Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1380: Resident

The gathering place of & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp is regarded as a refuge. When the deepest night comes, this is the last bastion of people. When did this kind of cognition emerge? When I went to other places to remind others that there was such a place, I never thought about whether this gathering place was safe. No, it should be said that I subconsciously believe that this strange gathering place where I am located is a real sanctuary. Others have never used words or actions to refute this.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp They soon accepted it, came with me, or came to this gathering place by themselves.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Now in retrospect, there is always a feeling of "because I think this is a gathering place and a shelter, so it becomes a gathering place and a shelter". This is a somewhat self-righteous idea.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp However, today's gathering place is regarded as the last refuge by many people, but it is an indisputable fact. More people come here than I have seen in the gathering place in the past. When I was not here, the situation here is still continuing to develop, how many people are there now? I'm not so sure either.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp What I know is that no matter who was originally in the gathering place, or who came to the gathering place later, they will find a place of their own here, and in general, this place of residence It will definitely not be a chapel. These people resist going to the chapel, just like a religious believer, refusing to enter other religions. I do n’t know if they are believers, but this attitude of rejection is extremely determined.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp They just want to stay in their chosen residence and refuse to contact any outsiders. Before they came here, their attitude was not so stiff. They may play, communicate, and do something from the outside. It's a little weird behavior, but they don't want to share it with anyone outside their residence. Even when I first contacted them. They are cheerful and good at accepting opinions, but as long as they walk into this gathering place. It will be like a different person.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp I once started to associate from the psychological level, regard these dwellings and the behavior of staying in the dwellings and rejecting all outsiders as a closed self-protection inner refraction, but whether this is the case, there may be In the dwelling place, there are aberrations that I do not know. None of this is something I can detect today.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspBecause, I cannot destroy the residence here.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp In such an ideological world, in most cases, even if it is restricted by the hunter ’s seal, it cannot maximize the power of the magic pattern, but, judging from the appearance of these buildings, it is not enough to resist me Attack-however, the truth is. Unless the people inside take the initiative to accept me and open the door from inside, otherwise. Even if the doors and windows are open, I can't enter it.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp has a vague power, refusing my entry, refusing my contact. They can hear my voice, but in many cases, the voice alone cannot convey much.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspI think that such a closure, even if it is not a kind of mental refraction. The behavior itself is extremely dangerous. They locked themselves in an environment where they couldn't get help even if they changed. but. My idea is probably exactly the opposite of theirs.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp I talked to them. From their emotions, they understood that they rejected outsiders precisely because they were afraid that they might bring bad things.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspThey don't think they need my help. No, it should be said that maybe help is needed, but this kind of help is best isolated from the residence.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Therefore, in many cases, if I take the initiative to contact and provide help, there will be a kind of feeling that I am forcing them to accept help ... This feeling is not good.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Even so, I still pat their doors regularly and confirm their situation through the reaction inside the residence. Their reaction was of course intense, and they seemed very angry, and even brought hostility. I have accepted all these resistances and hostility. I do n’t want to ignore them just because of their bad attitude. Maybe after the accident, I will regret some of my prejudices and miss something.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Yes, no one asked me to do this, and they originally just confirmed the situation of this gathering place. Many more people did not come here under my guidance. For the residents here, there is a kind of power in the meditation, prompting them to act accordingly. It seems natural, but I know very well that there is no real "natural" thing here.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp All of my actions are sent to myself and are not expected by others.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp No, if someone is really looking forward to it, then maybe it is the humanoid system. Talking to her made me feel a little changed and puzzled about her existence. The color system should be repelling me now, but the humanoid system does not look like this. Only she can bring me a touch of intimate comfort on this deep night. I do n’t know if this intimacy and comfort is an illusion, but I am willing to treat it as something that really exists.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp I am doing something in order not to regret it, but I am not expected, nor understood, and even resisted, fearful, and some people will be full of hostility. This has been the case for a long time, and it has not happened. In past doomsday illusions, encountering such a thing is often in a similar situation.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp People, surrounded by fear and despair, the huge shadow makes people not believe in anyone but themselves. Although, I think the more this is, the more you need the help of others, but there are many people who do not know it.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp I walk through the alleyway, patrolling all the lights and all shadows in the field of vision. The light means that there is someone in the house, and the shadow is surging every moment, as if peeking at all the figures reflected in the light. The surrounding light is quickly disappearing at a speed that can be clearly felt, just like the last scene of the sunset, however, in the nightmare of this deep night, there is no sun.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp hung heavily in the sky, looks more like a moon than a sun, however, it is not a real moon, but just some kind of mysterious presentation. For the residents in this nightmare, whether they have actually seen the sun still exists only in their imagination. What I can understand from their mouth is that they seem to have been waiting for the arrival of the deepest night. No one knows what happened last night, but everyone knows that people will die in great terror. It's like they know a prophecy by nature. And their lives only exist in the time of "one night till deep".

