Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1401: Ceremony stage 3

It has been more than ten seconds since the battle with the sheephead demon. There are dozens of rounds of high-speed battles. I gradually explore the wisdom, behavior, physique and mystery of the sheephead demon. Is it possible to use conservative defense to let it come Possible cards. ≧, the purpose-built weapons temporarily constructed with the four-level magic pattern have already shown their effects. While the sheep-headed devil is gradually accustomed to my rapid swept, I am also testing how much my own ability can play in this battle. . Knowing yourself and knowing each other is always one of the keys to victory.

The sheep-headed demon seems to be grumpy, and its behavior is rugged and simple, but matching its body and mystery, it can achieve an extremely stable effect in combat. Each blow of the serrated sword can indeed cause damage to it. If you look at these injuries from the perspective of the human body, this sheep-headed demon seems to fall into the wind. However, the sheep-headed demon is not a human, even if it has a class Silhouette of man. The appearance of scars does not mean that it has become weak.

In fact, it is difficult for me to determine when this entanglement will really become weak, and once the time is delayed like this, how will the situation of the gathering place change. I don't think that the gathering place that was seen by the fire today is the gathering place where the real people are. I do n’t know what the doomsday doctrine did, but here is a trap for myself, there is no doubt about it.

If I am deceived and procrastinated, even if I defeat the sheep-headed demon here, it may not be possible to prevent the result of "everyone in the gathering place will become a sacrifice". There is a hypothesis that if the plan of the mysterious organization of the parties is to face the situation that it is difficult to complete the sacrificial ceremony without turning the people in the gathering place into sacrifices, then what will happen if the sacrificial ceremony cannot be completed What about the changes? I cannot answer such a question, basically. Failure to complete the sacrifice ritual would also have a considerable impact on my plan.

I have extremely contradictory psychology to the sacrifice ceremony and the sacrificed people. Even if there is consciousness, it is decided to be a wicked person, there are many people and things that are difficult to ignore.

I have been killing decisively, but this is only a manifestation of time, and in a very short time. With hesitation in my heart, who can see it?

Just like now, I am still hesitating, but in the eyes of others, this is nothing more than hesitation in the "tens of seconds" battle.

However, no matter how hesitant, I still have a clear limit on my time. For example, "a decision must be made within a few seconds, tens of seconds, or one minute", even if this decision may be wrong.

I can't make sure that every choice I make is correct, but if I don't make up my mind within the self-limited time, I cannot allow it.

Whether it is the judgment and choice of the entire mysterious event, or the judgment and choice of the battle in front of me, I give myself time to hesitate. Has gradually come to an end. For others, "a dozen seconds" is for me. It seems like a few days, a few months.

I moved sideways again, shielding the tail of the sheep-head demon that followed. The giant waved the power of a whip and made my arm tingle. However, the serrated sword in his right hand cut the tail again. Before this, this weapon had cut off the tail, arm and even the calf of the sheep head demon. And more than once, but this has no effect, and the fog that fills the entire gathering place is the source of recovery of the sheep head devil. Its recovery ability is also observed under the rapid sweep state. It can also exhibit the characteristics of "fast recovery".

For other opponents, I can take advantage of the chance of their limbs being hit, and even if the opponent has the ability to recover from the injury, it is still too late. However, the sheep-head demon is different, whether it is in a normal state or a fast-swept state, its mystery covers all aspects, so I can not ensure that there is enough time and speed to complete this one-strike kill.

The stalemate in the war situation stems from its elusive, comprehensive and mysterious nature without too many flaws. If I give up all the caution, in a very short period of less than half a second, go straight to the point. To be honest, I think I can do it. Even if there is only a tenth of a second, this serrated sword can cut off the neck of the sheep's head demon or pierce its heart-but this kind of Is the fatal part of the words really the key to the sheep-head devil? In other words, the humanoid outline presented by the sheep-headed demon must have a certain meaning, but is this meaning that it has the same vitality as the human body?

Is the adaptability and pertinence of the sheep-headed demon in high-speed combat still the kind of situation where "there is a certain limit to the resistance to high-speed attacks"?

The Doomsday Truth may not be able to fully determine the explosive power of the fourth-level Mageweave messenger, but in the past temptations, they will inevitably collect my fighting habits and fighting thoughts. How much progress has been made at the level, then, in actual combat, they will still be the same as in the past, and there is no room for resistance to my habits and thinking?

In my opinion, there is a 60% possibility that the key to the human-like structure of the sheep-head devil is also trapped. I am not sure what kind of trap it will be. I can definitely hit, but what happens after the hit? It is completely impossible to confirm. This is also the reason why I attacked those vital parts on several occasions, with a temptation of temptation, and did not completely kill the hand-even if you put a little more force, its neck and neck will be cut off, Its heart will be pierced, but it will still subconsciously retain more energy and use it to evade counterattacks that may suddenly appear.

I don't want to take risks, but taking risks is always a last resort.

The ten-second thinking time limit is already the largest time limit I can accept.

I jumped, rolled, and suddenly accelerated. While passing under the sheep's head demon's wrist, the sawtooth erected upright pierced its wrist, and then cut along the center line of the arm, all the way to the shoulder. This level of pain and injury is completely helpless to the sheep demon, but it can still make its actions no longer coherent. This time, I jumped on its arm and rushed straight to its throat, just like the previous few times, the sheep head demon still opened the door in front of my eyes because of the incoherence of movement.

I can feel when the sheep head demon withdraws his arm. That retracted quickly and steadily. However, it is precisely because it is a little slower than before, and it takes a full "half a second" to recover from this lag.

