Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1369: Code nine hundred ninety-nine

The huge wind pressure in the dimensionality reduction environment presents a completely different performance than usual. Although the flow caused by pressure is diffuse in my experience, it is not the case in actual observation. All the generated movements, all the factors that cause movements, are a plane and repeatedly staggered lines, and myself, it is not enough to be a point in this plane, a line. However, there is no two lines that overlap completely between these lines. Even if the distance is close, there is a certain strength, so that there is a gap between the two lines-perhaps, this gap must be described by the decimal point after the thousands. However, it does exist.

The destructive movement caused by Fu Jiang's fist is like a radioactive line, squeezed into the line of the linear structure representing the basic person of Novos, and in a moment, the lines representing him are divided into a mess. This scene reminded me of shredded pieces of paper. However, even in this miserable situation, Novsky's own movement did not disappear.

Not only did it not disappear, but it became more intense.

It's like a huge stimulation, and the dancing of lines that are dozens of times more active than before, let people feel a rhythmic rhythm. When I realized the existence of this rhythm, I immediately understood what they meant-vitality.

It was an extraordinary movement, and described an extraordinary vitality.

In this dimension-reducing enclave, everything is just like a painting painted on paper. The sense of depth of space is like an illusion. Fine lines and rough lines represent different meanings. However, when these things When moving, no matter the thickness of the line, it will make the dynamic picture drawn by the line become untidy.

Now this kind of grimace is born in Novsky's body.

Novsky was still not hit, it deviated from its original position, less than one meter, but the entire human form has become sparse. The hood was also torn in half, lying on the ground as if there were no bones. The battle of two monsters makes this battlefield start to become harsh. The dimensionality reduction environment has been forcibly destroyed by Fu Jiang, and I feel the whole right leg blurred. It seems to be becoming complete and complete destruction.

As I was worried, even if the strategy is used, there is no head-to-head resistance, but there is still a gap between myself and the "monster". This gap makes you have to pay something to win.

Disability is also a very serious injury for the mysterious experts, if only the arm is okay, but the lack of a foot ...

My quick sweeping cannot replace the ability of both legs, because my Mercedes-Benz is not completely driven by "mystery". My running in the invisible high-speed lane still requires legs.

Can we only expect the power of "Jiang"? I have no doubt that "Jiang" has this ability to restore my body. In the past doomsday illusion. It even directly constitutes my entire body.

"Really strong. Isn't it wrong? Mr. Gao Chuan." Novsky, who was lying there, suddenly spoke, full of breath. The black smoke that vomited before it turned into a gray mist in the impact, and it began to stir at this time, "Although I don't know how you made it, I used people on our side to make sacrifices." Is there anything special about that person? This guy who claims to be Fu Jiang is much stronger than you! "

Its voice echoed to my ears, and Fu Jiang's shadow had covered it again. Novsky wanted to avoid it, it almost turned into a beam of light. And the gray mist rolling around it constitutes a lot of ropes, trying to catch the approaching Fujiang. Why, as the combat power of the 51st area, has the gray fog spell? Such a question is simply stupid. The mysterious foundation of the fifty-first district. Most of it comes from the Doomsday Truth, and even their cooperation with the Doomsday Truth is deeper and wider than the cooperation with the Netball. Fifty-one District has gained part of the mystery they hold from many mystery experts. This part of the mystery has been redeveloped to form their own mystery.

Mystery is indeed incomprehensible, but you can rely on different mysteries to accomplish similar phenomena. Just as Father Edward completed the Say virus, and the 51 area referred to the Say virus, completed the Trojan virus with similar functions, and then referred to the gray fog spell of Doomsday Religion, based on the Troy virus, to further constitute the smoky face. Today's situation is probably the integration of the smoky face and the Tianmen plan to build a "repeater".

In the end, Novsky, the "son of fate", became such a "mystery" monster in the 51st district. Not to mention its stability and applicability, not everyone can afford this deep excavation and combination of "mystery". In other words, it is precisely because Novsky is the "son of fate" locked by the prophecy, so he can carry this power. Anyone else can probably die completely in the transformation or become other abnormal Something.

In short, in my personal feelings of confrontation, Novsky's power is undoubted. It has a very keen sense of fighting in a mysterious environment, and the lack of it is only experience. And within the strength of the power currently used, there is no possibility of complete loss of control. Of course, even with this level of power, it cannot be completely controlled, resulting in a large number of "redundant" data hedges-thus allowing My Level 4 Mageweave exerts the strongest power to date.

However, even with the special ability of Level 4 Mageweave, it failed to turn over the opponent with the largest hand.

The essential gap is too obvious to make up for the strategic advantage. Then again, apart from Fu Jiang, I see no possibility of victory.

So please, Fu Jiang!

Facing the attack of Fu Jiang, Novsky, who had suffered a lot at the beginning of the battle, did not choose to respond positively. It moves at a speed that cannot be observed by the naked eye, but only forms an extremely uneven line in the image formed by comprehensive observation in my mind. This line has different sizes within a short distance, and no regular amplitude can be found at all. This is enough to show how careful Novowski moves.

I think it is to confirm the meaning of the situation when dealing with Fujiang.

For him, it was indeed the first time that he faced such a monster as Fujiang.

One meter, which is still the only distance that Novsky can move after evading. Within this meter, it is fast enough, but as if it had just started, it was intercepted. Even in my eyes. This interruption also has a feeling of depression, if it is a higher speed, it will just suppress the lower speed, however. Fu Jiang's actions were not fast.

