Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1363: Dimensionality reduction

readx; Novsky's voice echoed directly in my mind, as if multiple people were screaming loudly. This unusual change seems to imply its essence at this time. He is no longer "a human". No matter what he said in the end, there can be no real evidence only about "Jiang". Perhaps his identity background allows him to understand a series of incidents happening from another way that only he understands. But, in my eyes, the priority must be resolved, or prevent him from entering the "ghost door".

This is something that will not change no matter what he says, does, or knows, and I will not have other ideas in his heart because he seems to know more. Just because he suspected others, tried to find things he didn't know from others, and hesitated, in my opinion, it must be a very bad way of life.

However, after all, although the enemy is not strong enough to make me feel desperate, but the previous "plane cut" is genuine, people can not find anything that can resist-if there is a critical weapon By the way, even if the power of the critical weapon is only equal to the "plane cut", but if it is hit by the critical weapon, the monster in front of it will certainly not be intact.

"You ... seem to be thinking of something that is useless. Mr. Gao Chuan." Novsky's tone of insight into my mind. He, or rather it, swung his arms slightly, and the "wounds" on his body suddenly burst into more fog. These wounds seemed to be the gates to release its true power, and its own image of a "constrained rapist" really made people associate.

Even if it is a mystery expert, unless it is a last resort, no, even if it is a last resort, it will not deliberately dress up like this.

What it looks like is telling us-must it be bound because it is too strong? No, in my opinion. This is instead a signal that the monster in front of it is controlled by forces beyond its control. Not its original intent, nor its proof that it is so powerful that it is so daunting, but only that its body is relatively weak.

Although saying so, but. How can I directly hit its body? This kind of restraint, the restraint itself has also become a protection. Sure enough, can you really overcome this monster without letting it touch the restraint first? In the observation of the chain judgment, Nowowski, who has slowed his posture, does not feel at all gentle. Instead, obviously wasted a lot of time, and I said these things that have nothing to do with fighting, and there are many seemingly useless gestures. It's like stepping on time and playing a special role.

However, these seemingly superfluous things did not make me feel that it has relaxed its vigilance, or has given up this battle, and it is not the kind of stupid villain in the story that has been talked about too much nonsense, but has been defeated . If it is assumed, its speech and gestures are meaningful. Well, I can only think of the possibility that "it is delaying time".

As it happens, I am also delaying time.

Yes, I must admit. There is no critical weapon in hand, and this battle, no matter what, I will only fall into the disadvantage. Admittedly, even if the weapon is cut off, you can use the power of Level 4 Mageweave. You can use the aftermath of data hedging to create more weapons, and, in my imagination, using the ability of the four-level magic pattern to maximize the development of a certain kind of weapon as a card, has been roughly completed. However, even if this power is used here, it can only be tied with Novsky.

Because, after recognizing the mysteriousness and real improvement of the fourth-level magic pattern, I have always used "Masuo" as a benchmark to try to obtain the possibility of fighting against it.

In a sense, the "Novsky" in front of me and the "Masuo" who expelled me from the mental hospital were a level, and the new card developed for "Masuo" was against the "Novs". "Base" should also be effective. Only, it is only effective. None of the two "monsters" I have observed can show their greatest strength under normal circumstances.

If it is only "at most equal to the current Novsky", then it still makes me hesitate to use this power.

"Your eyes are really uncomfortable. Mr. Gao Chuan is obviously miserable, but it makes people feel that there is no power used. Once used, it will reverse the situation in an instant- — “Novsky stared at me with a gazing gaze. I heard that a breathing sound was clear and audible, but the sound of wind and rain on the battlefield was weakened, and there was no change in the bad weather. But what does Novsky seem to be doing, is changing the battlefield itself?

"That's right. It's because there are still cards that aren't taken out. So, if I feel that cutting my knife will make me admit defeat, is it too naive?" If it wants to talk, I don't say much to it. The question, or rather, if it can delay the time, I also want it. On the contrary, if the attack is started immediately without saying a word, it is the worst case I can predict.

"It seems that you are not bragging, your eyes are very serious, Mr. Gao Chuan." Novsky seems to be mocking, no, it should be his face shape is changing, I carefully observed, this change gives people the feeling , As if Runwu was silent, but compared with a minute ago, this face seemed thinner and more angular. If, at the beginning, I saw what it looked like, maybe my deep impression of "Novsky" would not be so easy to recover.

Moreover, is the fog around it thicker? It's almost impossible to see clearly even ten meters away. Could it be that the black smoke leaking out of it all filled the fog in this area? If so, what is the purpose?

Create a combat environment that is completely under your control? Like the inherent enchantment of a specific electronic demon messenger?

No, it should be an effect on that.

"Temporary data hedging space?" I couldn't help asking, although the so-called "inherent enclave" is also a manifestation of "temporary data hedging space", but I said that it is not the degree of data hedging, but the larger The scope is more solid and more mysterious, just like the existence of "rule of ruling bureau".

