Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1387: Demons and monsters

The jointer brought John Bull's advice, and John Bull's advice undoubtedly also represented the will of the network ball. In fact, it has never stopped me from interfering too much with the mysterious events that are happening on this peninsula. It's not just cyberballs, all the mysterious organizations and individuals that make up the entire team, as well as the neutrals of enemies and non-enemy and non-friends, all trying to reduce the number of "strong". I have been tempted in the past for some time. Such temptations are hidden, obvious, from acquaintances, and from strangers. A large part of these people even hesitate to launch deadly attacks, but, Now that I survived, it is a fact that proves the power of the "Four Level Mageweaver".

Moreover, this powerful upper limit is hidden by me in a disguised manner, which has led to those who want to withdraw me from being already unsure whether they can actually withdraw.

They were hesitant and doubtful and had to use a vague assessment to estimate my influence on the status quo. They sometimes feel that once the action is launched, even the Level 4 Mageweave messenger cannot stop it, and this feeling is very correct in my opinion, but because of my attitude and actions, they can make them unsure The correctness of this idea must therefore assume the situation "in case the Level 4 Mageweave Messenger has the ability to interfere with the situation".

As a result, their actions must be under the restraint of a state of mind, and they cannot operate in the smoothest and most optimal way.

It's like, the mechanical gear is mixed with sand.

As an independent actor, I think this is my limit.

If in the past, just before the arrival of the deepest night, there is no personal experience of the mystery of the deep night, those people probably do n’t care too much about this behavior of mixing sand. After all, from the overall situation, a level 4 The Mageweave messenger is indeed not enough to show the key influence. However, now that the deepest night has unfolded, they personally feel this mysterious horror, and all plans are forced to advance. Without mentioning the idealized state, first of all, there is still some distance from the expected effect-this is clearly pointed out by the connector, and in my judgment, it is not a lie.

In this undesirable planning stage. Any "superfluous" interference may produce a violent chemical reaction. And reducing interference as much as possible has become an urgency. The biggest interference, of course, comes from the monsters of all mysterious organizations and the mysterious advantage of the "deviation" of the torch light. In contrast, I, who is only an independent actor, even a Level 4 Mageweave messenger, is relatively "weak".

It ’s not just me. Anyone who does n’t use the “organization” method to create high-intensity large-scale “mystery” will inevitably be regarded as “weak” and must be “priority excluded”.

From this point of view, I still have a relatively familiar priest Edward, most of which are the objects of this type of priority.

Father Edward should have been warned too. Actually before. He has become silent, so I rarely collect information about him.

However, this silence is of course temporary, otherwise Father Edward ’s entry into Las Vegas would have no meaning.

I suspect that his behavior has probably made him a shield for Father Edward.

No one wants to directly create opponents for themselves, but in the case of having to produce opponents, if you can choose opponents, that is the best situation.

Those people chose me who was too active. That's all.

The advice, or warning, from the connector is, in my understanding, the ultimatum.

If I am not obedient. Then, all the previous scruples and self-controls against Level 4 Mageweave Messenger will be lifted, and the coming will no longer be the enemy of the level 3 Mageweave messenger, nor will they be the temptation of "monster" one by one, they will Free your hand. On the premise of ensuring the minimum level of implementation of the plan, the most lethal blow to me.

If they are to ensure that the most ideal plan is implemented, the manpower available will be reduced. Conversely, if only the minimum plan is implemented, the manpower available will increase.

I deeply understand that the dangers I face now are completely different from before.

It is impossible to predict the level of combat intensity and danger, but, in the eyes of others, in theory, it will definitely exceed the pressure I can bear.

Even if they still don't have an accurate understanding of the final strength of the four-level Mageweave messenger, they also have great confidence in the strongest combat power they can take. In all previous situations, this confidence has actually been very obvious.

"Let's go, it will become very dangerous next. We are friends, even if the future will be the enemy, it will be the future." I turned around.

"The deepest night is intensifying, and the level of mystery is beyond everyone ’s expectations, so it is no longer the case for the perfect execution of sacrifices. Those people will accelerate their actions under the premise of ensuring that the minimum expected goals can be achieved ... this The gathering place is both a refuge and a concentration camp for insurance purposes. "The connector said:" Originally, the harvest will be carried out at the end, or there is no need for special harvest. According to normal circumstances, this gathering place is not needed. People can complete the ceremony. However, the rapid changes in the situation have made this gathering place the key to the acceleration plan. Do you understand what I mean? Mr. Gao Chuan. "

I certainly understand. In fact, I have long been puzzled by the existence of gathering places and humanoid systems. Before the deepest night completely came, people continued to gather in this place under various circumstances as if being driven out. They take this gathering place as a refuge for granted, but I did not feel that there is too much difference between this gathering place and the area where other people gather. I have foreseen that the meaning of this gathering place as a "refuge" is not the natural existence of "the deepest night", but a purposeful endowment.

Perhaps for Old Hawk, this gathering place is like a village where he was born, and this is what it has been for generations, but from my perspective, the actual situation will of course be more complicated.

The mysterious organization took advantage of the things that were already in the nightmare of the deepest night, and built more things on the basis of these things to ensure that their plans were implemented. They will not do too many things that conflict with the deepest night, but instead, try to follow the trend and help. It's like rebuilding the city on the ruins. The city finally obtained may still have some flavors of relics, but the style and function of the new city are the most reflected.

