Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1378: Priest's room

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Something happened here when I was away. People who were already not normal had more serious lesions. The increasingly scarlet outside the window, like a huge **** sphere, looks like the moon, but it is actually in it, with the illusion of the nightmare Las Vegas. As if it were such a thing, indicating the approach of the deepest night. When the peninsula fell into a storm, the nightmare of the deepest night, the climate became equally severe, it was a lot of ashes that fell from the sky with the wind and rain, and the sky sometimes burned, releasing layers of magnificence and making people The rainbow light of fear is just like what you see after taking "Paradise".

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp All these abnormal changes are the main culprits that induce people to develop diseases. And people are not only eroded by the spirit, but also the irresistible people have made some disturbing changes in some body parts, even if they are not directly displayed on the surface, but I must feel vaguely.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp also has a whisper-like voice, resembling hallucinations, echoing vaguely in the ears, lest some indescribable information be informed as it is, so that people can have a deeper understanding of this kind of disaster that happened to themselves General changes.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp These phenomena are too similar to the side effects of taking "paradise", and it can't make me feel a little strange and surprised. According to the situation of the Peninsula Psychiatric Hospital, all patients who have entered the nightmare of the deep night are due to taking the new drugs in the seminar, and the new drugs in the seminar are obtained during the study of "paradise", at a certain stage The product, in the end, the illusion seen by taking "paradise" has too many similarities with the sight of the nightmare in the deep night, it is completely understandable.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp The mysterious events I have come into contact with each other are extremely complex in depth. It seems that the result of the last mysterious event is the cause of the next mysterious time. Sometimes it's not just the result. But just "the birth of a certain mysterious event" is enough to become the cause of the next mysterious event. And, its state, process and observable phenomena will show extremely high similarity and relevance.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp changed abnormally in the deepest night. This change is too complicated and unpredictable. Incomprehensible, but just panicked by people, this kind of scene is also often encountered in the past mysterious events.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp In the past, there were people who were proficient in appeasing people to adjust the mentality of these victims. There were priests of Truth in Doomsday, who took advantage of this opportunity to preach their beliefs. Now, the only person standing in front of these patients is me.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp did not comfort them before. Naturally, this will not be done afterwards. Now when I return to the deepest night, in this chapel, at this moment, only myself can help these people. I know clearly that I can never save everyone, and the situation in front of me, even if I want to do something, can not be guaranteed.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp However, if it's just talking ... If it's just words, it can temporarily make them less painful. Get the comfort of the soul, so that they can continue the hope of survival before being destroyed by the inevitable disaster. Even if it is just to get some false peace, then only me here can do this, and I am willing to do so.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp There are far more people staying in the chapel than the last time I sent them. How did they arrive, were they people in this gathering place, or were they outsiders? Was it the locals in the nightmare, or the consciousness of the patients in the peninsula mental hospital? These answers are not so important to me. When I saw their horror. They only have one identity.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp They need a strong arm, but. My arms are not that strong. Even so, if they can't find other people to rely on. Then let them listen to my voice.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "Although there seems to be a lot of" future ", only one will eventually set foot, and the" past "proves this point. Therefore, this will eventually set foot on the" future "and eventually become the future of the" past " , Is the embodiment of destiny. "I shouted to all the overwhelmed people in the hall.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp My voice overwhelms everyone's voice and makes their behavior stop, everything looks to me.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp is in this mood. I hugged them one by one, comforted them, pulled away the hands of the woman who concealed her face, and gazed at the half of the face that had become a little scary with peace and compassion. I took out the food and water and handed it to the panicked child to feed the crying baby who abandoned it. With a sincere heart, reveal the softest places in my heart to everyone.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp I don't think this is wrong.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "Fate exists, and fate cannot be changed. If fate changes, it is just a destiny-style change." However, I said, "No one can be sure that it is himself before fate comes and becomes the past. fate."

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp I put aside the long knife and took off my hood to reveal my face. I don't care where the food and water come from, and where the people come from. I put the baby back in the cradle and put the cradle on the bench. I stroked the child's head and patted the man's shoulder. I kissed the woman's forehead, whether she was young or old, beautiful or ugly.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp I walked past them one by one and described the so-called fate.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "So, don't be afraid." I said in a soft tone, seriously facing their strange eyes, I was not afraid of such eyes, even if it brought only unknown. I don't care what they are thinking. I just want to do what I think I must do, and tell them what I think I must say to them.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp And they, temporarily abandoned the fear and headless flies, and began to listen quietly.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "Fear will not let destiny change." I walked to them and hugged one of them to hide her face, as if that face had some kind of changed woman, her body was cold and trembling, she I want to push me away, but hugged me tightly, feeling her weakness and resistance, as if I could hear her pain, sadness, and helplessness. Until she no more refused, gently hugged me.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp I said to her, and to all the people present: "Maybe there is nothing that can change fate, but before the future becomes the past. No one can know what his destined future is ... this may be It is the mercy of destiny. If we must face the end, then, before the end becomes the "past". We will never know what the end is like, and what we will be. If there is truth of the end. Then , I believe that this is the true truth of the end. "