"In the doomsday doctrine of the doomsday, it is the" reflection of the holy land "-the" holy land "of the doomsday truth is based on the repeater, even if it is only a reflection. It will be very strong." There was no idea of ​​concealment, and there was a grin in the corner of his mouth. Its facial features had become completely unlike human beings. Instead, it seemed to be outlined in an abstract and exaggerated way to emphasize "grue" and "danger." Not three-dimensional, but something flat. No, there is a premise of "plane cutting", I have to assume that it is at this moment. Are you reducing yourself?

People who can understand the meaning of the term "dimension" always think that three dimensions are stronger than two dimensions, and higher dimensions contain more factors, so they are more likely than low dimensions. I also have such a common sense concept, but the previous plane cut made me realize that under the effect of "mystery", common sense is scientific or unscientific. None can reasonably deduce the results before things happen.

Assuming that the enemy will not make mistakes, then what appears to be "dimensionality reduction" must also contain deep meaning.

"I know what you are waiting for. Mr. Gao Chuan." It began to speak again. We fought head-on, only about ten seconds at high speed, about 278 clashes were completed in ten seconds, and finally was " The "plane chopping" destroys the long knife made using the temporary data hedging phenomenon. However, the time to talk at normal speed. It took more than a minute. Now think about it, my own battle, it really can not be as neat as Fu Jiang.


As Novsky said before, I "like a monster." however. There is an insurmountable obstacle between "like a monster" and "really a monster". As long as they are normal people, their common sense and physical instincts will not take the initiative to cross this obstacle.

Becoming a monster can't be done simply by talking about it. In terms of the human body, it must become a monster. In fact, it is to kill yourself in disguise as a body that belongs to the human level and consciousness that still belongs to the human level. In other words, this is basically the process of suicide.

From human beings to monsters, it is equivalent to the mystery of "resurrection".

Although I can be regarded as "rebirth from death", in general, it is not as thorough as "becoming a monster", because although I am a mental patient, the common sense of ordinary people is still available, even if I cannot fully use this common sense Restrain oneself, but it cannot be said that it has no effect at all.

However, the "Novsky" that has completely become a monster. If it is measured by human thinking, it may be miscalculated.

Even so, it is willing to talk and I will continue to accompany it.

Because, now I am not alone.

And the other half who made me so stable is also a real "monster"!

"Who do you seem to be waiting for ... Wait for the woman you control? Is it called Fujiang?" Novsky seemed to sigh, "Use this kind of corpse-like method to engage women You are really depraved, Mr. Gao Chuan. "Obviously he is also very distorted, but it uses this pair of low-spirited people to teach me, which makes me feel uncomfortable. "

"The woman who once controlled the worm eventually became controlled by someone. It is really a reincarnation of cause and effect, the most wonderful manifestation of the real world. At this point, I will give her a thumbs up. Then, wait for me to kill You will also let people make your body into a puppet and give it to another woman. Hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee ... "Novs Ji's laughter became sharper, and it was no longer a human voice.

It can be seen that its conversation is very strong, but it seems to believe that I will not stop it at this time. The range of my chain judgment has been retracted to about ten meters before three seconds, which also means that I once again lost my observation of Fujiang, and let the "virus" on a certain level of invisibility Come alive. Therefore, I felt that I faced the danger of Novsky and further improved it.

More specifically, that is, Novsky stopped talking, and the first blow he paid was probably the most threatening one. The subsequent second and third blows, but because I have enough trust in Fujiang, even if it will be stronger than the first blow, it is not absolute, and it will bring myself a threat above the first blow.

In other words, I believe that Fu Jiang will arrive after the first blow, but will not arrive before the first blow is completed.

Do I still have to use the hole card that I have never tried once after finishing the idea? I couldn't help thinking.

"I always thought that Mr. Gao Chuan was a powerful guy. Later, Mr. Gao Chuan became the first level 4 Mageweave messenger. I thought, how powerful is Level 4 Mageweave? But there is no contrast at all, except for Mr. Gao Chuan. In addition, there is no second Level 4 Mageweave messenger. So, the current battle is still thinking about it ... but! "Novowski's tone became very resentful," real fight When I got up, I found that it was not as powerful as I thought, and it was really disappointing. "It looked at me:" Mr. Gao Chuan ’s mystery, the biggest advantage is speed ~ ~ that kind of extraordinary acceleration My ability really surprised me, it is indeed beyond the level that the average three-level Mageweave messenger can reach. In addition, there is the same insight that can not be peeped, it seems that it can completely capture the trajectory of all movements within a certain range It looks like. The excellent acceleration and insight ability is the magic weapon of Mr. Gao Chuan's battle. "

"No, there are no battles ... To be honest, I standing here actually lost even more." Not only did I lose my body.

However, this kind of self-deprecating is completely ignored by the other party, and Novsky continued to whisper in full complaint: "There is also a body that is significantly stronger than the third-level Mageweave messenger. Of course, it ’s impossible to be the same as Level 3 Mageweave. But, but what? What changes besides these? Nothing! Nothing at all! It ’s just faster speed, better insight, and stronger body. —— "It paused, the distorted expression was very exaggerated, as if completely transformed into a cartoon character, it became flat and losing color.

"This is the power of Level 4 Mageweave? There is no essential change at all!" As it said, I suddenly realized that the environment around me was losing color and then becoming twisted, which was still observed in the chain judgment. The image seems to be distorted, and it can no longer outline a clear outline. (To be continued.)


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