Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1370: 1 as expected

readx; Fu Jiang swings his body softly, swiftly punches his jaws, turns his body gorgeously, and strangles the opponent's throat with his legs in mid-air. The enemy has no real key points. In my opinion, what constitutes the humanoid body of Novsky is a large amount of smoky faces. It has no internal organs, no key points that the human body really has, and even bones and joints. , But just the shape of a man. However, in front of Fu Jiang, Novsky, who was supposed to be very strange, was just like a normal person, being simply hit by fast boxing and legs and feet.

Every time Fu Jiang hits his body with a punch, he will have a different impact from his swing speed and momentum. This impact can be observed even with the naked eye, because it disturbs the air, disturbs the line of sight, and even has an incomparable sense of presence in its observation of its "motion".

The impact burst from the contact surface of the two, and when it reacted, it had penetrated through the body, causing the air behind to show a significant distortion.

I have thought before that Fu Jiang ’s attack is still the same as before, but in terms of power, perhaps this understanding is wrong. At least, in the past doomsday illusion, Fu Jiang did not release such a big impact in his early adventures with his hands and feet alone. If it is an ordinary person, it will probably be killed in a single blow, but the non-human Novsky is just awkward.

"What's the matter? Isn't it fast, you guys? The body is completely harmless to humans." Fujiang flashed Novowski's counterattack. Compared with Fujiang's smooth and powerful beauty, his movements were just Like a clown, "But you only use the human way. The human body is limited by the structure of muscles, nerves and joints, and it is impossible to make too many movements, but are you okay?"

Although she said so, I have thought about it like this, but looking at Novowski's appearance, it was not unexpected, but more like it could not be done. I think back to what it did before. Some of the contradictions and violations brought to me are indeed as Fu Jiang said, even when facing me, its actions and skills. Although it is very strange in some effects, it has not completely got rid of the imprisonment of "human beings".

He still uses his legs to run, speaks with his mouth, punches people with his fists, and can hear its breath. Its heartbeat has all the advantages and disadvantages of a humanoid structure. So why must it be humanoid? Why is it obvious that it only has the outline of a human form, but it must be shackled by the internal structure of the human form?

If it is for communication, and adopts a more recognized image, then of course it is understandable.

Even if there is a humanoid river, I can start from myself and find out a lot of reasons that can be accepted by me. The most interesting reason is of course-because I want to be with me, I am urged by Zhenjiang Information hair. Therefore, he has the identity of Renxingjiang.

However, it seems that these things are not needed between Novsky and me. It is understandable that the son of destiny, which was transformed with the goal of "monster", completely abandoned the human form and became a more powerful combat weapon. In other words, it is normal to do so.

However, it is not just Novsky. So far, most of the mysterious things I have encountered have maintained human-shaped bodies as much as possible. Even if it is the life of the body and the dead body night market. And what is really presented in an inhuman posture is basically only a demon.

From the perspective of the reality of the hospital, of course, it can be considered that the essence of these images comes from human beings. It's not completely inhuman.

However, ignoring the reality of the hospital and only looking at this issue in the illusion of doomsday, it is a bit confusing.

In the consciousness of today's Novsky, are there still the factors of the former Novsky? Like the human figure Jiang, it is affected by the original individual information, and the subconscious maintains the same image as in the past. And self-restraint?

"In the final analysis, you are also a half-hanger." Fu Jiang punched it again and punched it across.

Novsky, who was hung on Fu Jiang's arm, was lifted high by him, and fell to the ground. He couldn't get up because of the serious injury on the surface. It climbed out a distance and pulled away from Fu Jiang's distance.

"Strange, monster ..." it said so.

"Huh." Fu Jiang tilted his head, and it seemed that he had no interest in his previous development. He said: "There has never been a human being who can defeat me, so if you don't become a monster, you will gradually become bored. Now, listen to me Say, half-hanger, abandon the insignificant things that you still insist on, how to become a monster in the true sense? The next time you meet again, if you still look like this, kill you. Although I really want to kill you here, but, The guys who can really become monsters ... not many. "

"You, what the **** are you talking about ..." Novsky's expression was somber, "Although it's unimaginable, but I must admit that now I do lose, but do you really think you can kill me? I just Only this level? "

"The roar of the defeated dog." Fu Jiang snorted dismissively, completely meaningless and turned to me and asked, "Achuan, are you all right?"

"Do you think it's okay? Jiang." I was smoking, sitting on the ground, and the part from the right foot to the waist side was completely invisible. But it does not seem to be cut off this part, and then you can see the internal organs, if you touch it with your hands, there is indeed a depression, but there is no obvious touch at the cross section. Although in position, this part of the function should stop working, but there is no negative effect caused by the lack of internal organs.

The only pain is that it hasn't stopped since it appeared, and it has been swelling the nerves all over the body.

What a weird attack effect. Maybe, when I only have one head left, it's the same as now. Can I think and speak? However, the thought of such a scene made people shudder.

If it is completely blurred, does it mean a real "disappearance"?

Although the effect of Novsky ’s first strike, combined with the current environment, can arouse many conjectures, but to really solve it, it is impossible to rely on scientific logic such as "find the cause, analyze the essence", and ultimately need to rely on Mysterious power.

"Hey, Mr. Gao Chuan, what is this Fu Jiang?" Novsky suddenly asked me, such a question is not like what the enemy who was still fighting to death should say.

