Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1362: Flat cut

The attackers are people in the 51st district, which is completely expected. However, the special identity of the visitor also made me feel troublesome. I had speculated about this guy with an unusual appearance before, but now it is completely certain that when this monster was still a human, it was named "Novsky" and was predicted by the Prophet Meyn of the network ball. " Son of Destiny. " I do n’t know much about Novsky ’s experience, how he entered the fifty-one area, and the specifics of Prophet Mayn ’s prediction of the “child of destiny”.

There are a few things in it, other than "Gao Chuan" other than me, more precisely, it was experienced by London's prostitute Gao Chuan, and the abnormal recovery is why I have the concept of these events, which can be described as, It is inherited the obscure information of the prostitute Gao Chuan about these events. As long as it is "something that happened in the past and Gao Chuan had known or experienced it", the relevant information will emerge from the mind in the form of "impression" when it encounters the related situation again, but it is only that. There is no emotional resonance at all.

If you change to the prosthetic body Takagawa, how will you react when you see Novsky's appearance today? Well, suppose that if the prosthetic body Gaochuan is sentimental, you will certainly be a little surprised. At least not at all, as I am now, in the face of this guy's greetings, there is absolutely no feeling-whether it is friendly, hostile, or nostalgic, there is nothing.

"... really very different from Mr. Gao Chuan I know." Novsky said suddenly. He looked at me like he was going to penetrate the body and reach the soul deeper. And his words don't seem to shake me, but just to explain his own ideas. I deeply understand that this guy in front of me knows that I am different from another Gaochuan.

Even so. He may also be confused by this kind of difference, and it is difficult for me to be the same as another Gao Chuan. And this one-sided cognition, and decision-making based on this one-sided cognition. Will give me some advantage. Even in the current battle, it will certainly be useful.

I only fight back with action. The blade that he wielded was not hesitated by Novsky's words, and such an attack, even if it speeded up again, failed to actually hit the opponent, which was completely expected. The wind and rain were severely cut, and we entangled and wandered, and the multiple attacks that occurred within a second greatly affected this area. The doors and windows of the chalet were broken. The wall collapsed, it can be said that there was no place intact except where the "Ghost Gate" was located, and the room where Fujiang and I had previously lived away from this battlefield did not cause much damage in Fujiang's overwhelming victory.

Although it is only a temporary stay, it wouldn't make you happy to see your home destroyed.

Conversely, since there is not much damage. That is the only thing that makes people happy in this less pleasant battle.

My conversation with Novsky was less than ten seconds before and after. The rest of the time, all in a state of high-speed movement, he wanted to break through the ghost gate, and I have to stop him. It is for such tit-for-tat purposes that I have tried my best to imagine any possible bad situation. For the monster in front of me, it can be equal to me, and even have the upper hand. The situation is entirely expected, the only thing to note is. Reduce the number of times you have to fall into a "must meet tough situation". Now that Novsky cannot completely abandon the "process of action", my quick-sweep advantage can be fully demonstrated. However, the intelligence collection of the 51st area has also allowed them to complete a set of combat strategies against me.

And this strategy, the previous engagement, has initially shown signs.

Novsky itself was the center, and the impact released at the same time, although it could not make me seriously injured, but it did produce the effect of delaying the speed and disrupting the rhythm. My quick sweep cannot avoid the pressure from all directions at the same time. Usually, of course, it is to interrupt and break away from a certain range as the basis of combat countermeasures. However, this time, if I prefer to retreat, Novsky will take the opportunity to rush to the ghost gate.

His speed is very fast, although I can be faster, but because of his "child of destiny", "black smoke face integration", and "repeater cornerstone" and so on, it must be considered that he has other mysteries. Reversing this disadvantage within a certain period of time, even if the "relativity" of breaking through the rapid sweep can only last one second, it is enough to let him pass through the "ghost door" instantly.

In order to avoid poor pool, try to reduce your loss of position as much as possible.

The fight with "Masuo" before made me try to find out how powerful the mystery of the pillar of the "relay foundation" is, and how much mystery will affect my mystery. . Of course, "Masuo" at that time did not exert its full strength, but the current situation of "Novsky" is not much different from that of "Masuo" at that time. I don't think that the people in the 51st district can already fully analyze this world of repeaters, and let their repeaters transmit more power than "Masuo" across the air.

Compared with the "Masuo" of the netball, the disadvantage of "Novsky" is that in this world of repeaters, there is probably no other "Novsky" to let him merge. Therefore, when he used the power of the fifty-one zone repeater, the repulsion of the Las Vegas repeater increased, which forced him to expose more information to the Nazis.

Suppose that the 51st district must fight for the Las Vegas repeater, the killer must rely on is the "son of destiny" in front of him, then, as much as possible to enhance his power, also hide his power as much as possible, until The key to the final moment is the choice that must be made.

No matter what point, I do n’t think that Novsky can show real and complete strength to deal with me. Even if he launched a targeted mysterious change, he also has a combat strategy against the four-level Mageweave messenger, and the strength he can bring out still determines the extreme height of these changes and strategies.

"So, it's impossible for you to enter the ghost gate. Novsky!" I turned my long knife, intersected with the scabbard, against the sluice knife formed by the fog—the fog was from the Novowski restraint suit. The black smoke leaked from the hole was further disintegrated, instead of the ordinary gray fog around it. It is entirely conjecturable that Novsky has stronger control over it. And when the black smoke disintegrated into fog. I heard a lot of wailing, like the black smoke screaming and crying. Howling, if it ’s someone who does n’t have strong will. Just hearing this voice, you will lose even the power to stand up.

