Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1372: Warm body

readx (); surgery? Suffering serious injury to the right leg? I looked at my body, and the dense stitching was like telling me that this right leg was once completely detached from the body, and only in this way could it be barely connected. The roots of the thighs, knees and ankles are the three most obvious wounds, making people doubt whether this leg can still be used.

The pain from the wound is as if no anesthetic has been administered. The operating room I am in does not seem to have even anesthetics. However, what I am most concerned about is not the condition of my body. My memory in the last second still stays when Fujiang is still around. Now, where is she?

"Which is this ..." I mumbled to myself, and Dr. Ruan Li took out a medical flashlight from his pocket and aimed it at my pupils. I was stimulated by the strong light to close my eyes subconsciously, and she held her eyelids rigidly. She said to me in a harsh voice, "Don't move." Such a tone is not a negotiation.

I was silent, still playing with her. After going through several procedures, Dr. Ruan Li seemed relieved and said to me: "One hour ago, your condition broke out. When we found you, your right leg was seriously injured. And, You seem to be running so far with your injured leg. It ’s incredible. We can only do the operation for you. But do n’t worry, this operation seems to be a success. ”

"Surgery? My foot?" I tried to move the injured leg. After another wave of pain, although I felt I could move it, it actually did not listen. This feeling made me have a very profound sense of sight.

Yes, serious leg injuries, even after surgery, can not walk independently-this is like a replica of the situation when waking up in the hospital.

For a moment, I almost doubted that I really returned to the hospital, but the last time I woke up, I was on the hospital bed, and this time on the operating table.

However, Dr. Ruan Li's voice. This illusion was quickly dispelled.

"At that time, you were allowed to intercept those patients who wanted to break in, precisely because your spirit and the spirit of those patients once resonated, plus your diary ... I estimate that when the two interacted. Those people It won't bring you too dangerous influence. But, maybe my decision is wrong. "Dr. Ruan Li stared at me and said," I'm still too naive. I shouldn't expect those things to improve from the beginning. Possibility-there is an old saying that when it feels that the situation has deteriorated, it will only become worse than you expected. "

"I ..." I seemed a little clear. What is the situation now? There is no doubt that what Dr. Ruan Li is telling is what happened to me, Fu Jiang and other mysterious experts, and even the "monster" Novsky in the 51st area from her own perspective. Observations and interpretations made.

Generally speaking, the battle with the mysterious expert and Novsky, in terms of process and result, is not much different from what I know. However, in response to my own situation. And what happened within a period of time after the battle ended, there is something different from my perception.

Only in the current situation, there are two most obvious differences:

First, although in my understanding, the abnormality of Novsky caused the collapse of the dimensionality reduction environment, which in turn restored my right leg to normal, but at this moment, the injury to this leg still remained at the time and was severely damaged status.

Second, Fujiang is gone.

The dividing line of this cognitive difference lies in my "coma" after the war.

How exactly is coma. I had no impression at all, and I didn't feel anything wrong at the time. In short, after waking up on the operating table, it is the feeling of waking up from a "dream". However, such a dream is too clear and too deep, and it is difficult to admit that it is a dream.

Fought side by side with Fu Jiang and talked with Fu Jiang after the war. The ideal hometown mentioned by Fu Jiang-these things are just a mental illness, is it my conjecture and dream?

No, it shouldn't be like this.

After all, I am not alone in seeing Fu Jiang.

"Fujiang ... Mom, where is Fujiang?" I don't know how to explain my experience to Dr. Ruan Li, because it can be imagined that it has no effect. She never admits any mystery, nor does she admit the existence of "Jiang" at all. White Claudia is a material that can be seen and touched to her, but the so-called "Fujiang" is just a spiritual illusion in my eyes.

However, I have many words to say to Fu Jiang and many questions to ask her further. Does the matter of Ideal Town really exist, or maybe ... Although she explained why she changed her attitude in the past and took the initiative to tell me this kind of thing, but because of the identity of "Jiang" behind her, I still can't help but guess more.

Do these changes mean that there have been more profound changes in the "Jiang" area?

I don't know if Fu Jiang will go deep into such topics, but as long as she is seen, as long as she can be observed, it will make people feel at ease.

According to my theory, if you do not keep an observation on "Jiang" and you cannot observe the human-shaped Jiang, then you will be--

"Fujiang?" Dr. Ruan Li stared with meaningful eyes, which made people feel uneasy. "It's still Fujiang ..." She sighed as if she knew everything, "Achuan, Zhenjiang has already died. Why are you still unable to get rid of that nightmare after so many years? Even if I said it now, you would not admit it, but I still want to tell you, tell you countless times-Fujiang does not exist. "

"I understand, I understand, mother." I had no intention of arguing with her about this kind of thing. The past has shown that even if its meaning is related, the surface of the things we see is completely different.

The current dialogue is like a replica of the time of "hospital reality".

However, here is not "the reality of the hospital", but "inside the Las Vegas repeater". After all, when Dr. Ruan Li appears in this world, she should be mentally prepared. What she says and what viewpoint she maintains is completely conceivable.

"This time, I am not alone in seeing Fu Jiang." I said.