"... Sure enough. The feeling you gave me is different from before." I stared at it, and when it seemed a little uncomfortable, I said what was in my heart: "Are you Novowski?"

"Of course I am Novsky." It said.

"No. I mean, now your performance is really closer to humans than before. Are you now human Novsky? Or a monster named Novsky?"

Novsky suddenly opened his eyes suddenly, his expression changed drastically, and it seemed that some unpredictable change was triggered by my previous words. I was surprised. But it is probably something wrong with itself.

Its face began to swell, like there were a lot of living things in the body, and it was eager to squeeze out, and the body began to become swollen, and the epidermis appeared a lot of painful human faces. These faces are only as big as a slap, and as soon as they are formed they are distorted and turned into another face. For a while, Novsky was out of shape. The dense face and puffiness exuded a disgusting, evil, and weird smell.

"Huh? It seems that your words have effect on Achuan." Fu Jiang's face showed some interest. Looking at Novsky, who is changing, "it has to make a choice."

"Choice? What choice? Continue to be an abnormal human or to become a thorough monster?" I couldn't help asking.

Fu Jiang didn't answer, but the impact of Novsky's change has already been reflected in me. However, this effect is still a good thing for me for the time being. In the self-examination images, the dotted line that occupies the trace of the body is gradually being filled into a solid line, and the part of the body that has disappeared is growing back at a rate visible to the naked eye. However, the bad news may also be brought about by Novowski's changes.

This dimensionality reduction environment that was damaged due to the intrusion of Fujiang is rapidly collapsing.

Novsky's violent reaction did not mean to stop at all. He hugged his head, knelt on the ground, opened his mouth as if screaming, but made no sound at all. Its hood has also been ripped off, and the bulging eyes are like the eyes of a dead fish. It maintains this painful posture, as if transformed into a statue, leaving only a large number of human faces rotating on its skin.

"I don't think I can do this kind of thing with just one sentence." I said cautiously. For this kind of change that does not fully understand the causes and consequences, it is better to have fewer points. Although for the time being, the previous pressure has been relieved, but no one can tell how much impact the changed Novsky will have in the future.

At the same time, I never expected that such an enemy would suddenly "become a friend and join the team after suddenly awakening" as in the story. If I could get rid of it, I would not hesitate to take advantage of this opportunity to do so, but Novsky ’s is not this body at all, it is really related to its entire life and the essence of existence, still in the 51st district In the repeater. To understand this, it is quite simple.

Now that it has become a part of the repeater, it is of course impossible to completely leave the repeater.

Just like Marsol, the core of the repeater, came with the help of Marsol in the world of the relay, and it is integrated with it. It is conceivable that Novsky's situation is roughly the same person who chose this relay world. As a carrier. After all, although the fifty-one district uses both Doomsday Truth and cyber **** to form a bilateral relationship, in mysterious terms only, there is still a certain gap between the two, and this gap will certainly be reflected in the repeater itself.

Fifty-one District intends to develop its own system of mysterious power, just like Doomsday Truth. But even Novsky can only be regarded as an experimental product, which itself has too many unstable factors. Now Novsky's changes seem to prove this even more.

If the opponent is not me, but Fu Jiang, and even Marceau, who is still hiding in the Peninsula Psychiatric Hospital, Novsky's failure seems to be dead.

Although there is a gap in the power that can be exerted, and experience is not as good, but in essence, Novsky is still part of the repeater, and even if it is burned to ashes, it is impossible to really kill him. .

Although Fu Jiang has many characteristics of "Jiang", in my intuition, the development of things will definitely not be "Fu Jiang killed the son of fate here". From the beginning, I never expected such a thing to happen. Fu Jiang's actions to repel Novsky may also trigger changes involving the "child of destiny", and thus lead to the development of things like this, which will further become part of the end of the process, and it is completely under my consideration.

No matter how weird the result in front of me is, how huge the amount of information revealed is to me, it is an expected end.

There are still many questions, and they cannot be fully answered. There is only speculation, no more evidence. However, only in terms of the result of the battle-

"Enough is enough." I said to Fu Jiang: "This time, we won, and this is all."

Yes, it is enough. As Fu Jiang said, fighting is a very simple thing. Do n’t care about the impact of the current victory on the future. Fu Jiang stared at me, and his wanton expression gradually became restrained and became gentle. She came up, held out her hand to me, and pulled me from the ground with her right leg still recovering.

"Fights have never had two outcomes, and if you lose now, you will lose a lot of things even if you win in the future." She told me this way, "Because you lose now, you will win in the future-such a thing ~ www ~ Only the weak will believe. Achuan, you are strong, you can become stronger. "

I smiled in silence. In fact, what Fu Jiang used to say is more worrying than today's Daoli theory.

"Jiang, do you expect him to become a monster of complete meaning, do you?" I looked at Novsky, who was swollen out of shape, as if it might explode at any time, and asked.

"Well ... I just feel bored." Fu Jiang said indifferently: "I'm too strong. If he becomes a monster, it might be more interesting."

Ah, just for fun? I think so. At the same time, the sky was cracking and the surrounding scenery was chaotic. I just felt like I had drilled a small box, and the volume of this box was even indescribable. The motion observation images that appeared in my mind suddenly became very chaotic. The next moment seemed to be a short circuit, and all the images disappeared.

The severe pain was burning my brain.

Really familiar feeling. I thought so, and wiped my nose. Sure enough, overloaded. (To be continued.)


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