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Doomsday Truth ... I never thought that one day, I would use these words to tell these helpless people. However, I can't think of any more vocabulary, I can express what I want to express. Into their hearts. No matter where, as long as the end comes, words like "the truth of the end" will become more powerful than any word. It is a power in itself.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp I used to refuse this power, but now, I can't help but use it.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Because, I'm just a clumsy person, I can only learn how to parrot those who can persuade others.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "When the future" end of the world "is an unpredictable fate before it becomes the" past ". I don't know where it will go; similarly, when the future" we "becomes the" past ", our future It ’s still unpredictable. I do n’t know where I ’m going. ”I hugged the patients in the chapel one by one and told them:“ Do n’t give up hope, do n’t give up perseverance, do n’t give up dreams, do n’t think that you will be abandoned, And give up all the good things. Because, before 'abandoned' becomes the established past, you cannot be sure. You will be destined to be 'abandoned.' "

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp I said aloud, it was like moving the emotions in my heart. It is all contained in such a voice. Although in my opinion, such an expression is pale. But the expressions of other people are telling me that for what I am pale, for them, they are craving things.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "Fate exists, there may be a fate called irreparable. However, it must be presented to us in the form of" past "before it becomes truth."

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp So, when the end becomes the past, it will become the truth. But before it actually arrived and became a thing of the past, it was still just a terrifying phantom.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "So, if the end is truth, then it must not be the observable" truth of the future ", but it must be confirmed after it becomes the" past ". And since someone must confirm it and verify it For the truth, someone must survive the moment when the end becomes the past. "

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp I looked around at everyone in the chapel.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "Our destiny has long been doomed, but we are human beings, so we cannot observe and determine which future is our destined future."

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp I stood in front of the podium of the chapel, and the patients stared at me, with that weird, glass-breakable calm, sitting back on the bench and continuing to listen to me.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "If you think that there is such a terrible future, it will inevitably appear, then you can only prove yourself right when it becomes a" past thing ". And now, do you want to be for such a , A terrible future that ca n’t be proven immediately, and what to do with what you still have now? ”

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp in the chapel except for my voice, there is no other voice.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspI know that there is actually a large part of their madness. It is not that they feel abnormal and desperate for it, but the mysterious nature of this deepest night, forcibly eroding them with despair. They are passive, and this passiveness is not something I can reverse.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp And such madness, fear and despair is itself a manifestation of extreme pain. I have experienced this kind of pain in my body, and I feel the same for them, so—

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp If there is a small part of them that can ignite the bonfire of hope, so that they are no longer so cold and desperate, then I must be able to light it.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp I just talked to them with such expectations. I am not a qualified orator, but I have heard the sermons of the Doom Truth fanatics, Father Sissen, and Father Edward. I reject "Apocalyptic doctrine", however, if you use the "Apocalyptic doctrine" method, you can alleviate the pain of some of these patients ...

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp I put my hand on my left chest and my heart, recalling the significance of Father Sisson's telling of the doomsday truth, recalling that in the past doomsday environment, the believers of the doomsday truth religion, with a beautiful and fanatical expression, believe That truth, and then die in front of my eyes.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp I don't believe in anything, even if I don't believe in anything, I won't drown in despair. However, if someone needs faith in order to have hope, in order to struggle in despair and pain. Then ...

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp I am willing to be a priest to talk about beliefs that I do not have.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Doomsday truth of the doomsday faith, in the old age of the Big Three, in the era of the Mar Jones family, in the hearts of past priests, in the hearts of Father Sissen and Father Edwards today, in the eyes of the internet balls, There is not exactly the same content. Its expression and acceptance are also different.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp So, as I said, although it is also called "doom truth", it is not exactly the same as "doom truth" in other populations.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp From the perspective of my understanding of "fate", I have portrayed such an "end of possibility", and the reason why this "has not yet become the past, but only the coming end" has become the truth, not the end itself. Necessity, but the meaning of "being the past".

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp cannot be the past, but only exist in the end of the future and the present ~ ~ can neither be a "destined destiny" nor a true truth-and this is the truth of the end. This is my doomsday truth.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspAlthough I know clearly, such words and ideological content are just words for me. However, others clearly need it.

Compared with such doomsday truth, all the promises are pale and unbelievable.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp The patients sat on the bench, under my gaze, some gazed at the symbols on the altar behind me, and some hung their heads as if praying religiously. The crying, the shouting, the disturbing things disappeared little by little in the chapel. In front of my eyes, the chapel became calm, and there was a ghost named "Alien" walking around everyone. I began to hear their voices, what they were talking about, as if they were talking about something to me, but I could not understand their language. (To be continued)

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp

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