Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1396: Kill everything

The sacrificial rituals of the doomsday truth have always made people feel weird. The extraordinarily obvious maliciousness is not something that others can have when they also offer sacrifices. ⊥The magic array they use is completely different from what they normally see. It is said to be a magic array, but it looks more full of the taste of future science fiction. However, this is also the style of integrated self-rule. Obviously it is mysterious, but it seems to be answered in a popular scientific way, but if you really treat it as a "deep science" and feel that one day you will accumulate knowledge enough to analyze it, the final outcome will only be terrible .

Here, the boundary between science and mystery seems vague, and in theory it seems to have something in common, but when it is actually encountered, the generalization will only invite doom and death.

There are many confusions about the doomsday doctrines of the doomsday religion, and it usually seems that better solutions to them are not really good. These choir women, these doomsday believers, will become sacrifices for sacrifice ceremonies once they die, but if they are not killed, they are simply imprisoned, or let them pass out. Is it possible to stop this kind of sacrifice by preventing them from committing suicide?

The answer is impossible.

If a person wants to die, there are always many ways. If a person intends to make himself a sacrifice, it is definitely not something that he can do without unconsciousness.

These choir women knelt in front of me in an unguarded gesture and prayed, as if they were urging me to kill them. So, can I not kill them? Can they not kill them the way they want?

The answer is also impossible.

I know very well that what these people did so grotesquely was just a step in the sacrificial ritual. When I killed them the way they wanted, it was an act of promoting the ritual itself. But even if I use other methods. For example, just to stun them, they also have a variety of ways to die, and the behavior of "I stun them, so they committed suicide" into another premise of the sacrifice ceremony.

As long as it is death, as long as this kind of death is related to me. Malicious will be entangled, can not break free before the ritual is completed, after the ritual is completed, you must bear the consequences of the ensuing-the so-called demons, is really described, and not because these demons are "gray mist "Product" does not meet the deep meaning of the word "demon".

Only after understanding this point, he still insists on his own behavior and bears the consequences that follow. In order to protect themselves to a greater extent.

Therefore, without hesitation, I cut the sword when I drew it.

These women are so weak that they do not show any offensiveness. They just came to me at a specific time, in a specific place, and in a specific way. But their thoughts, existence and behavior. It already has malicious intentions against me, even if this is a trap. I must also jump in.

Women's heads flew up, and I watched their bodies turn into fly ash, avoiding the blood that had been shackled and sprayed out completely.

The ceremonial process was more obvious, I was silent, watching the blood pits on the ground bubble like bubbles. Subsequently, a large number of light-like circuits extended from the church, drawing this blood into it.

The blood flowing circuit is already full of asymmetry from the overall outline. This asymmetry is awkward. It makes people feel that it is full of some kind of malicious curse. This abnormal feeling in the senses is enough to make ordinary people feel uneasy.

Is it guilty to kill? Of course guilty. People cannot escape humanity and sociality, and the concept of "sin" has always been attached to humanity and sociality, permeating into everyone's common sense. If there is no common sense, it will also be rooted in the genes and instincts of human beings. In the middle, there is no slight change because of whether the individual recognizes or thinks so in terms of values.

In occultism, the sacrificial ritual accomplishes the "revenge of evil" through such a deep connection that does not use personal will as a transfer. It is the most effective against "human", spanning time and space, most of the attacks presented in the form of "concept", the best way to deal with it is to not be human.

As long as it is not a human being, murder will not be a sin, but as long as it is still a human being, it still has the characteristics of "humanity" in the way it is constructed from material to spiritual thinking, it is impossible to get rid of it.

In the past doomsday illusion, when I deeply realized this, it was not far from death.

I took a deep breath and blocked myself behind the shield, using chain judgment to observe all movement within a 50-meter radius. Just when I killed the choir, the priest's body had disappeared and he was unable to capture his actions. When he realized, he was no longer in observation. I'm not surprised at all. There are many situations in the world that cannot be observed by chain judgments, and this kind of situation appears in the priests of the doomsday truth religion. It is not surprising. As I have long understood, even if the priest is in a key position in the sacrificial ritual, but the priority is to kill him, under the circumstances, it is definitely not the best choice.

The doomsday doctrine of the doctrine of the doomsday is very targeted. I know exactly what they are going to do. However, all of their arrangements will make people have to focus on their short-term advantages and give up long-term considerations.

For some smart people, this kind of experience is probably very frustrating, as if I were being turned around, but for me, this emotion has long been gone.

I am not a very smart person, and I can get to where I am today, nor is it because I am smart enough, on the contrary, only if I am stupid, like me, will I persevere.

The priest's body disappeared, the choir was cut off, 13 people with high-speed mobility, and 4 people left, plus other believers, there were less than 15 people in total, all of them were Level 3 Mageweave messengers, but they were better At that time, the group of people added up with more pressure. I have no evidence, but I can feel that the remaining less than twenty people are indeed stronger than they were originally, as if there is an invisible power that superimposes the power of the dead on them.

Although the remaining enemies are still Level 3 Mageweave Messengers, they can no longer use the previous engagements to measure them today.

at this time. It is the ninth second since the start of the war.

