Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1390: The beginning of deathmatch

In fact, I always think that if the guy who must be the enemy stands in front of him, but still engage in dialogue instead of hands-on, it is a meaningless act. However, when faced with the same situation, I failed many times to take action first. There were always some indescribable thoughts that haunted me as if I could harvest what I wanted from the other party from the conversation-but What do I want to learn from the doomsday truth? From the beginning, I disagreed with their beliefs, ideas and ideas. Their cruel actions and self-destructive tendencies destroyed many things directly or indirectly, causing harm to people's hearts, and I have witnessed all of this. And have experienced it for yourself. Even if they jump out of the illusion of doomsday and observe their existence from the perspective of the hospital's reality, the doomsday truth religion is still a manifestation of "morbidity".

What do I want to gain from such crazy, pathological opponents who do not conform to their own concepts and morals? Why, at some point, they cannot be given a fatal blow in the first place?

As now, when the priest tries to tell me something, I can launch a quick sweep. I do n’t know what mysterious defenses are here, but I can also consider that there must be a mystery against the high-speed movement of me, a four-level Mageweave messenger, but if my battle is more intense, more urgent, and more urgent, they These "want to talk" ideas will certainly hinder their defense.

The total number of priests, choirs, and believers is nearly fifty. In this nightmare, is the limit of the number of individuals that can be used by individuals for the doomsday truth? In contrast, the lonely person still feels in a difficult situation.

I will definitely achieve the corresponding results, I have no doubt about this.

With so many believers in sight, it is necessary to reduce even one.

Even though these more rational judgments exist in my mind, however, I am still talking to the priest about their doctrines and ideas. Faith and those things that you reject. What do I want to do? Do you want to convince each other? But everyone knows that believers of the doomsday truth do not exist the possibility of "persuasion".

"Everything will eventually die. The end is before death, and life is before the end. And the source of life, the meaning of birth, is connecting the meaning of death. Without death, birth is also meaningless." The priest calmly It states: "As for the meaning of human birth and existence, it is part of this cycle."

"There is no human reason." I said Shen Sheng.

"The meaning of the birth and existence of human beings. It is because it is part of the life-death cycle. I don't know if it is the most core and the most critical part, but, I can hope it is, and I can pray that it is, this is human nature. The priest categorically said: "The truth of the apocalypse in the most humanized way, as far as possible to elaborate the most essential death inevitability, this is why it can exist to this day. Any tangible Lord will inevitably die. But the prayer for the invisible truth, But it can bring people new hope. All our battles in life are to implement and prove such a hope— "

The priest stopped here, and the believers immediately stated in unison: "Blood flesh is like grass and trees, glory is like epiphyllum, grass will wither, and flowers will wither, but death is not the end, as truth will last forever."

Really a group of lunatics, they plan to use the end. Use death to verify that death is not the end—there is no hope of verification, only hope.

If you want to condense their ideas, it is probably a dialogue like this:

"How does it feel to die? What will happen after death?"

"If you want to know. Just die once, let's talk with facts."

"Everyone will die, so no one is alone, everyone is equal."

This is not a new idea, however. Not many people actually act. Today's doomsday truth can make everyone pay for it. Perhaps, the doomsday doctrine of the doctrine of apocalypse is more ridiculous and flawed than normal people say. It also hides more things. It is those things that are hidden and not known by a single conversation. The deeper you study, the more addicted you are, and the more you will fall into it when combined with your own personal experience.

I believe that the doomsday truth is just one example. Its charm, its foundation, has a most critical core.

That is--

"This world is bound to usher in the end," the priest emphasized again, "just in front of us, not long after."

Yes, this world is bound to usher in the end, and this is what makes the doomsday truth religion strong. As long as the premise environment is the "inevitable end", and people can feel this inevitability, then the end doctrine of truth can exist and grow at a terrifying speed, and no one can stop it. In contrast, in any normal or even world where death is inevitable and the end may come, but as long as it is not the "inevitable end", then the truth of the end cannot grow and become what it is today.

Only a world that determines the end of the end is the most fertile ground for the truth of the end.

Therefore, the prophets and mystery experts who are closer to the mystery than the ordinary people and more sensitive to the end are the people who are most affected by the doomsday truth.

Doomsday illusion is such a distorted world.

And the doomsday truth religion is the result of a distortion born from such a distorted world.

I hate such a world, I hate such results. I do not deny the inevitability of death, and I never deny the possibility of the end, but if you can choose ... No, it should be said that I hope to have the right to choose, not like these people of the doomsday truth, so calm And a crazy attitude, urgently advancing the death and the end of the day, no matter what ideas and ideas they are carrying.

"Really, it's so irritating." I looked around at everyone. The thought of entangle me and let me talk to them gradually calmed down again. I said to everyone: "I will end this."

I pulled out the long knife and pressed the handle firmly against the sheath of the scabbard, and the organ made a clear sound, holding them tightly together. At the moment when the singing of poems and human voices returned to silence, the sonorous voice echoed in the lobby.

"So, let's start welcoming your death." While I was talking, the invisible high-speed passage of the rapid swept was already like a spider web. Enveloping the entire lobby, connecting everyone. This is a network enough for me to traverse in tenths of a second, and the world seems to be slowing down in my eyes.

