounding scenery.

At the same time as the gravel was flying, I had already pounced again, and the long knife in my hand hit the neck and neck. Its limbs were completely restrained, and it was impossible to block the blow with normal movements. However, if it fails, it is still expected. Because the restraint suit restricts its movement, but it can also be seen as a disguised protection. It is conceivable that the restraint suit itself has strong protective ability.

Therefore, when the blade was directly blocked by the restraint suit, the unbreakable feeling completely surprised me.

One hundred and eight cuts in one second.

Just relying on the momentum and impact of the beheading, the monster in front of him had to take a step back. In my opinion, the next step was its counterattack—as I thought, this guy, who was not sure whether it was a man or a woman, suddenly broke the ball and opened his mouth to me.

"Hello." I seem to hear such greetings, however, violence contrary to the friendly word is also produced at the same time.

The second shock wave spit out from its mouth in a more condensed, visible form than the first.

Fortunately, it has been expected, otherwise, if you are hit, even if you have a special unloading technique, you will be seriously injured. The destructive power of the turn, this impact can be more cohesive and stronger than the first impact.

Quick sweep

I followed the tortuous and invisible high-speed channel, using the image of the brain displayed in the chain judgment as a reference, and painted the trajectory that best fits the absurd and distorted picture. This is an intuitive choice, but the effect is quite good. I think I'm like a fish swimming in the water, I don't need to spend too much effort, but it is smooth enough and fast enough.

I "slide" to its side, and at the moment of passing by, I reversed the blade and stabbed it under its rib.

I exhausted my strength to breastfeed, and finally pierced the restraint suit, but the "body" under the restraint suit did not have the real sense of a normal body, as if it was a stabbing air.

No, it still works. A plume of black smoke, heavier and denser than the gray mist, escaped from the wound.

I pulled away, and although I didn't stand directly in front of the "ghost gate", no matter from which direction, I believe that my speed can be adjusted in time. Moreover, if you can only stand in front of the "ghost door", it is too passive, and the enemy in front of you can not be repelled by rigid methods.

"Unexpectedly, this is indeed the case." I stared at the black smoke flowing from its wound, the touch of the previous stab, plus these black smoke, it is not difficult to imagine that this guy who is clearly a "light man", The body inside the restraint suit is entirely composed of black smoke.

"I didn't expect ... the strength of the Level 4 Mageweave messenger is really amazing." The monster in front of me, for the first time, could understand human words. This guy is sensible and really like a human being.

"In my opinion, the current Mr. Gao Chuan is not far from the real monster." It is so.

This voice ~ ~ seems familiar. Although I have dealt with it in the past, it is the first time to communicate normally, so it was not noticed in the past-

It seems to be someone Gao Gao knew.

Not me, but the impression left by other "Gaochuan".

The "light man" behind the Paris Chinese squad is also the "combination" of the smoky face, and the power manifestation of the 51th repeater, etc. This is what I can imagine at present, but, Before that, it seemed to have other identities.

"The name seems to be ... I remembered it." In my mind, I naturally put together the impressions from the corners, and then the impressions turned into memories, a kind of intelligence information without any sensation: "The son of fate predicted by the Prophet Meyn, Novsky. "

It really became troublesome.

The opponent is similar to "Masuo", the holder of the power of the repeater, and is it the special character "son of destiny"?

Is it a real monster? (To be continued ...)

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