Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1394: Fire shock


There is always hallucination in pain. When the pain is particularly strong, the hallucination also seems to be real. Since the moment I came into contact with mystery, hallucinations have always been with me. It is something to see, a sound to hear, a smell that can be smelled, a wind blowing across the skin, a swaying flame and a heavy rain, it is the collapse of everything, the ashes of the torch, also inscribed in each Cells, every nerve, and even some kind of intuition deep into the soul.

Hallucinations are not real, but hallucinations imply a certain change in the body, which may be negative.

All medicines, all situations, when it makes people hallucinate, it often means that the person is being oppressed and is reaching a certain critical point of his own load.

When hallucinations are accompanied by power, sometimes this power is just an illusion, but sometimes, hallucinations are by-products of power instead. When a person is hallucinating, he often cannot distinguish what he feels, the power emanating from the hallucination is an illusion or a reality.

I have taken "Paradise". Long ago, "paradise" was just a psychedelic drug similar to soft drugs. However, with the deepening of the mysterious world, this psychedelic drug gradually became less simple. In the process of this gradual change, I have investigated many reactions produced by the human body when stimulated by drugs, including the effects of drugs on the human body. It is because of these investigations that I have a resistance to everything that can make me fall into illusion, whether it is drugs or anything.

If I can, I do n’t want to fall into hallucinations, I do n’t want to create illusions and a sense of sight. He is also reluctant to hear those who do not know where they come from. However, there is no choice for all this.

Remove all mysteries, and I am just a normal high school student. An ordinary high school student can't fight the weird and cruel malice anyway. Unable to deal with cult sacrifices that are inhumane, unable to fight inexplicable viruses, and incomprehensible monsters.

Is just thinking. It is useless in front of a real sense of crisis. It always has to act to change anything. And the limit of action. It is the limit that this body can reach.

The limit that the body can reach is limited by personal talent and exercise over time.

So, if it is just a talented ordinary high school student who doesn't have enough time to exercise, how can he fight the ensuing maliciousness? Only thinking. Nothing can be done.

If you ca n’t imagine it, then a little description: how can an ordinary terminally ill patient face his upcoming death? If you are not willing to die like this, how should you save your destiny? When he still wants to save other patients, how can such a wish come true? What should he pray for?

Only the indescribable thing, only the grotesque beyond thinking, only the unpredictable fate.

and so. Destiny is bound to be unpredictable, because then it will create a chance and retain hope. Indescribable things must also exist. Because, that means beyond the possibility of existing cognition. It is also indispensable to transcend the grotesque of thought, because only that grotesque can escape the fate limited by existing cognition and create miracles that do not exist in theory.

If in all the theories, cognitions, and foreseeable future. Death is within a few steps, and the pain of others is clearly visible. Well, all that can be saved. It must be the "mystery" hidden in the unknown forever.

I don't want to die.

I don't want my loved one to live in pain.

I want to save more people.

I desperately desire the people and things I know, whether it is illusory or real, we will have a happy ending.

If there is a monster that transcends all common sense, all cognition, all knowable theories, and all thoughts, then all this can be achieved, then, no matter what it is, I pursue it and I love it deeply.

If it is the witch of gold, if it is the ideal town of dusk ...

"I will go to the end of the world!"

"I, want to be a hero!"

During the second second of the fierce battle, nearly half of the Doomsday believers died.

Before the end of the second second, I activated the fourth level of magic pattern-it is dangerous, full of mysteries, incomprehensible, and regarded by the hunter as a terrible fate. In the nightmare of this deepest night, it was proved by a natural hunter, and also a thing that was deeply taboo. It clashes with the hunter's seal, as if torturing my * and soul at the same time.

During this torture, I saw hallucinations, heard psychedelic sounds, and felt intense pain. It seems that there is a root that runs through my muscles, nerves and bone marrow and spreads deep into the body. The "deepest" in the body does not seem to be the internal organs, but the residence of the soul. The pain follows this path. Hold your soul tightly.

My left eye started to pulsate. At first it felt very light, but suddenly it became intense. It began to twitch, rolling up, down, left, and right, as if the optic nerve had life, and spread with its own will, toward the soul deep inside the body.

Two senses of spread from different sources finally intersect at the soul, but are connected together without any conflict.

Then, the soul was ignited, the body was ignited, and I felt that every breath I exhaled came with a violent flash of Mars.

In pain and burning, I saw that the church turned into ruins, lost the top, and the sky that could be seen was not only the scene of the deepest night, but also the illusion produced after taking "paradise"-all can be seen The things are burning, no matter whether they were originally burning or not, they were burned to ashes and spattered from the sky with Mars.

I looked down and saw the expanding light in front of it. It was so powerful and full of unimaginable destructive power.

It is about to shoot, and the goal is myself.

——Morph start, failed to start

——Interference is detected, the elimination starts, the elimination efficiency is 64%

——Force start of Level 4 Magewere completed

——Search for messenger consciousness. Connect Subconscious Information

——Expand the preset mode and input it into the self-construction frame

——Start of conversion

I lay a long knife, the next moment, the huge suction force makes a huge amount of ashes adhere to the knife body, and the next moment. The quality of the long knife is constantly expanding, and when it is realized, it has become a large piece of things that can't tell the shape.

