Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1388: cathedral

The offline machine clusters are clustered around the "cylinder" and connected by a pipeline. With the help of the fog and the technology of the ruling bureau, they sneak in the vast waste capital area. Even when flying in the air, it is like wandering in the mountain stream because of the cascading towers of the abandoned capital buildings. The disorderly construction allows the abyss to see the "abyss" everywhere. Just after leaving a "abyss" and continuing to ascend, you will realize that you are in a larger abyss because of the landscape. Experiences that are too large to get a glimpse of the whole picture abound. The route selected by the offline machine is just the part of the street that is cluttered and complex and of different sizes, which is wider and allows you to pass through.

After we left the new stronghold in the gathering place after a "hyper-thread jump", the way back has disappeared. At least on my terminal, the coordinates of the new stronghold are no longer displayed. This journey is more and more full of death. The determination and consciousness of the aboriginal people are surprising. They are not without other options. Even if they are retaliatory counterattacks, they can consider retreating, but they may no longer think about those things. .

I do n’t think their choice is correct. In any case, people who bear the hope of rebuilding and fighting a battle on the basis of death cannot make me feel right. Of course, it is undeniable that people who walk on the battlefield with a decisive mood will always exude a shocking momentum.

I did not speak with any Aboriginal people, and they naturally would not relax their minds at this time. The atmosphere in the cabin is very serious, like a spring compressed to the limit, and there will be a fierce explosion at any time. The formation of the offline fleet highlights the core position of the "cylinder", which makes me wonder how powerful this weapon is-the Aboriginals did not include me with critical weapons in the plan, naturally they own their weapons Greater confidence. In addition to the intelligence of the critical weapons in the gathering place, I guess that it is possible that this "cylinder" is a kind of critical weapon, or a super weapon modified with the critical weapon as the core.

They don't say it. I can roughly guess their plans. After this fleet has invaded the base of Doom, it will use this "cylinder" to fire its first shot. I also have a strong interest in the power of this huge weapon, and the threat it can bring to the doomsday truth and the life of the body.

On the terminal map, the logo of the offline cluster is quickly close to the logo of the Doomsday base. Because the characters and related standards of the aborigines are not understood, the true distance between the two cannot be converted. but. When the distance on the map was narrowed to a range that made me feel that I would be discovered by Doomsday Religion at any time, I still could not find traces of Doomsday Religion and body life in this abandoned capital area. According to common practice, their range of activity naturally radiates outward from the base, but they cannot find traces on the current route. They can only guess that the offline fleet can detect the other party's activity status in advance. And to circumvent, or, the plan of doomsday truth has entered the final stage, so that the activities of all members have shrunk.

For me, the latter situation is naturally more urgent. After all, I am not sure when they have completed the plan. Will all equipment be destroyed. However, in such a situation, it is useless even in a hurry. If I go alone, I may be able to arrive early, but considering the various "mysteries", the possibility of speeding up the end of the battle is much lower than the current cooperation.

I admonished myself. Today's choice is the best choice that can be made in limited intelligence, while waiting silently. Waiting for the coincidence of the two coordinates.

There is no abnormality or unexpected situation at all, and the huge offline fleet sneaks along the way, which is surprisingly smooth. However, for the aborigines it may be something that is completely expected. I do n’t know the technology of the gathering place, and I do n’t know what these survivors have taken away from the gathering place. They can achieve the current level. Even if it still falls into the trap of doomsday truth, it is enough. Each side has its own plan, and in the end, which side has a stronger plan, only when the short soldiers meet is known. With limited intelligence, I don't think anyone can estimate the beginning and end of this war.

The moment when the short soldiers are approaching is approaching, even if the external situation has not changed, but the breathing sound from the open communication channel is enough to make people feel this approach clearly. The expressions of the Aboriginal warriors were obscured by the mobile armor covering the whole body, but their breathing still made me keenly aware of their condition. Their emotions are not as stable as they seem on the surface. Perhaps only reformers like "Plus" will remain calm under any circumstances. This heavy and rapid breathing is strongly contagious, and the cells in my body seem to be gradually warming up with the ups and downs of this breathing sound. There is an impatient force that wants to break the rational blockade and implement it in every move. I felt power, a force that was suppressed and about to spout in a more violent manner. It called, let me do my best to seize the scorching victory.