This gathering place is the same. perhaps. The gathering place that Old Hawk knew existed, but the mysterious organization used some means to reconstruct the new gathering place on the basis of the original gathering place, and finally the new gathering place became a "refuge" ... and The connector called "concentration camp".

It is precisely because of this approach. Therefore, even if the terrible night is beyond the imagination of all people, they have no chance to adjust it in a hurry.

"It's not difficult to imagine. They will soon come to reap the people here, but use it as a sacrifice to fill the remaining vacancies in the ceremony, right?" I replied calmly: "area 51, or doomsday truth ? Or, are there other people? What about your cyberball? What about the light of the torch? "

"Torchlight does not engage in head-on battles, and our netball will not directly participate in it. But the 51st District, Doomsday Truth Church comes out of the nest." The connector said: "Restricted. No one will help you, Mr. Gao Chuan. Do you want to face the army of two organizations alone? "

"Why not?" I stroked the handle and looked at the gathering place at the foot of the mountain. "My promise will not change."

"However, this is irrational!" The connector was slightly excited, saying: "We are friends, because they are friends, so I hope you can stop this meaningless behavior."

"Sorry." I smiled back, but. The smile hidden under the mask is impossible for her to understand, "I am just a clown, a flying insect. A mentally ill patient who is not very rational. So, let me do it willfully Right. "

"Mr. Gao Chuan!"

"I still have dreams and no despair, so I won't die here." I said to her this way, "I'm Gao Chuan. Even if I die, I will practice my choices and promises. Drowning in a crazy dream. "

The jointer was silent for a long while, and no more uttered his words, so he retreated so quietly into the dense fog around him, and was completely lost by the wind of the mountainside.

I ignored it and stared at the gathering place intently. I don't think it is a natural result that I came to the cemetery on the mountainside. It is not that there is any "mystery" calling me in this tomb of Gaochuan. There is nothing here, just an ordinary cemetery, but whether it meets a "talker" or a "connector", it means that I came here more as a guide by artificial will.

The warning itself is of course true, but my location and the location of the gathering place are a bit subtle, and it is already an indisputable fact.

"Come on, my sword is already impatient." I murmured and said to myself.

Then, I heard the ringtone.

Like a rattle, like a wind chime, and like a bell ornament hanging around my waist. This ringtone is full of penetrating power, from far and near, as if it has been in my heart. However, the waves rippled in the heart lake.

Jingle, Jingle ... Jingle ...

The rhythmic voice resembles the ashes falling in the air, and the mist that is swept by the wind, all responding at the same rhythm.

A flower in front of me, there was nothing around, there were many figures vaguely appearing. The movements of these figures are slow and firm, and they don't look like any weird things that have been seen before, but they also have a strong "not human" taste.

As far as I can see, these people are vaguely arranging to grow into dragons, passing through the foot of the mountain and walking all the way to the top of the mountain.

The next blink, the sky above the gathering place was stained red.

Like a pile of flames, licking the sky.

The gathering place seems to be on fire, and the spread of the fire is beyond common sense. It is not a normal physical phenomenon, but a phenomenon directly caused by "mystery". In the wind, accompanied by a bell, there was a frightening noise from the gathering place. Screaming, screaming, collapsing, colliding ... All kinds of sounds have reached a maximum value at the moment of hearing, as if there is no beginning, and they have directly entered the most tragic stage.

Another blink of an eye, a fast-sweeping high-speed passage through the gathering place has been created.

In my imagination, when disaster strikes, then playing the role of a hero can make people better understand what is hope, and get the most say and influence afterwards.

This is an extremely utilitarian idea, but it is something I think must be done.

Those who have become patients are in despair and madness, hiding in their prisons one by one, and thus completely losing the advantages of human sociality. It can't show the mysterious power. If even the mutual assistance and cooperation of ordinary people are lost, what can they rely on?

However, with the advantage of disguising heroes, you can better organize everyone.

Although organized, it is not guaranteed that the deepest night can be spent-in the final analysis, the deepest night is embodied in this nightmare, which is a kind of "mystery". It is foolish to use any common sense to view "mystery". The erosion of people in the deepest night is first carried out from the ideological level.

But ~ ~ assuming that the organization is useless, and if you are helpless, even if you do not die in the despair of the deepest night, you will also die under the plot of the mysterious organization.

No one can be sure what is the best way to deal with the deepest night, but if facing a mysterious organization, it is better to be organized than not to be organized. This is certain.

It's just that those established malicious attacks on the gathering place are stranger and more direct than expected, just like skipping the beginning and directly entering the moment before. The spread of fire is completely contrary to common sense. Even if I am located in an invisible high-speed passage, everything around me seems to have fallen into a state of near stillness. However, the phenomenon of fire generation and expansion still shows no signs of stopping.

I crossed the forest and traversed the trail. Where I went, I didn't see the old and new weirdness of the deepest night, but they were all filled with the hazy figure with bells. They are shadowy like ghosts, but they have never been crowded in my way, and no matter how I rushed towards them, as they approached, they still only appeared around me, which originally looked like Blocking in front is like an illusion.

The untouchable figure has spread to the mountainside. They went in the opposite direction to me, it was the top of the mountain. (To be continued.)

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