"Of course, but this just proves that everyone who sees Fujiang is a patient." Dr. Ruan Li said: "They were originally invisible, but because of you. They are connected with your spirit and become You can see. When they are under your influence, you are also forced to be under their influence. But in the final analysis, you are still different from them. You are not affected by white Claudia. You only become a mental patient , But was originally a mental patient. "She paused, a little bit of interest," Forget it, this kind of thing is good. It is because of my mistake. It only made you suffer such a serious injury, you can live, it is the most Good results. "

"No! This is my own!" I cannot admit that this is Dr. Ruan Li's mistake. Because, from the beginning, it was I who intercepted the monster with my own will, and this was the end. Such an injury was expected. Although he made a report with Dr. Ruan Li halfway through. But even if she stopped, I would still do that.

Since this is my choice, there is no reason at all to let Dr. Ruan Li bear the so-called "mistake".

That's not fair. No matter how Dr. Ruan Li observed this incident, I personally cannot accept it!

"Really? If you think this is more acceptable, then you are free." Dr. Ruan Li did not act too insistently. "What did you see at the time, write a report to me. I need more Information to determine the mental interaction between you and those patients at the time. After all, if you ca n’t unlock the secrets, you will never be able to get rid of their influence, although they will also be affected by you, but. If you are too severely eroded by White Claudia because of their influence, it will be difficult to recover. The reason why you can still maintain a certain degree of normality is because your own mental illness exists. The opposite **** is not completely compatible with the white Claudia's mental erosion. "

I know everything she says. But the meaning after concatenating into sentences becomes less understandable.

She seems to mean that my spirit was already very serious before White Claudia eroded the people of this world, so instead she possessed alienation and, to a certain extent, rejected White Crow Dia's mental erosion. The final performance is that I and other patients on this peninsula are different in many details of mental illness?

However, if this difference is transformed into a difference between me and other mysterious experts, it is easier for me to understand.

"Fujiang ..." I reminded Dr. Ruan Li again.

Dr. Ruan Li was silent for a moment, turned on the monitor in front of me, adjusted several options, and the screen shown was exactly what happened to me, Tomizu and Mitsui Tsukazu when they entered this area. Only one thing is different from my memory, that is, what Fu Jiang looks like in these pictures.

No, just from these camera records, it was not Fujiang, but the mysterious expert who manipulated the insects that accompanied us to this place. To be more precise, it was such a thing that his appearance did not turn into Fujiang ’s body .

The silent eyes, pale face, stiff body, all told me, just a corpse.

I am in the picture, staying with the corpse, doing what any couple and lover would do. At that time, I was talking to myself, as if I heard something, so I responded accordingly, and even when Mr. Mitsui Tsukazu were all present, no one expressed surprise. It seems that what they saw is not just a corpse, but more, it is a kind of "completely ignored, there are other people besides me and themselves". They only reacted fairly normally to my voice and movements, and throughout the video, they also performed behaviors that seemed strange from the screen.

Those strange behaviors made my behaviors strange.

It's like, we are making a connection and interacting in a way that is unknown to others.

And I and I should have been "Fu Jiang", but the interaction of only a female corpse in the picture is relatively independent from my interaction with them.

"The body?" I couldn't help but froze.

Dr. Ruan Li walked with a file: "The natal life is Krasset Ben Mitterrand, a female gender, thirty-two years old, French American, American nationality, engaged in financial fraud, and sentenced to five years in prison ... Yes: Mushita or moth. This is a bit interesting. The exact time of the mental illness caused by white Claudia is unknown, but the degree is a more serious batch on this peninsula. "She read this on paper Information, while handing the file to my hands.

In the upper left corner of this personal file, I am familiar with the bust of this "Mushishi" before it became "Fujiang". She was wearing a patient suit that I was familiar with in the picture, but her eyes made people feel abnormal. She didn't seem to care what she was doing when she took the picture. Her eyes seemed to penetrate the lens, the photo, and the time and space, staring closely at anyone who looked at the photo, such as me.

I raised my head and looked at the surveillance video forward. There is no doubt that she is the body in the image. And the moment she became a corpse, according to my memory, it had a big relationship with me, the only difference was that she did not become "Fujiang".

Yes, in the observation that Dr. Ruan Li borrowed the monitoring device, the person with me was not "Fujiang", but a female corpse named "Crasette Ben Mitterrand".

I have nothing to say, although I think Fu Jiang exists, and I am really with her, but this reason is completely unconvincing in the surveillance video in front of me. Even if it ’s not Dr. Ruan Li ’s other people, as long as there is such a logic and a normal scientific concept, I will only agree with it. It ’s my psychopathic attack ~ ~ and treats a female body as myself Lover.

Moreover, it is still a fantasy lover.

"I've repeated it countless times, but as long as you can't accept it, then I can only say this." Dr. Ruan Li said: "Jianjiang has been dead for many years, Fujiang does not exist, not only Fujiang, you are The imagined 'virus' and the thing called 'jiang' do not exist. There is indeed a threat of doomsday in this world, but the danger comes from a more practical kind of living body, which shows the appearance of plants. Some people It is suspected that it comes from the universe, but has a growth instinct, and we are affected by this growth instinct. This is a species invasion, and this species that invaded the human world, called 'White Claudia', its existence , Not only will it cause mental anomalies, but also proved by many physicists to have a certain degree of interference with physical phenomena. But I do n’t care about the physical problems, I am just a psychologist and want to study confrontation White Claudia's mental erosion drug is nothing more than that. All the world you have experienced, the inexplicable mysteries, are nothing but white Claudia Under the influence and interaction of other patients Psychopathic produced it. "

This world, what you call the Las Vegas Repeater, is really real. You think you broke into this world, but in fact, you are only mentally reconnected with the reality-she Say so. (To be continued.)

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