Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1381: The last hunter

In today's gathering place, there are not many people who are familiar with the old Hawk. When I came to this sheltered place, there were only six or seven people who lit up the lights, and now there are no lights at all. . n∈, quiet down, wandering in the alleyway, you can always hear the ghostly cry of howling human voice. Before this, even if there were lights in this area, it was often dead.

However, noisy does not mean normal. Of course, the past silence is a good omen for people, but today's human voice is also full of madness and strangeness. Compared with the fiery guys I met before, there is always a sarcasm in front of me, and a young woman with an indifferent attitude, but it makes people feel more normal.

Even though I have n’t talked to these two very often, they are considered "acquaintances" compared to a lot of hostile strangers. The identity of the old Hawk and the hunter is like a link connecting us.

Speaking of old Hawke, there are always a lot of sneering men who can't look down, but that attitude is not hostile, but a conceptual difference and generation gap. Even if I always say that the other party is not good, it still makes people feel that this guy's heart is still normal, and there is no bad thoughts, just like to talk to some people. However, it is because people always like to talk, so people can't help but have the illusion of "enthusiasm".

Ha, who knows? At the beginning, as a new foreigner, I was very ostracized by them.

Until now, I still don't understand why the young woman with a very indifferent attitude is the one who first responded to my interview. Her attitude towards Old Hawk, although not as tit-for-tat as a man, knows many stories about Old Hawk like men. I also understand the meaning of the identity of "Hunter" in this nightmare-like world.

Ah, old Hawke. Speaking of this name, I couldn't help but think of the information passed from the black tower in the tower.

That poor fellow. I don't know when he died in this world. Do you know your identity in another world, and whether he himself in the other world, in the corresponding death ending, sensed his exploration, effort and madness in his mapping in this world.

If such a connection can also have some beautiful meaning, then perhaps it is to prove that "the world is not alone", and people who appear lonely in the world are not completely alone. And proved it. In fact, in theory, a truly lonely person does not exist, either in terms of ideology or ideology. In the final analysis, it seems that everything starts from the spirit and ends from the spirit.

The idealistic world is often more cruel than the materialistic world, but it is also more full of tenderness and possibility-this is the conclusion I finally got from my own experience.

Philosophy, psychology, physics ... I am very interested. past. My curiosity about psychology always lies above the other two. However, he observes the world he lives in with the world view of physics. But now, I seem to be gradually getting away from the embrace of psychology and physics, trying to seek answers from philosophy, trying to rely on "mystery" to present philosophical and idealistic answers in the world of physics.

physical. It is still the focus of my observation of the world, but more or less, it is no longer the core. Any theory based on physics and materialism, including the theory of unity, superstring theory, etc. Although it is still the focus of my attention, I tried to find the answer. When I went to the other side, they were no longer the most important sculls.

Many people think that such a choice is wrong. I sometimes ask myself, is this really okay? Is it really correct? But I personally do not have that quality and ability to prove the correctness of "materialism". Of all the things I can observe, perhaps many can be answered with a materialistic point of view, as if as long as the unified theory can be completed, even if it is only a prototype, the incompletely correct superstring and quantum theory can vaguely give the answer . However, this answer cannot be used effectively in the various situations I encountered.

Yes, I think this theory can explain everything, and really use these theories to solve everything, is a completely different concept.

And this is the insurmountable gap between a real scientist and a high school student who has not yet graduated.

I have no power to learn and grow, nor do I have this time. I do n’t even think that even if there is enough time, I can rely on learning to perfect the theory of unity, and then integrate the theory of unity into practice to solve the difficulties in reality. My qualifications as a person are just "excellent high school students", nothing more.

Therefore, seeking "mystery" can only be the only way.

I have already made a decision and do not need anyone's approval. The reason why I am sad is that I have to convince myself at all times, just because the past ideas are still binding me.

The goal of materialism is to "make people understand all the laws of affairs, and assume that following the materialism, there can be no things that can never be understood. All the unknown is only 'temporary unknown.'" Therefore, in the face of the unknown, it is assumed that " If it is only temporarily unknown, it will not lose hope because of too much fear.

In the "mysterious" world, there is "an unknown that can never be recognized". The uncertain unknown filled me with fear and was always desperate.

I am bound by the past materialism, and the yearning for the realm of unity theory is actually the inner manifestation of escaping the "unknown fear". I also think that the reason why mankind finally embarked on the road of materialism is also to escape the "unknown fear", an evolutionary trend under the pressure of fear-fear of death, so looking for eternal life, afraid of "eternal unknown ", So look for ways to make" eternal unknown "into" temporary unknown. "

In fact, here, the core of the problem lies only: Does the eternal unknown exist? Is the unknown infinite?

Materialism only assumes that the eternal unknown does not exist, and the unknown is not infinite. Therefore, the limited unknown, and the temporary unknown, will be solved, just a matter of time. But it does not prove its own correctness. This correctness is more like a philosophical topic.

