Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1395: Ceremony Phase 2

The summoning of demons has very strict requirements on the scale, steps, sacrifices, etc. of the sacrifice ceremony. ∽↗ In the past doomsday illusions, the whisperer has also tried the demon summoning ritual. According to his own imagination and some mystical rules, he can finally summon the demon, which is actually very rare.

Not only that, all sacrifice ceremonies are not static, depending on the sacrifices used, the method and sequence of sacrifices, and various pre-sacrifice treatments, there will be different changes. If you want to achieve a targeted goal and perform the most perfect sacrifice ceremony, then there are strict requirements on the order and method of all actions.

This is also the reason why the sacrificial rituals have to last for a long time, and many strange things are made in the eyes of others, or even seem to be unnecessary.

If "people" is used as the sacrifice, then, if you want to pay attention to the effect and success rate, then the steps to be followed need more meticulousness-when, where, under what circumstances, and in what way Modulate the human body, torture the spirit of others, and finally let them die according to the necessary methods and so on.

Doomsday Truth teaches deeply about the sacrificial ritual. In this regard, they have their own set of practices. They strictly screen the sacrifices, create an environment, set a special time and place, and not only follow the vicious The definition also follows the popular malicious symbol.

This is also in many cases, they will always do something that people do not understand, such as various figures and patterns full of unknown, cruel treatment of sacrifices and so on. Sometimes they will spend a long time to deal with sacrifices, let malicious infiltration of the target's life, often use drugs to control and regulate, "paradise" is the most commonly used drugs, but not the only drugs. Controlling them is not just for controlling their psychology, but also for regulating their spirit and harmony. Let the sacrifice be spiritually and spiritually the best state needed for sacrifice.

These cumbersome, rather say some ideal steps, so that their actions seem to be about to win, but did "redundant" things. This will soon lead to failure. However, because of these "superfluous" things, it is difficult to stop the sacrificial rites even if they can kill the believers of the doomsday truth.

These guys are not afraid of death at all, their actions are not for survival, honor and benefit. Only the doomsday truth they know is what guides their actions and thinking.

Therefore, death is just a step to the truth for them. If it cannot be avoided, then there is no need to hesitate. Death can stop their actions, but they cannot eliminate the will they carry out in an organized manner.

I supported the giant shield and stood in the ruins thirty meters away, facing these doomsday believers. Their eyes are so familiar that they can no longer make too many waves in my heart. I know what they will do next, after the final doctrine of Apostolicism, after the sacrifice ceremony is determined. It often becomes simple. As long as I have n’t died yet. They will definitely die, even if I don't kill them, they will kill themselves.

Suicide, in all kinds of occultism, is mostly a symbol of sin and evil. Even if you have a specially prepared live sacrifice, this kind of sacrifice ceremony usually adds a malicious step of "let the sacrifice be in the heart and infinite pain. Suicide to pursue liberation". There is no evidence to prove that this step will make the sacrifice ceremony more effective, but if you believe this, do so. There is no evidence to prove that it is invalid.

The terror of Doomsday Truth against ordinary people is the most superficial and the most direct manifestation of this kind of sacrifice ceremony. As for the perseverance of the truth of the end, and the strange powers, ordinary people have already died when they recognize it. Compared with the sacrifice ceremony, the ingredients of pain and terror are not so rich.

The Doomsday Religion not only sacrifices others, but also self-sacrifice. There is no decisive difference between the pain and torture that the two need to bear, but, "Do you enjoy this pain "Expectation" is the biggest difference between the two.

Each of these believers is a three-level Mageweave messenger and an experienced mysterious expert, but their will, ideas and thoughts are completely different from other mysterious experts. Furthermore, it is very inappropriate to measure their behavior and feelings with the same standards.

In my eyes, these doomsday believers are of course wrong, savage and bloody, dark and cruel, not human at all, and not in line with the requirements of a better world. However, when they look at people like me, they will also disdain, thinking that we are fools who violate the truth, pretending to be the salvation of the end, but in fact they are people with a distorted heart. Even so, the definition of "human" and "world" in their eyes may be different from the definition of "human" and "world" in our eyes.

If you ca n’t define the same thing in the face of the same thing, produce the same concept, and extend your thoughts and behaviors on the same definition and concept, then what you end up with is the cognitive inability to communicate.

Every time I talk to the Doomsday Truth, I can feel this inability to communicate. Although they all use the same vocabulary, they seem to say different things. Therefore, in the past doomsday illusion, there is almost no verbal communication between the cybersphere and the doomsday truth.

The battle began in silence, and ended in silence.

In my memory, what a cruel, depressing and silent battlefield.

I exhaled deeply, moving my uncomfortable body, and started the magic pattern again.

——The Rubik's Cube system starts

——Preset Mode 2

——The framework begins

The huge shield began to shrink, reaching a size that could be lifted with the left hand. Then, the right hand slowly pulled the long knife out of the shield.

So, let's get started, the second round.

I stared silently at the people in front of me. Behind them, at the end of the gap in the wall, the whole hall was filled with **** light. These lights flowed in the circuit, but neither the direction nor the route at first seemed to be capable Distinguished regularity. However, such chaotic flow details are observed from a holistic perspective. But there is a rhythm, and this rhythm continues to become rapid.

I couldn't help but hold my left eye because the rhythm seemed to resonate with the twitching of my left eye.