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp however. How long will a deep night last from the omen to the end? No one can count.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "I don't know why you knocked on the door, do you want to ask for something to eat? But unfortunately, we have nothing here!" The people in the residence said, "I won't open the door, let's go, hunter. Go away! "

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Look, this is the attitude. There are some worse. Even mocking my actions.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "Look, this is a hunter. What kind of ghost is a hunter? Are you going to hunt us? Are you going to kill a monster or a person like us?"

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp In my opinion, the best attitude, of course, is that they don't say a word, only make a sound with actions, telling me that they are still alive.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp However, although such exclusion can be seen everywhere, but. There are people who really want me to do something for them.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp When I moved into the new lane, there were women who had communicated many times. Pray for me after the room. The candlelight lit in her room perfectly imprinted the silhouette of a bottle of flowers on the window glass. I seem to be able to smell the fragrance of the flower.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "Is it a hunter? Ah, thank you so much so that I can come here." She said, "I'm relieved to see you here."

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "If something goes wrong and I'm not there, you can choose to go to the chapel, maybe you can find a companion there." I replied, but. The situation in the chapel is also very optimistic. I don't know, the people in the chapel. With people who choose to hide in their homes, which one can live longer. I just told this woman. There is another option. "I don't want to leave." Sure enough, her answer was the same as always. "Here is a taste of home. I remembered my mother ... She is a kind-hearted woman. If at that time, she didn't go to church to inform others. "" Speaking of which, she sobbed and cried.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Her reaction did not seem to be contrary to common sense, but from the first contact with her, she was no different from other people, and gave me a strange feeling of morbidity. If I continue to stay here, she will talk to me more about things that have nothing to do with me, and the things she said are just like her own witness. And if I choose to leave, she will not do more retention.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp When I left, she was still retelling what she had said no more than three times. She seemed to have no other lines.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Then came the two who were more familiar, a man with a sharp tone, a young woman who lived in the most exquisite bungalow in the gathering place, and was gentle and indifferent. From the feeling of talking, these two people are more receptive to the existence of "the deepest night" than others. Moreover, they have stayed here for a long time. They are considered locals in the gathering place, and they have a completely different familiarity with the hunter "Old Hawke" who is also from this gathering place.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp When I first came here, it was these two people who took the lead in talking to me. I still remember the situation at that time. When I reported the name of Old Hawk, they only knew that Old Hawk was dead. Even so, they did not have much grief, as if the hunter's death and inheritance were a matter of course.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp The man once mocked the matter of "Old Hawk buried himself in the grave". He seems to want to mock everything, it is a matter of habit, not a real attitude.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "Look, I said, we meet again." The man's voice sounded before I approached the room. On the other side, the voice of the young woman came: "Hire, do you have any good news?"

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "It's a pity." I shook my head and said, "I have to go out. If you encounter something that cannot be solved, you may be able to leave the house and go to the chapel for help."

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "Fool! Idiot! When you open the door, you will only invite those monsters to come to the door. When I am not a hunter, once I step outside the door, I will be eaten by monsters who do not know where to hide." It also denied this suggestion, "Don't you understand? Hunter. These monsters can't be killed. Maybe you are very powerful and have killed many monsters, but you will not be so powerful and so lucky forever. Deep The depth of the night will attract something terrible, that is something that humans can never overcome. "

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "How much do you know? About that invincible thing." I asked sensitively. The monster in this nightmare will not die completely until the end of the deep night. This is not new information. However, the man mentioned the "impossible monster", but further proved my guess. Because of imagination, inference, and speculation, I am not surprised by the man ’s claims, but they are not dismissive.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "Ah, it's really a madman who can't be saved." He grumbled and described me.

The young woman on the other side of & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp seemed to know the relevant situation and spoke for him: "I think, this time, we will not be able to spend this night until any time. However, has anyone really lived before It ’s the deepest night? In the end, why does the deepest night exist? ”She issued this question ~ ~ and then said to me:" This is what Old Hawk said, there is no invincible The monster will appear in this deep night, this will be the last deep night, the sun will never rise again the next day, everyone will usher in the final ending. I do n’t know him Why is he so sure, but he went to a tower in the distance, and it became like this when he came back. He seems to have found something in the tower, I do n’t know what he left you, hunter. I think, actually He does n’t expect anything you can change. ”

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp The indifferent voice of the young woman seems to have given up minding these "death", "helplessness" and "fear". She doesn't seem to have any cravings. Even so, she still told me something: "Old Hawk was hit hard. He heard that another old hunter wounded him. He said that everyone who went to the tower was crazy. Of course, in my opinion , Including himself. So, I heard that he buried himself ... This is not surprising. Even so, I still believe in some things he said. Because, that is the answer he finally found as a hunter . He has been looking for an answer all his life. As a result, this answer has driven him crazy, which is really pitiful. "(To be continued)

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp

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