Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1383: Despair erosion

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp I walked along the mountain road, the ashes spilled on the trench coat and the hood, but only a thin layer adhered, more parts will evaporate into a gray mist in a very short time, however, since I just woke up Since the beginning of time, the fog that spreads in this area is no longer thickened. Where has the theoretical fog accumulated since the ashes fell? According to common sense, it is of course consumed by certain mysterious phenomena. However, the range of these ashes and fog is all over the entire peninsula in the nightmare. If the phenomenon that the fog does not increase here is common to me, then this This mysterious phenomenon of consuming fog is bound to be huge and profound.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp four-level magic pattern ability can control the aftermath of temporary data hedging to a certain extent, and the mysterious phenomenon that occurs in the entire nightmare environment is of course also a kind of temporary data hedging phenomenon, and its scale will certainly form a huge The aftermath of the wave is further sensed by the four levels of magic patterns. If the mysterious phenomenon has a core location, then, according to this sense, it is of course possible to lock the exact position.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp I think that my own series of intuitions for the current situation may well be the embodiment of this kind of "locking". With my naked eye, I ca n’t tell the specific point of the incident, and it is impossible to observe the flow of gray fog. However, if it is the identity of the fourth-level Mageweave messenger, even if the seal of the hunter is still working, it must still be generated subtlely. Effect.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp I was galloping at a speed, and I didn't deliberately avoid the weirdness that appeared along the way. There are a lot of new weirdness, but after leaving the place where they were originally, it can be vaguely noticed that their distribution is still regular, not just from the "most accumulated place of ashes", there seems to be a "no From the right path.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp was laid and cut out. On the mountain road full of artificial atmosphere, the most common is still the original type of weirdness. And farther away, although it was covered by fog. When you can still feel the strong breath generated by the strange new gathering. They don't seem to be close to the "right way".

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp However, whether it is a new type of weird or old-fashioned weird. In addition to differences in appearance, it is difficult to determine which side is more weird, which side is more mysterious, and which side is more aggressive or other in nature. Even if there is a profound study of occultism, it is generally impossible to judge such a thing. As far as I can imagine, the reasons for these new types of weirdness are actually quite complicated. Whether it's the mysterious organization that invaded the nightmare and others, or it was simply the change of the deepest night. Even the intervention of the hands behind the scenes that I am familiar with, etc., individually proposed, saying that it is the first cause of this change today, could not make me relieved.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Now the organizations, people and non-humans involved in the deepest night, its composition has become too complicated, and its relevance even spans this Las Vegas repeater, doomsday illusion and hospital reality. More likely, it is a unique existence such as a color center that exerts influence from the "root" to interfere. The changes in its entire state of affairs are totally unimaginable. I was never in control.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspMy thinking cannot bring me a little bit of change in the situation, but can only make me sure. During the execution of the plan, you need to deal with opponents to what extent.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp First of all, the three most direct enemies of the Doomsday Religion, the Nazis, and the 51st district, each of which has the support of a "repeater" and monsters such as "final weapons" as direct battles Combat power.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp plus the seemingly ineffective network ball, has also appeared in the dark, the repeater controller's "Marceau", is not sure whether to join the "Super Dorothy". And have to imagine that it has begun to intervene in the "color center".

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp and I am alone.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp only in terms of quantity. The pressure on me has always been great. Even if the quality is relatively high, if you do not rely on the power of "Jiang". And as a Level 4 Mageweaver messenger, this pressure is not necessarily showing any sign of reduction.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Why only I have to do this? Why must we save those people? Does this kind of rescue make sense? If you turn a blind eye, does it have no effect on the plan you want to implement? More directly, I have to answer this question deep in my heart: does all of what I do make sense? Is there a contribution to the established plan itself? Or maybe, this emotional act is actually just pulling your hind legs?

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspEveryone who faces pressure will inevitably question themselves about the reasons for these pressures.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp even, every moment, such a question will sound in my heart.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp when I kill the weird; when the weird surround me; when the ashes fall and the fog is angry; when there is no progress and is stuck in the situation; when I see the results of my own efforts, the impact is actually not as good When expected.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp These problems will become more and more heavy, more and more confusing, frustrating and even desperate.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp However, when I face people who are poor, completely unaware, and just indifferent to bear the inevitable despair, when I talk to them, talk to them about stories about themselves only, those limited to themselves When I understand the world view, I can't completely ignore it.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Actually, if you think about it carefully, even if you give up the whole gathering place, wait until the monster in the depths of the nightmare Las Vegas comes, and then join other "mysteries" of mysterious organizations to kill the guy, and then solve the rest one by one The monsters of other mysterious organizations-this kind of hard-faced, relying on the power of "Jiang" to wipe out all possible and impossible opponents is undoubtedly crude, direct and simple.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Any other extra actions will only lead to a more complex chain, which will produce more unexpected results, and eventually allow the execution of the plan to produce more variables.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp anyway, as long as I control the Las Vegas repeater, as long as I master the Las Vegas repeater before everything in the world is destroyed, then, in the world of the repeater Before the end of the day, it should be possible to adjust it, right?

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp As long as you really control the repeater, you can do whatever you want in the world of repeaters-this idea has always interfered with my judgment on everything.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp However, as a mysterious expert, he is cautious. It also made me have to ask: Can I really do whatever I want in this world of repeaters if I control the repeaters? If this is the case, the Nazis should be more powerful. And if the Nazis are for some reason. And you ca n’t do whatever you want, then. What advantages do I have to make me do better than the Nazis?