The coordinates of the offline cluster eventually overlapped with the coordinates of the Doomsday base, and a huge regular outline gradually emerged from the fog in front. It is like a monster, entrenched in the inner wall of the cliff, and any other building is so small when compared with it, like a stack of matchboxes, a tall building suddenly appeared. The mountain cliff is formed by stacking the buildings in the characteristics of the waste capital area, but just because such a building that does not meet the characteristics of the waste capital is squeezed into it, it seems that everything around this area is to set off this vigorous and monster-like Building.

Yes, at least in outline, this building with a distinct foreign style can only make people feel a weird distortion of the local environment only in the vague. It is mysterious, not only because it is incompatible with the surroundings, but also because of a religious mysterious temperament. A low voice was heard from the communication channel. They had never seen a building of this style. I have not seen it, but they are very familiar with it. This is a church.

It does not conform to the style of any church in the normal world, but at first sight, it can be confirmed that this is a church, and the religious atmosphere it possesses can be experienced. However, it is not sacred, to be precise. It has all the Gothic characteristics, the angular structure, as if covered with thorns, the tones and textures are gorgeous and gloomy, even if it is red, it also tends to cool colors. It quiets everything around. This kind of quietness is not a dead silence peculiar to the waste capital, but it is like an abnormal activity, but it is difficult to be accurately perceived as quiet, like being surrounded by an invisible undercurrent, pushing and approaching the end. It means close to death. Even if you ca n’t see it, you ca n’t hear any movement, and it can also make the witnesses feel that they have “an absolutely unusual activity”, which is stimulating, partial and full of attraction, just like standing on the abyss Looking down. It seems that even the soul will fall.

It is very unimaginable for such a building to appear in the waste capital, but it does exist here. Perhaps, it is this anomaly that is why the gathering place can find it at the last moment. After seeing this scene for many years, the aborigines who have been influenced by the style of the waste capital will feel shocked at the bottom of their hearts, and it will become a matter of course. For the first time. In this extreme way, I feel the difference of "foreign". For me, the existence of this church can be used as evidence of the time and intensity of Doomsday activities. Without sufficient planning and time, it is absolutely impossible to complete such a church.

The alien cross of Doomsday Truth stands at the highest end of the church. Even the grandeur of the whole church cannot conceal the sharpness it brings. It is like a gun head, full of aggression.

As the offline clusters got closer and closer, the outline of the church became clearer. The fog in this area is more dense and fluid than other waste capital areas. The advance of the fleet is like tearing the clouds every step forward. When the flow of fog increases, it is like a strong wind blowing outside the cabin. Of course, what is the actual situation, without using chain judgment, in a sealed cabin, you can't feel it anyway.

The external anomalies are naturally fed back to the decision-making level of the fleet. The captains adjusted the route again and launched several techniques that only listened to the name and could not be used for unexpected purposes. As for the effect, it probably only stood outside Only by observing the fleet at this time from a general perspective can we have a subjective understanding. To me sitting in the cabin, it seems like nothing has changed.

From a visual point of view, we are close enough to the church to be seen by the other party at any time. However, the sneaking of the fleet is as smooth as before. It was only after another period of time that the seemingly clear outline of the huge church still remained a little hazy, only to realize that we had really entered the warning range of doomsday truth. This seemingly close, actually distant sense of distance is caused by "mystery". The fleet seems to be moving towards a mirage that can never be reached, but for this "mystery", the fleet is clearly prepared.

