Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1377: Priest's narrow room

The information obtained from the black tower of the tower is huge and fragmented, and it will drive people who have not experienced the "hospital reality" personally. Combining these fragments, you will recognize an interpretation of the essence of this deep night based on the perspective of "hospital reality". However, such an explanation cannot prove its correctness.

In the final analysis, whether "hospital reality" exists and whether it is necessary to change one's own knowledge of the self and the world based on these unknown data fragments is theoretically a very personal freedom. The reason why the tower information makes people crazy is precisely because the information has some characteristics of forced erosion. This characteristic is offensive.

In this deep night, many people have visited the tower, including local hunters and mysterious experts of intruders. Without exception, they cannot withstand the erosion of the tower information and become madmen. Others can still get some information from the lunatics.

This part of information is then selected by themselves, after their own thinking and cognitive judgment, selection and correction, and then becomes the basis of various plans.

At this point, the original tower information has been distorted in the process of being recognized.

As long as it is not personal contact with the original tower information, but only to obtain information from the mouth of the "madman", then what the insider knows is nothing more than what they are willing to believe.

I have no way of exploring what the information has become in those people's minds. However, for me, tower information is not taboo information. Even so, I have thought, recognized, and judged based on these pieces of information. The final conclusion is probably different from the most essential content that the original information wants to express.

There are many unknown meanings in the human body. Although they are inseparable as part of the body. However, they do not seem to participate in the various activities of the human body today. Whether it is a reaction to the external environment. Or perhaps the metabolism inside the body does not seem to affect them.

They are also called "useless factors", but whether they are really useless or not, there is still insufficient scientific evidence to prove them. Although in popular science common sense, they are "the useful period has passed, and now the evolution of the human body is enough to abandon them."

On the other hand, although they are called "sleeping things" or "useless things". However, it is still unimaginable how to completely remove it or activate it. There are also organs like "appendix", which seems to be removed, but considering the more realistic situation, whether other parts of unknown function are the same as "appendix", no one seems to try it deliberately. And there are things that do n’t seem to work very much. Organelles, such as mitochondria, are an important part of the structure of cell tissues, once they are divided. It is just like the complete decomposition of the cell structure, so it cannot be disturbed.

According to the feedback from the "Tower", concerning the "hospital reality", it seems that the deep night is related to such an experiment that activates the "human sleep factor". The so-called "liberation", I think, is probably the same thing.

Let those parts of the body that seem to have no effect replay their role, let them experience the ancient accumulated things, and release them again. It may be possible to turn "modern man" into "superman"-this is the same as science knowledge. Spread in people's cognition.

However, let's not mention whether this is "return to the ancestor". Or maybe it is "re-adaptation", and the effects it may produce are not strictly judged by current science.

If the so-called "liberation" is such a thing.

If the deepest night is related to such "liberation".

Then, of course, the danger of deep night can certainly be expected-this is a strong ideological upheaval constituted by an unpredictable body upheaval.

However, even if one can imagine this, there is no way to deal with "The Deepest Night" from this angle. Because there is no direct intervention in the "hospital reality" on this deep night.

In the end, how to end "The Deepest Night" must still return to the nightmare of "The Deepest Night".

If the night of the deepest night can be guided, then both the process and the result will be fed back to the source that led to the night of the deep night. Intervene in this way?

This is like a stage in the "Human Completion Plan" that guides physical changes through mental changes.

Perhaps anything we do in the deepest night, any goals achieved, its process and results will be fed back to the "hospital reality", and because the "hospital reality" produces corresponding activities, which in turn produces a complex linkage Sex.

In fact, in my philosophical theoretical system of the Trinity and the real side, and any scientific theoretical system involving quantum theory, the relationship of existing things will be very widespread, and it will not simply be observed in the two It occurs between things that act.

Any data hedge and ideological world in hospital reality, doomsday illusion, doomsday illusion, including the world inside the repeater, as well as any data hedge manifestation, mystery, and nightmare in this internal world, will be seen as such The deep night that simply occurred on this peninsula was affected and affected, and further changes occurred, interfering and influencing each other, resulting in many situations that were totally unobservable and unpredictable from a personal perspective.

However, because it is too complicated, it is completely beyond what I can observe and can deal with. To understand and analyze the world from such a wide-depth perspective, it is necessary to gather all the people in the observable world, all non-mysterious and mysterious organizations, and coordinate information collection, analysis, and processing in order to achieve what is possible. Right?

The working principle of a single human, its brain, has not reached a level that can handle this situation from the beginning. The processing methods and processing efficiencies matched by the human brain are strictly based on the body's own ability to bear. It will not suddenly become able to understand the nature of the world because of the accumulation of knowledge, unless the entire body is ready to withstand the load of "understanding the nature of the world".

The human body is very precise, precisely because of this precision. Therefore, there are restrictions. If only a part of them broke this limit, and the other parts did not reach the corresponding level. Then, the entire body structure will collapse. And humans will die-I think that such a theory is actually better understood.

