Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1400: Deadlock

Every time the sheep-head devil swings his axe and swings his body, it is accompanied by the mystery of counteracting the high-speed phenomenon. [Almost all the books I want to read are more stable and faster than the average site, and the updates are faster. There are no ads in the entire text. This mystery does not give me the feeling that it will increase its own speed to a level close to my speed sweep, but it is more like forcing not to produce a relatively large speed difference. If I do n’t use speed sweeping, its action is “swift”, and when I use speed sweeping, I can maintain the speed difference advantage in addition to the high-intensity speed increase in less than “half a second”. , But in more time periods, my speed advantage over it is still not obvious.

Even, if you keep a high-speed and average moving state in the speed sweeping state, the speed difference will be evened out at the moment of its attack.

To gain the upper hand in speed in "half a second" or less, you must first ensure that you can explode at a faster speed at the current speed in a very short time. Such high-speed mobility is rare even in mysterious experts who are good at high-speed mobility.

No matter what kind of movement phenomenon is adopted, such as ascending and descending dimensions that can be understood by science, to maintain the final result of the observation of "high speed movement", the original essence of this movement phenomenon is incomprehensible "mystery". It is extremely rare to use this mysterious power to explode endlessly at a higher speed than the current speed.

Mystery is not "whatever you want", people can't understand it and can't analyze it, but can only use the results caused by it, and such results can be seen at the moment when the phenomenon produced by "mystery" is observed Fixed. Many of these phenomena can be explained by science, and even conquered with the power of science.

Users of "mystery" only use "mystery" instinctively in absolute ignorance, not control "mystery".

This mysterious power is full of unpredictable charm, but often because of this unpredictable power, it is impossible to really find a way to eliminate and confront from the source.

This is also a headache that every mysterious expert must face. The sacrificial ritual used by the doomsday truth against the enemy. Just like the sheep-headed demon in front of it, its essence is to use "mystery" to further call "mystery".

Observe the opponent first, and determine the required "mystery" from a large number of "mysteries" based on the surface intelligence collected. It can also be called "the original mystery".

"Initial mystery" by directly hitting the opponent, after further collecting opponent's data, and then through the second "mystery", more targeted processing of target data.

Through this layer-by-layer screening mode, to the greatest extent. To achieve the purpose of restraining opponents.

The call of the Doomsday Truth to the sheep-headed demon is not determined by a single tap of the head. But after going through multiple procedures. Each procedure can be regarded as a trial of the target, the collection and attempt to deal with the target's intelligence, after many failures, and many considerations, only a targeted and mysterious image of "Sheephead Devil" was determined.

The specific procedure is the secret recipe unique to the Doomsday Truth. How to call the targeted mystery through the mystery is the result obtained by the Doomsday Truth after a lot of practice, and it is so far. [Summary that only the Doomsday Truth can accomplish. Because before the Apocalyptic doctrine, no mysterious organization dared to carry out such a practice through doctrine activities.

After all, the results of every practice, good or bad, will inevitably produce vicious and mysterious events, leading to the outbreak of disaster. In addition to these longing for the end, it is regarded as the "bad guy" of truth. Only then will they dare to ignore their own life and death, and ignore the lives and deaths of others, to complete these numerous terrorist activities.

And the fundamental reason why the doomsday truth religion can grow is not that it has done so many horrible practices. It is because it has the opportunity to carry out this kind of practice and accumulate experience. Under normal circumstances, a cult such as Doomsday Truth is regarded as a major enemy by every order society, and it is the object of resolute attack. If it is not special the reason. They will be destroyed before they grow up.

However, a world like Doomsday Illusion is distorted, desperate, and the essence leads to the Doomsday. The Doomsday Truth naturally embraces such a future, or its formation, whether it is in terms of thinking or action, is the embodiment The inevitability of "the end".

The terrible doomsday doctrine lies in the fact that it really conforms to the "destiny" and "truth" of this world in terms of thoughts and actions. Even if such a fate and truth are not recognized and liked by normal people. It exists objectively and must be faced with the facts, and will not shift with the individual's subjective moral sensibility.

In fact, such doomsday doctrine is not theoretically possible to eliminate. However, there are still people who hope that the end will not come, and others who do not recognize the truth of the end and run for the purpose of self-help and saving others, and then there are cyber **** and such confrontation organizations.

Whether we observe from the perspective of "hospital reality" or "doom illusion", all the confrontations and conflicts we can see can be reasonably explained. It can be viewed from the direction of "virus" or from the direction of human psychology. It can be scientific or unscientific, but it is always organized and shows inevitability.

And myself, it is just a small uncertainty factor in these many confrontations and conflicts-or, I hope I can become that uncertainty factor. It ’s just a sentimental hope, because what I have experienced has shown some kind of “inevitability” from many aspects. That is a certainty without uncertainty. It can be described by “script” and “fate”. , But it's all the same thing.

Just as when it comes to destiny and breaking destiny, it is inevitable to ask the previous sentence: How do you determine that you have broken your destiny, not that fate makes you feel that you have broken your destiny?

The future seems to be infinite. However, by connecting the footprints of the past, there is only one road, and this road really proves the existence of fate.

From the scientific point of view, the birth, formation and growth of the doomsday truth religion has its inevitability and objectivity. However, this inevitability and objectivity has caused great harm to people. Even so, they couldn't cover their eyes, saying that they were just a bunch of jumping beam clowns.

The mystery of Doomsday Truth is powerful. Even if I and other mysterious experts destroy their activities many times, their power is still overwhelming overall, and then reflected in it. Every time they use "mystery", they are very effective.

