Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1393: Second second

Stronger shocks than before have grown within an observable range, and the phenomenon is slow. The corpse is shrivelling, and the blood drawn by some mysterious force is flowing. Although there is a process, existence no longer follows the concept of speed, and is swift within the observable range. I didn't hear the sound, all the scenery seemed to be overshadowed by the blood. The extremely familiar light circuit, full of the sci-fi atmosphere, is actually mysterious, spreading throughout the church at a faster rate than blood flowing.

There are more than one source of the circuit, they are like dots, spread on the ground, walls and ceiling. After each circuit is formed, it will receive the flowing blood like a channel. And the eruption of blood has completely exceeded the amount that the corpse itself can hold. This blood may no longer be human blood, but has become something else.

For me, such a scene only means one result-the sacrifice ceremony has begun. And this ritual, as in the past, will not be relatively slow due to my speed. The speed reference has no effect on it. Conversely, no matter how fast my speed is, the progress of this ritual is a normal speed relative to me.

Now I understand why the sacrificial rituals in the past have never been interrupted, and why the apocalyptic people can perform the sacrifice ceremonies synchronously when a strong enemy comes. The mystery of the ritual itself also possesses a stable relativity and an absoluteness that can be expected to be completed at the beginning.

The unstoppable sacrificial ritual treats every believer in Doomsday Truth as a sacrifice, as I initially expected. Although I knew the result in advance. But its beginning and process are unobservable and cannot be interrupted, no matter who chooses to kill first-priest, believer or choir.

If we say that the doomsday truth teaches me knowing my speed. Some arrangements have been made in a targeted manner, so the most effective arrangement is this sacrifice ceremony. But as long as the sacrifice ceremony is successful, for them, the plan itself has been successful. This is the usual method of doomsday truth. "Human" is never the end of combat power.

Only half of the original doomsday truth is left in the church. The half of the dead are all mysterious experts of the third-level Mageweave messenger level. What kind of powerful demon will be called out by the sacrifices completed? I no longer doubt that the result of the sacrifice is the summoning of demons. Because, even if I don't understand the principles and rules of the sacrifice ceremony itself, the familiar taste that permeates the air has already awakened my sense of sight.

This sacrifice ceremony is indeed a sacrifice ceremony to summon demons.

The environment inside the church is completely unsuitable for the survival of normal people, high temperature, corrosion and high toxicity, as well as more inexplicable forces that cause the body to produce various side effects. Will decay the body of normal people in a short time. However, for Level 4 Mageweave Messenger, it is still within the normal range. Moreover. This is just a phenomenon that occurs within a second.

For me, which is extraordinary in speed, the beginning and end of everything is calculated at least on the scale of one hundredth of every second.

All the negative reactions, even if they have suppressed my effects. But to what extent can it be reached within a second? at this point. I think these people have already experienced it, and the price is their lives.

Even knowing their death. It will only make sacrifices more powerful, however, not killing them will only make the situation worse. They have high-speed mobile, even if this high-speed movement is still under me, but it also means that as a group, they can still observe and react to me, which also means that they can still be based on specific wartime Situation, decide what you should do.

I have no doubt that as long as they think it is necessary, they will never be stingy with their lives.

If I do n’t kill them, as long as they think there must be such a powerful demon to threaten me, then they will turn themselves into sacrifices without hesitation. In the mentality of "fearless of life and death", no one is more thorough and humane than the doomsday truth.

The first second has ended, and the second second has just begun, and the battlefield has reached another stage within this time unit divided by "one second".

The omni-directional shock wave, which will affect the whole audience, is gradually expanding in front of my eyes with a phenomenon of distorting the air. In the chain judgment, the things that can be observed are forming more complex patterns. The last moment is still a safe place, and the next moment becomes no longer safe. If you want to avoid this insecurity, you must complete the adjustment of position and route within an instant.

Even if it is a mystery expert, it is impossible for every one to make such adjustments. It can even be said that even a mysterious expert who moves at high speed cannot do everything. There are many ways to achieve high-speed movement, and not every one is as free as speed sweeping.

I pulled out the long knife nailed to the wall. At the same time, there are shockers of the Doomsday Truth that are affected by this omnidirectional shock. The changes in the body are like slow motion in my observation. First, the skin shuddered, then the skin was squeezed and twisted, the bones began to break, and the body seemed to swell as if it was inflated. This internal and external interaction force completely torn their body. When they were squeezed and broken, I was still skimming.

As long as there is a speed reference, even this all-round shock wave can't stop me. A full range of shock waves is a good way to intervene and strike high-speed movers in a narrow range. The power of this shock wave, in my feelings, is like the pressure control of Father Sissen in the past doomsday illusion-however, at that time, I was just a three-level magic pattern.

Now, my body, but the strength of the fourth-level Mageweave messenger.

Before the shock wave fully spread, I had walked around the various mysterious experts who were still there, either cutting off their heads, or piercing their hearts from behind. Their gestures and expressions are completely different from the previous second. One second is enough for them to respond more.

The sledgehammer fell from my side, another pit appeared on the ground, a large amount of rubble splashed up, this mysterious expert who wields the sledgehammer and can move at high speed. After completing this blow, he was also distorted by the huge force existing here, and began to deform, with no possibility of survival. And his destruction did not interfere with the spread of the ground circuit. My eyes crossed with him, as I thought. He was not afraid of his death at all, but was full of unreasonable fanaticism and approval.

