Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1398: Devil Hunter

Sheephead demon seems to only use its own body in the attacking method, but the mysterious phenomenon is everywhere, but when ordinary people fight it in the normal way, they can only experience normal setbacks. (The novel can only use this "mystery" to speculate on the mystery of this sheep-headed demon only when it can also use "mystery".

The ten-meter-tall body of the sheep's head demon almost broke the ceiling of the church. Relative to its volume, the space of this hall is quite narrow. Its pace is sluggish, but it does not mean that its movement and response are equally slow. Whenever I enter a fast sweeping state and circle around it, it never turns away from me. Its eyeballs are very strange, and I suspect that it can directly see what is behind it.

Even the mysterious nature of the sheep-headed demon, the speed sweep super energy is not as powerful as in the past. Relatively fast and relatively fast, in some cases, it is necessary to look at it separately. In the past, I could always get a lot faster, but the demon born by the sacrifice ceremony in front of me, although it can not eliminate the concept of speed and the relatively fast characteristics, But in terms of the ability to eliminate the speed difference, it is the only thing I have seen so far.

I guess, maybe this is the doomsday doctrine of the Apocalypse-they sent out many mysterious experts with high-speed movement ability, but in the end they were unable to find the secret of rapid swept from me, so I had to assume that my speed Absolute, perhaps not the case, but they may decide to assume this.

Based on the premise that "no one can exceed me by 6 degrees," the Doomsday Truth Church determines what characteristics the demon that the final sacrifice should have.

I do n’t know if my guess is correct or not. In fact, Doomsday Truth does not have such a powerful “customized demon” ability. After all, even in the ruins of the ruling bureau, there is no clue to prove it. The ruling bureau's technique of demons has reached this stage. And has the doomsday truth religion gone beyond the ruling ruling? The answer is hard to imagine.

However, even if the doomsday truth religion is only within a broad range, set the sacrifices and methods of the sacrificial ritual for me, and then summon a demon whose characteristics are within a fixed range, there must be some power. Guide the demon's characteristics as much as possible, toward the goal of "most likely to kill me".

Because if they ca n’t do this, then there is no way to call a special demon against a particular mysterious expert.

Within a certain range of strength, the Doomsday Demon Summoning Ceremony was quite successful. At least, even me, a Level 4 Mageweave messenger, did not take this sheephead demon for the time being.

The mystery of the sheep-headed demon did not completely offset the advantage of rapid swept. But I can only keep the "half second" maximum speed difference. Only within this half a second will all the behavior of the demon appear to be "pause", which is a huge difference in relative speed. Once more than half a second, the speed difference will be compensated instantly-at least under my observation, it is impossible to use this moment to do more things.

The pause of half a second is the advantage of my battle, but this advantage is not enough to directly cause damage to the demon.

I can attack it, but the problem is the intensity of the attack. It doesn't seem to hurt the demon's body.

Even a serrated sword with a mighty appearance cannot break through the demon's skin at once. Not to mention the exoskeleton. When jagged and rough demon skin rubbed, they made a hoarse voice, and pieces of Mars splashed up. I did n’t try my best to prevent the sheep head demon from accelerating suddenly. Even so, I could n’t cut its skin at once. [Fast update, refreshing website pages, few ads, no pop-ups. I like this kind of website the most. It must be highly praised to still amaze its physical strength.

As I was wary, the attacked sheep-head demon screamed suddenly, his movements accelerated, and his tail swept over like a whip. Its speed is faster than any previous action, and it is so fast that if it is completely believed that the "half-second pause" is absolute. There is certainly no way to escape this blow.

At this time, it was fighting instinct that saved my life.

I bowed my head in time, and when I felt the whip wind passing over my head, I took another big step to the side. Immediately after that, there was a muffled noise, and the tail hit the position where I stood before, and suddenly the gravel splashed. All of this was done in a state of rapid sweep, but the next moment, the huge shadow completely enveloped me. The huge body of the sheep head demon is less than five meters from me.

Its movement is so strange that even the previous "half second" law has not been reflected.