I think a lot in these experiences, but. None of these thoughts can solve the problem for me. Understand that you are going to die tomorrow, and why you are going to die tomorrow, but you cannot save the ending tomorrow.

Are these thoughts useless? Still useful? At least, in terms of results. They are all useless. And why am I thinking hard? Just to prove your stupidity?

I don't need other people to mock me, in fact, I always laugh at myself.

This thinking self is useless, neither can save itself nor save others-thinking makes me come to this conclusion, and this thoughtful conclusion draws me to "mystery", "inexplicable", " The cause of the existence of the rebellious materialism "outside the mind" and "ideal town".

Up to now, I have no regrets, just. I'm a little sorry ... Being me, being the limit of being a person, being a person's energy, there is nothing more than that.

How small I am.

Maybe, I hope for another Gao Chuan, another one, I just hope he and they can prove it. Such a small person is really just a mistake, and "Gao Chuan" this man. In fact, there is greater potential and greater possibility, even if it does not rely on "mystery", it is also a "hero" who can save someone.

And I can't do it anymore-by myself, only by humans. Nothing can be done. This is my answer and my path.

and so--

Please, Jiang.

I love you and I can only love you. and so. Please be sure to prove that you are the witch who guided me to the ideal town of gold.

"I've also been to the tower, and I met an old hunter ... maybe the old Hawk once played." I said.

At this moment, both men and women seemed a little surprised, and then silenced for a moment.

"I also understand the situation of the tower. It's natural to go crazy," I admitted.

"What about you? Are you crazy now?" The man said sarcastically.

"Maybe." My answer made him seem to choke.

"So, please tell me, hunter." The young woman asked: "What do you want to do? Do you think that you can spend the night safely?"

"There are very few things I can do." I said: "Probably as old Hawke said, a terrible monster will come and most people will die ... However, I will protect the people here as much as possible. . Maybe I ca n’t do it, but I want to do it. ”

"I know that no one expects you to do anything. Maybe what you do will only attract hatred and blame." The young woman said: "Even if it does, can't stop you?"

"Yes." I said, "My advice to you is that you can go to the chapel when you have to do it. Of course, if the situation is too bad, it may be dangerous to go out. However, I believe that at that time, Even staying in the room is absolutely unsafe. "

"What is a last resort? Those monsters come in?" The man said: "No, it's impossible, they can't come in without being invited, just like you. You and they can only stay outside! This is becoming The price of the hunter! "

"You have said that a terrible monster will come ... Since it is such a terrible monster, I don't think it will also be bound by such rules." I replied calmly: "If this room, you can Reject everything that you do n’t want to accept, then the future that Old Hawk said, everyone will die, will not come. However, since you choose to hide inside, and Old Hawk predicts that everyone will die, it means Therefore, hiding in the house is no longer absolutely safe. Perhaps at some point, your room will become a deadly cage. "

"No, how is it possible! There can be no such thing ..." The man's voice weakened, he wanted to refute, but seemed unable to refute.

"It sounds like the same thing. Hunter." The young woman said: "I understand, I will seriously consider it. I'm not afraid of death, but I don't want to die like that. Maybe I can survive, what do you say? Hunter. Please take care of yourself, you are different from us. "

"May you be safe." I bowed my head to salute and stopped staying.

There was a man's wailing sound behind him, and he seemed to really want to understand, so he became more desperate.

I think that this man is more desperate and more painful than the patients in the chapel who accepted the "doom truth". However, everything I have seen proves that everything that must be accepted will not change because they are full of hope or despair, happiness or pain.

The established "script" is ruthless and mandatory. This is destiny.

However, because of pain and despair, no change will be brought, so don't despair, don't suffer. I do n’t believe that the end is the truth, but if there is such a false in the end, that can make people less painful and less desperate, then preach it as "truth." Vulnerable people always need these as pillars.

I always walked far away from the gathering place before stopping, overlooking the little light from the slope, the light was like a fire candle that lures the moths.

I think what I need is: a large number of monsters appear in the shelter, and then at the juncture of despair, they appear as heroes, killing all monsters and saving everyone's script.

Only a hearty fight can ignite their gradually desperate hearts. Even if this is just a false.

I do n’t know ~ ~ A heart that is not so desperate and so painful, will let them survive through the night. But besides the hopes and possibilities that seem to be visible, what else can I bring to them?

Me, it really can't be a hero. Just like the beak mask on the face. People who wore it in the past are also guys who are doing something similar to me.

In the face of the terrible plague that killed one third of the European population, these guys wearing beak masks and running around to save people used the methods that proved useless and cruel afterwards. In addition to the hopes and real fears, how many people are really saved by counting only "individual" doctors?

However, precisely because they are not alone, there has been progress in the brutal inheritance.

Now, I have only one person. I do n’t have a heir, I am a heir.

I am the last hunter in this nightmare world.

I stood quietly on the hillside, waiting ... (to be continued ...)

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