Her actions seemed to lock in Novowski's movement trend, and then interrupt the trend. The difference in speed seems completely meaningless in this series of actions.

Fujiang's three-level Mageweave superpower is called "psychological observation". The initial effect, as the name suggests, allows me to observe the psychology of others, which I know. However, under normal circumstances, even if you know which step the other party wants to take and take action in advance, but because the speed of the other party is too fast, it will come first and let the interceptor even take a step first, there is no way to intercept. It is the best irony of this "heart observation". In the past, there were quite a few opponents with similar "mind reading" abilities, trying to target my speed. However, in the end, I was directly defeated by using a relatively faster speed.

Simple "mind reading" and simple "speed" have no absolute sense of restraint.

Moreover, the current dimensionality reduction environment, but Novski's home.

Despite the seemingly dominant advantages, Novsky is still the same as when he started the war. Fu Jiang was completely intercepted.

This is an extremely contradictory feeling. Novsky is like the speed of light, and there is a huge difference between Fujiang's normal fast speed. Whether it is seen by the naked eye, chain judgment observation or intuitive feeling, this difference can be confirmed. However, this difference does not show what it should have and determines the side of the battle.

One meter, Fu Jiang just took a step. The fist that I swung, even I could see with my naked eyes, just stabbed Novowski in the face so hard. At this moment, Novsky's speed stopped completely, and this sudden pause seemed to bring him a huge reaction force. In short, only what can be seen with the naked eye, when Fu Jiang's fist is attached to its cheek, the bones and flesh all over his body show a wavy scroll, as if by an invisible force, from top to bottom , From bottom to top, back and forth, left and right shocked again.

In the image of comprehensive observation, the generation and change of lines are as intense as the previous copy.

Such a scene, still paused for a second, before Novsky was blown out in the direction of the fist.

Similar wind pressure is generated again in this dimensionality reduction environment.

The weird changes can't affect me, but, as far as everything I see, it's all incomprehensible.

Novsky hit the ground like a cannonball, like a whipped gyro, which hit the ground several times. Each time, the ground burst. Huge power is permeating the ground through its body. So it splashed for ten meters, and a lot of gray fog ropes were generated around it, only to stop its castration.

If it were human, it would have died long ago. However, in the case of monsters, such damage may not be called damage. At least in my eyes, Novsky's body was completely intact after he emitted a lot of black smoke. And how much black smoke is there, and if it is exhausted, how will it affect it? I can't imagine it.

"Mysterious suppression?" Novsky also seemed to realize the possibility of causing such a miserable situation, but for the guy who does not understand what Fu Jiang is, this is: "How is it possible?"

Like Marceau, Novsky became a part of the repeater, and made his mystery equivalent to the mystery of the repeater. Unless the connection between the two and the repeater is completely cut off, even if only Part of the power can be used, and its mystery has not been reduced. And this is where the doomsday truth, the fifty-one district, and the attack on this Las Vegas repeater have their foundation. Because of the Nazi's desire, the Las Vegas repeater was abnormally modified, so the internal defense of this repeater was weakened.

When the repeaters with weakened defense performance faced three repeaters that had fully implemented the "Tianmen Plan" and further optimized according to their characteristics, there was a problem with the details, and a back door was forcibly opened.

Behind this is also the basis for all mysterious organizations of Doomsday Realm to execute their own plans.

The repeater, which penetrated the repeater in this way, is the source of Novsky's power and the biggest source of its mystery. Even if it is the mystery brought by its identity as a "child of destiny" The repeater brings more mystery to it. From a certain perspective, in terms of mystery, it should not surpass it and form a suppressed existence.

If this kind of repression actually exists, then, for myself, it may be that the unbelievers suddenly realize that God really exists in this world, and thus have a huge psychological impact.

It cannot be denied, but it is difficult to admit Fu Jiang's performance. Especially from the perspective of the enemy.

Even so, the facts are right in front of me. I do n’t think there is any reason why Novsky can think of it. The effect of mysterious suppression is stronger than the mutual restraint of mysterious phenomena.

Novsky's "mystery" is beyond the control of even the fourth-level magic pattern. I think it has actually been confirmed.

Fu Jiang didn't show any extraordinary strength, and his appearance looked like a normal combat master flexing his fists and feet. However, Novsky must bear this kind of ordinary, but also can not make himself beyond common sense.

In this ordinary fighting, Novsky fell completely out of basic qualities, strength levels, and skills. Instead, it highlights Fu Jiang's superpower "psychological observation".

Has it become an ordinary person, Novsky, and the combat master Fu Jiang who has the ability to read the mind? I can only describe the scene in front of me.

Novsky seemed a little panicked and ate several heavy fists. Once hit by Fu Jiang's fist, the impact is not normal. It is really beyond common sense.

In the past doomsday illusion ~ ~ I did not realize this situation of Fu Jiang, but now I realize it, and I understand a little bit. One of the strongest three-person personality. Why is there only "Mental Observation" magic pattern super power, but never failed.

She is different from other "final weapons". Other "final weapons" can infinitely enhance her own state of relativity, but on the contrary, she suppresses the mystery of her opponent and makes it lower relative to herself.

Strengthen yourself unlimitedly and keep surpassing the enemy.

Forcibly suppress the enemy and make him absolutely weaker than himself.

Which of these two situations is the bigger gap between yourself and the enemy?

Fu Jiang's performance made me think it was her.

Because, if it is to strengthen itself without restrictions, then, whether oneself can fully control the enhanced power, I am not sure.

However, when I am in a normal state and the enemy is definitely weaker than myself, I will definitely win. (To be continued.)

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