Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1402: Hunter Night

readx (); The alleyway is winding forward, and many rooms are lit with lights. The depressed and deep night is like releasing a ray of maliciousness. The ashes of the sky fell down, and before it fell to the ground, they decomposed into ashes and flowed at a height no higher than the waistline. The blood of the sheep-head demon is flowing from the broken neck, infiltrated into the cracks of the ground during the observation of the chain judgment, and then disappeared into the observation. The sheep's head was no longer angry, but the rounded eyes were like staring closely at every shadow behind me.

This is a gathering place, a refuge where the real people are. And the original gathering place that was burnt by the fire like a fantasy, it seems to be another space at the same place-this is not surprising, even if it is not in a nightmare, there are also many temporary data hedge spaces, which will be the original The world pulled out a big hole.

In the ideological world, even if it is not called temporary data hedge space, called illusion, but the resulting phenomenon is not much different.

The destruction in the illusion does not mean that the body will also be destroyed, but it has created a deep horror-that the scene of being burned by a fire that no one can save is heralding the future of this gathering place?

I inserted the serrated sword into the ground

My understanding of Doomsday Truth teaches me how horrible the Doomsday Truth ’s serial means are. In the past, there were also cyberballs that could be contained in many ways, but now the cyberspheres turn a blind eye, and the serial sacrifice is a little bit toward I showed my fangs. I still underestimated the carefulness of the sacrificial ritual of the Doomsday Truth. As in the past, when the ritual began, before it was completed, I could n’t find an opportunity to stop it, as if no matter what I did, it would only be the ritual promotion. portion.

My hunch is correct, killing the sheep head demon did not produce a stronger enemy, however. Another part of the hunch is also correct. Using my method to kill the sheep head demon has already triggered further chains. However, apart from doing that at the time. What other options are there?

Whether it is entangled or neat, it will not get better results.

Level 4 Mageweave Messenger is indeed very powerful, but how much is the mystery of this world. No one can fully understand what kind of results can be caused and what kind of phenomena are hidden. Compared to the doomsday shamans that use the fog of changeable spells, the power of the Mageweave super power seems too simple.

Can have what kind of mystery, in a certain battlefield, you can do it with your own mystery, not what you want. In many cases, being able to solve problems, even if not so ideal, is already the limit of what can be done.

I think I have done everything I can. I chose the best way I could think of under the circumstances at that time, and that was the unchangeable choice. However, this choice once again exposed my limits-I am just a human being, just a high school student who has not yet graduated, the enemy is so powerful, I want to do many things, but it always exceeds my ability. However, I still have to do these things beyond my ability, because. If I do n’t do it, who else will do it?

All that was shown in front of me has not yet revealed the worst consequences, but. The sacrifice has begun, and I have n’t been able to really stop it after all. Even if this situation is still what I expected, it is really so directly presented in front of me, it still makes me feel pain-this is not my poor people who are about to become sacrifices. Because I couldn't help it. This kind of powerlessness is still painful even if it is expected.

I can't make a little sound, nor can I stop the blood flowing from the demon of the sheep's head. I know that everything will start from here. The blood that has become unobservable in the gap has become a mysterious existence or phenomenon. It will be the introduction of sacrifice, but I have no ability to stop this source. The change. What's more, it was originally that I cut off the head of the sheep's head demon, which led to the beginning of all this.

My hands are a little trembling. I always thought that my heart was cold and hard enough, and I would never regret it even if I walked into the abyss. In this world of repeaters, there are also Misaki and Bajing, and I even decided to plan them, even if they would let them die in this world. I have my own reasons. If they cannot defeat the "virus", then even if they live happily in this world, their future will be tragic because the world is also distorted.

Doomsday process is the world's greatest malice to the people I love. Without eradicating the end from the source, or defeating any cause that leads to the end, no matter whether the cause is a "virus" or something else, we cannot really stop people from going crazy, dying, and collapsing in endless suffering and despair.

Yes, even if I think I can do it to such a degree, but just facing the inevitable sacrifice in front of me, I still can't contain the pain in my heart.

This pain is because of my fragility. This fragility is a manifestation of human nature. It is not a mistake. It cannot be abandoned, but it will not change my situation and make me calm and happy.

I want to yell wildly, to vent, to explode, with a million times of hard work, to stop these unknown and malicious. Even, I am willing to let myself bear the misfortune of others, but this kind of idea is not useful in the face of cruel facts.

Thinking and thinking, if you can't pay for the action and get the result through the action, it is meaningless.

Just as in the past doomsday illusion, the despair that has been felt-if your own actions seem to achieve better results, but in the future, and promote worse results, what is your own action? Sadness.

All actions against the end are just pushing the end, seemingly disintegrating a conspiracy of the doomsday truth, but actually pushing their plans in other ways. This is why the mysterious expert finally invested in the doomsday truth.

The situation I face now is no different from the situation I faced in the past.

All actions that prevent the end are driving the end. Such a process and results are reflected in the Doomsday Truth, which is the serial sacrifices in front of you-everything is nested layer by layer, which may make people think that this is a victory of conspiracy and wisdom, but I am more deeply I feel that it is not how clever the doomsday truth. But only, their words and deeds, every move, is itself a reflection of the fate of the end.

I want to fight. It is indeed this terrible doomsday process. I have delved into the source of this doomsday process. So far, only "viruses" can be used as a more definitive answer. This is also my pursuit of "viruses" from the perspective of "viruses". To judge all your willingness to encounter.

