& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp is really strange pain, I was smoking a cigarette, thinking so.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp The injuries on my body obviously only came from my right foot. After the first blow, Novowski ’s other attacks failed to penetrate the armor of ky3001 change. However, the pain that conveyed the whole body was not based on the right foot. But from the beginning, it seems to have grown out of the whole body.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspSmoking does not relieve this pain. But, to a certain extent, eliminate the negative factors at the psychological level.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp this kind of pain level, as well as the indescribable type of pain, it is probably unbearable to switch to other people.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Even so, I still use words again without any hassle to prolong the conversation time. I am confident in my predictions, and the more critical it is, the more cautious it is.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp used to be Novsky ’s initiative to delay the time. I just took a ride, and now it ’s time for me to actively delay the time.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "You can indeed kill me. But you can't kill me immediately." I breathe hard, the taste of the cigarette becomes bitter because of the pain, "You don't want to play with me, and don't put water at all. Just like you did before. Say, this is your full effort in the current state. You stack the maximum power to the first blow at a time, which makes you unable to produce more actual damage in subsequent attacks, no, probably even after The melee attack is only used to assist the first blow. I hit the first blow, it is indeed not far from death, however, it is not immediate death. You obviously should have other tricks, but chose this "Mystery" as a decisive blow, why? Do I need to guess? "

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Yes, all reasoning cannot be based on "Novsky is light".

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp If as described in many literary works, the average IQ of the enemy is below the protagonist. If it is above the protagonist, it will definitely be one-to-one, coincidentally the most critical. Fatal mistakes were made in actions without room to turn, so. The enemy failed. Well, for the characters in the work, this is probably destiny.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp However, if the so-called enemies haven't been in the "script" in the dark, set such a destiny at a certain moment in time. Then, it is conceivable that the enemies were already shrewd, cautious and wise. Of course there will be no corresponding mistakes.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Novsky is the "son of fate", which is a prophecy from the prophet Mayn. The Prophet Mayn of the Netball is one of the strongest prophets in the illusion of doomsday. Her prophecy is, to a large extent, a "script", a manifestation of "destiny", whether in the illusion of the past or in the past. In the illusion, the prophecy's prophecy has an absolute nature-the development of the predicted things has never had the second possibility, its possibility of change. It exists only after it reaches the predicted state, but before it reaches the predicted state, all changes. All will be the reasons that make it reach the state of prophecy.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp The prophecy's prediction is absolute. This is good news and bad news.

The good side of & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp is that the changes in the predicted things will become a standard for evaluating the future, destiny and "script".

The bad side of & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp is that if the change in the predicted things is the end of everything, then. This end point will seem to be unshakable.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp is just like the end, the end of the world is what everyone who becomes a prophet predicts first. All predicted results.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp and the mysterious experts in their respective activities, everything they feel. It also points to this result, and no matter how much you have done, what kind of attempts you have made, the actions themselves and the results, have become the factors that promote the end of the world.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp knows the end, and trying to prevent the end is an end in itself. In many fantasy works with the theme of "time" and "destiny", they are very popular materials, but they are profound and personal. People who recognize a similar situation will not find it interesting, nor will they think it is a "serious and thought-provoking situation", but a "cruel fact".

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Novsky was predicted to be "the son of fate", which means that its existence itself has become a fixed future observation coordinate because of "prediction".

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp At least from the current situation, it is obvious that the "son of fate" Novsky is unlikely to die in this battle.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp If his future also has a fate that caused his death due to fatal mistakes, then when such a fate is revealed, the scene on the scene will definitely not be what it is now.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp In this "script" of the illusion of doomsday, everyone is like a chess piece with different meanings. Everyone must completely complete the meaning given by the "script" before they die.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp The attackers in the 51st district, the smoky face integration, the repeater power user, the predicted "child of destiny", these identities have given Novsky the meaning of existence, such a heavy and huge The meaning cannot end here.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Therefore, its judgment and decision have not made any mistakes that underestimate the enemy, and there is no possibility of keeping their hands.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp I have been observing it, thinking about it, and then judging it.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp This is a prudent and bold act, because many people are reluctant to talk about "fate" and "script", it is precisely because the solidified model gives people a deep sense of vain, not just subjective He is unwilling to admit his fate, and he cannot find sufficient evidence objectively. Therefore, people of fatalism need extraordinary intuition and trust in their own intuition, and such conditions can be fully achieved by mysterious experts.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp takes intuition rather than objective evidence as the first priority. In human understanding, there is a great risk.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp But the "mystery" itself does not recognize the "objective facts" observed and understood by people, and the so-called "probability" is meaningless. What is "mysterious" will come true, no matter how small the chance is.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Then, taking what has become a fait accompli as a factor of inference, you will have to admit that even if it seems ridiculous, this is the conclusion of the fact.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp reasoning has been completed.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp The truth is that there is never one.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp First of all, Novsky will not make a mistake at this moment.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Secondly, if Novowski made a mistake, then he can catch the mistake. It ’s not me who will make the fatal blow.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Again, suppose Novsky did make a mistake. So, what becomes this wrong opportunity. It is absolutely possible to interfere with the existence of "scripts".

