Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1384: Despair

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp The interlocutor does not know whether his true gender is male or female, and his true appearance is unclear. Once he encounters him, he may not use his real body. And these ambiguous performances are the characteristics that many conscious walkers have. The greatest threat and the greatest protection of conscious walkers are all interference and activities on the ideological level. The commonality of conscious walkers is often stronger than the personality of a specific conscious walker. The ability of "talker" is more inclined to "talk" than other conscious walkers I have seen. It is called a "talker", but apart from this personalized characteristic, the commonality possessed by any conscious walker can be seen in him.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp communicates with the "talker" and understands it, and does not require much personal study, and the strength of this guy is not in his own special place, but more in "conscious walker" This identity only.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp No matter when, the performance of the conscious walker will always make people feel mysterious, and then feel a strong threat.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp The talker is only in the current special time and place event stage, there is a certain specificity. I think that if everything is determined by the "script", he is certainly not an important person throughout the play, or even an important supporting role. Even during this time, what he did seems to be conspicuous, and it makes me a little concerned.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp After all, he is the one who betrayed the team after me, but I became an independent executor, and his position is more inclined to the truth of the end.

As a powerful conscious walker, & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp already has too many records to prove himself, and he does not need to explain why he appeared in this graveyard at this moment.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp To be precise, it is the strangest that he does not come.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp He may just come earlier than others.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp I am still not sure. This time it was his true face that stood before me.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp The "talker" seems to be silent, although facing the tombstone. But it didn't make me think that he was in silence for those tombstones.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp disappeared for a while. He seemed more melancholic than before. In the past, he was full of passion for the truth of the end. He seems to be able to walk through consciousness and perceive the existence of "Jiang" in my body. From this point of view, he should be regarded as a confirmer of "Jiang", but it is not I am the same observer. Anyone who can have a direct relationship with "Jiang" and "Virus" will become crazy. I also thought that this might be the reason why he eventually betrayed the team and preferred the doomsday truth.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "Jiang" and "Virus" are very similar in theory, or they are different manifestations of the same thing under different observations.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp However, the passion and madness of the past were not shown in front of him.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp The calm and melancholic interlocutors, like those who are rumored to see through the essence of things, quietly examine these tombstones. He certainly knew I was coming. He did n’t turn his head, he just asked me: “You are actually dead, right? You are not real at all. Gaochuan in London is Gaochuan in the true sense, and you are only caused by his mysterious influence. phantom!"

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Phantom? It's ridiculous, he might even be, but now he uses this concept to question me. However, after recognizing the existence of "Jiang" and "Virus" and being exposed to the relevant information of "Hospital Reality", it is indeed possible to have a sense of disillusionment with the so-called "reality" and instead question oneself, others and even the world. presence.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp from psychology. The more adults with rich experience in life, the more difficult it is to shake their minds about themselves, others and the world. Compared with ordinary people, mysterious experts are undoubtedly a more determined group of people. The conscious walker is the strongest-willed batch among the mysterious experts. Because only a strong enough will can face strange and vicious mysterious events and survive in a strange and unpredictable ideological world.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp This is a trait that must be possessed by the survival itself. However, even relatively ordinary people, compared with most mysterious experts, have a stronger will and a more robust cognitive method. When faced with "mystery", Still have to withstand great impact.

The impact of & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp will cause ordinary people to collapse, which in turn will cause the mystery expert to collapse, and then the person with the strongest will among the mystery experts to collapse. From the perspective of the concept of "mystery", there is no exact value, so that people's wisdom, reason and will reach or exceed this value, they can be safe, or they have resistance to such mysteries. .

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "mystery" itself is unpredictable, and its concept is based on the concept of "the unknown is infinite, and there is something that can never know its truth." Therefore, the only way to know "how strong is your resistance and can survive a mysterious event" is to go through a mysterious event. If you survive, you can only say "have resistance to this mysterious event." ".

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp However, such a result cannot be fully substituted into any other mysterious event that looks similar. This means that when the next mysterious event comes, someone who survived the "mystery" in the past does not actually possess the "100%" certainty, and can guarantee that he will not die or collapse.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Theoretically, even with the power of a "repeater", the chance of death and collapse is at least 30%. It's just that the probability of this kind of thing, when it is realized, only the part of the probability that will be realized makes sense. Thirty percent and seventy percent, in this practical sense, there is not much difference.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Obviously, this guy in front of me, this "talker" who has occupied a strong position in the past negotiations and performed extremely eye-catching, is also on the verge of collapse for some reason.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp When he was quiet, he might not feel it, but when he spoke, the sense of despair was close to those patients in the chapel.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Is it because "the deepest night" has come? I couldn't help thinking, glanced at the gloomy sky for a moment, at this time, the surrounding light fell rapidly at a rate visible to the naked eye, and after a few breaths, it was completely swallowed by the hazy gray-black.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp such a clear change, with this scene. It seems to be suggesting something.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp is really ironic! I can't help thinking. Obviously it should be a very powerful guy, but when swallowed by despair. The usual adaptability and resistance to "mystery" have no effect at all. Some people can stick to it. But the person in front of him seems to be unable to persevere.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp I began to think that he came here, perhaps not as he thought, in order to ask me for an answer, or maybe to kill me. Instead, his behavior seemed to me to be like death.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspNo. Faced with the "talker" in front of him, there is no longer any need to consider why he is standing here at this time. I will give it to him. It was not what he wanted from the beginning, but what I had to make him be—

