Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1382: State of central interference

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp seemed to be burning towards the end from an earlier time. The earth was covered with a layer of embers. The air was filled with the smell of blood, sulfur and charcoal, just like the description of **** in occultism. A huge shadow over the forest, like a huge and invisible monster, blocked the slight afterglow with his body. The night is coming. Although there is no division of the moon and the sun in this nightmare world, only the huge sphere hangs in the sky, but the weakening of the light still gives a strong feeling of nightfall.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp I have a very deep feeling, as many people vaguely foresee, this night's nightfall is the beginning of the deepest night. How long will this deep night last? No one can understand, but, before it ends, the next day will not come.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp A very rich sign of death immediately emerged from the bottom of my heart when such a cognition came into being. Fear and despair ensue, although there are no particularly obvious facts in front of you, but at this moment, that inexplicable emotion will inevitably strike, whether it is sensible or emotional, or calm in itself , Indifference or passion, whether they understand the affairs, whether they have rich experience, etc., does not matter at all.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp's feelings of deepest night, death, fear and despair are compulsory, theoretically generated by the environment, but they are born in the depths of their own hearts and strongly penetrate each One cell and each nerve.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp I will also tremble, and I will feel fear and despair, but this kind of emotion has long been used to adapting. Every moment, you have to face your inner fears and despair, but you have to be patient. When you have to do something, even if fear and despair are still there, you will not shake your heart.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp I am a little worried about the people in the gathering place. Their hearts are obviously not as strong as me, nor are they like me. Every moment, they approached the "jiang" with a very close distance. Their hearts are ordinary people, and I am no longer an ordinary person. Even if we treat them as patients, our previous mental abnormality is completely out of the same level.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp I can be patient, unshakable, and can use a calmer perspective. To deal with the imminent danger. However, I don't think most people in the gathering place can do it. Before the deepest night came, they already needed "the truth of the end" to calm down. Now that the deepest night really comes, how will they become? I can hardly imagine.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp However, if I go back now, I can't do more for them. For the things I decided to do, there must be more actors. This is a drama that can only be ushered in when the plot is brewed and promoted.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp have to wait ...

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp I held the long knife tightly. With sadness, looking at the gathering place, quietly waiting for the signal of the debut.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp is surrounded by fog. It seems to have reached a concentration that is no longer growing, and the ashes have not stopped. Where the ground is covered with ash, the thickness of the ash is not the same, and in the thickest ash, just like what has hatched below, there is suddenly some movement. In the observation of the chain judgment, this kind of movement like a new life breaking and unearthed has become numerous and obvious.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp For a time, it was like a mushroom. A large number of places covered with ashes have appeared such unusual sensation. In the blink of an eye. There are a lot of inexplicable weird ash. These new weirdness, and the weirdness that has existed in the past. The difference in appearance is still obvious. If the weirdness that has always existed in the past often reflects the shape of human beings, animals, or hybrids of the two, then these new weirdnesses have no idea how to describe them. They seem to be physical, and they seem to be transparent. The most visible image is probably "the aggregation of multiple eyeballs on a mass of matter." However, there are some weirdness, and there is no such eyeball-shaped part.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp They surrounded me as soon as they got out of the ashes. They are too many in number, and I can't see the end at a glance. It seems that any place where there is no line of sight can exist. It is entirely conceivable that, in addition to where I am, it is farther away from the gathering place. In that vast land and mountain forest, the same new weirdness has been born.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp I cannot think that they are sensible and emotional, but they are strongly offensive, but there is no doubt about it.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp did not visually observe any attacks, however, intuition has sounded the alarm. Any abnormal movements observed by the chain judgment are the source of this intuition-very weird, very unusual changes have been produced.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp I followed my intuition and avoided it. Just before the forefoot left the ground, there were already two soft, off-white objects emerging from where it stood, erupting into the sky with a strong impact. From a visual point of view, it is as soft as cotton, but it makes people completely do not want to be touched by it. It does not seem to have any effect on the surrounding environment, but if the body touches it, what will happen in the end is a very scary feeling.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp I stepped on the broken steps, these inexplicably soft things, spurting my footsteps. Under the effect of speed sweeping, I can take a quick step, and in less than a blink of an eye, I have broken into a weird group. The unsheathed blades cut through their bodies and clearly saw them cut in two, but the hand holding the knife did not have any sense of "cutting". It seems to be just waving in the air, no, it can even be described as that there is no "air" that can be cut off.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp They feel very dangerous to me, but when slashing at the speed of sweeping, they did not attract any obstacles. Just like the enemy in the past under normal circumstances, their actions were "slow" to the point that no other reactions were made at all. Although there are many, they are like piles.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp took a breath, I broke through a strange group of siege and landed on the other side, and this time landing, there was no feeling of being attacked.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp this level of attack, for me, does not even cost the effort to eat. Even so, I still take a cautious attitude towards these weirdness. What can they do? Why do they appear? Why is it like this? These problems may be related to deeper secrets. Weird and terrible, sometimes not reflected in their own combat capabilities, but in the meaning of their manifestation itself.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Not to mention, even if it is easy to kill the weirdness in front of me, but the number of them has not decreased because of my rapid killing. Only in terms of the speed and number of births. The effect of quick sweep has been greatly reduced.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp I turned and walked out of the mountain forest to the more open gravel ground, and then from the gravel ground to the mountainside. The graveyard where Old Hawk buried himself was there. The cemetery itself is extremely weird. All tombstones have the name "Gaochuan" written on them. It seems that all the deceased are called "Gaochuan", but before he was buried, Old Hawke was indeed called Old Hawk, not "Gaochuan". Only after the old Hawk buried himself, did his name on the tombstone become "Gaochuan".

