Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1392: 1 second limit beheading

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp If you can choose the venue, of course it is better to leave the church. However, when I first reached the door at a faster speed, I found that it could not be opened at all, and the windows were the same, as if they were condensed into the space. The people of the doomsday truth religion have made this place a cage for death fighting!

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp I can no longer breathe. Not only is there no oxygen, but also a strange power, I draw my physical strength invisible. Just another one-twentieth of a second later, the new mystery began to work. This time, I felt like my blood was about to be forced out of my pores.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp I know that they are trying to influence my speed by interfering with my physical condition, but this has no effect. The high speed of the rapid sweep is not driven by the body, and in a nightmare, my adaptability to the ideological world is stronger than they guessed. Although I am not a true conscious walker, as long as I look at the world from the perspective of "hospital reality", the end-time illusion itself is ideological, and any phenomenon involving ideology and deep ideology within the end-time illusion is also Still the embodiment of "dream in dream".

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspAlthough I can't always look at the problem from the perspective of "hospital reality", I don't fully think that "hospital reality" is the only reality in a truly absolute sense, but the intelligence of "hospital reality" has my knowledge Quite a strong influence.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp These effects are subtle, but they are obvious in the illusion of doomsday. Even when Jiang is not active, it makes me more resistant to most mysteries than others.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Indeed, these mysterious experts have a considerable part of their power release rate, which is faster than I estimated. When their surfaces seem to be unresponsive, their mysterious power is still produced at a speed beyond observation.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp every hundredth of a second. The phenomenon will expand and the intensity of interference to me will increase. But as long as it is not targeted on the concept of speed, it is impossible for me to have a slight pause. My quick-sweep superpower is quite different from other Gaochuan. If they realize the connection between me and another Gaochuan in London, I want to speculate on my intelligence through this connection. Then the judgment obtained must be wrong.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Me, Gaochuan, and the other is Gaochuan, but the same between us. It's not that we have the same power and path, but that we have the same purpose, the same belief, and the same essence. It is simply a mistake to observe us only by external performance and power.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp the secret. Probably only Jiang, Xise, Dorothy, and Doom's agent "Carmen" knew, but they could not be disclosed to Doom. Even now I have become the enemy of the color and Dorothy, but my existence must still play an important role in their plans.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Doomsday Truth cannot see me and another one from the perspective of "hospital reality", which makes it impossible for them to make a completely correct judgment. And this is one of the reasons why I still have a chance to win, even in the face of mysterious experts with nearly fifty people.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp I leaned back, and the sharply accelerating blade passed from the side. A fast-moving mysterious expert once again exploded at a faster speed. I don't want to think about what other people have, and their cooperation. Whether they can be fully synchronized, but as long as there is a difference in the speed of their attack coordination, then this difference will magnify into an inevitable flaw in front of the speed sweep. It is impossible to hit me.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp either catch up with my speed or interfere with the nature of speed sweep. Either remove the concept of speed, or in a way beyond observation. Carry out an indiscriminate wide-area attack in a narrow area-this is the means I have encountered that can really curb rapid rushing, but I still have n’t seen it in this church.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp I spin, hover, roll, lean forward, reflect back and forth between walls, floors, and ceilings. As long as I want, inertia has no binding force on me. On the contrary, if inertia is favorable, I can also let it presence. My movement accuracy, even without a reference object, can reach a level that is difficult for even mysterious experts to judge, which is not described by the scientific term "microsecond" or "nano". As soon as any phenomenon occurs, the process will be referred to by a quick sweep at the moment of its occurrence, and it will be surpassed.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp In people's imagination, radiation, impact, light and various forms of physical fluctuations can reach a terrible speed value, and this speed value is even the premise of various theoretical abnormal conditions. However, the speed sweep is the degree to which this theoretical limit speed value can be exceeded without any additional abnormal conditions.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp I can't understand this situation, I can only imagine whether it can be explained with certain theories, but in the end, my cognition can't give me any explanation.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp I also believe that at least these enemies in front of me are equally unexplainable.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspAlthough the enemy has a lot of mystery and has begun to take effect, under my observation, the remaining mystery experts have all completed the mystery, probably after a second. They only kill them when they have completed the mystery. Some of these mysteries will disappear, some will explode, and some will last longer, before slowly weakening their effectiveness.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp These mysterious experts who have been "too late to react" to my quick sweep, most of the mysterious phenomena they have created are not directly offensive, in turn, all high-speed movers who respond in a timely manner are strong Direct offensive. However, as the negative effects that affected my figure increased, they seemed to feel that victory was in sight.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspAlthough they closed their mouths tightly, they roared at most, but their eyes still spoke.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Me and they looked at each other as if they could feel their emotions-completely different from what they expressed with sound and movement.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp They actually don't feel angry or shaken at all. They are full of affirmation and trust in the actions of themselves and others, even if they see the death of their peers with their own eyes, there is no hesitation.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp is really familiar, it makes people even have a sense of eyes, as if it brings me back to the illusion of the past.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Even if the doomsday illusion changes, their identity and experience may be different, but the spiritual state of the doomsday truth has not changed at all.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp It was cold and cruel. Abnormal and full of efficiency, treat yourself and others' death calmly.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Even if such a fierce battle, because of the pervasiveness of this mental state, a strange sense of death is formed.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp usually can't see, can't hear. Even more detailed things that are difficult to detect are beginning to appear in my perception in an illusory way.