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp dead.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp I took a deep breath.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "... Maybe you are right, but I don't think I am a phantom." I answered three seconds later.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "Sad guy!" The talker's tone began to have some emotions, "You are doing something you didn't think, but you think you are your own thing. Real Gaochuan, all the stupid delusions are separated, this is you Of the essence! "

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "As you think. Maybe you are right, but for me personally, it doesn't make any sense." I said calmly. Such an assumption. Of course I thought about it myself, but I finally recognized the meaning of self-existence. Therefore, even if it is said to be false by others, there is no unnecessary idea.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "That's all you want to say?" I stared at him and pulled the long knife out of the sheath. "Then I don't need to say anything."

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp He gave a reluctant chew, this emotional expression. I have never seen him in the past. He must have encountered something, but it has nothing to do with me. I don't care too. What exactly has changed in his inner journey.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp for this part, anyone who is not a friend. Will become enemies.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp There is only one way to deal with the enemy.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp is direct, rough, and simple, but stable enough.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp's invisible high-speed passageway, which connects us to each other, in a flash, the distance between us has shortened to zero, and then passed by.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp I stood firm and held the blade in the air with my backhand. The "Talker", who was cut in half and cut in half, was just separated. The new "Talker" had been drilled out of the air of nothing, jumped from the air, holding a pistol in each hand, and opened fire at me at the speed of a machine gun. .

The bullet trajectory of the & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp was clearly observed under the observation of the chain judgment, and the raised blade accurately shot it down. I didn't even move my footsteps, I just shook my body and avoided other bullets that weren't aimed at.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp At the same time as the sparks were splashing, the figure of "Talker" began to disillusion, and the flow of gray fog began to become abnormal-the four-level magic pattern made me very sharp. The seal of the hunter restricted the extraction of fog And reuse, add a shackle to all the abilities caused by the magic pattern, so that its effectiveness can not reach the limit that it can withstand, let alone exceed the limit. Even if such a "talent" is judged by the chain, it is difficult to reach the overload autonomously as under normal circumstances. However, this seal is not just a restriction to reduce combat effectiveness.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp As a hunter, I have at least some characteristics that match the "hunter" status than normal, such as feeling ability, intuitive judgment, and reaction speed.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp follow the feelings, make judgments with intuition, and finally act on the reflex action of the first time-I have captured the position of the "talker".

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp I have n’t guessed which figure I ’m fighting with today is the real “talker”, or is the real “talker” already on the battlefield because, for me, these The answer is "no need to think", which is directly from feeling to intuition to reaction.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp I didn't even have time to give birth to a second thought. Swift had already connected to a new target. Before I started to "think", I had swiped the sword and cut the figure.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp The dense bullets turned into mist in the next moment, and flicked past me gently. The owner who shot this intensive bomb rain has been kicked **** the tombstone by me. This time, the body smashed **** the tombstone did not disappear. The tombstone was hit by this body, and it immediately broke into two halves.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "The Talker" is lying on the ground, trying to sit up, struggling for a while and failing to do so. I don't know if he has become stronger, or if he has become weaker, or both, but this time the fight is more hearty than last time, and the opponent is in the disadvantage.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp I didn't feel from the "talker" at this time, the kind of mysterious and depressing things brought to people by the previous contact.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspMy gut tells me that this is because the desperate erosion from the deepest night did not kill him immediately, but took some of his things in advance.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp is a terrible night.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Looking back, the kind of thinking state I produced after those new types of weirdness also had obvious characteristics of despair erosion, but I was unable to perceive myself in that state at that time. The impact of this deepest night on me is actually not much worse than the few mysterious and mysterious events I have encountered in the past.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Desperate erosion into the deep night is mandatory, mysterious and unconscious, even mysterious experts who are positioned as strong cannot fully resist, and the situation of the "talker" is the best proof.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "Talker" is a conscious walker. In most cases in the past, the conscious walker has resistance to this kind of consciousness and emotional erosion that other mysterious experts do not have, and is also rich in similar mysterious events. Handling experience. However, in theory, the conscious walker itself is therefore the closest to the "mystery" of the conscious level, and its direct influence and impact are also the most profound among the mystery experts.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp I walked in front of the "Talker" ~ ~ He raised his face unnaturally and looked at me, I couldn't help asking: "Did you not realize it yet?"

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp A moment of doubt appeared on his face, but soon there was only despair in his eyes. The deep sense of despair made his eyes seem to be covered with a layer of gray fog, like frosted glass, and seemed dazed.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp The next blink, I have stepped on his hand, inserted the blade straight into his head, and pierced it into the ground.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp The Talker's body twitched a few times, and immediately lost the flesh and blood color. The part exposed outside the clothes seemed to become ashes from the breath. Then, the body cracked and scattered, turning into ashes and dissipating in the wind. I raised my right hand, and the ashes were immediately sucked into the magic lines. A burning sensation was generated from the magic lines of the wrist, and when it entered the body, it quickly subsided because of the hunter's seal on the forehead. (To be continued)

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