Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1391: Swift in the cage

Speed ​​sweeping is not a normal speed-up, it is a phenomenon formed by "mystery". From the perspective of "hospital reality", it is a comprehensive ideological manifestation involving changes in disease and active consciousness. ∈♀, which reflects not the rules of absolute physicality, but more like a “self-considered physical rule”. As a high school student, I know much about the phenomena that high-speed under normal conditions will form. However, in many cases, speed sweeping will produce phenomena that violate this "theoretical phenomenon".

Not only is it a quick sweep, all the power generated by the "mystery", even if it seems to be the embodiment of physics, but basically it is not the embodiment of physics.

And this specious phenomenon is not the same every time, so it is difficult to grasp the so-called "essence" to complete each attack.

When an attack occurs, when you observe the phenomenon caused by this attack, you can describe your own state according to this phenomenon and add some additional behaviors.

For example, at first, I thought it was very difficult to carry people quickly, but the results of more use prove that it is not always difficult, and the reason that makes it difficult or easy, I have not found the reason, and the most You can only rely on the intuition at the time to decide what you can do.

For another example, although I feel that it is dangerous to use super-speed sweeping to move beyond the speed of light, the actual use has not yet reflected this danger.

As another example, when I do a quick sweep, sometimes the sound and the observed scene change, but this change is not static, even if the premise of the last quick sweep is repeated as much as possible Conditions will also make a difference. Conversely, even if the use environment and state are completely different, but repeat the phenomenon that has been there before. It also exists.

It is precisely because of the "mystery" and the unpredictable phenomenon that it forms that there is such a common understanding among mystery experts: deliberately exercising "mystery" is almost impossible to be promoted, but the "mystery" is used reasonably "Phenomenon. Although it can be done, it will not be able to achieve the ideal state every time because of the difference in the time when each phenomenon occurs.

The height that the mysterious expert can reach in an attack depends largely on the on-the-spot play. This is completely different from ordinary people's battles. After a lot of time to exercise, they can consolidate their strength to a relatively stable level.

It can be confirmed that there is mutual influence between the mysteries. However, this effect cannot be scientific and systematic because it cannot be observed. Even every mystery expert believes that the strong mystery will prevail over the weak mystery, but how to determine the strength of the mystery can only be confirmed through practice, and not like science, a law can be found. Confirm in advance according to this rule.

If you have conducted an investigation in advance, try it out. Collecting intelligence to make judgments, then this judgment cannot be 100% accurate. However, in most cases, it seems to be quite accurate, which makes people accustomed to this probability. Then make a wrong perception.

Probability is one of the most terrifying enemies of mystery experts. Because, for the "mystery", the 99% probability and the 100% probability cannot determine whether or not the situation will occur.

I always like to use probability to describe changes in things, but I have always been to this probability. Report with deep fear. Once there is only a one in ten million probability of occurrence, when it actually appears, judgments based on probability will often make people fall into the abyss. In a mysterious event, the probability judgment made according to the summarized law, but the occurrence of the smallest probability is much more than normal.

Many mysterious experts, because they rely too much on plans customized in advance based on intelligence and probability in real-time situations, cause death—the mysterious changes are too fast and too dramatic to make adjustments at all.

And there are no fewer mysterious experts with my own knowledge.

In the mysterious world, the only thing that can be determined in advance is the prophecy. This is also the value of the prophet.

I do n’t think that the Prophet of the Doomsday Truth specifically predicted that I would die here, or which prophet predicted that all the patients on this peninsula, the people in this deep night, those who arrived at the gathering place would die . The prophecy's prophecy has so far been embodied in a generalized and extensive doomsday process, and it will not target a specific person or person. Precisely because of this recognition, I concluded that the "child of destiny" in the 51st area was not the prophecy of Prophet Mayn at all, but only in the name of Prophet Mayn, so that there was no prophet and no understanding of the prophet I believe that there is such a "child of destiny" in the 51st district.

The formation of Novsky's "child of destiny" is even part of the "script", but in my thinking, it is more of an artificial nature.

Similarly, it is possible to judge all the current situations based on this knowledge.

The Doomsday Truth Church gathered here has personally investigated and collected the situation of my fourth-level Mageweave messenger in the past to make the current manpower configuration. However, such a configuration is not a "must-win" from the beginning.

I was besieged by a mysterious expert of nearly fifty people for the first time. And, theoretically, in terms of probability, the chance of successfully killing me is indeed great. However, as long as it is still a probability, it is an uncertain thing, which proves that I have a chance to survive and fight back.

I think this opportunity comes just before these mysterious experts make their first shot.

They tried to block my speed, but this blockade made me feel when I started to rush, they still did not find the most effective way.

Assuming that fifty people complete the first attack before I complete the beheading, all attacks are concentrated on me, even the body strength of the fourth-level Mageweave messenger cannot be sustained, unless it is a dead soldier or a body Only the structure of life can complete the defense.

Conversely, if they complete the beheading before they complete their first attack, then. The more people killed, the safer they are.

However, the Doomsday Religious Church cannot estimate such a simple possibility, and will certainly be prepared for the situation of "I have completely killed everyone".

