Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1397: Sheep head

The final step of the sacrifice ceremony has been completed. The believer who committed suicide with a dagger slowly fell. His body and the body of the priest were stacked into a cross. The corpse of the priest who had been drained from the blood was filled again, just like the body of the believer. The blood was paid attention to the corpse of the priest. Not only that, all the blood circulating in the circuit began to gather around the cross of this corpse. [ is updated quickly, the website pages are refreshing, there are few advertisements, no pop-ups, I like this kind of website the most, I must praise it

Even if it enters the speed sweeping state, it cannot stop the operation of this scene in time and speed. The gray fog was spinning, and then the church seemed to be spinning too. The huge weightlessness surrounded me and made me lose balance once. When I stood firm, above the cross formed by the two bodies, a mass of blood-colored liquid spheres was shining in an unknown light.

I lifted the shield, and the operation of the four-level magic pattern once again collided with the hunter seal, but in the face of such a situation, even the greatest pain must be patient. If there is no fourth-level magic pattern to absorb the aftermath of the data hedging and then transform it into its own power, it may fall into the disadvantage in the next battle. This time, the demons to be summoned by the Doomsday Truth Church are completely different from the demons they will face when they interrupt their plans in peacetime.

The biggest difference lies in the targeted goal of summoning demons.

In the usual actions of the Doomsday Truth, there is rarely a situation where a demon is called against some people, and now I have encountered this situation. I will never despise the enemies produced under such targeted.

The shield is still being strengthened, and it is also different from the last time the "son of fate" Novsky, who faced the 51st district. At that time, ky3001 was manufactured using the four-level magic pattern, and the imitation of the shape of the wing knight was to comprehensively strengthen each basic quality of itself. At this moment, there is an intuition telling myself that in the face of the upcoming demon, the overall strengthening effect will appear weak, and the more correct way should be to use all the resources and make a single as strong as possible. Shield.

The shield I was holding was under cumulative reinforcement. It is changing the texture of its materials in a way that it cannot understand. In this nightmare, all material can be understood as immaterial, though. Although the material of the structure is mostly embodied in the form of matter, it is not a substance in the usual sense. Because the basic composition of the structure is still fog. The nature of the gray fog is between material and spiritual, and can be converted between the two under certain conditions. This controllable thing that crosses the material and spiritual boundaries is the basis of the ruling bureau technology, and has always been regarded as the easiest to produce and guide the existence of "mystery".

In most mysterious events, the fog will appear, and the intensity and movement of the fog will be for a long time. They are all defaulted to judge how strong the "mystery" is and how dangerous the "mystery event" is.

A shield shaped with a four-level magic pattern constantly absorbs gray fog and transforms into a structural material. Whether it is a blow to the physical state or a non-physical shock, it has a stronger ability to bear than the armor of the imitation wing knight.

In addition to the shield, the costume on the body and the long knife on the right hand also brought a little bit of Mars because of the acceleration of the fourth-level magic pattern.

The hem of the trench coat becomes shorter, and the close-fitting part is more compact. The fabric becomes thinner, and the tears are full of tears. It seems that after many battles, it may collapse at any time. Not to mention the defensive ability, I do n’t think it will be stronger before, but, in terms of feeling, wearing this body suit really feels lighter than before.

The blade part of the long knife grows to three meters. It became wider and thicker, half of the blade became jagged, and when it hit the ground, a lot of Mars would splash.

I didn't rush to interrupt the ritual process in front of me, but cautiously lifted the shield flat, dragging the serrated sword upside down, around the corpses of the two and the blood cells floating above. Mars burst out of the sawtooth of the blade, suddenly ignited something around, causing the wall area to gradually sink into the sea of ​​fire. As if there was an inexplicable force, greedy for the licking and burning of the flames, the fire spread faster than ever, and the burning church soon matched with the burning buildings outside.

At the next moment, of the two corpses that crossed into a cross, the one belonging to the priest completely restored its original appearance. He pushed away the body of the believer lying on his body, and pulled out the suicide dagger from his chest. The blood cells suspended in mid-air suddenly burst, pouring a lot of blood on the priest. The priest shuddered violently in his chest. The gesture made people feel an unbearable pain. In a blink of an eye, he tore his robe and his body swelled inch by inch.

At the time of description, there is such a complicated process, but in fact, the entire change is extremely fast, and it is full of mysteries that even the speed sweep cannot make it relatively slow.

The human figure of the priest is collapsing. With the expansion of the body, the hands and feet become claws, the hair becomes a viper, and the tail and wings of the classic demon in mysticism also drill out from under the skin and swing slightly behind him. His face completely lost the appearance of a human, as if the skull was exposed, and this skull is not a human skull, but more like some kind of sheep skull mask with truncated horns. Although the appearance of humans has been lost, the structure of the erect ape is still maintained in some body structures. However, at the end of the body, the muscles that have become extraordinarily strong begin to decay rapidly.

A very strong rancid smell, accompanied by each of its gasps, set off a huge storm inside the church, the surrounding flames began to sway, filled with suppressed rhythm.

There is no doubt that this is a demon, and that this demon is a bit different from the demons it has seen in the past. No matter how weird it is, it still has some characteristics that can be associated with humans. This shape also fits the shape of the classic demon in occultism more than the demons seen in the past.

It let out a roar with a roar, and met my eyes when it lowered its eyes. I can clearly see the wisdom and even the wisdom from its eyes, but the light of such wisdom and wisdom only makes people feel more scared. What is it thinking? I do n’t know, but I do n’t need to guess. If it is wise, what it thinks will of course not be something that humans are happy to accomplish.

For human beings, such an existence is an undisputed enemy. Is the embodiment of evil.