I have n’t been killed by the sheep-headed demon. It ’s not that the Doomsday Truth underestimated me and miscalculated my ability. Or it may be inadequate, but for some other reason-as a mystery expert, even if I put it in the end of the illusion, it is also a very special one.

In my opinion, this is no longer just a superficial contest between individuals and groups. It is a deeper interaction-not a conflict, but only an interaction that I can guess and feel, but it is difficult to really understand. I also don't think how many people in this world can really understand this interaction, and then use this interaction to achieve their goals.

Maybe the colors and Dorothy are going to do this. However, whether it is the color center or Super Dorothy, their existence has exceeded my understanding, and when observing their behavior. Can only understand the surface. This is why I have always been able to "guess" rather than "fully confirm" how they will act.

As expected by the Doomsday Truth, the Sheephead Devil weakened my speed advantage to the extreme. If there is no promotion to Level 4 Mageweave, there is probably no other way than retreat, and can retreat free yourself from this gathering place that is not known at this time? Can other people be recovered? I think it is impossible. Since the Apocalyptic doctrine is here, it will not let me escape easily.

Beheading the demon of the sheep's head is the simplest and most direct way to get out of trouble. The Doomsday Truth Church made this summoning through many arrangements, trying to kill me here. According to their consistent style, even if this fails, they can still turn this failure into experience, and regard this action as a further test and observation of me. And continue to deepen this sniper. However, because they are accustomed to doing so, every action will have an end. It is impossible to set the backhand all the time, and the battle will continue through the uninterrupted backhand.

The battle will always cease.

Even so. I still have to hurry up as much as possible. Doomsday Truth cannot put all of my energy on me, which also means that while this sniper war, they have more actions in other aspects and other places. Whether or not I can do more depends on how quickly I can resolve this kind of battle that entangles me.

Although I know that procrastination is definitely not a good idea, but I still have not lost patience because of this idea.

The Doomsday Truth Church is cautious, and their cautiousness will magnify every neglect and impatience of my time, and will continue to delay the time.

The sheep-headed demon's offensive state is much more intense than before, its behavior is rough and brutal, but it also looks more flawed. I seemed to be able to attack each of the seemingly vital parts while avoiding every blow it made. The hunter's sharper instinct to hunt also told me that it can't stick to it all the time. The demon is not a perpetual motion machine, and the greatly improved operational efficiency also means that it will reach a limit earlier.

Before that limit came, any counterattack by me also meant that it might fall into its trap. My body has been strengthened by Level 4 Mageweave, but I can't help but withstand a blow from it.

I rolled, entangled, walked around, hacked, and avoided the other party ’s attack as much as possible, and then counterattacked. The goal was not the seeming "head", but only the choice "when the counterattack was most likely to cause harm Location ". The accumulated damage may cause qualitative changes, or may not cause qualitative changes. Before it appeared, there was no definite result.

In fact, fighting the devil is the same thing. Everyone who deals with the devil, if he cares about it and uses the method against humans to target the demon, then there will be mistakes.

The devil is not a robot, it is not set up "what will" and "what will not"-what can it do, what can not be done, how can it hurt it, rather than seemingly hurt it, but the actual There is no ideal effect, and it will only be determined after the actual results have been faced.

From this perspective, in the face of demons, any pre-arrangements and assumptions are basically invalid.

For those trying to kill the devil, the most important thing is their own mystery and luck, not "planned".

After ten seconds, the sheep-headed demon had become scarred. And these ten seconds are also the longest time I have faced an enemy since I possessed the speed sweep super power. For anyone with high-speed mobility, this combat time is too long, long enough to allow the enemy to adapt to their own speed.

me too.

In addition to not using the power of "Jiang", at this moment, he has come up with all his efforts.

"Jiang" was not active in this battle. Perhaps the only evidence that it is paying attention to this battle is my uncontrolled left eye.

The sheep-head demon has begun to get used to my speed advantage, and the advantage of half a second is gradually being compensated by it with some subtle mysteries. Its response is getting faster and faster, however, it seems that it is because of this adaptability that it has not shown more attacks.

The church has been completely ruined, and the gathering place is completely surrounded by flames, whether it is true or not. The buildings are burning, and the smoke released has a terrible toxicity. If the whole body is not wrapped in costumes, the beak mask has also been strengthened, and it has already been weakened. Even if it directly loses its ability to move, it is not impossible. In short, I do n’t want to try to expose myself to ~ ~ Sheephead demon will howl, a look of rage, but I did n’t feel that it showed any impatience due to the entangled battle situation Sense, in terms of the stability of the movement, it is like a dead soldier, there is no extra emotion, no extra movement. Although the repeated attacks are not dazzling, there is no regularity that can be grasped.

The best counterattack is a staggered counterattack synchronized with its attack. This point, the scars on its body are enough to prove. I took advantage of mobile and achieved some visible results. Once again, the sawtooth sword successfully cut off its tail. However, as I have always been vigilant, the cut tail instantly turned into a big snake biting at me. Immediately after I flashed it off, it turned into gray mist and merged into the surrounding fog, and then appeared on the body of the sheep head demon.

I am very doubtful that although the neck-like part is one of the key points of the sheep-headed devil in common sense, once I cut it off, it will strike back at the same time.

However, it is not a way to procrastinate any longer. I decided to cut off the sheep's head directly at the next blow, instead of paying attention to whether this is a well-disguised trap using the inertia of thinking. (To be continued.


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