At the tenth second, the air was stirred again, and at the same time, I entered the speed sweeping state again. The four high-speed movers again outstriped from four weeks, and the remaining believers are the same. Prepare for another fire attack. Although the number of people has decreased, their personal abilities have been strengthened. Once the "mystery" is completed, the combined strength of the final force will probably not be weaker than the first fire attack. And their actions, and my actions, are nothing more than two seconds before the war.

In the high-speed world where everything seems to be stuck, there are not many things that can be observed in obvious movement. The only people with high-speed mobility are the lack of numbers. It has been impossible to intercept effectively as before. Their abilities are indeed enhanced correspondingly due to the number of deaths. However, the magic pattern superpower that allows them to achieve high-speed movement phenomenon has not produced a qualitative change, and will still be captured by quick swept and referenced. Therefore, in actual combat. I am still "faster" than them.

Last time, a mysterious force formed a fire attack. It took a total of two seconds. This time, the formation speed is faster. I think they only need less than one second to complete this set of fires. However, "less than a second" is a very short time that ordinary people think. For quick sweep, it is already long enough.

Holding a shield and a long knife, I invaded in front of these immobile believers within one hundredth of a second, and the blade I slashed instantly cut off the necks and necks of the five. after that. The mysterious expert who moved at high speed was late. The weapons they wielded and collided with my shield. They were even more powerful than before, and even knocked the hand holding the shield. I jumped, rolled, and passed through the gap between attacks at a faster speed than them.

Before one of them reacted, he penetrated the heart from his back. Before the remaining three high-speed moving Mageweave messengers adjusted their route and posture, I had time to step on the back of the deceased and pull out the long knife. What came afterwards was a force of distorted twisting, condensing and rotating around my body as if to twist all the spaces I was in. However, before this twisting force fully unfolded, I swept away quickly, only the dead body was completely twisted, the blood poured out as if it was squeezed, and then it was drawn by the blood circuit on the ground.

In this way, I waved my shield, blocking all attempts to repel my attack, and using the long knife in my right hand, one by one harvested the lives of the remaining believers. After half a second, he beheaded all the believers who could not move in front of the speed. The massive death of the believers made the last three high-speed moving third-level Mageweave messengers exude a stronger momentum. When their weapons collided with my shield again, I had to step backwards to eliminate the shock that became extremely powerful.

The last three people, in terms of pure strength, have surpassed my body strengthened by the fourth-level magic pattern. However, their magic pattern is still at the third level, and the superpower is still unable to get rid of the reference of the speed sweep In terms of speed, I still have an advantage. When I chased one of them, the mysterious expert who kept moving at high speed gave up dodge and greeted him with his chest. When I moved back to him again, and assassinated, he took the initiative to lean back and let the long knife penetrate his heart completely. Afterwards, the hands deformed strangely, as if the bones had been removed, it was incredibly soft, and it struck my throat and heart with lightning.

I can't pull out the long knife inserted into him, I can only use a shield to block the counterattack of this dying person.

The dull collision sound, followed by the sound of explosion, violent impact swept the surrounding area centered on the two of us. Despite blocking the impact, my hand holding the shield bounced high under this huge impact, exposing my body to the shield. The remaining two came straight out without a word, one aimed at the heart and the other aimed at my neck.

Even so, their speed is still relatively slow. I let go of the shield and escaped from the siege gap faster. The last two mysterious experts attacked at the same time and flew at the same time, and I flew into the original position again at the moment they swung.

I grabbed the shield that hadn't landed in one hand, and pulled the long knife from the dead body that had been drained of blood with the other hand. Even under high-speed movement, you can still see this corpse quickly turning to ashes.

I didn't have much thought. Once again, I slashed at the enemies around me. The other party could only adjust the posture slightly. Then I cut off my arm, and even the person took the weapon and was swept out by the shield. Although not cut in half, the feeling of crushing something is still extremely real.

This man's head was smashed with my shield.

The last mysterious expert left, while I was killing my previous companion, had quickly withdrawn to the interior of the church.

I galloped in the invisible high-speed passage, chasing him, and from the gap in the wall, I entered the church again.

At this time, there was one second left, and this second passed. Behind the city wall, the mystery that will not disappear because of the death of the subject, once again gathered together, forming a strong impact no less inferior than before, sweeping this area, even the walls of the church are somewhat shaky.

I rolled to the side, and a shock wave suddenly rushed through the gap behind me, tearing the broken church again. The blood flowing through the circuit blew out a particularly bright light. The riot of the airflow completely disappeared in less than one breath ~ ~ I got rid of the swift and slowly stood up to examine the situation in the church. The fog here is much thicker than outside, and it seems that people can hear sickening and crying noises from all directions. The last apocalyptic believer who had previously retreated into the church was half kneeling in front of a corpse in a quietly weird posture.

That was the corpse of the priest, and the believer seemed to beg for something. At his feet, the texture of the circuit is extremely dense, which makes one can not help but imagine that he is now at the center of this sacrifice ceremony.

Obviously, the last change will happen to him. The moment I realized this, I jumped into the invisible high-speed passage and galloped away to him.

Almost at the same time, this last believer, the Level 3 Mageweave Messenger, slowly fell back. His chest was pierced by a luxuriously decorated dagger full of gloom.

He committed suicide.

And this is just the beginning.

The sacrifice ceremony has completed the last step, I saw that the gray fog is spinning.

As if the whole world is spinning. (To be continued ...)

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