Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1386: Dividing line

321 dividing line (5)

The dog pulled a bear puppet from the dump. The puppet looked dirty, and the cloth on his shoulders was ripped open, and the black piece in the mouth seemed to be saturated with sewage. The button-shaped right eye also loosened, leaving only a string hanging, and when the puppet was picked up by the dog, the button eyes could not keep swaying.

The dog rushed towards the office girl, and the woman screamed, waved her hand to stop her pet, and let it quickly put down the dirty puppet. This dog may be quite spiritual at ordinary times, stopping when there is one meter away from the owner, sitting on the ground and shaking his head, his face sullen. The woman reprimanded a few more words, and the dog vomited the puppet, whining away and running away. The woman noticed that I was still aside, headed over, nodded to me with an awkward look, and ran away like a dog.

I watched the woman and the dog cross the bridge in front. As I mentioned before, I was curious about what the dog found in the trash can, and now I have the same curiosity about the dirty bear puppet. If this scene was naturally uncommon in the past, I would not rush to pick up what was thrown in the trash. But this morning it hit me, but it made me think something would happen.

This hunch may be because I was going to see my classmates today. For this day, I have prepared for a week. On behalf of the whisperer, I want to figure out what is happening to her, and make sure that the predictions of the eight scenes are correct as always. If everything is in the prophecy, then today will be an extraordinary day, and the peculiarity can only be compared with the demon summoning ceremony two weeks ago.

It is for this reason that I have a sense of affection, and I have an inexplicable emotion for this bear puppet, which seems to have no eccentricity at all.

I did not suppress this feeling, and I was about to pick up the bear puppet. Just then, suddenly there was a wind behind my ears, and I subconsciously flashed aside, something fast flying over my shoulder. I took a closer look. It turned out to be the crow. It rushed up like a hunt and grabbed the puppet with his paws, gliding on the ground for a distance, drawing a beautiful arc to the sky again.

I'm naturally surprised by this situation, and I don't understand why this crow did this. Perhaps the stain of the puppet smelled rotten, so that the crow could treat it as food, I guess so. In my gaze, the crow's wings fluttered and wanted to fly back to the top of the streetlight. However, as it climbed halfway, something even more shocking happened.

The bear puppet seemed to come to life, struggling a bit in the crow's claws. I don't think I've looked at it. At this time, there was no wind and the crow's flying attitude was very stable, but the puppet's body was twisted. First, the waist earned a bit, then the limbs were also swung a few times, and then pulled down again, looking a little downcast. But at the next moment, at the wound on its shoulder, the black thing that was soaked in sewage suddenly burst out of the wound, and it was thrown on the wings of the crow like a tentacle.

The crow was almost beaten down, and black feathers were scattered all over the sky. It seemed to be a little dizzy, and the height suddenly dropped a lot, but it didn't scream like a dumb. At this time, the black tentacles had retracted into the wound on the shoulder of the bear puppet. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the puppet worked hard and fell from the crow's paw.

The puppet fell to the ground, bouncing, rolling, and finally stopped at my feet.

I was a little surprised by the weird tentacles at the puppet's wound. I took a few steps backwards cautiously, took out the folding knife from my pants pocket, and threw the blade away with a clang. Although I was curious about this puppet before, I did not expect it to become such a situation at all. This happened a bit suddenly, and it was too baffling.

The crow didn't fight back. It didn't even look at the puppet lying on the ground. It went straight into the sky, and soon turned into a black spot.

I and the puppets confronted each other so quietly for a while, and sometimes someone passing by would throw me a strange look with charm. When they noticed the overturned trash bin, this look would join again. Sudden colors. I don't care how strange their eyes are. I didn't leave immediately because I wanted to touch this weird bear puppet. In the past four years of club activities, except for the prophecy of the Eight Scenes, I have encountered zero "strange events". Since Morino successfully summoned the demon, I have encountered several "strange events" in the past ten days. Even so, fighting the wizard and the demon is not enough to fill my curiosity. The puppet in front of me is obviously also a kind of "weirdness", and there is no obvious characteristic of "gray fog". Perhaps it is a weird non-gray event. This possibility is enough to make people feel emotional.

The puppet was lying there quietly, as if the previous action was just my illusion. If ordinary people might deceive themselves, I just leave, but I believe in my feelings. So I stepped forward and stabbed the puppet's body with a folding knife. When I saw that it was still still, I tried to touch it body of.