Another moment, I suddenly realized that this is a huge shield with scarlet texture in the dark.

So, it became a huge shield with scarlet texture in the dark side.

I know. The giant shield in his hand is the power of the fourth-level magic pattern, and he has always wanted to-collect the data generated in the battle to hedge the aftermath, strengthen his defense, and greet the inevitable first wave Focus on firepower.

Before the attack of concentrated firepower came. There is no need to use this power, but after the fire collection is completed, it determines whether I can survive to face the more terrifying power of this fire collection attack.

In the next moment, I seemed to wake up suddenly.

The thing full of dazzling light, ashes and Mars have all disappeared, all the scenes in the church. From the complete ruins, it turned into the original destroyed.

The long sword has disappeared, and I am holding a giant shield. A surge of shock is coming head-on.

Even if it is a quick sweep, it cannot be faster than the speed of this shock, because that is no longer a process, but a result of an inevitable hit.

It is a complex mystery that cannot be directly observed by the chain judgment, but has already worked. The result of condensing after a second. I also had a hunch at the beginning, from dozens of mysterious experts. Concentrated firepower after targeted arrangement. There is a decisive gap between the phenomenon it produces and any phenomenon that will be interfered by rapid sweeping.

This blow. Successfully circumvented all concepts involved in rapid swept. The moment I sensed this shock, I intuitively realized that it was not dominated by any thinking, but in the chaos, it became what the Doomsday Truth expected.

And this was the first test I was destined to face when I stepped into this church.

No response from me can prevent myself from being hit. Such a strong intuition has prevented me from doing any unnecessary evasion.

Because, I already expected the existence of this blow, and through the two-second limit beheading, as much as possible to weaken its power.

I did everything I could to do as much as possible, and now, I have to face the results that will inevitably come after that.

My burning body, complex thoughts, and ups and downs suddenly subsided at this moment.

I can do several movements in the fast sweeping state.

I erected the giant shield and inserted it firmly on the ground in front of me, using my whole body to resist it.

The next moment, the terrible power swept everything in my field of vision, struck me with a shield.

I felt that my body, which was strengthened by the fourth-level magic pattern, was almost torn apart by this indescribable, weird and substantive power. It is not as simple as the power of physics. It has all the physical effects I know, and it also has unrecognizable, but non-physical effects that can be felt personally. It is both a blow at the material level and a blow at the conscious level. This terrible power is chaotic, muddy, and full of malice.

My feet are firmly stuck into the ground, but this has no effect, the impact directly lifts the ground. I hid my head behind the giant shield, and the chain judged that it was impossible to observe any movement, because all the movements were violently exceeding the observed load. On both sides of my field of vision, there was only a hazy outline, even inside the building Nothing can be recognized.

I do n’t know where I ’m going to be hit and fly out of this church, but at the moment of the idea, I hit something in the back with something extremely solid, and a huge reaction hit, at the same time The things behind them shattered and collapsed. I fell to the ground and slid all the way back, hitting something else again and again. I couldn't adjust my balance. At one time, all my strength was lost, I couldn't even breathe, I couldn't control my limbs, and I could still disappear by shock.

When my field of vision returned to normal, the chain judgment recovered faster than vision. In the observation image presented in my mind, several figures appeared. They leaned up cautiously, standing on the edge of a huge gap and looking far away. I think their posture and position are like what they are expecting.

This group of apocalyptic guys is really naive!

Even if the impact of the shock has not completely disappeared, I don't think it will lose this time.

No, in fact, they can catch the blow, unless they summon a demon beyond imagination, I have no doubt that I will definitely win.

Because, they cannot make a stronger attack than this. They may be able to do it, but they have no time to issue a similar second blow.

"The next step is to summon the demon?" I said softly, but I think they can hear it.

Those who believe in the Doomsday Truth Church should have no fear, but their posture is still slightly shaken, as if expressing their incredible.

I finally regained my strength, and the negative effects still remain on my body, but as long as I can move, I can swipe quickly-no, I do n’t even need limb movement, I can also swipe quickly, the invisible channel that can be produced by the super-swimming, itself There is a driving force. I need my body to move, not for swift sweeping, but for being able to beheaded in swift sweeping.

I breathe, I hear my breath, through the hollow of the mouth of the beak mask, making a slender and slight sound ~ ~ I got up from the ground and pushed the giant shield away.

I saw that I really smashed through the walls of the church, and after falling outside, I also crashed the walls of pallets, stone piers and other buildings. Between myself and the mysterious experts standing at the gaps in the walls of the church, there is a distance of more than thirty meters, connecting us, there is a huge ditch.

The surface of the shield is emitting white mist visible as if it had just been burned.

I looked away from the shield and looked at the believers in the doomsday truth in front of them. Their faces were gloomy, without any joy, but I did not feel the frustration and fear of failure from them. I can understand that for them, this is far from the final result. But for me, they are all dead.

Whether they were killed by me or committed suicide, they will all die, and they will surely turn themselves into sacrifices for the demon summoning ceremony. The only difference is: I was killed. Compared with suicide, which kind of death method is more suitable for this demon call, can call out a stronger and more targeted demon. (To be continued)

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