The notification sound of "the start of the second hyper-thread jump" echoed in the communication channel. As in the first time, the "cylinder" emitted light and shattered the space. Slowly and steady, it slowly progressed towards the gap. . However, before entering, a new order came: "Probes No. 3, No. 8, No. 13, No. 23, and No. 24 arrived at the predetermined position, launched the overspeed acceleration channel, and were expected to enter the reservation at 0.33 seconds after jumping Attack position. Each machine begins to recharge. "

A strange, constant-increasing sound rang from the offline machine. At first, it sounded like a low-pitched "wooh" sound. In less than three seconds, it turned into a scream, the body was shaking, and the previous The vibration is different. This time, the vibration is fine and compact. It makes people feel that there must be some loose parts. I hope this is just an illusion. Then, I saw through the front window that a translucent passage suddenly appeared, wrapping the offline cluster and extending into the space gap in front.

Such vibrations, such passages, are full of immediate sight-speed sweeping state? Critical weapon? I can't help but think of this thought in my mind. Yes, because the naked eye can observe this translucent channel, and can also experience this fine vibration, as well as the "super-acceleration" statement in the notice, and I use both fast-swept super energy and knife-shaped critical The feeling of weapons is very close.

Today, the fleet looks like it is about to enter a state of rapid swept through the space gate and use a critical weapon to launch a precursor to a violent raid. The only difference is that the high-speed channel constructed by my fast-sweep super energy is invisible and invisible, and I can only shape the shape by feeling and imagination.

Enclosed by this huge semi-transparent channel, the observable activity outside the channel slowed down, and even the flow of gray fog had a feeling of struggling. This relative observation state is undoubtedly very similar to the observation in the rapid sweep state. My quick-sweep superpower comes from the magic pattern. The magic pattern comes from the technology of the ruling bureau. From this perspective, mastering a certain gathering place of the technology of the ruling bureau can create a "mystery" similar to the rapid swept superpower, which is not impossible.

It's just that such a situation at this time inevitably makes me feel a shocking coincidence.

I will not mention the surprise in my heart for now. After the fleet entered the space gap and carried out the "second hyper-thread jump", the feeling of isolation appeared again. However, when you can confirm your status, you have completed the jump. Therefore, that kind of "isolation" may also be a "delayed illusion". Just like looking at the stars, the starlight you saw actually bloomed as early as 18,000 years ago. It was only after a long delay that people were observed. My experience in the "hyper-thread jump" process also caused a delay. Also, it is understandable that there is a susceptibility deviation in the delay. I don't care much about the real feelings in "Hyper-Thread Jump". Such thoughts are just thoughts flashed in my mind.

What I am more concerned about is the state after the jump is completed. The offline fleet is taking off along a semi-transparent channel. Although the "hyper-thread jump" is performed, the external scene is not much different from that before the jump. The fog still flows relatively heavy and slowly. In front is still the outline of the mysterious cathedral. It's just that the outline is quickly becoming clear now, which means that we are beginning to approach it, and the relative position of the offline cluster and the church is no longer directly opposite.

The offline clusters continue to climb upwards from the waist side of the cathedral, and at the same time begin to rotate on their own axes. Formed a "cylinder" muzzle from the top and aimed at the cathedral, ready to make a gesture of entering the soul. This position change is extremely rapid, and all activities outside the translucent channel are relatively slow. Until we were close enough to the cathedral to see the details of the building, even when, from the suspended bridge corridor, a group of doomsday shamans and elementary life were walking, they seemed to be aware of something and were preparing to raise their heads Look over here. However, the off-line fleet at high speed has completed the attack adjustment. In front of the "cylinder", it began to condense a blue light group that is larger than the caliber. The countless blue light flow is still flowing from the "circle" The "tube" flows out.

Just as the doomsday shamans and body life were turning their heads in "slow motion," the broadcast was again heard in the cabin, and this time, everyone was no longer silent.

"The ring charge is ready, the gray particles accelerate the impact test machine to open the first preset lock, open the second preset lock, and open the third preset lock. The third sequence of gray particles is confirmed, the target lock is completed, all parameters are in In the stable range. The aircraft are careful and ready to withstand the impact. "In a series of start-up reports, the Aboriginal soldiers pulled down the handle at hand and immediately raised a row of baffles on the spot to form a container for the coffin board and contained them , Sinking below the deck. Immediately afterwards, the vibrations from the entire fuselage gave people the feeling that the gun fired inside.

