Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1376: Nightless night

The side effects of taking "Paradise" are extremely painful. I saw hallucinations in pain and was observed by Dr. Ruan Li. The initial injection was not the result. The second injection in my hallucination was like a female demon, with a cold spear penetrating my heart. Although it is clearly an illusion, the death-like fear it brings has increased unabated.

I seemed to be thrown into the cold abyss from the burning **** in an instant. When the consciousness was restored, everything in front of me was no longer that laboratory. But the same thing is that I am still confined to an operating table. This operating table is older and more rudimentary than the one in the laboratory. The stone table has rough textures. These textures are artificially processed and sculpted into a stream of backflow Drain, where dry blood stains settled, exuded a strong smell.

It is entirely conceivable that many people have performed surgery on this humble stone platform. They performed bloodletting and blood transfusion in a way that violates the health knowledge of modern medicine. Maybe someone died of infection, but ...

It is not just Shitai, there are more medical devices around it that seem to have been used repeatedly for years.

If you think about it carefully, you can't help but make people with a little basic medical knowledge shudder.

At the corner of the wall, there are masks in the shape of beaks. In known history, there have indeed been periods in ancient Europe where such masks flourished, but that was by no means a beautiful memory. At the time of ∵, the most commonly associated with this mask was the Black Death, plague, plague and other infectious diseases that led to mass extinction.

Nowadays, such a mask hangs on the wall, which also seems to indicate certain things.

However, although this view is terrifying, it is not the first time I have seen it. Whether it is for the furnishings here, the taste here. As well as the characters below Shitai, I have a deep connection with me.

Unexpectedly, I will return to this place-I can't help thinking, but it's a bit wrong to think so, because. In today's peninsula, it is coma and normal sleep. It is "common sense" to come to this place. People who cannot enter this place will be called "disqualified" by the seminar.

During the time after I left the Peninsula Psychiatric Hospital, I did not enter the place without losing consciousness ... or rather, there was no loss of consciousness at all.

Although I have thought about it-it may have to be inside a mental hospital. The patients who have taken the new medicine in the seminar have their own changes to a certain degree-they must meet these conditions before they can be led into this world of public ideology. However, there is still no way to prove it.

Obviously, this is a nightmare. But it is not the same as "Nightmare Las Vegas" and "Ghost Nightmare", perhaps it is a nightmare scene that will only be done after the conditions are met on this peninsula-the deepest night.

The last time I left until late, from the timeline of activities on the peninsula. It's not too far away. But, only in terms of feeling. After leaving the psychiatric hospital, too many things happened, but it made people feel that they have not had this nightmare of "the deepest night" for a long time.

Even so, I have never forgotten that when the alienation is occurring on the peninsula, the aberration in the deepest night is also synchronized. we can even say. Everything that happens in this nightmare will be connected to any strange things that happen on the peninsula, and in two different environments, people who have ideas and activities have always kept this connection deliberately. Because "connection" itself is the way to achieve their goals.

I'm just a person with little avatar, but fortunately, no matter which side, on the peninsula or in the deepest night, I have not completely excluded me. Those people tried it, and once succeeded, at a critical moment, I had to avoid "Marceau" and escape from the mental hospital. However, now I am back, with the help of Dr. Ruan Li.

Even if Dr. Ruan Li did everything to me, I didn't deliberately bring me back to such a nightmare.

A beautiful girlish figure, kneeling down religiously under the stone platform, hands clasped together, placed on her chest as if praying.

In a sense, her image, movement, way of saying, being in a place and giving people a feeling are like the prophet who guides everyone.

The "prophet" is originally the most commonly used character image.

Therefore, I call her "humanoid system", not only because of her appearance reminds me of color, but also because of the temperament exuded by the role she is playing. Intuition makes me guess that she is tied to this nightmare Embodiment.

In theory, today's Dorothy and tie colors, based on their own form of existence, can be "ubiquitous" in the illusion of apocalypse, just like "Jiang". It's just that the roles they can play, the identities they can take, and the forms they can present, are very limited.

So far, Dorothy has still inherited the status of "imitation of the final weapon 999".

And the color is probably not more than the concept of "prophet".

Although I have n’t seen it for a long time, it ’s just like the past doomsday illusion, it ’s the combination of the “human prophet”.

The humanoid system in front of him is more specifically expressed as a "prophet" focused on this deep night.

"What's going on? What happened?" I asked, taking the medicine was not very good, but the pain did not remain at all, and there was no feeling of weakness.

Everything that once seemed to be "destroyed" is now intact. It seems to be destroyed, just an illusion.

However, since these situations I have experienced myself will probably become "something that has happened" somehow in the deepest night, and become another background experience for my role.

In this regard, I have been psychologically prepared.

I subconsciously touched the magic pattern on the inside of my wrist, and the forehead represents the "Hunter" mark. When the two are close to each other, a very obvious burning sensation is generated, just like resisting, repelling, and proclaiming each other. And the opposite position-although there was such a feeling in the past, it is not as strong as it is today, and in the strong, there seems to be some more profound changes.