They allowed me to stand up, and did not immediately start a fire attack again when I had not relieved my breath. Certainly not because they suddenly became stupid, but it must be the demand of the sacrifice ceremony itself. If this is a demon-calling sacrifice ceremony set up for me, then in order to achieve the best possible effect, before completing the sacrifice, not only restrict themselves, but also require my actions.

All their actions against me at this time can also be regarded as a part of guiding my actions. But I can't distinguish which of my own thoughts and actions. They are eager to see.

Among the group of surviving believers, the priest and several women in the choir stood in a prominent position. In the observation of the chain judgment, no one paid attention to the weird loops in the hall. I suddenly felt that they were expecting my shot, and expecting me to kill them with my own hands. Their eyes became horrible, intuitionally, full of malicious traps.

I did not use quick swept. Just tentatively took a few steps forward. Suddenly, six figures appeared around me. The points came from front, back, left, right, and above. I didn't enter a state of rapid sweeping. In the naked eye, the actions of these six people were simply unreasonable. I drove under my instinct, and used shields to block the attacks. These attacks were not limited to hands and feet. It is also useful for cold weapons, even with many negative effects. However, when they hit the shield, they are full of malicious power. It was immediately blocked.

The shield is a product of my subconscious, using the power of the fourth-level magic pattern to absorb the aftermath of the temporary data hedging phenomenon. I don't understand its material composition, nor do I know the role of the red texture on its surface. However, it is probably these red textures that have eliminated the mysterious power erosion. The previous terrible impact is not only a physical impact force, but also a chaotic and inexplicable mystery. The material can eliminate the physical impact, but the mystery But **** needs considerable mystery to be eliminated. In the end, this shield successfully blocked a terrible and fatal blow, which is the key to my survival.

I have reason to believe that this shield is definitely not something that the pursuit of six mysterious experts can break.

These attackers will certainly retreat after feeling the solid defense of the shield, and I will swing the shield hard before they do that. The bodies of the six mysterious experts were slightly out of balance, and then I used a long knife to penetrate the heart of one of them.

It's easy to say, but it's just because, the same high-speed movers, but after losing their balance, there is a difference in their ability to readjust their actions. Losing balance during battle and being unable to control one's limbs to protect one's vital points, whether or not forced by the situation, means great danger.

Chain judgment will never miss this loophole.

The corpse that had penetrated the heart was hung on the knife, and I was thrown to another mysterious expert who moved at high speed-including him, the remaining five people seemed to be aware of the danger, and the evacuation distance was more than ten meters. It was only after that that the body arrived late and smashed at the foot of the mysterious expert who was targeted.

The next moment, I entered the state of rapid sweep, and passed by the five mysterious experts who re-entered the state of high-speed movement, during which they once again blocked their attacks with shields. Regardless of why other believers have no attacking performance, in the non-swift state, one second of concentrated firepower is already a very rapid choice. Other than that, I do n’t think they have more power.

They seemed to be dead, waiting for me to kill them.

I had no hesitation. Before the high-speed mover returned, he had waved a long knife and cut off the neck and neck of four of them, rushing to the priest. The priest observed me at a very normal speed, but at an abnormal speed, it was like an invitation.

There is no doubt that I did not stop there. The priest was penetrated by a long knife, and the blood droplets brought by the tip of the knife splashed in the air, and then flipped in the air like a slow-motion phenomenon. I kicked away the corpse and once again shielded all attacks in the same direction.

This attack, on the physical impact, even I had to step back a few steps. I realize that as the number of people decreases, the strength of these people is showing an abnormal increase.

It turned out that before the demon was summoned, the more people killed, the greater the power of the last people left? If this is also the process of the sacrificial ritual, it is understandable that when the last three-level Mageweave messenger with the strongest power and the most mysterious power becomes the sacrifice, the demon finally summoned will also change. However, this abnormal growth of power cannot, of course, be unlimited.

I wondered whether the last remaining man would be promoted to Level 4 Mageweave Messenger before being killed by me. However, the promotion of Level 4 Mageweave has greater uncertainty than the first three levels-in the beginning, Mageweave can be upgraded through the death of other Mageweave messengers and absorbing the other's Mageweave. In theory, as long as you become a Mageweave messenger, you can become a three-level Mageweave messenger in the shortest time. However, it is only the third-level Mageweave, which is already the limit.

I have become a Level 4 Mageweaver messenger ~ ~ However, I am not sure that my experience is accurate. Or, it should be said that I actually do n’t understand the normal way to become a Level 4 Mageweave messenger. I can only be sure that the methods used to get promoted to Level 3 Mageweave in the past could not make Mageweave promote.

If the Doomsday Religion refers to the enhancement of the third-level magic pattern, then, no matter how strong the last three-level magic pattern messenger can be, its magic pattern may still be limited to the third level.

Just as I guessed, the female choirs came out from the end, knelt in front of me, hands clasped, placed on their chests as if praying to me. At this moment, other mysterious experts apparently paused, and I did not hesitate to slash the heads of these women, watching their bodies turn into fly ash, avoiding the blood that had been shackled and sprayed out completely.

The ceremonial process was not obvious, I was silent, watching the blood depressions on the ground bubble like bubbles, and then, a large number of light loops extended from the church and drew the blood into it.

The blood flowing circuit is already full of asymmetry from the overall outline. This asymmetry makes people feel awkward and makes people feel that they are full of some kind of malicious curse. This abnormal feeling in the senses is enough to make ordinary people feel uneasy. (To be continued ...)

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