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp take a step back and say that if I really have full control of the repeater, and the "doomsday process" that has emerged in the world of repeaters is that I can intervene by manipulating the repeater and eventually stop it. So, zooming in on the entire "doom of illusion" itself, which has been plagued by people, has it also followed similar methods to prevent it? however. So far, everything I have seen is against this.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp No matter where the "doomsday" is, whether it is hospital realities, doomsday illusions, or the world of repeaters, it is like a huge and complicated fate trajectory, and it is a result that must eventually arrive-whatever anyone does, regardless of What was the original intention, and the impact of its specific behaviors, were they only promoting the arrival of this result.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp As a result, everyone's behavior today. Will be included in this fate of "promoting the end". Assuming that I can defeat all the enemies and eventually seize this Las Vegas repeater, this "seizure" itself. It will also become the cause of the accelerated end of this world of repeaters.

The assumption of & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp is terrible, and has made countless mysterious experts feel desperate about their existence. If it is an ordinary person, because there is no such sign for personal experience, this hypothesis can be regarded as "nonsense" and considered as "negative thoughts". However, every time a mysterious expert experiences a mysterious event, he will feel this symptom strongly, and many of the situations he encounters seem to be supporting this assumption.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp is under this assumption. Any "action" is "malignant", and "inaction" will not change anything. In the end, it can't change the "malignant", for anyone who has a good idea. This is despair. This experience is also one of the reasons that prompted many mysterious experts to eventually switch to "truth".

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp When I look at myself, I always realize that the impact of this sense of despair is stronger than at any time in the past. Perhaps the enemy that really prevents me from doing something that makes me unresolved in a complicated maze of thinking is not a specific mysterious organization or individual, but it is this sense of despair.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp It would be nice if you were just a "just looking at the eyes" type person. I thought about it once.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp's complicated thinking and negative answers will not make me feel any emptiness, because as long as there is a gap in my heart, I will immediately be filled with deep despair and fear.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp I instinctively wielded my long knife to kill all the weirdness that was visible in front of me. The motivation to wield a weapon is not only to do something, to cross the heart of despair and fear, but also to be driven by the terrible future envisioned by oneself. As if just stopping, it means that you will be overtaken by despair and fear.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp On the mountain path I passed by, the weirdness was killed and then reappeared. Their number did not decrease, but I was left behind. After beheading the last weird one in front of him, the wooden pile that distinguished the cemetery from the surrounding land was in sight. I walked up and paused in front of the stake, where I could already see the tombstones that were skewed or upright or collapsed-the fog was extremely stagnant here, but the recent tombstones In the past, the name of the deceased "Gao Chuan" was particularly conspicuous.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp I wandered a little, came here, and followed instinctive actions. However, when I arrived at the actual location, there was a sudden impulse of "don't want to continue" entangled me.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp I walked aside and looked back at the gathering place at the foot of the mountain. From here, I can see a misty panorama. Although the outline of the building has become faint, I can still feel the calm and oppressive atmosphere inside. It was this atmosphere that gave me more courage. The self-question, which is constantly entangled in the heart, disappeared. All the thoughts about "worth and not worth" and all the feelings about "fate and despair" gradually fade away at this moment.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp I don't know when I will hesitate again and produce the kind of desperation that forced thinking, but now, at least, it will allow me to step into the "Gaochuan" cemetery.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp I stepped across the wooden stake as the "demarcation line". The place that was originally covered by the fog seems to become clearer. I suddenly felt that someone was watching me. I turned around sensitively and saw a familiar figure standing in front of a tombstone only ten steps away from me. However, I feel that he was not there before. He seemed to be coming against me. He looked at these tombstones and did not have any taste of tourists and mourners, but was exploring what. He also seemed to be surprised by the name "Gaochuan" on these tombstones.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp In fact, people from the Doomsday Religion or the 51st District had already visited this cemetery and dug out the tomb earlier. I do n’t know what they took away, and how the corpses that have been buried under these tombstones have become, or whether they are still the bodies of those people, whether they exist, or other mysterious things.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp But no matter what they take away, I can be sure that they will definitely come back.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp because, of course, the altar on the top of the mountain can't be just a "inexplicably useless historical heritage", its existence certainly has a deeper meaning. With this meaning, holding some ceremonies has always been the usual method of doomsday truth. District 51, which has cooperation with Doomsday Truth, wants to launch a huge mysterious phenomenon, to pull the nightmare Las Vegas, and use the power of liberation to the night to liberate the nightmare deep in Las Vegas The monsters in this place make the best use of every thing that has special meaning in this nightmare.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Any expert with a certain level of experience ~ ~ can easily get a judgment similar to mine. When they gather in this area, it becomes inevitable. I will not feel the slightest difference because I see a familiar person here, but if this area is really neglected, it would be a surprise.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "You changed the image again, talker." I said to the man.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp talker, who betrayed the team after me, but I became an independent executor, and his position is more inclined to the truth of the end. As a powerful conscious walker, he already has too many records to prove himself, and he does not need to explain why he appeared in this graveyard at this moment.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp To be precise, it is the strangest that he does not come.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp He may just come earlier than others. (To be continued)

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& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp

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