At the moment when the shock subsided, it was also when the faces of the doomsday shaman and the body of life were all turned to the location of the offline machine. If there is no obstruction, its trajectory will run through the church from above all the way.

When the huge blue light group crashed out of the transparent channel, the entire transparent channel also cracked into countless fragments at this moment, disappeared into the field of vision, the location of the offline cluster, and the external environment were unified again, and all movements returned to normal . The actions of doomsday shamans and body life are out of slow motion, but the blue light masses react faster than they do.

Despite the appearance of several translucent masks of the type of protective cover on the outside of the church, they were destroyed by the blue light group in an instant, and even a blink of an eye failed to win. The field of view was distorted during this collision. The entire cathedral seemed to be drawn into a curved mirror, and the shape became strange, as if it was expanding or contracting, but after all, it was impossible to avoid the collision of blue light.

In an instant, the offline machine seemed to be hit by an invisible force, and rolled back, and the pipeline connecting the "cylinder" was also broken. While the offline cluster that was assembled as a whole was washed away, the external space also seemed to "flow". I couldn't see the specific situation. There was only a blurry and distorted scene, which exceeded the offline machine and quickly flew backwards. .

It was an unspeakable, extremely spectacular anomaly.

Undoubtedly, a "cylinder" that can cause such a strong anomaly must be a critical weapon, and this level of power should only be achieved when the critical weapon is fully activated. The Aborigines did not lie. They did have a critical weapon, and they also had access to critical weapons of more than three levels of Mageweave Messenger, although I do n’t know why the gathering place did not activate this weapon when it collapsed, or it could not be activated. Super weapon, but there is no doubt that this counterattack, this critical weapon will bring a very heavy blow to the doomsday truth religion and body life.

This dramatic effect even made me wonder if this doomsday truth church would be annihilated. Even with the people, non-humans, ongoing plans, and equipment used, just because of this blow, it will disappear? However, such an idea has only existed for less than a second. Because, I know how powerful the combination of doomsday truth and body life is. They have prepared for a long time and are less than 50% likely to collapse completely under the sudden blow of a critical weapon. I do n’t know what kind of “mystery” they have. However, the body life has super weapons of critical weapon level, and the doomsday truth religion is more ambitious, creating a holy place similar to the “ruling bureau” and mastering a relay. Device.

The offline machine is rolling, just like the leaves engulfed by the ocean tide, but all the sounds seem to disappear from the world.

The captain "Plus" has no control over how strange the scene outside the machine is. She is trying to stabilize the offline machine. Several offline machines have lost their balance and direction when subjected to impact, and the "cylinder" of the array core "Collision. However, no fatal injuries appeared. Two-thirds of the instrument panel in the cockpit is red with warning. The modified body of "Plus" pops up six mechanical arms and performs complex operations on the keyboard and lever ~ ~ She responds promptly and offline Stabilize before hitting other bodies, and then eject the pipeline to help other offline machines restore balance.

In mutual cooperation, all the offline machines finally completed the array reorganization before the impact completely subsided. The counterattacks of the Doomsday Truth and the life of the body did not come immediately, the external shock phenomenon has not disappeared, and the monitoring device inside the cabin seems to be unable to gather more information, but the fleet has not stopped. The "Extended Acceleration Channel" was deployed again, and in the semi-transparent channel, the offline fleet moved to another location. I feel that these positions are determined by the "probe" mentioned in the previous broadcast. In the broadcast, there are a total of five probes that are finally deployed. If it is said that the location where the attack was launched was one of them, and the second one is then, then there are three remaining positions that can be used for this. Due to the high-speed movement of speed-sweeping, the unlimited use of speed-sweeping superpower is naturally stronger, but it does not have the ability to carry synchronous transfer of huge objects.

However, even if you can only carry out five speeding moves, it is enough to exert terrible power in a war. After all, it is the entire fleet that moves. If the Doomsday party cannot crack or restrict this movement, the fleet will gain an active advantage in these five movements, and even turn this active advantage into a decisive victory or defeat advantage. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. Please read it for mobile users.)

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