The black stains on the puppet wounds remained unchanged. I boldly grabbed the puppet, and looked at it from top to bottom, from left to right, and finally determined that the strange thing was the black stain on the shoulder wound of the puppet. I stab the wound lightly with the tip of the knife, and from the handle came a feeling of stagnation and elasticity, which was like melted asphalt. It's not cotton at all that fills the puppet's body, but it's all this weird liquid.

Until I inserted the entire blade of the folding knife into the puppet's body, the thick black liquid still didn't turn into a tentacle to attack me. I pulled out the knife and sniffed the black liquid on the blade. Then I realized that the rotten odor was not from it, but it was because the rotten food in the trash bin was on the surface of the puppet. .

In this case, what exactly is this black liquid? It has no taste at all.

Because the black liquid had nothing to do with it, I could only tuck the puppet into a slightly clean plastic bag that I picked up from the ground, ready to take it back to the headquarters for everyone to see.

Although the dog discovered the puppet and the puppet was picked up by me, there were several twists and turns in the process, but the time from beginning to end is only more than ten minutes. I continued to walk in the direction of the park. There were more people running on the street. Some people greeted each other and then sat down on the bench under the tree. There are not many cars in the driveway. The delivery man riding the motorcycle rushed into the motorway and drove away. All this gives people the feeling that the whole city is gradually awakening in this situation and turning slowly.

When I walked on the flyover, the sense of sight struck again, as if an acquaintance brushed by. However, when I looked backwards, I found that there was no one behind me, and then came suddenly, everything was an illusion. However, I looked at the empty bridge, and suddenly there were countless silhouettes of people flowing on the bridge in my mind. This scene overlapped with the empty bridge in front of me, and I stood on this person in person. Among the illusions of people coming and going.

Someone walked past me, I saw her back, probably a high school girl, her body wrapped in old-fashioned sportswear, her chest tightly pulled, her head hurriedly walked, it seemed that she would fall with a light touch Looks like. Such a picture is so familiar, I think I must know this girl, so Zhang Jingkou wants to call her name.

what is her name? The answer is ready, but I can't call it anyway.

At this moment, I felt a sudden heavy right shoulder, and I turned my head unconsciously, and saw that the dark crows all over the body were converging their wings and standing on their shoulders.

At this moment, I suddenly remembered where I had seen this scene.

In the dream that was on the verge of death.

Another "Gaochuan" met this **** the flyover in this way.

"Sakuya!" I called out the girl's name. The girl stopped when she heard the words, but as she turned her body, she also gradually disappeared into the air. Not only her, but the flow of people who appeared on the overpass also disappeared. I returned to reality from the illusion. An old couple in front of me walked up and supported. Besides, the overpass people were still empty.

I felt that the eyes of the elderly couple were a bit strange, and I immediately realized that their eyes were actually on my shoulders. I felt that my shoulders were still as heavy as in the illusion. The crow that was supposed to be an illusion actually stood on my shoulder.

I was stunned for a moment, and realized that it was the crow that I encountered in the trash can.

This crow was standing on my shoulder without any fear of life, and no one used his mouth to alienate his feathers.

It wasn't until the old couple walked past me that I tried to reach out and stroke the crow. The warm and soft touch from the feathers tells me that this bird is not an illusion. The crow gave a slight peck at the back of my hand. This action gave me a feeling of intimacy. I didn't drive it, so I left it on my shoulders and walked in the direction of the park together.

On the way I thought about what name to give this crow. When it first appeared in front of my eyes, it gave me an extraordinary feeling, like an elf wandering freely in this gloomy sky. Subsequent events with puppets are proving that it also seems to have some kind of "strange" Traits. It ’s weird, I ’m getting weird, and weird whisperer, these three match well in my opinion. So the name can't be vulgar.

I first thought of "Schrodinger". The meaning of this term is that the science is close to the concept of "mystery". But of course it cannot be called "Schrodinger" because it is a crow, not a cat. So my thoughts extend from the quantum mechanics involved in Schrodinger's conjecture. The so-called "quantum mechanics" is a branch of physics that studies the laws of the movement of microscopic particles. Basic theory of the structure and properties of elementary particles. In the microcosm, the basic units of molecules, atoms, neutrons, and masses are called "quarks."

So I said to the crow, "You will be called quark in the future."

"Quark" spreads its wings like a stretch of laziness, and looks very comfortable. I do n’t know if it knows what I ’m talking about, but I wish it knows, so I would make such an action to show that it is very satisfied. My mood was amused by its posture. At this time, I felt cold drops of water on my face.