That was the sacrifice ceremony I was most familiar with, and I had to face it. Because, by the means of doomsday truth. Even if I prefer to kill the priest who looks like a leader, I can't stop this sacrifice ceremony. Instead, the priest himself may be the biggest trap-if I choose the priest as the target of beheading, then the priest's power may delay me and let others complete the first attack.

Therefore, it is necessary to preferentially select "non-special majority" as the target of beheading.

The first move, the result is five people.

A mysterious expert moving at high speed, plus four mysterious experts who are too late to react. Their death will bring some characteristics to the final sacrifice ceremony. If the demon will eventually be summoned, then the mystery of the demon depends largely on the mystery of the dead. The problem is that I cannot let everyone show their qualities and abilities. Instead, they must complete the beheading before they show their mystery. Otherwise my situation. Will become very dangerous.

The only 13 high-speed movers that can be confirmed, when I was beheaded, presumably still have the ability to move in addition to high-speed movement.

The interior of the enclosed church is not a favorable battlefield for any high-speed mover, although it is more spacious than the general building. But it is still too narrow, so narrow that it is necessary to use the three-dimensional space precisely. For anyone who moves at high speed, the pressure will be doubled. The invisible high-speed passage of the quick sweep is like a spider web covering the entire visible range.

And every time I run Mercedes. It is not necessarily monotonous from one node of this network to another. The monotonous movement will be caught by the enemy, I never dare to underestimate any mysterious expert. The mysterious expert of nearly fifty people, who knows what strange mystery will appear, can catch this regular movement.

The course of the speed sweeping is changing at any time. The invisible speed sweeping channel makes complex changes in a very short time to match my subjective movement. Even, sometimes, it is too late to lead the movement subjectively, but must rely on Fighting instincts and instincts, avoiding the changes that are obviously not observed but seem to feel.

In such a battle, normal eyes are useless. Zhen Jiang ’s left eye, chain judgment, mysterious expert ’s intuition, and physical instincts are the main force of observation.

I contracted my knees, increased my strength, jumped on the ceiling nearly ten meters high, and stepped on the ceiling again to avoid movement. All can keep up with this speed of attack, chasing it firmly behind me, punching holes in the ceiling one after another. However, the wide-range and high-speed large-scale attack has not appeared so far. The intensity of the pneumatic operation of Father Sisen always seems more like a case.

The intensive explosion smashed the material, and at the moment when it sputtered out, in my eyes, it became a slow-motion movement.

The phenomena that can be observed during the rapid sweep have become very strange. The same exercise may be normal at the beginning, but it will become abnormal at the next moment. In my eyes, it is not "all objects become slow", but a state of interweaving fast and slow, but the contrast of this speed change, but it makes people feel a very strong sense of slow motion.

However, in such a bizarre scene, I cannot be injured, nor can I stop my beheading.

A quick sweep of the distance began, and another tenth of a second passed. More offensive phenomena began to take shape, the air flow became weird, I could no longer breathe oxygen, and there seemed to be some changes in the space, but, in my feelings, I could not completely stop the invisible high-speed passage Form, or forcefully change the route of the invisible high-speed passage. This means that I can still go wherever I want.

The long knife I waved vigorously, the head within five meters of the circle was cut off, and the huge fluctuations followed, which seemed to cause some kind of unstable mystery. And the impact of this kind of fluctuation, in a short time, breaks through the speed difference, even at my current speed, it becomes very fast.

The dazzling light suddenly exploded, just like lightning burst at a very close distance, and at the same time, being swept by the reference, let me avoid the injured area at a faster speed.

Then it collided with the second high-speed mover who arrived in advance as if to get a notice.

This time, the enemy used a huge hammer. His hood has been lifted in the shock, revealing a stone face, all the exposed skin color is stone, making people feel strong and strong. He possessed both speed and power, his eyes wide open, his mouth opened with a silent roar, and he smashed the three-meter-high hammer with force. Behind him, there is a large and penetrating metal bullet, which is projected at a faster speed than him, covering me. This rugged parabola is not a normal bullet force.

The quick-swept route changed again. But the route was revised at the moment of change.

I had to face up and intercept with a knife. The collision of weapons, splashing a lot of Mars, with the feedback force produced by the collision of the long knife and the giant hammer, I jumped back, and my backhand and scattered a cloud of condensed fog ~ ~ , Still unable to stop the inertia of the retreat.

I still haven't lost my balance.

Even if it is sliding on the ground and violently rubbing against the carpet, this kind of movement, under the blessing of rapid sweep, is still faster than everyone here.

All the enemies here have different reaction speeds and offensive abilities. My speed will amplify this difference, thus forming a gap for me to invade. However, there are too many mysterious experts here, even if their reaction and attack formation speed is relatively slow compared to rapid swept, but as long as the time passes, their mysterious power will be displayed one by one, and there must be more Many, limit the ability to move at high speed.

So, for me, the key points of this battle are not many, but if you want to win, "how many people were killed before these first-day Apostolic believers completed their first attack", and "after the targeted mysterious completion "How many people were killed before" is one of them.

If you can choose the venue, it is better to leave the church. However, when I first reached the door at a faster speed, I found that it could not be opened at all, and the windows were the same, as if they were condensed into the space. The people of the doomsday truth religion have made this place a cage for death fighting! (To be continued ...)

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