The attacking pattern that occurred in both mental and material aspects is exactly the proof that Novsky has produced further changes compared to before.

I suspect that even the current appearance of the "Novsky" himself is now just a humanoid disguise. The larger essence is actually the large smoky face that exists in this restrained body. And his consciousness. Although it feels like "Novsky" himself, it may just be the aggregation of a large amount of smoky face consciousness, with the existing "Novsky" consciousness, simulating the generated "New Novsky" consciousness, So much so that it seems that Novsky in the past has grown and changed.

In essence, is it a monster that touches the decomposition and reconstruction of the spiritual level, and is finally created?

"The New Book of Disintegration-Plane Cut!" The large sluice knife made by Novsky using the change of fog is completely distorted in the observation of the chain judgment. And this distortion is in my mind, there is no theory at all to parse. But it made me intuitively understand the key to the so-called plane cut: this is basically a dimensionality reduction attack. The mystery used by Novsky, called "The New Book of Disintegration", not only disintegrated the raw materials for black smoke formation. Reproduce the gray fog spell of Doomsday Religion in an alternative way, and let the seemingly ordinary spell effect produce a special effect from "three-dimensional" to "two-dimensional".

Reduce the power released by one dimension, and the influence of "two-dimensional" on "three-dimensional" maintained by "mystery", making the so-called "plane cut" unstoppable.

At least, this body and the long knife in his hand are completely unstoppable!

The extremely dangerous intuition made me shrink the observation range of chain judgment in an instant. Only high-strength observations are made on the long knife.

It is just the first contact, the knife starts to cut this long knife from the micro level. In the observation of overload judgment. The cracks caused by the movement of the knife directly cut off the force between the atoms. Even, it may have cut off the binding force of the atom itself and the microscopic particles that make up the atom. The microscopic movement of the atom itself and above the atom completely stops because of the loss of "force".

So, judging from the surface phenomenon, the long knife was cut off by a sharper knife.

What a joke! Is it just a gray fog spell effect that has reached the mysterious range of critical weapons I have come into contact with?

When I observed the disappearance of the microscopic movement inside the long knife, I immediately launched a quick sweep and flew away from the side. Sure enough, as I thought, the plane's attack range is not just the part where I was originally. Although the two-dimensional plane cut cannot be observed from the side angle, and the cutting effect cannot be directly observed with the naked eye, there is no problem with the chain judgment.

The extension line of this blow has a full length of 20 meters. In this distance of 20 meters, between the atoms and the particles formed by the atoms themselves, the motion state disappears with the disappearance of the force, leaving It is a gap of half the thickness of the hair. Although the materials on both sides of the gap are very close, under some mysterious effect, they cannot continue to produce force and re-close.

This means that if the mystery that caused the crack has not disappeared, the crack will never disappear.

Almost, this crack hit the "ghost door" directly. To deal with this kind of attack, it is completely impossible to deflect the angle of slashing by using the long knife to relieve the force. As soon as it comes in contact, it will be cut off from the established slashing route.

I feel a little cold sweat is coming from behind.

Is such a blow just handy? Still need to bear more load and can't use it often? In terms of power effects alone, it is already a critical weapon. This is not the case of "going all out". If he does his best, the damage he can do with each blow will theoretically exceed the critical weapon-I have only heard conceptually of the old age above the critical weapon Weapons, the kind of existence known as "overrun weapons".

In the old age equipment of the Mageweave messenger system, limit weapons, critical weapons, and over-limit weapons are three distinct levels. No matter whether it is a doomsday illusion in the past or a doomsday illusion in the present, it is only the level of critical weapons that has been clearly confirmed to exist. Moreover, the holder is quite scarce, and its power is also sufficient to support a mysterious organization as large as a non-network ball.

According to the impression, in the "rule of ruling bureau" in the illusion of the end of the world, there is the "life of life" of the intelligent life of dead soldiers, and the elite species of "life of life" can be called an analog weapon in terms of certain abilities. Existence, its existence is also regarded as the critical weapon of living body by most mysterious experts and adopts a targeted strategy. However, even if it is such a body life, it is probably not as terrible as the "Novsky" in front of it.

It's like, the life of the body is so powerful that it reaches a limit, which makes it difficult for people to overcome. Today's "Novsky" is completely beyond this limit, and people can't see clearly. Its limit is in the end. where. In this case, winning is no longer a description of "difficult" and "easy". From the beginning, the odds have been infinitely trending to a minimum value that one can bear ~ ~ is really a monster. "I can't help but sigh.

"Monster? Actually, Mr. Gao Chuan is similar." Novsky seemed to give up the idea of ​​taking the opportunity to break into the "ghost door", and his tone began to be serious. "If you can make the monster serious, even if it is not a monster, it must be fast. It turned into a monster. Mr. Gao Chuan, your eyes tell me that even when facing me now, you still feel that you can win ... What gives you such confidence? Is it the shady behind you? Lord? Maybe you exist here, it has a certain meaning, it is a part of the written "script", then, is your ending in this script dead or alive? And if you were originally It should be alive, but died here because my thoughts changed, maybe let us confirm this meaning more closely. I think that may be the opportunity to end the war. "

"... It's as if you can make me die if you want to." His remarks calmed my heart again. "Or do you really think that you are already beyond the control of the script Role? "

"Well? Interesting answer." Novsky's voice became the voice of a plurality of people, "Have you confirmed the existence of the" script "? Mr. Gao Chuan. Then, let me prove it!" (To be continued)

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