Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1385: Large-scale deviation interference

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp The "Talker" was knocked down hard by me and smashed the tombstone on the near side. I never got up. His body has not been so weak in the past, and it seems that this body is not an illusion. As for whether it is his real body, it is difficult to determine. However, my gut tells me that he is real.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Why has the "talker" who has always been strong become so weak at this moment? Am I becoming stronger? Perhaps the conversation with Fu Jiang made me a little bit different in combat attitude, but the source of the real mysterious power "Morph" has been restricted by the seal of the hunter. I don't think I am stronger than myself under normal circumstances. Well, the reason for making the "talker" weak is also his own.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp He lay on the ground and raised his head to stare at me. The emotions in his eyes filled him more and more. Moreover, such eyes are full of immediate vision, which makes me a moment of trance. I remembered that in the "hospital reality", those patients with advanced apocalyptic syndrome who are deep in pain and despair are like this.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp The current "talker" is eroded by the despair that was born of the "mystery" of this nightmare from the perspective of "doom illusion", but from the perspective of "hospital reality", it is more like that the illness has arrived In the late stage, those who are about to collapse, those weak patients.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp He still wanted to live, he didn't even understand why he suddenly became like this, he also felt that he should be able to come for a few more rounds, and even after a hard fight, he could kill me. But the fact is, I have n’t tried my best, and he has fallen to the ground.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp I think it is difficult for him to accept such a result. This is why his face is so pale.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp He murmured, I can't hear what he was talking about. And the weird pronunciation does not seem to be a normal language.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp I am not surprised. Despite the abruptness of the current occasion, it did not surprise me.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspAlthough the "talker" can't seem to get up, I would never let him lie here alive. Even if he has no threat now. But for a mysterious expert, as long as there is no complete exit. There is a possibility of re-emergence-they are in the "mystery", eroded and threatened by the "mystery", but also because of the "mystery" is more likely than ordinary people.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Although I agree that there is a "script" in this world, everyone is playing a role in their own destiny, but I am not sure of whether the "script" will definitely let the "talker" exit naturally.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp After all, I am just a high school student. To explore the so-called "script" and "fate" is beyond my ability.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp can deal with enemies who have no friendships and do not intend to use. It is better to deal with them directly.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp I followed my instincts and instincts and didn't think much at all. Before the "talker" figured it out, I inserted the long knife into his head all the way to the ground and nailed his head to the ground.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp The "Talker" twitched quickly and forcefully. It's like returning to the light. I have been on alert, will this deadly attack trigger the “mystery” that this conscious walker may have already prepared. But nothing happened.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp After the "Talker" 's body stopped twitching, I pulled out the long knife. Throw away the blood on the blade. The corpse in front of him soon lost the color of flesh and blood, and the part exposed outside the clothes seemed to become the pinch of ashes in the breath. Then, the body cracked and scattered, turning into ashes and dissipating in the wind. I raised my right hand, and the ashes were immediately sucked into the magic lines. A burning sensation is generated from the magic lines of the wrist when it enters the body. And because the hunter seal on the forehead felt a certain feeling, it quickly faded.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Those ashes that have not been absorbed will also gradually become ashes. Becomes no longer clearly visible. Even so, beheaded so many weird before. So much ash has also fallen, but the fog no longer changes after reaching a certain concentration.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp There were only blood stains on the ground, and the blood stains were quickly buried by the ashes from the sky, such as the snowflake version.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp I can't help but sigh.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp once captured and tortured a group of "talkers" of mysterious experts, on such a day, so easily killed ...

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Since the last meeting, I have thought that there will be a war in the future. However, the ending has become like this, and there seems to be no surprises.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Mysterious experts must deal with mysterious events, provided that they have the ability to resist the "mystery" in the mysterious events, and the mystery of the mysterious events is not always static, just like this nightmare, when the deep night is indeed When it came, its mystery did become different from before. The "talker" was eroded by despair, not because he was not strong enough, but only because he was particularly resistant to the viciousness of the mystery that has changed now.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp In the face of the "mystery" under the concept of infinite unknown, no one is omnipotent, no one can guarantee that they have a relatively higher resistance to any situation and any viciousness. Therefore, after such an end, it can only be said that his luck is really bad.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "This is the result of the deviation." A new voice sounded behind me.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp The identity of the person coming, I already know. It is the joint person of the online ball-the gender female, the specific name and code name are not clear, just because she is a member of the online ball who was sent to connect with me when I was in the Peninsula Psychiatric Hospital, so I called it the "connector" people".

Before & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp, I had a brief working relationship with her and once saved her from the "talker". At that time, the difference between her and the talker was still obvious, but now the "talker" is dead and she is still alive.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "deviation? The light of the torch?" Her remarks reminded me of the mysterious organization that is most closely related to "deviation", "How is Anna?" Anna was in the event of capturing the "disqualified" in the seminar, and One of four people who join together. She belongs to the torch light, and her companion at the time was a man called "Turner". However, after entering the nightmare of the deep night, Turner finally died, directly and Turner's death. One of the murderers involved. It is the "talker". According to my on-site investigation, Turner was also tortured by inhumans. And such a cruel end, for Anna and them. It was caused by their own mysterious power-Anna and Turner joined forces to create a deviation and escaped a disaster. But it led to a more vicious disaster. In the end, only Anna survived this vicious disaster.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp If the members of the torchlight die, it seems that most of this "self-reliance" results, however, because of the "malignant deviation", it has obtained a very big benefit, killing the normal circumstances can not be killed anyway opponent. Such a situation also exists.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp ultimately test their things, in their view, is still their own tolerance for "deviation".