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp blood began to splash from the bodies of the beheaded people, their bodies cracked, and it seemed that the sound of internal organs sliding could be heard.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp blinked, and ten mysterious experts were cut off by my head, neck or waist.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp I'm Mercedes and shot faster than bullets.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp at this time. Even the ky3000's barrage will become slower than the blade of a cold weapon and appear inefficient.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Yes, from the beginning. Now that more than ten people have been killed, the total time has not reached one second.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp and three seconds to solve the battle is the limit of high-speed mobile ability in the actual combat-because, after more than three seconds still can not solve the battle, usually means that the other party has found a countermeasure and can implement it. Because of the prolonged period of time, the high-speed deterrent force will decline linearly.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp And for this battle, one second is the key to winning or losing.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp I passed by another mysterious expert with high speed. I can feel a subtle wave from him, and at the moment of staggering, the position and distance between us suddenly change. Everything in the field of vision suddenly changed. And I am already in the other corner of the church-this is not my course of action, and the enemy is already prepared, the translucent cube at the same time enveloped me, however, it was disintegrated in an instant.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp My luck is good. The cube is a conceivable imprisonment, however. The enemy who exerts this ability is not sure which one. But it was already beheaded by me, just because it was too fast. And did not die immediately. However, beheaded means that the phenomenon produced by the mystery will also become unstable. Even, I didn't even have a chance to take the shot, and it had already collapsed.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp is also because it is self-disintegrating, so it shows the mysterious strength is amazing-the more powerful the mystery, the more difficult it is to maintain after the user is destroyed, unless it is itself a gradual effect Types of. But obviously, this cube that might be used to imprison me is not that type.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp When the next wave of attacks arrived, I already followed the invisible high-speed channel to the mysterious expert who forcibly changed directions. He seemed to believe that his ability and effect would definitely work for me, and he rushed towards me impartially. I think he wants to repeat the trick, but this is not a good idea. The too monotonous attack method is a flaw in actual combat.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Mageweave messengers are generally difficult to avoid this kind of defect, but instead the magic of doomsday shamans is more free and flexible.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp However, there is no wizard here, all mysterious experts.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp In the next moment, I got out of his sight and threw a long knife from the side and back.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp The long knife was transferred by the eccentric ability before contacting this mysterious expert. Its phenomenon is similar to the movement of space. It suddenly disappeared from the original position and appeared in the new position without any pause. Many users of space mobility like to transfer themselves, but this mysterious expert is aimed at the transfer of opponents, which is quite rare. However, the flaws of this transfer were also exposed at the moment when he shifted the long knife-the subtle fluctuations that could be felt by the hunter's perception disappeared at the moment of transferring the long knife.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Before he reacted, I had swept behind him and hit his vest directly. The arm blade that popped out of the cuff penetrated his heart instantly, and then cut off his head. The body hanging on the arm blade was thrown at me by other high-speed movers who pursued it.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Even though so many actions have been taken, the speed sweep has never stopped.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp has arrived because of a new round of attacks.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspI have confirmed that the enemies in this church, except the priest, are all Mageweave messengers, and all are Mageweave messengers of level 3.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Even in the past doomsday illusions, when the Mageweave messenger is popular, this number of Mageweave messengers are mobilized to ambush only one person, which is extremely rare.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp As long as they reach the third level of moire, even if it is not a genius, you can get the superpower of the moire, and you can even get the magic. However, I haven't observed any enchants exist. Even in the past doomsday illusions, there are not many third-level enchanted messengers with enchants. Even in the battle against the Marl Jones family, the elite team sent by the network ball, there is no second master of the enchantment of the magic pattern.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Overall, Father Edward's "six six six six disguise", nowadays "nine nine nine disguise", still has many differences from the enchantment of the Mageweaver, and I suspect that in fact, the disguise of Father Edward is also a reference The magic ability of the Mageweaver. Just as the Doomsday Truth fully refers to the Mageweaver system and completes its own wizard system.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp If today's enemies have enemies, this battle will be more difficult, because it will directly double the enemies I face.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Within a tenth of a second, each high-speed moving enemy and I completed a fight, killing two of them, and slashed the other believers to half.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Their blood, as I expected, began to flow under the impetus of some invisible power.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp The speed of this flow is extremely fast even in the fast sweep state. At least, it is not like other people, as if it has fallen into a paused world.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp flow is mysterious, and the result of the brewing will also be mysterious. In addition to the power of "Jiang", I can't interfere with it, because I can't even release these flowing blood, as if the blood is just an illusion. In the chain judgment, the corpse that hasn't had time to split up is also rapidly becoming shrivelled, as if all the moisture was pumped out ~ ~ These changes are all processes, I can be faster than it, but I can't stop it .

Faced with such heavy casualties, the priest and choir seemed to be unable to escape the difference in speed, but just watched it happen quietly. & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp However, I still think that they are not just "unable to react". With no sound and no movement, the sacrifice has already begun.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp is one second away, with the last zero point remaining.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp After I was taken out, the long knife that was nailed to the wall after being transferred by a mysterious expert greeted the second full-scale impact phenomenon. It was a shock without warning, and it suddenly occurred in the center of the lobby. The high-speed mover following the impact, and the one facing the impact, at this moment, the speed between each other briefly reached the closest value, and then I was surpassed. (To be continued)

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp

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