It seemed to draw me into his arms, bending his back and waving his paws. Chain Decision observed this series of actions, however, when it came back to mind, it had completed all the actions.

I only came and blocked the shield in my chest and was hit by strange power.

The huge impact seemed to break my arm, push the shield and hit my chest. I subconsciously bent down and used my whole body to resist, just like the last fire attack by dozens of mysterious experts The end is also as if at the time. Half of my shoulders were a little paralyzed. I just felt that the ground was like cotton.

It is simply impossible to gain a foothold under this force. Based on my experience, I had to jump backwards along this force. Even so, I still couldn't get rid of all the shocks.

Before I adjusted the balance, the sheep-head demon fanned it with another paw. It was like shooting an annoying mosquito. However, although this blow is similar in action to the previous blow, it has no mystery of the previous blow. At least the speed sweep super energy still played a role at this time, allowing me to get "half second" time.

The movement of the sheep's head demon seemed to pause for a half of a second. I twisted my body, jumped out sideways with the help of the previous impact, and rolled up once before landing.

Just as I rolled, the paw swept over where it was originally. Although it didn't directly touch the ground, the turbulent waves still made everything on the attack route splash. Stones, tables and chairs, candlesticks ... everything that exists in the hall was swept upside down by the impact, and even flew into the air, hit the wall, and turned into fragments scattered everywhere.

To the sheep-headed demon, such an attack seems to just wave a hand. Before I got up completely, I saw that it had no eyelids and huge yellow eyes that dripped in a circle, feeling its sight fell on me again.

Its eyeballs are different from humans. It is difficult to conclude that you have "sight" in common sense, and you can't see emotions at all. The reason why it can feel its horror and evil is precisely because, once you look at it. You can be sure that this is a different kind, and the generation of hostile consciousness does not seem to require any reason.

To deal with "humans", all psychological knowledge related to human behavior can be a help, but if the theory of humans is applied to monsters, the end will be very miserable.

Although I will subconsciously think about how this monster intends to attack, how to attack. And how should I respond, but it is completely impossible to follow this imagination in concrete actions.

Thinking about demonic emotions always makes people feel awkward.

Even so, I still have to look for my chances of winning from these aspects. I raised my shield and held it in front of my chest. I didn't immediately enter the state of rapid sweep, but only occasionally. Occasionally move continuously.

Sheephead demon attacks have so far been carried out through its own body. In posture. You can use chain judgment to observe some "preparation actions" and "end actions". I have flashed the attack several times, and it is precisely this. However, in the course of the attack, it has been proved by facts. It can suddenly accelerate to a point where it would be difficult for me to resist if I wasn't in a fast-sweep state.

Moreover, I am not sure whether these "preparatory actions" and "end actions" are just a guise.

I watched like this. I spent a while with it again, and neither my attack nor its attack during the period had enough obvious effects. The sheep-headed demon seemed to have lost patience. With a grasp of both hands, a giant axe appeared in its hands. The broad axe face, even if a dozen people stand on it, will not feel crowded. The axe blade has the unique luster of metal, but the axe handle is like being made of many people's bodies. Those flesh and blood are still creeping, dropping from time to time, and the ground immediately emits a rustling noise of corrosion A half-size pit appeared.

The devil held the handle of the axe with both hands, constantly rubbing and twisting it, making the human body on the handle of the axe scream. This scream is like a sharp dagger, which keeps piercing my mind. However, this is useless. The flesh and human body on the handle of the axe are not real, but under my observation, they are presented in this way, but in fact, what constitutes the entire axe is completely uncertain. In the observation of chain judgment, this giant axe does not even exist.

However, this is a nightmare world, and there is no material substance. Treating these disgusting images and sounds full of evil and abhorrence as a blow at the level of consciousness, they can better face these weird and strange forces.

Sheephead demons don't seem to be very good at making weapons, but when they take up the weapons, the sense of danger is really increasing. During my time, I also tried to attack multiple parts of it. I can even follow the outline of its body and climb up its neck from the instep to try to directly attack the places without exoskeleton. However, although there are indeed some parts that are more vulnerable, overall, the physical strength of the sheep-head devil is still much greater than the power I can carry with a serrated sword.