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Just like Anna, they do not feel unbearable because they will not act on themselves for the vicious effect of "deviation". On the contrary, like everyone else, they must bear the viciousness of "deviation". They believe that this is the essence and strength of "deviation".

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "There is no effort, it is weak." This concept is also very popular in the torchlight.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp The person rescued from the trap of "Talker" at the time. I was all taken to the gathering place here. Anna and the connector are of course no exception. I remember there are still several mysterious experts, though. When I entered the nightmare this time, I didn't see them in the chapel. If they did not hide in the mansion and did not listen to my visit, then they must have left the shelter with certain purposes and ideas.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "Talkers" used the power of conscious walking to torture and torture these people. When I found them, these people included Anna and the connector. Mental state is very bad. After I left the nightmare, I was able to re-enter the battle. It is enough to prove the tenacity of these mysterious experts.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp If they are ordinary people, they might tremble under the psychological shadow, right?

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "Anna has returned to the team." The connector said: "No matter how you don't want to intervene in the 51st area. You must also arrange staff here. No matter what the circumstances, the intelligence and rapid response operations are necessary. Torch of Light opened the altar somewhere, preparing for large-scale deviation interference. In this nightmare, it is no longer a secret. "

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "Large-scale deviation interference?" My heart beat a few times quickly, although "deviation" is difficult to manifest in an intuitive way, because the original reference to "deviation"-the operation of those things- It is a huge system in itself, even if it is converted into data for research, it still makes people feel unintuitive. However, as long as you do not think that the "torch light" is a liar, you will naturally believe their mystery.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Large-scale deviation interference is not a joke. Under the current circumstances, only a "monster" that really interferes with the mysterious organizations of all parties can be called "large-scale deviation interference". Before that, I always only considered the color center, but now, it seems that the light of the torch is also preparing to do a big job from the perspective of "doom illusion"?

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "So, did the talker look like this?" I knew what the connector meant. The talker was actually destroyed by this large-scale deviation effect. Before he met me, there was something special that caused him an unexpected vicious situation, which gave him a heavy blow, although he had passed that time. This kind of vicious deviation effect, but the impact he suffered was greater than he thought, and eventually caused him to fall here.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "This is revenge." The connector said with certainty: "Although the people of the torchlight accepting the vicious deviation will also bring disaster to themselves, but directly as a manifestation of" malignant ", to Anna and Turner they Hands-on "talkers" will also be regarded as murderers. Their large-scale interference has not yet fully unfolded, but in the process, it is a piece of cake to directly produce a fatal deviation against the "talker" alone. I do n’t know exactly what they did, but it has been confirmed from Anna. "

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "The talker is a conscious walker, and here is a nightmare, this is the battlefield that the conscious walker is best at." I couldn't help but squeeze the nose bridge, the deviation made by the guys of the torchlight, just a little leaked power After sweeping, the conscious walker like "talker" was directly dealt with. To what extent will the deviation interference that will eventually be completed? No, if you can't understand the "script" and "fate" as the original reference, just talking about "deviation" is meaningless.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp And the final result of the torchlight manufacturing "deviation" is not an intuitive benefit that can be reflected. For Torchlight, what is the situation they most want? What is the result of such a huge effort to create a large-scale deviation and interference, can you be satisfied?

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp These questions cannot be determined, because, in the past, in people's scrutiny, Torchlight has always shown a strong interest in "only the deviation itself", and often only create deviations to reflect the deviations.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "The current situation is that no matter who, willing or unwilling, this deviation has already begun." The connector said, "It is not only reflected in the" talker ", maybe you have no personal experience, but, for each For a person acting in the deepest night, whether it is an organization or an individual, the situation is becoming weird and dangerous. Too many uncertain things, some things that originally existed in theory but will not be reflected in reality, Some of the probabilities are high, but the conditions that can be controlled have all begun to deviate from the original expectations, creating many unexpected surprises. "

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "So, every person and organization that has ideas will accelerate their actions?" I asked back, and I was not surprised at all, because such an acceleration was originally a predictable situation. The connector didn't answer. I turned to the subject, glanced at the feet that had been completely buried by the ashes, and asked, "Is this ... the real person of the interlocutor?"

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "Maybe." The connector shrugged.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "I have a question." Before she said the purpose of this time ~ ~ I asked: "In the Internet ball-is there a name called color, or is it related to the name" system " Yes, a very special existence? Is it a prophet, or, perhaps, has some characteristics of a prophet. "

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "Tie color? Department?" The connector was a little surprised. She seemed surprised. I suddenly asked this question, but she still thought about it with a serious expression before saying, "Sorry, I'm not sure."

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "It's okay. I just wanted to ask." I didn't get an answer, but in fact, even if I didn't answer, I still believe the answer brought by the previous thinking. Although, it seems that it was indeed eroded by despair at that time. Impact, but in terms of the result of thinking, I think the credibility is still quite high-because, that is a bad thing, not a good thing.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp must be vigilant to all possible bad things, and must be cautious about all good things that seem to be. This is the mentality that must be maintained in mysterious events. (To be continued)

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