Half a second is enough for me to complete the final sprint.

The sheep-headed demon ignited flames all over, and his mouth was already open to me. In the next moment, there will be a fierce scorching breath. But before that, I had jumped upwards, waved the serrated sword, and slashed deeply into its throat.

This time, I didn't keep my hands. The feedback from the blade made me feel clearly that the razor-saw blade rotating wildly had completely cut its throat. Hit its cervical spine. The bones of the sheep-head demon are so hard, but in front of the serrated sword that vigorously sweeps back, it looks like rotten iron skin.

Before the demon of the sheep's head completed its defense, I had swept across its neck, and the serrated large knife cut off the flesh behind its neck and fell to the ground with me.

The giant axe of the sheep's head fell and fell, with a twisted and painful look, the huge sheep's head fell off. This is the strongest emotion I have seen so far from its eyes. This kind of emotion almost made me think that I really won. At the same time as I landed, the head of the sheep's head demon fell to the ground, gruntingly rolling, and turning into ashes during the rolling. The ashes turned into fog, but no new sheep heads were produced.

The huge body of the sheep-head demon suddenly stiffened in place, and I dare not care, because I heard a strange voice. Beating in its chest. Numerous pictures flashed in front of my eyes, and I felt like I was walking in the dark, with the pain in my body. For a moment, I felt that my neck and neck should be cut off by something.

However, this terrible experience came and went quickly. My forehead started to heat up, and at the same time, I was already awake.

I realized that it was the hunter seal that was working, and in the next moment, the hunter seal was broken. I can't see it directly, but I have such a clear understanding. While cutting off the sheep's head, some kind of sudden maliciousness tried to do something to me through channels that I could not prevent in advance-specifically, some kind of change in "head", but, in the end, is it " I cut off the sheep's head, so I have to follow my head, but it is difficult to be sure.

All in all, it is a malicious attack that I can never resist under normal circumstances. In the way of occultism, it is an extremely strong and terrible curse.

However, the hunter seal on the forehead resisted this curse, and the price to be paid was the complete collapse of the hunter seal. The hunter seal that has been effectively preventing the four-level magic pattern from running at full strength, so it collapsed without preparation. In other words, if it were not the hunter seal, I might have to die again when I am beheading the sheep.

I can't make out what kind of emotion I am at this time. The seal of the hunter curbed the play of the magic pattern, but it is not only the relic of the old Hawk, but also must have some profound significance in this deep night.

As a hunter, old Hawk, strange death, and the abnormal tomb of Gaochuan seem to be hinting at something. The hunter seal is the only thing he left to me.

I have a feeling that this meaning is definitely not the current situation, nor is it to transfer the **** curse for me.

However, no matter what the purpose of the old Hawk giving me the hunter seal, what was the original meaning of the hunter seal, at this moment, it can no longer be fulfilled.

The fourth-level magic pattern loses its shackles, just like a wild horse that is untiring, absorbing the dust around it with impunity. It reached an unprecedented efficiency all at once, allowing the gray mist to center on me, condensing into a huge vortex covering the entire gathering place. The violent flow of the gray mist caused the strong wind to blow and made the fire more intense. The ceiling and walls of the church, the buildings that have been burned into ruins, and even the large and small stones, began to tremble uncomfortably, and was breathed out by the hurricane.

Immediately afterwards, the earth seemed to be shaved by this hurricane.

The only thing unaffected is me and the sheep-head demon body in front of me.

Everything I saw seemed to be just an image of a disaster.

At the same time that the earth and the visible things were torn by this terrible storm, I found that the scene of the disaster disappeared like an illusion.

Instead, it is a complete building complex. Just like when I left, the gathering place that had not experienced fires and battles appeared in the field of vision. In the deep night, a little light is coming out from the room not far away. A dense voice lingered in his ears, weird and fanatical, but instead set off the silence and depression in the streets and alleys. It seems that there is an unknown craziness that breeds in dark corners. It is invisible, invisible, but clearly felt.

This is the real gathering place, and I am finally here again. However, the battle in the gathering place like an illusion is indeed true, because the result of the battle is before the eyes, and there is no disappearing with the burning gathering place-the demon body that has lost the head of the sheep Holding a giant axe, he lay quietly in the crisscross alleyway, scarlet blood flowing from the broken neck ~ ~ dripping all over the floor.

I heard it, the unknown flowing sound.

It is like there is a huge amount of blood that exceeds the body in front of the eye, which is penetrating every gap around it and flowing to a farther place through a channel that cannot be observed by the naked eye.

this is--!

I suddenly realized that my act of beheading the demon of the sheep's head was being regarded as the premise of another sacrifice. The malicious attack I suffered when I beheaded my sheep was only one of the counterattacks I had to bear. The doomsday truth plan is not just killing me, but letting my actions advance their plans.

The sacrifice for the gathering place was signaled by the end of the previous battle, and it began at this moment. The blood of the sheep-head demon is a medium, and activation of this medium does go through "specific steps." It can be confirmed from such means that Doomsday Truth seems to think that I have some connection with the Deepest Night-this is not unimaginable. In the past period, the tomb of Gao Chuan was excavated by mysterious experts, and those who robbed the There may be only people in the 51st district. What's more, even if it is really only the people in the 51st district who have done so, the doomsday truth religion that is closely related to them will surely get a part. The entire sacrifice ceremony is not the act of a mysterious organization, but the tacit understanding of multiple mysterious organizations. (To be continued ...)

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