In this deep night, as a hunter, I am stronger than before. This cognition is spontaneous. Subconsciously, no doubt.

"Dear hunter, you have just experienced a terrible hunt without being confused by the hunt itself. Keep going like this in the future." The voice of the humanoid system came from the side.

"I don't have any memories." I said.

"It doesn't matter, respected hunter. Hunting doesn't have to be memorized in order to have proof." The voice of the humanoid system is as always. Soothing like a chant, yet full of rhythm, mysterious and elegant, "You have become stronger than before, this is the most important and the best proof of the hard hunting."

Becoming strong ... I opened my palm and squeezed my fist, and then pulled away the last restraint and turned down the stone platform.

When I stand firm. Windbreakers, wide-brimmed hats and long knives, these hunter's costumes have all appeared on the body.

"What happened to the deepest night?" I asked.

Now that it has come to the deepest night, it at least proves that the side effects of "paradise" at least did not let me die. However, unless "waking up", it is impossible to continue to obtain information about the peninsula. However, the situation of the Deepest Night is also extremely important and urgent. There are many things I can do in the deepest night, and these things will also affect the situation on the peninsula after "waking up".

In the last time I left until the deepest night. I have helped many people and arranged them in this gathering place which is neither a village nor a town. In fact, the deepest night itself is the meaning of this nightmare, although on the timeline of the nightmare, it has not yet "completely arrived." But the signs are already very deep, and from various details, we can see that the impact on the entire nightmare environment is increasing.

Theoretically, no one can really avoid the deep night. No matter where it is. Even in this gathering place, they must face extremely cruel baptism.

However, in terms of probability, once you leave this gathering place, losing the protection and coordination power, the possibility of being killed by monsters in nightmares is higher.

Most of the people I have contacted follow the concept of "this gathering place is a temporary place of safety". It is not completely wrong, because, at least here, I can protect them as much as possible, to prevent the invasion of monsters and those with other intentions.

The guys active in this nightmare are not just monsters. I'm sure that no mysterious expert other than myself will do anything good for the people in this gathering place.

Although I am also a mystery expert, but at the same time, it is also the only professional "hunter" in this nightmare. The innate identity is also the responsibility I must shoulder.

"The moon is no longer, and reason will be covered by the blood of madness. This will be a long night. Before the end of the deepest night, the next day will not come." The humanoid answer did not surprise me.

"How can I end the deep night?" I think this question is also what every hunter in the "history" of this nightmare, including the old Hawker and the old hunter I am most familiar with, want to know problem. The hunters chased into the deep night and tried to get answers, but whether they knew it or not, they and the answers they might have had already become "history" and were lost in this history. Nowadays, the hunters who are active in the nightmare of this deep night are still chasing secrets. There are very few. Most of them are just hunting monsters for life. And the oldest old hunter I know, because of the pursuit of secrets, stepped into the distant tower, was mentally collapsed by the information of the "hospital reality" fed back by the black seat, and became a lunatic.

As far as I know, people who are turned into lunatics by the "Black Block" are not just hunters.

The connection between the "high tower" and the "hospital reality" may be the most essential secret of this deep night, but it is also possible that it is just a form of connection. The form of expression can be an essential thing or an illusion. There is no evidence to prove what the scenes seen from the black block suddenly understood. And even believing in the information completely will only make people unable to face the situation they must face, and then become crazy.

Anyone who has not experienced the "hospital reality", whether it is a hunter chasing into the deep night, or a mysterious expert who invades this nightmare, has a great chance of mental and cognitive breakdown and becoming a lunatic.

In my opinion, the secret of the "high tower" is only information that reflects such a relationship, and is not directly related to "The End to the Deep Night".

This means that so far, all the pursuit of the deep night has failed to solve the most critical question: how to end the deep night.

In fact, when I asked this question, I did not expect the humanoid system to give a definite answer.

"The deepest night will liberate some things, which is one of the deepest essences of mankind." The humanoid system said calmly: "When human beings are born, these essences become the most basic composition. Without it, humanity is inevitably impossible. It becomes what it is today, and when humans do n’t need them, they start to sleep. Even so, if they are removed, humans will still start to collapse from the most basic structure. So, if you want to eradicate these things completely, do n’t you possible."

I can vaguely understand ~ ~ what these most essential but sleepy things actually mean. In the reality of the hospital, I have been exposed to similar concepts, such as the large number of glands, organelles and gene fragments in the human body that seem to have no effect. They occupy a large part of the total composition of the human body and are the guarantee of human growth. And proof.

It is precisely because they have been active for a long time, and no one can know exactly what role they play. So far, although they are called "sleeping things" or "useless things", it is still unimaginable how they will be completely removed or activated.

According to the feedback from the "Tower", concerning the "hospital reality", it seems that the deep night is related to such an experiment that activates the "human sleep factor". The so-called "liberation" is probably the same thing.

However, even if one can imagine this, there is no way to deal with "The Deepest Night" from this angle. Because there is no direct intervention in the "hospital reality" on this deep night.

In the end, how to end "The Deepest Night" must still return to the nightmare of "The Deepest Night". (To be continued


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