Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1371: Ideal Township

PS: I wish you all a happy Mid-Autumn Festival and family reunion.

The rain has been falling, the concentration of fog has dropped a lot, and the fighting around has subsided. The overloaded chain judgment has stopped, and I feel my feet are soft. Before I really fell, Fu Jiang took the lead. She took the cigarette out of her pocket, lit it herself, took a sip, and stuffed it into my mouth.

"Your favorite camel card." She said so. Although she had just played a fight with a monster, she didn't seem to have the perception of "encountering a strong enemy", just like the usual ordinary battle, and then ended the battle normally. Although she showed a strong engagement at the beginning of the battle, she seemed exceptionally calm afterwards. I do n’t think that this level of fighting can satisfy her. I can only say that perhaps that kind of fighting fanaticism is nothing more than an optional emotion for her.

It cannot be said that it was just a performance, but she seemed to be able to make the most thorough adjustments anytime, anywhere.

And myself, after a battle that wasn't too fierce but extremely sinister, I was a bit tired.

I was smoking a cigarette, sitting side by side with Fu Jiang on the wood of the ruins, with the help of a large section of the ceiling to block the rain. The dimensionality reduction environment that I fought before was completely unobservable after the breakaway, and Novsky himself had a problem. At this time, it is unclear what the end is. When we returned to the normal environment, in addition to the gray fog still faintly continued, all the hostility in the air has been washed away by the rain.

Except for the wooden house where Fu Jiang and I once lived, and the "ghost gate" where Dr. Ruan Li emphasized, all other buildings were destroyed by external forces, and traces of anxiety could still be seen on the broken walls.

The destruction of the local environment is very serious, but it has not spread. The majestic rain and the dense woodland have masked the fierce fighting that took place.

I touched my right leg. Guess, is this time your luck is good enough, or is it because you are destined to lose your right leg here?

I don't think Novsky's end will be miserable. On the contrary, there is a feeling that the encounter between Novsky and Fujiang, as well as its fiasco, is precisely its resurgence. A prerequisite plot to become more powerful. This also means that even if Fu Jiang and I were not present, it would also encounter other "monsters". The most likely one was the Nazi alienated You Jiang. It will also change after she suffers a lot from her men.

According to the information already available.

The combination of Fujiang and me, the combination of Alienated Youjiang and Night Crow Quark, when put together, always brings me a subtle sense of overlap.

However, what the actual situation will be can only be determined when it really happens in front of us.

All speculation nowadays can only be a psychological prevention.

"I don't know when the rain will stop." I said casually.

"That must be after the matter is completely over." Fu Jiang also seemed to answer casually.

"Today's rain is really noisy." I said.

"Sounds like crying," Fu Jiang replied.

"However, it's not pain that weep only when it's painful." I stood up and said to her, "If you can't save the tragedy. It is actually good to laugh with tears in your smile."

"Whatever is good. If Achuan likes it, just do it." Fu Jiang said: "I'm sorry, I'm actually pretty good at this kind of thing. I don't know what to do. I haven't done anything deliberately all along . "

"The same thing about me?" I laughed.

"Except for your thing with Achuan." Fu Jiang leaned over and leaned on my shoulder. "I always felt that I faced the enemy with Achuan, and then after a bitter battle like now, on the ruins. Enjoying the fruits of victory is the most romantic moment. "

"Actually ... I sometimes think that a calm day may be better." I said: "Although I always said that I like to encounter some exciting things. I want to experience things that others have never had before. In the grand adventure, fight like a heroic brave man. But now I feel that such a day is not as good as imagined. "

"Do you regret it? Achuan." Fu Jiang asked, staring at me.

"No, I can't say it's regret. I just think that such a big adventure can't last forever. There should always be an end, even if it's a temporary result." I seriously thought about it, in my truest mood , Answering her: "You see, all adventure stories will come to an end, and that is the end of a script. Maybe there will be a new script, a new story unfolds, maybe the protagonist is still the original person, or a new person, but That is another beginning. "

"So, does Achuan want to stop?" Fu Jiang's eyes were full of seriousness. In fact, as a humanoid river, she asked me such questions with such an attitude and tone, which always made me think that this was inevitable There is no hint, however, I can't expect it, it will be like a goddess, as soon as the cane is swung, it will realize my idea. For this world, for me, the existence of "jiang" and "virus" does not have a complete and true explanation from beginning to end. All understandings are just my guesses that I am limited to what I see and think. That's it.

But even if I could n’t be sure, I still answered her question very seriously: “Yes, I want to stop. But that must be an ending that I can accept.”

"As far as I know, there is only one way to get to Achuan's desired ending." Fu Jiang said suddenly.

At this moment, she became no longer like her. I can't describe this feeling. It's just that the human figure named "Fujiang" has never used such a demeanor to tell me such a topic. In the past, she was more like a wind, a strong and simple blast, maybe occasionally staying, occasionally hovering over something, but eventually quietly disappeared. She is the ultimate weapon 999, has a special identity in the doomsday truth, and is the person who theoretically knows most secrets. However, she never talks about those secrets.

I think she loves me Gaochuan, but I never felt that she would talk to me about the so-called "end" like this.

At this moment, she feels very different from me.

It's like, she is going to turn a blind card, and what the pattern under the card means is really tense and helpless.

I suddenly realized. The present self is like standing on a point of divergence. And your answer, the choices you make, will determine many things. But on the other hand. I do n’t know which answer or response is correct.