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp I don't have any passion for this battle, I just do what I have to do, not decide whether I should do it. The decision has already been made, and it is just being fulfilled at this moment.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Therefore, from the beginning, this was not led by me, and the battle could be won.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp The opportunity to win is there, I want to do it. Just lead out this opportunity.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Novsky's wild expression has completely disappeared from his face. Its calmness at this moment is just like its inhuman indifference. In other words, this is its most authentic appearance. Its mask covering the upper half of the head started to have something like ink stains flowing, which seemed to form a certain shape. It also seems to hint at its heart.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "Guess what," it said.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "Because, this blow may not be obvious, and the effect of the attack is relatively slow, but it should be the attack with the highest lethal probability. You chose the method with the highest lethal rate to ensure that you can kill me. It is not the fastest. Way. It seems that as you said, you are very concerned about Level 4 Mage. "

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "Correct, but not completely correct ... In order to prevent accidents from appearing. I saved a part of my strength in the first shot, and did not play to the strongest level as you think, but retaining the strength will not weaken the first The effect of one hit, but the time of the effect. If you fully add this power, you ca n’t push the speed of death to death. This is a curse of slow attack, and slowness is its characteristic. Yes Its advantages are also its disadvantages. "Novsky said:" It seems that this is correct. Mr. Gao Chuan, you really have a second card. "

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp as it is. I do n’t think it ’s just bluff for Novsky to say such things.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp However, since everything is said. I can't help but respond.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "So, time is up." I said so.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp time is just right. Although it is better to show up earlier, it is not too late.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "What?" Novsky froze for a moment, but it wasn't me who caused the reaction.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp is here! I felt the start of the turnaround. Before Novski turned his head to look behind him, he saw nothing, but it was not that there was nothing there. The battlefield we are in is not just this dimensionality reduction environment, but the entire log cabin area!

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp In the image of the mind, a distorted outline gradually takes shape, it seems to tear something, and the speed in units of "thousandths of a second" becomes clear.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Tenths of a second, Novsky was hit by the figure without warning-obviously it should be prevented, but when the figure changed from twisted to normal, clearly appeared behind it It was clearly able to avoid it quickly, but it was still hit.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp The fist did not seem to receive any "mysterious" elbows, with a clearly visible trajectory, a very concentrated sense of power, hit Novowski's abdomen, a huge force bowed its body, face The consternation and the pain were once again exaggerated.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp vomit-it made such a sound.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp is obviously a monster, but in the face of this newly invading female figure, it becomes like an ordinary person.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Fujiang ... Observed!

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp is really terrible. Has the mysterious suppression of Novsky, which is still a monster, although restricted and unable to fully exert its full strength?

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Fujiang is a monster among monsters.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Novsky's bowed body seemed to freeze in the air, and stalemate with his fist stuck in his abdomen. Fu Jiang just smiled cruelly, with no more movements. After a breath, Novsky opened his mouth as if to vomit even the internal organs, but the actual vomiting was a large black smoke. After another breath, the air began to twist, as if compressing toward Novsky's abdomen, and the vomiting black smoke was twisted into a ball by this invisible force.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp I saw that Novowski's entire abdomen was twisted up, and it seemed that he was going to twist his entire figure into a ball.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp The third breath, from the junction of fist and abdomen, produced a strong impact.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Novsky was shot like a rag doll, this time, it was not like it had teased me before, and he was allowed to be embedded in the boulder. It only flew less than ten centimeters, and was pulled back by a force of withdrawal. It was Fujiang's second punch that greeted it.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp repeats this way, the third punch, the fourth punch, the speed and interval of each punch are faster than the last time. After reaching Ten Boxing, even I couldn't clearly judge Fu Jiang's fist.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspIn the state of armed with wings, in a comprehensive observation that combines vision, intuition and chain judgment, countless lines representing movement and power are interlaced and become a mess.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "The Seven Star Profound Truth, the sky is full of rifts." Fu Jiang made a declaration, "Half hanging child can't escape."

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp What is the ghost of the Seven Star Profound Truth! Her declaration reminded me of the chest and abdomen that had been pierced by her not long ago. The injuries there began to improve after a certain distance from her, but now there are signs of pain. However, what surprised me is that this vague sense of phantom pain seems to make the pain that was like tearing nerves less intense.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Is it an illusion?

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp I could not help but touched my chest, and then, the shock wave in front of me swallowed everything around me. The linear image presented in the mind, because there are too many lines and too chaotic, becomes no clearer than the chaos seen by the naked eye. Novsky's situation was confused in this mess of lines, blurry and identifiable.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp It didn't know how many times it was hit, and the "mystery" it possessed, at the moment of being attacked, could not be released.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp This is not its mistake, but only an essential gap.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp For Fu Jiang, Novsky, who is in an incomplete state, is no different from any other mysterious expert.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp impact is so strong, however, when the storm gradually subsided, it can be seen that Novsky is still not hit, it deviated from the original position, less than one meter, but the entire human form has changed It was rotten, and the hood was torn in half, lying on the ground as if it had no bones. That miserable look, completely unable to see its previous spirit and strength.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Even so, it is still not dead.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp No ~ www.readwn.com ~ I feel that its status has not even fallen too much. Although its essence is different from that of Fujiang at this time, it is not completely inferior.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp this guy is indeed a monster.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp The battle between two monsters has made this battlefield harsh. The dimensionality reduction environment has been forcibly destroyed by Fu Jiang, and I feel that the entire right leg that has been blurred seems to be becoming completely and completely destroyed. Sure enough, waiting for Fu Jiang to enter, although increasing the winning rate, but it is not without cost.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "It's so strong. Isn't it wrong? Mr. Gao Chuan." Novsky, who was lying there, said suddenly, full of energy. The black smoke that vomited before it turned into a gray mist in the impact, and it began to stir at this time, "Although I don't know how you made it, I used people on our side to make sacrifices." Is there anything special about that person? This guy who claims to be Fu Jiang is much stronger than you! "(Unfinished)

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp

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