At the same time I moved my footsteps, it was slightly slower than me. But the enemy, which is faster than other sports, is one-third of the people present—aside from the lurkers that may exist but cannot be observed, one-third of the nearly fifty mysterious experts present It is possible to move at high speed, and this number is really rare in the scenes I have experienced. Admittedly. It is not uncommon to show the mystery of high speed, however, for the needs of strategy and tactics, they rarely gather on the same battlefield.

Every mysterious expert, if he holds a high-speed mystery, then the speed at which he can finally reach is not much different from other mysterious experts of the same type, although the reasons for the high speed will be different from each other . However, it will reflect a speed threshold that is very obvious and has a wide range of applicability. It is generally believed that it is the speed limit that can be carried in the capacity of "person".

Compared with this more common situation, my high speed is obviously abnormal, and this abnormality has been manifested from the time of the third-level magic pattern.

And this is why any mysterious expert is more like a "monster" in speed.

A total of thirteen people were caught up, which is really a delicate figure. In my opinion, this is not the number of people who can be dispatched by the Doomsday Truth, but the number of people they have prepared for this battle. According to past experience. After killing them, there will inevitably be more abnormal situations.

Simply put, the real battle may not happen until the thirteen people are killed.

However, if it is such a simple premise. So, in a state where the speed difference cannot be compensated, I have more choices.

However, the situation today is that I must kill everyone present, otherwise the battle will not end, and the anomalies that occurred in the gathering place may not be resolved.

Although what happened in the gathering place could not be confirmed for the time being, "this is a trap set by the Doomsday Truth" has been confirmed. They forced me to fight desperately with all the people here, kill them, or be killed by them, and after killing them, their death would further become a sacrifice step to create a stronger enemy.

This is the usual method of doomsday truth, and it is always a very effective method.

And when I saw these people, a large part of the sense of sight that I felt was due to the anticipation of such a fighting situation.

In the past doomsday illusions, the deaths of people such as fire escapes and files, and Dorothy's exit are the fruits of the battle strategy of Doomsday Truth.

Taking the mysterious experts of nearly fifty people-among them the thirteen high-speed mysterious holders-as sacrifices, the final summoned out are ten, who possess high-speed mobility, or fight against demons with high-speed mobility.

If the people here are sacrifices, then there must be someone who presides over the sacrificial ceremony ... should also be a priest.

And is this priest a sacrifice or a presidency ...

While I was thinking, I backhanded the head of the first believer. The other party's block also arrived at the same time. It is not appropriate to say that flying props are not firearms or intuitive energy release. It is invisible and invisible to the naked eye, but the combat instinct of the mysterious expert can be felt, and even the chain judgment can be confirmed by observing the abnormal movement.

It ’s a phenomenon, and it ’s impossible to determine exactly what kind of phenomenon it will cause—unless it ’s applied to the body, and it ’s blocked by its own life to confirm the result—the person who does this may You may not die, but as long as you have some common sense in your head, you will not make such a decision.

My quick-sweeping route began to drift, which was the incidental result of the attack, and I must constantly correct the attacking route.

There is still five meters from the nearest high-speed mover. The speed difference between us, it takes one hundredth of a second to pass these five meters. Even so, I am faster than him, whether it is speed, reaction, flexibility or any other process of movement.

When the first chopped head appeared flying, I was already in contact with the opponent's dagger soldier-my handle was connected to the scabbard, and the total length was also about four meters. This distance is very bad for this mysterious expert. He barely blocked the blade with a dagger, but was immediately interrupted. Once the mystery is not enough to maintain high-speed movement in combat, he will face a helpless defeat at the moment of the speed drop. This is the cruelty of high-speed warfare-if The other party can maintain high speed all the time, and it must keep the corresponding high speed all the time.

I am familiar with the various qualities and premises required for high-speed warfare, and the method of winning.

The moment the mysterious expert fell into a "pause", the blade directly cleaved his chest. There is nothing special about the strength of his body. When I crossed his side, his body had been cut in half, but it was too late to separate, and even his eyeballs were still tracking my trail.

But this is of no use ~ ~ At the same time his eyeballs are moving, I have once again beheaded the believers around me who have no time to respond.

The splashing of blood was also extremely slow. All these slow movements, there is no strange and cruel beauty in the observation, everything seems to be silent, you can see the scarlet bloom in the dead silence.

I have jumped to the ceiling, which is nearly ten meters above the ground. The enemy's counterattack stumbled. The impact caused the air below to be twisted, but it did not hurt any believer by mistake. There is an inexplicable mystery that allows power to distinguish between enemy and self. Even so, there are still many people and objects that cannot completely eliminate the inertia caused by the impact and slowly fall to the ground.

Then, a dull and long-paced sound came into my ears. I know that it was the sound made by people, and it was made earlier. It is only now that I have caught up with my figure and conveyed it to my ears, but the deformed voice can't even hear what it is.

The first move, the result is five people. And this route is just part of the spider-like high-speed route that runs throughout the lobby. I contracted my knees, increased my strength, and bounced off the ceiling. The long knife waved vigorously, harvesting the head within a five-meter square, and then collided with the second high-speed mover who caught up. (To be continued.)

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