Is she talking to me about the "end"? I couldn't help thinking, did she know what I was talking about? Yes, she has read all the stories I have written, no matter how ridiculous that is. And what kind of identity and angle is she talking to me about the so-called "end"?

Suddenly, I was a bit creepy.

When I looked at her again, although her appearance did not change a little, but in the depths of her eyes, it seemed that something terrible was protruding a scale claw.

Her voice seemed to drop from the sky and came from a distant place: "Go to the ideal town."

"Ideal town?" This is not a strange term. In all philosophy and occultism, this is a symbol representing illusory perfection.

And for me. The first memory awakened by this word was the illusion-like sound.

The voice tells the story of the ten nights of the witch. The superficial content of the story is: the person who pursued the ideal experienced cruel baptism in the first nine nights, and got everything he wanted on the tenth night. However, I am particularly concerned that the experience of the first nine nights and the gain of the tenth night are full of contrasts and contradictions, and make people feel deeply unknown.

"Sacrifice is offered. On the ninth night after praising the witch, the witch recovers, and no one survives." I couldn't help repeating the song that once sounded deep inside my heart: "Tenth night, the journey ends. The end is the ideal land."

I look at Fu Jiang's eyes which are very different from the past and make people feel scared: "Is this true?"

"Maybe." Fu Jiang's expression suddenly changed back to become a normal and normal woman. "I heard from other people that this is foolproof and I can certainly achieve my ideal method. Because of this Magic. So it will always be passed down and pursued by people. It is said that someone has achieved it, but in fact, there is no evidence left. I actually only treat it as a joke, but maybe Achuan needs it. "

"Why ..." I couldn't help but was interrupted by her.

"Because the result that A Chuan wants to pursue is the ideal result, but it is the result that there is no way to achieve it except to reach the ideal township." Fu Jiang said calmly, "I don't know what to do, I just Fighting, enjoying the joy of fighting and the splendor of life, for me, the result is not important, and it is not necessary. For example, when I was with Achuan, it was a process in itself, not the final result. However, because Achuan I have the result I want, so I can only find a way to find out what I know is possible to achieve this result. "

"So ..." I don't know how to express my mood at this moment, my tongue seems to be knotted.

"There is no other way than to reach the ideal township." Fu Jiang repeated again, "If Achuan you decide, you must have an end point, then, I will accompany you to the end point. For me, the process is better than The result is more important, but if Achuan chooses the result, it does n’t matter. "

She said this as if she would disappear when I reached the end.

No, considering various circumstances, this possibility is not without. However, without her ending, it is not the ending I want.

"You are in the ending I want!" I couldn't help saying aloud.

"I know, so--" Fu Jiang gently kissed my lips. "The most ideal end point is only the ideal town."

My consciousness suddenly began to blur, my vision dimmed, and Fu Jiang's voice gradually went away: "It doesn't matter, as long as it is Achuan's choice, it must be acceptable."

"Wait!" I tried to reach out and push up my uncontrollable body.

In an instant, it seemed to break free of some kind of restraint. His eyes were bright, and he was standing upright with his upper body upright.

However, the surrounding landscape is completely different from before. As if the film had been cut off in the middle, the two different scenes were suddenly connected.

This is an intact room, filled with all kinds of precision instruments. The smooth surface flashes cold light, and the flashing of the indicator light is even more dazzling.

My location is on an operating table. The shadowless lamp on his head has not been turned off, as if he had just had an operation. The obvious pain came from my right leg and it made me a little more awake.

By the way, right leg. I couldn't help but look down.

The right leg, legs, knees, and ankles, which should have returned to normal, were stitched with a front line, and it was indeed the same as just after the operation.

Looking at my body, I couldn't help but realize that since then, the fully-covered armor made by the wing knight has completely disappeared from my body.

Perhaps it should be said that if you still wear that body, of course, it is impossible to perform surgery.

But is it necessary for me to have surgery?

For the right leg, although it was missing during the battle, it was normal after the battle.

The clearest memory of the last moment still stays in Fujiang.


"Fu Jiang!" I shouted loudly.

There was no one in the room except me.

I wanted to get out of bed, but my right leg didn't listen to me. The pain was like I hadn't been anesthetized. I moved my body on the operating table so that I could observe more of the room. I guess where I am, and the greatest possibility I can think of is all related to Dr. Ruan Li.

After talking with Fu Jiang, what happened?

Today's scene, the scene that made me and Fu Jiang together, becomes a bit unreal and uneasy.

If it is Dr. Ruan Li, I will definitely think that everything that happened in a certain period of time ~ ~ is just my illusion.

But something like that ...

I did not continue to call Fu Jiang, she was indeed not here.

After another minute or so, the door was opened from the outside. The man walked in, hands in his pockets, and a stethoscope around his neck.

"You finally woke up. Achuan." It was Dr. Ruan Li who came.

Now, the situation seems to be back to what I imagined.

"I ... this is ..." I didn't finish the speech. Dr. Ruan Li took out a medical flashlight and irradiated it to my pupils. When I closed my eyes subconsciously, she stopped it. "

After listening to her fiddling, and after a few more inspection procedures, Dr. Ruan Li said to me in a reminder tone: "One hour ago, your illness happened once. When you were found, your right leg was already affected. Severe injury. So, we performed an operation on you. However, you do n’t need to worry about future movements. This operation was very successful. "

surgery? Suffering serious injury to the right leg? (To be continued.)

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