I really believe that "hospital reality" is reality? Maybe, but that's just because, in "Hospital Reality", "viruses" appear, and "viruses" can explain the end-of-day process in the end of the illusion and give a visible solution.

Look, if you don't know the source of the disaster, you can do nothing. And if the "virus" is the source of the disaster, then. As long as the "virus" is solved, everything will be better. This is already the most ideal answer.

These things about the end, about death, about pain and despair, and all kinds of strange and mysterious events, I try to understand it in my own way. I always have a hunch about my failure because I know the enemy I face How powerful. That is not such a definite enemy as the "Apocalyptic Truth". It is a more impressionable conceptual existence. Failure is not the first experience, however, I never felt that I could become numb under this fateful pressure.

I am suffering. It is precisely because I did not numb in failure. Is this lucky? No, I think this is the source of despair and pain. However, without these, you can't act and you will lose what you love. The people you want to save.

I heard the wind roar. There has never been such a large wind in the gathering place. The wind passes through the gap between the building itself and the building, bringing desperate and crazy wailing. It's not just human wailing, but also a group of invisible demons ridiculing.

The breath of death became more and more intense, and the moon-like spheres in the sky torn the veil of the clouds and gradually became scarlet.

Red moon, late at night, gray fog, yelling, shaking lights, vaguely shining through the window, seemingly in the figure of life. Everything happened so fast, as if it had been such a scene, but it has been blinded all the time.

The body of the sheep's head demon turned into fly ash in one breath, the sheep's head faded like a phantom, the blood condensed a thin layer of red on the ground, and it became purple and black in the blink of an eye. As many days have passed, it has dried up for a long time.

Time becomes fast in perception, and even a quick sweep can't make any response. When my emotions roll over, I feel like I am coagulated by a huge force at a point in time and space. Except for myself, everything around me is undergoing dramatic changes.

Fourth-level Mageweave frantically absorbed the aftermath released by the sacrifice ceremony in front of me. The hedge of the data was so clear and violent in my perception. There seems to be no upper limit for Level 4 Mageweave, but it is as if for a long time, without the containment of the hunter seal, this crazy operation, even if it does not bring obvious pressure, still makes people feel uneasy.

I saw my shadow stretched, as if I were to break free from my feet-it was no longer a humanoid, but a terrible monster. If I had no sense of abnormality, and there was no crazy change in thinking and thinking, otherwise, I would really think that I really became a monster.

Pain is the best reference for me to judge whether my thoughts are distorted. From this result, I am lucky.

Unfortunate people are everywhere here, and I can no longer stop this kind of misfortune. At first I thought that the enemy would attack from the outside, and I was ready to act as a savior. However, it was me who brought the disaster directly into the gathering place.

When I recovered my ability to move, the rooms on both sides were broken from the inside, and several people jumped out of the house in a hurry. In the past, these people always resisted others from entering and also going out. This seems to be a custom. They believe that the best way to spend the night as an ordinary person is to lock the house and The room cannot be closed, as long as the light is on, it is the best shelter. Before that, I couldn't even break into their rooms.

But now, those seemingly foolproof preparations have failed.

The connector of the netball explained to me the situation of this gathering place not long ago. This refuge was not naturally formed in the deepest night. Maybe there was such a refuge, but it has already been moved by the mysterious organization that has entered the nightmare and has become a man-made cage. And these people are the birds who voluntarily entered the cage.

If they were lucky enough, they would not have been sacrifices. Everything in this shelter is prepared by the mysterious organization, and in the worst case insurance. However, the "deviation" of Torchlight is making things go in the worst direction, so it becomes inevitable to enable insurance. And the things that used to protect these people have all become killers that will eventually make them sacrifices.

Before these people escaped from the room, they were saved. The blood of the sheep-head devil brings a mad breath, which in a moment has become the wind, the fog, the running water and the mud, covering the entire gathering place, permeating every gap, and drilling into those seemingly strict Strictly built.

Has been suppressed for too long and becomes somewhat distorted. Under this mad and desperate atmosphere, it is completely distorted.

When they jumped out of the room, they also sent out human-like figures of despair and wail. When they fell to the ground, they were exposed to the bright red moonlight, and they completely changed into another thing. It seemed that they had no mind. They are like werewolves, like living corpses, like sheep head devil one, like other strange things, but they can't be called human.

These things seem to be more of the same kind as the weirdness that existed in the deepest night.

I once told the people in the gathering place that if something went wrong, and I felt that I had to leave the house, then I had to quickly escape and go to the chapel to gather.

But in the current situation, probably not many people can safely arrive at the chapel.

Surrounds me with weirdness. In a few breaths, there are seven or eight, some can be seen with the naked eye, and some can't be seen with the naked eye, but can still be observed in the chain judgment. Some of them blocked me directly from the back of the roadway, some were hidden behind the walls, windows and doors ~ ~ and some still kept jumping on the roof.

I am like a strange person, exuding a conspicuous smell, attracting these strange sources to keep coming closer.

Seeing them, my heart is so painful. However, no matter how painful it is, it won't help. When the choice is made, you must bear the result, whether it is a good result or a bad result for yourself.

I looked up at the sky and took a deep breath, reaching for the handle of the serrated sword.

This weapon inserted on the ground is working violently, making a piercing sound, and the splattered stone powder and Mars are like a flower blooming on the spot.

While these grotesques rushed in, I swept up quickly, bypassing each of them. The rapidly rotating serrated blades also cut into their bodies at the same time.

I stepped into another corner, in the observation of the chain judgment, there was no complete body behind me. The weird people turned into humans were torn apart by brutal force and scattered in the air.

"Sorry." (To be continued.)

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