There was drizzle under the gloomy sky, but my mood was not darkened by the hazy weather. Instead, I felt refreshed and strode forward.

On the road, many people who ran in the morning ran in a hurry, and some of them ran under the trees to hide the rain, but when I reached the park gate, more people were going to the park. I walked along the main road of the park with the flow of people until the shadowy botanical garden at the back of the park. There was no figure around me. Then I jumped out of the main road, jumped over the gully below, and found the dirt road into the deep forest.

The water in the woods was deeper, and the smell of the soil and leaves when wetted made people feel fresh. After a while, the rain silk gathered in my neck, making me shudder. Quark fluttered his wings, and suddenly disappeared into the forest canopy. I didn't care about it. Although I gave it a name, it was still free. We are not the relationship between the owner and the pet, but the relationship between friends and friends.

The woods made a rustling sound, and the light remained obscure until I stepped into the flat ground by the pond, and the sky was not cleared by the canopy.

Later, I naturally saw a girl by the pond. She was wearing a white top and a purple suspender skirt, sitting peacefully on the stone by the pond and looking out into the depths of the pond. There is actually nothing over there, the water surface is rippling in the rain, but because no creatures are seen, the water appears to be dark, so it is not a beautiful scenery.

From my side, I can only see the outline of her sideways, but I soon recognized her as a classmate. Then, a question arises in her heart, why is she in this place? It would be too coincidental to say that she also discovered this secluded place by accident. Occasionally at this time today, because the emotions in her heart came in, it would be too coincidental. I even believe that she came to me.

Bajing is ready to contact me and my fellow students, and I would like to think that I will be at the location provided by Bajing and will be able to have a chat with the fellow students. But the color classmates appeared here unexpectedly, but it made people uneasy.

I have a vigilant attitude towards the current academic society, because she is the one who is being entered into the body by a demon. If she suddenly attacked someone she knew, she would definitely not surprise me. It was her quietness that made me wonder what she was like.

Since the color classmates appear here, are the eight sceneries, Misaki and Morino with her okay? Do they know that the classmates have acted on their own?

The unknown is always disturbing.

I pulled out my mobile phone to inform Bajing, but at this time, the mobile phone had no signal. This situation also makes me feel that it is not accidental, there is an idea that the phone must not be reached. So I withdrew my phone, prepared myself to face all the accidents, and began to observe the situation around me.

This open space is usually very quiet, but from time to time you can always hear the noise coming from afar, but at this time you can't even hear any sound. Even the rustling sound of the wind and rain shaking the treetops when I just walked through the woods, now there is no sound at all. The whole world died so abnormally.

Later, I found that the ripples on the pond were also fixed, and it looked like a circle of lines carved on the dark amber. Yusi stopped in mid-air, and he could see clearly.

At this time I fully understood that there was indeed an abnormality in the classmates, and she was directed at me.

I didn't evade this contact and walked up, and the classmates also stood up and turned towards me. With a mysterious smile on her face, she said to me: "It's been a long time, Achuan."

Although she and I have not seen each other for a week, her “long time no see” term surprised me because her expression makes me think that this “long time” is not just a week, but a longer term. time. This time is even longer than the first time I met her in my memory.

"How do you know that I am here?" I ignored her greetings and asked in a hurry. While speaking, I quietly tucked my hands into my pants pockets and held the folding knife inside.

"Of course I know." The classmate, a "I know everything" expression, said to me: "I not only know where you are, but also what is happening to you. Don't you want to know? Achuan."

I keep my face flat and don't let any emotions show on my face ~ ~ but my heart is full of abnormal and complicated emotions. I don't know if I should believe her, but her current state and surrounding environment are indeed unusual.

For a long while, I asked cautiously:

"What do you know?"

"Your dream, as well as your past, your present, and your future." Xie Se classmate gently touched the hair of the temple, and looked at me seriously, "Achuan, you are carrying The mission came to this world. I think you must have felt it, but just do n’t know what to do. I came here to help you and remind you of who you are and what you are going to do. "

If there is someone who is not familiar with you and who makes you wary, will you say such things to you suddenly, would you believe it? My logical thinking tells me that I should n’t believe it, but I do n’t know why, a strange emotion that seems to come from the depths of the body and soul, without being disturbed by thinking, makes me believe that.

It's also the kind of sight-seeking, and always feels that the classmate in front of her is the real classmate. She always feels that she is so familiar and so missed, and this sudden meeting is so precious. Weep in tears. I touched the corners of my eyes subconsciously and found that there were really tears.

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