I'm used to huge, indescribable fears, impacts on the soul, and I'm also used to facing such an instinctive feeling of evil. Extremely disgusting, extremely dangerous enemies. My heart is beating violently, perhaps because of emotional agitation, but there is also a large part, which is derived from the instinct of fighting. This increased heartbeat has made my mind clearer and my actions more powerful.

I gently trot around the sheep-head demon. The sheep head demon was made by the corpse of the priest, but at this time it was ten meters high and the tip of the tail was very sharp, because that is the enlarged image of the dagger used by the believer to commit suicide. Part of its bones are exposed, which makes me feel that it is a very strong place, even if it is a serrated sword with a four-level magic pattern transformation in its hand, it will not achieve too good results.

The sheep-head demon turned slowly. Suddenly dug a flame from the ceiling-although the flame is just a burning phenomenon, but in the hands of the sheep head demon, as if digging a piece of tofu-hit me. In my opinion, this flame was bigger than my whole person. I rolled to the side, and I entered a state of rapid sweep before I got up.

I'm not sure whether quick sweeping is effective. This sheep-headed demon was specially summoned by the Doomsday Truth for all the abilities that I showed. The demon itself does not have a fixed image, but once a fixed image is produced, it necessarily means. This image implies its qualities. I would n’t be too surprised if the sheep-headed demon can let me speed up and no longer have the advantage of being helpless.

The unity and limitations of Mageweave are often reflected in this time.

I drove in the invisible rapid passage. I didn't try my best to run, nor did I run straight to the devil. Because the turning of the sheep-head demon, even if the observation is carried out in a fast-swept state, there is no slight delay. Only the attack of the fireball seemed to stop in mid-air, and I was scattered with a shield, and the impact was generated. Directly absorbed by the shield, it didn't work on me at all. Once again, the shield strengthened by Level 4 Mageweave has more mystery and strength than I expected.

When I am in a normal state, the movement of the sheep-head demon is full of rhythm and clearly visible, but after entering the speed sweeping state, there is no relatively slow phenomenon. Its movement is still full of rhythm and clearly visible, it seems that Can grasp. However, when it swept its paws, I didn't feel at all that speed sweeping made me "faster than its claws."

There was no obvious "faster". This feeling prompted me to dive again to avoid the blow and rolled on the ground for several laps. A huge roar rang through the church. When I stood firm, the sheep-headed demon was ready to throw flames, and the three deep cracks in the place where the paws swept before were shocking.

The relativity of the quick sweep is not completely restrained, but the effect is indeed not as good as usual. The normal speed of the speed sweep is not faster than the movement of the demon, but this is not the speed that the devil itself moves, because if it is separated from the speed sweep, it still maintains a similar sense of speed-fast, but it is not completely hidden not open.

In the normal state, and in the fast-sweep state, the perceived speed of the other party does not change much. This is an abnormal and a targeted mystery.

This blow made me understand the secrets of some sheep-headed demons. Excluding the huge destructive power of its tall body, it is trying to suppress my rapid swept superpower. That ’s not the speed of the match, but more like a targeted weakening of the instantaneous speed, just as my speed sweep can reach "relatively fast", and the sheep head devil did not change the "relatively fast", but it seems to be adjusted "How fast it is." At least, in front of it, I can't seem to be "fast enough to make people unresponsive" anyway.

However, the enhanced costume of the fourth-level Mageweave and the state of the battle made me more sensitive and powerful than before. Several attacks of the Sheephead Demon were avoided by my sudden acceleration of retreating and rolling. The speed of the quick sweep is adjustable. I maintain it on a horizontal line, and on this horizontal line, it accelerates suddenly in a very short time. The ability of the sheep head demon can make it not slower than me, but This kind of relative sensitivity is slightly weaker than my acceleration.

According to the current speed of sweeping, as long as it accelerates within half a second, the movement of the sheep head demon will show a short pause, and after half a second, the difference in speed will be greatly reduced. This means that if you set a minimum speed value in advance and then suddenly increase the speed within this minimum value, you will still be able to achieve the speed advantage at least within half a second.

The half-second speed advantage, how much effect can be produced, depends on the initial minimum speed and the maximum speed of the sudden increase. In this detail, the sheep head demon seems unable to grasp as fine as I am.

Most of my evasion in the clashes I tried was achieved through the advantage of this half-second. After confirming the mystery that the sheep head demon currently embodies, although I am not sure whether it has other mysteries, I decided to try to fight back.

Twice in a row ~ ~ I avoided the claws that waved again and the piercing of the tail. The movement of the sheep head demon opened and closed, and it was very abnormal. It was just wiped, and it could feel the impact of tearing the whole person. The airflow became abnormally turbulent, but the flames around him became more fierce. The tail pierced the ground, and in half a second of acceleration, it was as if it was embedded in the ground and could not be pulled out in time-this is just an illusion of relative speed difference, as long as more than half a second, this illusion will disappear. The speed of every action of the sheep head demon is definitely not weaker than any previous mysterious expert who moves at high speed.

The "half-second pause" made me have a chance to cut the tail after evading.

As I thought, even a saw-toothed sword with a mighty appearance can't break through the demon's skin at once, let alone the exoskeleton. When jagged and rough demon skin rubbed, they made a hoarse voice, and pieces of Mars splashed up. I did n’t try my best to prevent the sheep head demon from accelerating suddenly. Even so, I could n’t cut its skin at once, and it still made people wonder how strong it was.

As I was wary, the attacked sheep-head demon screamed suddenly, his movements accelerated, and his tail swept over like a whip. If you completely believe that the "half-second pause" is absolute, you will definitely not be able to escape this blow. (To be continued.


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