Therefore, I never felt that I would suddenly understand "the interaction between all the worlds I have observed and the nature of this interaction", even if the brain can really understand it because of learning and thinking, but A moment of understanding. The force returned by the brain may be tolerable, but the rest of the body will disintegrate immediately?

With such thoughts, I never feel ashamed that I "have too many things that I don't understand", or feel that my stupidity is wrong.

This is the limit for me as a person. That's all.

However, if it is not a human being, it is another thing, another concept of itself, which exists entirely in these worlds. If you ca n’t measure the existence, you can accomplish such grand things like observation and processing by yourself.

"Jiang" and "Virus" are conceptually. That's how it exists.

All mysterious and non-mysterious events that have occurred so far can be simply summarized as the interaction between the three conceptual existences of "human", "virus" and "jiang".

However, this kind of cognition cannot be directly used to deal with "the deepest night".

My limits as a person determine that I do not have such a powerful ability as "virus" and "jiang".

Similarly, although the color and Dorothy have brought their life forms closer to "Jiang" to a certain extent, or relying on the mutation of the disease to reach a comprehensive and systematic level beyond human limits. However, I don't think it's blue. And it is better than "virus" or "jiang".

The simplest reason is that even in the "hospital reality", they have undergone inhuman changes that are no less than in the illusion of doomsday. But they are still patients with doomsday syndrome. They still cannot eradicate their own patients and cannot treat other patients with doomsday syndrome.

Since the "virus" cannot be cured, the "virus" cannot be ruled out, and the impact of the "virus" cannot be corrected, and it has become the current appearance in the form of "lesion", how can it be called, Beyond the "virus"?

Therefore, the limits that they must have as "patients", like the limits that they must have as human beings, are unable to clearly recognize "virus", "jiang", and are constructed from these inexplicable existences. These sick worlds.

In this case, it may be a humanoid system that shows the form of the color, and of course it is impossible to give the answer I want to know.

At the intelligence level, she and I can imagine that what I already know is not decisive enough to change the status quo difference.

However, even if I knew that this would be the case, I would still feel a little disappointed.

"It seems that I can only do the things in front of me." I said to myself.

"There must be a limit to liberation." The humanoid system said: "Therefore, there must be a limit to the deepest night. And its end is the end point that will inevitably appear after liberation reaches the limit. The deepest night will only It ends naturally and cannot be stopped. At the end of the life, respecting the hunter is the way to spend the night. "

There is really no unexpected answer. I thought calmly and walked out of the operating room with a long knife.

The humanoid system did not follow, she seemed to be immersed in the bleak, deserted and **** room, praying quietly to the ritual stone platform, patterns and strange props. I am not surprised, her ability is determined by the role she plays. Perhaps her identity determines that, in addition to these things, she does not have much to do.

In the hall, the people who stayed with me were panicked. The time when I escaped into the deep night is also elapsed for them, and at this moment, these people have shown extremely obvious morbidity. The mental madness made the chapel's originally solemn and strange atmosphere suddenly become chaotic, manic and uneasy.

They were talking to themselves, talking to others, sometimes shouting hysterically, and sometimes looking at the moon-like red spheres hanging outside the window, showing expressions of dementia or fright. Even if I ca n’t hear them, they are talking about something, yelling about something, they are afraid of something, as if something has happened, but I ca n’t see it.

Such a scene suddenly gave me a strong sense of "doomed".

Although some people have said that no one cannot be replaced, and no one is destined to be restricted.

But in the world I see, there are indeed irreplaceable people, and people are destined to be limited by their identity. All those who claim to have broken their destiny, and all those who can break their destiny, are simply playing the role of "destined to break destiny in a certain script."

People who can change time, change the world line, and let themselves live a different life from the "past" are only "destined to do so".

Those who can grow up and those who can become stronger are only playing the role of "can grow and become stronger".

Such a role seems to be assigned from the beginning. The so-called "unpredictable future" is just an illusion. because--

"Although there seems to be a lot of" future ", there is only one thing that will eventually set foot on. UU reading and the" past "proves this. Therefore, this will eventually set foot on the" future "and finally Becoming a 'past' future is a manifestation of destiny. "I said aloud to all the overwhelmed people in the hall.

My voice, overwhelming everyone's voice, made their behavior stop, all looked to me.

"So, don't be afraid." I slowed my tone and seriously looked at their strange eyes. I was not afraid of such eyes, even if it brought only unknown. I don't care what they are thinking. I just want to do what I think I must do, and tell them what I think I must say to them.

"Fear, will not let destiny change." I walked to their side and hugged one of them with a hidden face, as if that face had some kind of changed woman, her body was cold and trembling, "maybe Nothing can change fate, but before the future becomes the past, no one can know what his destined future is ... this may be the mercy of destiny. If we must face the end, then, in the end Before becoming the "past", we will never know what the "end of the world" will look like, and what will happen to us. If there is a truth of the end, then I believe that this is the true truth of the end. "(Unfinished Continued


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