I was not a mysterious expert with strong attack power. My advantage comes from speed, but if speed cannot be converted into impact, the rest is just a body strengthened by Level 4 Mageweave.

In the past, I defeated many powerful and solid enemies, but it was all because of a good weapon at hand, such as a knife-shaped critical hedge weapon. The current serrated sword, although constructed with a four-level magic pattern, is strong enough and sharp enough, but the power generated by waving it still depends on the strength of the body.

As a Level 4 Mageweave messenger, my strength is greater than when I was in Level 3 Mageweave, but it seemed a bit daunting to this sheep-headed demon.

Perhaps, the weapon should be allowed to move on its own.

Thinking about it this way, I saw the sheep-head demon taking a step forward and swept the giant axe vigorously. The original half-second advantage was suddenly only one tenth of a second. The sudden change in relative speed would probably surprise people if they dealt with others, but as long as the speed sweep is still there, it is relatively fast, even if it is relatively fast Not much, and it won't take me to a surprise.

After several attempts at confrontation, I gradually grasped the characteristics of the sheep head demon. Although the giant axe sounded powerful, as long as it was not hit, there would be no problem. On the contrary, if you are hit, even if you hold a shield, you will be seriously injured by the shock.

I swept under the sweep of the giant axe. The wide-opening and wide-opening movements made the sheep-headed demon's movements slow after the attack. The axe cut off the walls on three sides of the church directly, because the structure was destroyed, and huge stones continued to fall from above. I interspersed them, using four levels of magic patterns to absorb the aftermath of the data hedge.

Every change of the sheep head demon will produce this aftermath. Its individual strength is amazing and its mystery is also very high, but it also cannot restrain all the data hedging caused by itself, or this kind of unconsciously created and diffused data hedging can also be regarded as part of its mystery. At least, for mysterious experts who cannot absorb this kind of data to hedge the aftermath, each impact will appear to be heavier, more profound, and more difficult to evade or counteract.

However, using the advantages of Level 4 Mageweave to deal with this situation, I am already familiar with it. I have readjusted the costumes and weapons once. After the power is saved, I will adjust it again.

The beak mask was enhanced once again, and the appearance of the demon of the sheep's head used nearly fifty mysterious experts as sacrifices. In the battle with those mysterious experts at that time, the negative impact of its ability on the environment was considerable. In the face of the sheep-headed demon, the air and temperature are all deteriorating. Filtration of toxins and supplementation of oxygen are the strengthening directions of the beak mask. The problem is no longer "Is there oxygen in the nightmare" and "Is the toxin effective?" It is because these factors are indeed influencing and have not changed according to their own consciousness.

On the contrary, the change of the beak mask can also be regarded as a hint to the dreamer.

The situation is not so simple. In short, even if you are in a nightmare, ignoring your own poisoning and hypoxia ~ ~ Subjectively seeing it as illusory can also lead to your own death.

The seemingly worn clothing has also been renewed. The hem of the short cloak is no longer torn. After lengthening, the style becomes special, and it flutters like it is spreading its wings. In fact, I can indeed use it to stay and change direction for a certain period of time when jumping into the air.

Then there is the sawtooth sword. Its previous style is completely unsuitable for facing strong enemies like sheep-headed demon. However, after strengthening again, the number and strength of sawtooth have increased greatly, and the total length of the blade has reached four meters. The trigger at a specific position.

I stared at the sheep-head demon, pulled the trigger, and the saw teeth began to rotate around the blade, just like a chainsaw, except that it was not driven by electricity, and the number of revolutions was more amazing than a normal chainsaw. The entire blade became dark red as if it were overheating, and the splashing Mars became denser in the harsh sound of friction.

I put the knife handle on my shoulder and put the shield into a quick sweeping state, and the invisible high-speed channel wrapped around the sheep head demon. At the same time, it raised its giant axe again, with an invisible but clearly felt pressure, which seemed to make the church explode from the inside like an over-inflated balloon. (To be continued ...


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