The phenomenon like & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp makes me have some associations. The gatekeeper of the tower. The old hunter once said that hunters may be many different, but the blood source that made them hunters is the same.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp has a lot of secrets to reveal at the level of "hospital reality", then, in this nightmare, what is the existence of all hunters, which corresponds to the existence of "hospital reality"?

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspI think, whatever that is. They must all have a close relationship with Gaochuan. Today, the real "Gao Chuan" has only two personalities, and the most consistent personality in the past is far from London. Then. These guys buried under the name "Gaochuan" will definitely not be the real "Gaochuan".

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Then contact the hospital's human experiments, including the old Hawk and the old hunter, what happened to their situation, it seems that there can already be an answer.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Is it because of taking the drugs related to "Gaochuan", and then alienating the body? Or should it be called "the copy of Gaochuan"?

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "Gaochuan" as an experimental body is itself special and precious. To a certain extent, the reproduction of "Gaochuan" is actually to the experiment itself. There is a high demand. If only one "Gaochuan" experiment is conducted, the efficiency is undoubtedly very low. And if there are many "Gaochuan", even if it is only deteriorated. Only a very small part of the body with similarity is enough to complete the research on the permission subject.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Based on these conjectures, I can't help but imagine the situation of the "hospital reality" corresponding to this deep night-perhaps the occurrence of the deep night is not due to the disease of the patients with general doomsday syndrome, its pathological subject It is actually the so-called "Gaochuan replica". However, with the doomsday illusion, more patients are connected, leading to more complex interactions. What is unclear is whether this complication is the meaning of the hospital researchers themselves. If they want to collect data on complex lesions, it is a change that even the researchers themselves are caught by surprise, or they cannot prevent.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp may even intervene in the color center and Super Dorothy. If they were to intervene in the "Deep Night" by interfering with the "Takagawa Replica Experiment" from a world that seemed to be the "source" of the "hospital reality", then, it seemed that the network ball had always been out of affair, The intensity of the interference with the whole situation is the deepest-they must use more than the "Masuo" of the repeater control organ, and they must also have had deep contact with some kind of "color".

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp and the color system of contact with the network ball is definitely not the kind of humanoid system in this nightmare.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp I guess that the humanoid system in the nightmare is just a tentacle terminal that monitors to the deep night of the super department, and its body may be from the "Hospital Reality" and "The Doomsday Realm Network Ball" at the same time, respectively Carry out deeper data processing in the way of "color center" and "some embodiment".

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp If it is really such a big move, its purpose should be only one: try to intervene in the existing "script", and it is a preview before a large-scale intervention in the doomsday illusion.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp The so-called "script" not only refers to the "script" made by Dr. Ander's research plan in "Hospital Reality", but also refers to a change made by the "virus" itself and pathological changes in patients with doomsday syndrome , A complex law formed by interaction.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp In some information, this "script" is not entirely subjectively woven by Dr. Ande, but is a kind of information that was born with the emergence of "doom illusion". Because of the existence of the color center, the hospital can finally obtain fragments of this information. These pieces of information are output through the color center, after being interpreted, they are summarized into a certain regularity, and then according to this regularity, we have woven a "script" dubbed "The Game of Ender".

After & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp, based on this "script" as the core, the intelligence data of the Doomsday Realm will be analyzed. This is one of the most commonly used research models of the Anders team in the hospital.

However, from the interference of intelligence to acquisition, and through the two channels of the color center and the thinking analysis of the researchers, the resulting "script" is actually a huge difference from the original doomsday fantasy information. And this difference may be the basis for further intervention by the color center-this kind of interference with the "script" will not be the most affected by the original information related to "viruses" and "lesions". It belongs to the "script" part of the hospital.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp In fact, for me, the current situation is whether it is a "viral" script or a hospital "script". How complicated the interaction between the two is, it is impossible to distinguish at all, and it is impossible to make essential cognition. .

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp However, if it is the color center, maybe the two can really be divided again and treated separately?

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp These are just my guesses. The truth is, unless there is a third-party perspective of God, it is completely impossible to prove from my perspective.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp But ~ ~ Since the possibility of "the depth of the color center interfering into the deep night" exists, then it is necessary to look at the situation and look at the results that will appear this deep night. .

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp In response to this situation, I chose "Taochuan's Tomb" as the core observation point.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Actually, this was a decision that had been made earlier.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp In this area, there are only three most specific places: the gathering place at the foot of the mountain, the tomb of Gaochuan on the mountainside and the altar on the top of the mountain.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp From my point of view, in addition to the "high tower", the particularity of these three locations is more critical than the particularity of any other locations passing by. (To be continued)

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