In the tenth of the second second, there were eight believers and three high-speed movers. They could not avoid the huge impact caused by their companions, and died in distortion and decomposition. Now kill them. It is no longer me, but also to add themselves.

This kind of scene is too crazy for ordinary people or mysterious experts with common sense.

All corpses, once flooded by the shock wave, will eventually become a pile of mud and blood, and then quickly sacrificed. The speed at which blasts destroy corpses. Relative to speed sweeping is slow, however, the sacrificial ceremony works. But it is not affected, so that the existence time of all flesh and blood, in terms of normal time ratio, will definitely not exceed zero and one second.

The gray fog has become clearly visible unconsciously.

It is said that the gray fog technology of the ruling bureau is based on "people". This sacrifice ceremony has also shown similarities. The gray fog technology of the ruling bureau. Eventually led to the birth of "devil" and "body life", and the sacrifice ceremony here. A terrible gray fog demon is about to be born.

Once again, I used a long knife to penetrate the believer's body, this time when pulling away from the long knife. A huge amount of blood was sprayed directly from the wound, no longer affected by rapid swept.

The response of these believers is still sluggish, but their physical changes are no longer slow. Any changes in "normal speed" that I can observe in the rapid sweeping state are certainly mysterious.

Mysterious experts who move at high speeds no longer surround me. When they stopped, they seemed to have given up, but in fact it was impossible. Even if they stop chasing and interfering with my beheading, the threat I can feel is still rising.

As I expected in advance, this less than two seconds is enough for the mystery experts to release their mysteries to their original strength while they are still alive. Unless these mysterious experts are completely beheaded without any response. Otherwise, as long as they instinctively release their power and be beheaded by me later, some of the mysteries that should happen will continue unfolding, and these mysteries are the origin of the various shocks encountered before.

Mysterious experts, especially Mageweave messengers, instinctively release mysteries at a faster rate than they consciously release them. It's almost to the point where only one thought can happen. This is the advantage of the Mageweave messenger. Perhaps the Mageweave superpower is single and lacks adaptability to various situations. However, these superpowers are used like instincts.

I think this is also the reason why the Doomsday Truth sent this sniping team, which is composed entirely of the Mageweaver.

Fortunately, not every Mageweave messenger's ability can continue to be completed after being beheaded.

Even so, the mystery that can be accomplished is brought together in a chaotic, incomprehensible way, which is "concentrated firepower".

Many strange patterns and spots have appeared on my body, some of them are corrosive to the body, and some seem to be just a mark. At this time, "marking" is more terrible than "erosion".

When the mysterious experts who can move at high speed stop moving, I feel that I have been "locked". It is this "locking" that makes me feel a great threat. It is a kind of myself today, even If you are in a quick-sweep state, you will also be hit, and the result of the hit, even if you will not die in the first time, will also be hit hard.

Among all the intuitions of the mysterious experts, this sense of danger involving life and survival is the clearest and sharpest. The enhanced perception of the "Hunter" identity makes this feeling ability reach unprecedented precision.

It ’s too late to kill other believers, because every hundredth of a second passes, the relative speed of more phenomena is returned to normal, but for me, it means this mysterious and chaotic impact. One hundredth of a second is increasing. According to this magnitude, after this second is over, the strike strength after locking will be at least a dozen times that of the current spreading shock. It cannot be stopped, nor can it evade.

The gray mist visible in the church began to whirl, enveloping all of us, the twisted part of the field of vision began to expand faster, and the murmur of flowing water became clear, just like the only sound in this world. I jumped lightly, and the fourth-level magic pattern on the inside of my wrist started to operate with the strongest efficiency. At the same time, the hunter seal on the forehead also started to work, trying to suppress the magic pattern. , Because the existence of the hunter ’s seal must have a reason-I once guessed that old Hawk might think that any power absorbed into the night will have a negative impact on the hunter, and the magic pattern will exacerbate this. The speed of power absorption, although it will make people accelerate to become a powerful hunter, but it will also bring more negative effects.

What kind of thought did he put on this seal at the time, it was impossible to confirm at this time, but I still followed his last relics.

However, this is no longer a case of restricting oneself. The dead and alive believers, the firepower that eventually condenses, will explode completely after this second.

The conflict between the fourth-level magic pattern and the hunter's seal made me feel great pain. In the pain, there was another illusion-like feeling. It seems that there is a root that runs through my muscles, nerves and bone marrow and spreads deep inside the body ~ ~ And the "deepest" in the body seems not to be the internal organs, but the soul's residence Along this path, hold your soul tightly.

My left eye started beating, and it felt very light at first, but suddenly became intense. It began to twitch, rolling up, down, left, and right, as if the optic nerve had life, and spread with its own will, toward the soul deep inside the body.

The sense of spread from two different sources eventually intersects at the soul, but they are connected without any conflict.

Then, the soul was ignited, the body was ignited, and I felt that every breath I exhaled came with a violent flash of Mars.

In pain and burning, I saw that the church became ruins, lost the top, and the sky that could be seen was both the scene of the deepest night and the illusion of "paradise"-everything that can be seen Burning, whether they were burning or not, they were burned to ashes and spattered from the sky with Mars.

I looked down and saw the expanding light in front of it. It was so powerful and full of unimaginable destructive power.

It is about to shoot, and the goal is myself. (To be continued)

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